· • • • ABSTRACT A new goId centrifugai concentrator, the Falcon SuperBowl, was tested bath at plant and laboratory scales to assess its ability to recover gold from grinding - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Jie Xiao

A thesis submitted to the

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

in partial fulrdment of the requirement for the degree of

Master of Engineering

Department of Mining and MetallurgicaJ Engineering

McGill University

Montréal, Canada

~ 1998

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A new goId centrifugai concentrator, the Falcon SuperBowl, was tested bath at

plant and laboratory scales to assess its ability to recover gold from grinding circuits.

The performances of a 2I-in SuperBowl (5821) al Mineral Hill and New Britannia

Mines showed that it could recover gravit)' recoverable gold (ORO) of aIl sizes, especially

below 25 J.LUl at Mineral Hill Mine. At Mineral Hill, stage recovery was higher, 41-66%

gold and 56-82% ORO, bUl the extremely low feed rate to the SB21 limited plant recovery

by gravity to 11-27%. At New Britaonia, the 5821 was able to achieve over a one-week

trial a stage recovery of 42 % goId, wbilst recovering 40% of the gold in the ore.

Three types (to test the effect of gangue density and size distribution) of synthetic

feeels were used to characterize a laboratory 4-in SuperBowl (584) as a function of feed

rate and fluidization water tlow rate. The SB4 recovered more than 90% tungsten (used

to mimic gold) with all the feeds under a wide range of fluidization water flow rate, up to

a feed rate of 5 kg/min. the highest feed rate tested. Concentrate bed observation

suggested that the SuperBowl operates mainly under non-fluidized conditions.

The grinding circuit surveys performed at the Mineral Hill and New Britannia

Mines determined that the oost stream for the gravity recovery was the prirnary cyclone

underflow. The grades of grinding circuit streams varied widely and the primary cyclone

concentrated most of the gold in its undertlow with a highest GRG content.

A 20-in Knelson Concentrator and a shaking table were further tested in this

program with the samples extracted from Casa Berardi and Mineral Hill Mine,

respectively. The 30-in Knelson was tested at (Wo different conditions to assess the impact

of t1uidization water tlow rate and explore the importance of cycle time. Results showed


that a shotter cycle time and bigber water tlow would improve the Knelson performance.

At Mineral Hill, the sbaking table treating the 5B21 concentrate could not recover gold

below lOS pm effectively.

A standardized GRO test for the New Britannia ore indicated tbat 74.6% of gold

is gravity recoverable. The comparison of a 2I-in SuperBowl and 20-in Knelson at mine

site showed that bath recovered more than 50% of the GRG from the grinding circuit. 1be

comparison was not totally decisive, as feed rate in neither unit was pushed to the

maximum, al which point their economic impact is maximized.


Un nouveau séparateur centrifuge, le SuperBowl de Falcon, a été étudié en laboratoire

et en usine, pour évaluer sa capacité à récupérer l'or des circuits de broyage.

Le SuperBowl de 21" (SB21) aux mines Mineral Hill et New Britannia pouvait

récupérer l'or récupérable par gravimétrie (ORG) de toutes les fractions granulamétriques,

et tout particulièrement de la fraction -25 Jlm à Mineral Hill. A New Britannia, le SB21 a

pu récupérer, sur une période d'une semaine, 40% de l'or contenu dans le minerai, et 42% de

l'or qu'on lui alimenta. A Mineral Hill, la récupération unitaire du SB21 était de 41 à 66%

en or et 56 à 82% en ORG, mais le taux d'alimentation au SB21 étant très faible, seulement

de Il à 27% de l'or présent dans le minerai fut récupéré.

Nous avons utilisé trois différentes alimentations synthétiques (pour évaluer l'effet

de la densité et de la distribution granulométrique de la gangue) pour étudier l'effet du taux

d'alimentation et du débit d'eau de fluidisation sur le fonctionnement d'un SuperBowl de

laboratoire de 4" (8B4). Le SB4 a récupéré plus de 90% du tungstène (de densité égale à l'or)

de tous les types d'alimentation sur une plage étendue de débit d'eau de fluidisation~jusqu'à

un taux d'alimentation de 5 kg/min (le taux maximum utilisé). En observant le lit de

concentré, nous avons conclu que le lit de concentré du SB4 était en grande partie non­


Les campagnes d'échantillonnage du circuit de broyage à Mineral et New Britannia

ont démontré que le meilleur flot à cibler pour la récupération gravimétrique était la sous­

verse primaire des cyclones (SPC). La teneur en or des différents flots variait de façon

considérable, et c'était la SPC dont la concentration en or était la plus élevée, avec la

proportion d'ORO également la plus élevée.

Nous avons également étudié un concentrateur Knelson de 30" (pour déterminer


l'effet du débit de fluidisation et de la durée du cycle de récupération) à la mine Casa Berardi

et une table à secousse à la mine Mineral Hill. A Casa Berardi, nous avons conclu que le

cycle de récupération du Knelso~deux heures, était trop long. A Mineral Hill, nous avons

conclu que la table à sec:ousse, que traitait le concentré d'un 8B21, était incapable de

récupérer tout l'or plus fin que 105 J.1m de façon efficace.

Un essai standard de caractérisation de l'ORG à la mine New Britannia a démontré

que 75% de l'or du minerai était récupérable par gravimétrie. Et un concentrateur Knelson

de 20", et un 8B21 ont pu récupérer plus de 50% de cet ORG. Toutefois, une comparaison

complète des deux appareils exigerait qu'on les pousse à leur capacité maximale, pour

maximiser leur impact économique.



1 would like to thank Professor A.R. Laplante for bis keen insight, wise guidance,

enthusiasm and constant support during this program, and bis invaluable help in teebnical

writing skills. Special thanks are given to Professor J.A. Finch for his informative

lectures and Dr. Liming Huang for bis endIess help.

1 wish to thank my friends and coUeagues in the Mineral Processing group,

especially the Gravity Separation group: Mr. R. Langlois for bis help with the

experimental work and encouragement; Mr. J. Ling for bis valuable technical discussions

and help; Mr. A. Farzanegan for bis instruction in computer skill and friendly suggestions.

1 also wish to thank TVX Gold Inc., Falcon Concentrators Ine. and the Natural

Sciences and Engineering Research Couneil of Canada for their research funding, and

Casa Berardi, Mineral Hill Mine and New Britannia Mine for providing samples and tire

assaying services.

Lastly, 1 would like to thank my parents for their suppon and encouragement by

looking after my son during this study. and my busband for bis continued suppon and

understanding .






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C~R 1: ~c:.J)(JCTIO~ 1

1. 1 BackgroUIld 1

1.1.1 Gold Behaviour in Grinding Circuits 1

1.1.2 Gravity Concentrators Used to Recover Gold 2

1.2 Objectives of the Study 4

1.3 Thesis Structure 4


2. 1 Introduction 6

2.2 General Principles 7

2.2.1 Centrifugai Force Strength 7

2.2.2 Motion of Panicles in Centrifugai Field 8

2.2.3 Minimum Recoverable Patticle Sïze Il

2.3 Gravity Centrifugai Concentrators Il

2.3.1 Mozley Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS) 12

2.3.2 Kelsey Jig 14

2.3.3 Knelson Concentrator (KC) 17


2.3.4 Falcon SuperBowl (SB) _ 19

2.3.5 Falcon Concentrator 22

2.3.6 SL-Type Separator (SLS) 24


3. 1 Description of the Plant 27

3.2 Objectives 27

3.3 Plant Sampling Procedure 28

3.4 Laboratory Test Work 29

3.4.1 LKC Operating Procedure 29

3.4.2 Assaying Sub-Sample Preparation 32

3.5 Results and Discussions 32

3.5.1 Plant SuperBowl Tests 32

3.5.2 Sbakîng Table Performance 36

3.5.3 Grinding Circuit Survey 39

3.6 Summary 41



4.1 Description of the Plant .. _ _ _ 42

4.2 Objectives 42

4.3 Plant Sampling Procedure 43

4.4 Laboratory Test Work _.. _ 44

4.5 Results and Discussions 44

4.5.1 Test at 150 L/min 46

4.5.2 Test at 350 L/min _ '" 48

4.5.3 Recovery Calculation 49

4.5.4 Comparing the Two Tests 51

Summary _ 52



5.1 Description of the Plant S4

5.2 Objectives SS

5.3 Plant Sampling Procedure S5

5.4 Laboratory Test Work 56

5.5 Results and Discussions 57

5.5.1 GRG Test 57

5.S.2 Grinding Circuit Survey 60

5.6 Plant trial 64

5.6.1 Falcon SuperBowl 65

5.6.2 Knelson Concentrator 66

5.6.3 Detailed SB and KC Performance 68

5.7 Sum.II1élrY".........•............•.............................•.......................71


6. 1 Introduction 73

6.2 Objectives 74

6.3 Feed Preparation 75

6.3.1 Tungsten 75

6.3.2 Magnetite '" 7S

6.3.3 Silica 77

6.4 Test Procedure 78

6.4.1 Operating the 4-in SuperBowl 78

6.4.2 Analysis of 4-ïn SuperBowl Concentrate 79

6.4.3 Test Arrangement 81

6.5 Results and Discussions '" 81

6.5.1 Observation of the Concentrate Bed 81

6.5.2 Effect of Fluidization Water Flowrate 83

6.5.3 Effect of Feed Rate 86

• Œ6.5.4 Effect of Gangue Size and Density 89

6.6 Laboratory vs. Plant Performance 91

6.7 Summary 92

<:~Jl jr: <:()~<:~1J~I()~~ ~

7.1 Conclusions ~

7.2 Recommendations 95

7.3 Future Worle .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 97






Figure 2-1

Figure 2-2

Figure 2-3

Figure 2-4

Figure 2-S

Figure 2-6

Figure 2-7

Figure 3-1

Figure 3-2

Figure 3-3

Figure 3-4

Figure 3-5

Figure 3-6

Figure 3-7

Figure 4-1

Figure 4-2

Figure 4-3



General fearures of the pilot MGS 13

Kelsey jig side pulsing huteh mechanism 15

Model 1650 Kelsey centrifugaI jig 15

76 cm maDIJal discbarge Knelson Concenttator 18

Nominal specifications of the Model SB4 20

A sketches of continuos Falcon Concentrator 23

Schematic diagram. of SL-type Separator 25

Simplified grinding/gravity circuit of the Mineral Hill Mine 28

Gold size-by-size distribution of the -850 #Lm fraction

of the SUPerBowl feeds 34

Size-by-size GRG and gold stage recovery of the

-850 ~m fraction of the sample 35

Gold cumulative size distribution of the -850 ~m fraction of the

shaking table feed, tails, and SuperBowl feed 37

Sbakïng table gold stage recovery 38

Grade and GRG content of the -850 ~m fraction

of grinding circuit streams 39

Gold cumulative size distribution of the -850 ~m fraction of

grinding circuit streams 40

Casa Berardi simplified grinding/gravity circuit 43

Gold distribution of the -300 #lm fraction of the 3D-in Knelson feed,

rails, and concentrate (150 lmin) 47

Gold distribution of the -300 ~m fraction of the 30-in Knelson feed,

• ~

rails, and concentrate (350 lmin) 49

Figure 44 Grades of the -300 ,an fraction of the 3o-in Knelson

feed and tails 51

Figure 4-5 -25 #lm gold content in the -300 #lm fraction of the 3o-in Knelson

feed, taïJs, and conccntrate 52

Figure 5-1

Figure 5-2

Figure 5-3

Figure 5-4

Figure 5-5

Figure S-6

Figure S-7

Figure S-.8

Figure S-9

Figure 6-1

Figure 6-2

Figure 6-3

Figure 6-4

Figure 6-5

Figure 6-6

Figure 6-7

Simplified grinding circuit of New Britannia Mine _.. _ S5

Cumulative passing of the feed for three GRG stages S8

Size-by-size recoveries for each stage S9

Cumulative recoveries for each of the three stages 60

Grade and ORG content of the -850 #Lm fraction of

. din . . 61gnn g CllCUlt sueams .

Gold size-by-size distribution of the -8S0 #l11l size classes of

. din . . 6'"gnn g ClfCUlt streams •

Size-by-size gold recovery by LKC of the -850 Ilm size

classes of grinding circuit streams 62

Size-by-size GRG and gold stage recovery of the 21-in SuperBowl 70

Size-by-size GRG and gold stage recovery of the 2ü-in Knelson 70

Simplified test procedure 78

Tungsten recovery of the three feeds at different water tlowrates 84

Concenuate mass of the three feeds at different water tlowrates 84

Size-by-size tungsten recovery of the fme

magnetite feed at different water tlowrates _ 85

Tungsten recovery of the three feeds at different feed rates 87

Concentrate mass of the three feeds at different feed rates 88

Size-by-size tungsten recovery of the fine

magnetite feed at different feed rates 88

Figure 6-8

Figure 6-9

Comparison of concentrate size distribution for silica gangue 89

Comparison of concentrate size distribution

for the fiœ gangue 9()

•Table 3-1

Table 3-2

Table 3-3

Table 3-4

Table 4-1

Table 4-2



Description of the samples tested and the plant operating conditions ... 30

Operating parameters of the laboratory Knelson Concentrator........... 31

Summary of the plant SuperBowl tests 33

Shakïng table test results 37

List of the samples extracted and the operating parameters

for treattnent with LKC 45

Summary of the plant Knelson tests 46

• Table S-1 Description of the samples and the LKC operating conditions ....... S6

Table S-2 Processing parameters of LKC for ORO measurement ................... 57

Table S-3 Summary of Falcon 21-ïn SuperBowl test results ......................... 6S

Table 5-4 Summary of 20-in Knelson test results ....................................... 66

Table 5...5 Sample descriptions and the overall results .................................. 69

Table 5--6 Corrected estimates of the overall results .................................... 71

Table 6-1

Table 6-2

Table 6-3

Table 6-4

Table 6-5

Table 6-6

Size distribution of the -25 jLm tungsten fraction 75

Size distribution of fine magnetite or silica synthetic feed 76

Size distribution of coarse silica synthetic feed (100% -850 #Lm) .....••. 77

MLS operating parameters 80

MLS preliminary test results 80

Observation of 4-in SuperBowl concentrate bed 82




B6 6 in bateh Falcon Concentrator

B12 12 in batch Falcon Concentrator

BMD bail mill discharge

CIO lOin continuous Falcon Concentrator

C20 20 in continuous Falcon Coneentrator

C40 40 in continuous Falcon Concentrator

CD centre discbarge

Dist'n distribution of gold

• Fso the partiele size at which 80% of the mass passes

g/min grams per minute

g/t grams per tonne

GRG gravity recoverable goId

Gs times of gravity acceleration

HP horse power

IFFC injection flowing fIlm centrifugation

KC Knelson Concentrator

kg/min kilogram per minute

L/min litre per minute

LKC Laboratory Knelson Concentrator

MLS Mozley Laboratory Separator

MGS Mozley Multi·Gravity Separator

O/A overall

• oz/st ounce per short ton

PCOF primary cydone overtlow

• xv

PCUF primary cyclone undertlow

Rec. recovery of gold

RMD rod mill discbarge

RPM rotations per minute

SAG semi-autogenous

SAG DIS SAG mill discbarge

SB SuperBowl

SB4 4 inch SuperBowl

SB21 21 inch SuperBowl

SCOF secondary cyclone overtlow

SCUF secondary cyclone underflow

SLS SL-type Separator

STF sbaking table feed

• STT sbaking table taiIs

t/h tonne per hour

T-I-F test 1 feed

T-I-T test 1 tail

T-II-F test II feed

T-II-T test fi tail

T-ill-F test ID feed

T-ill-T test m rail

T-IV-F test IV feed

T-IV-T test IV rail

T-V-f test V feed

T-V-T test V tail

USGPM US gallon per minute

WSC water saving cone

• Wt. weight



1.1 Background

Treatment methods for the recovery of gold from ores depend on the type of

mineralization. Gold ores in which oxidation of the sulphides is essentially complete are

best treated by cyanidation for the recovery of the Cree gold; gold ores which contain their

major values as base metals, sucb as copper, lead and zinc, are generally treated by

flotation; gold that is associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite, and usually with noo­

sulphide gangue minerais, is frequeody treated with the combination of cyanidation and

flotation (Mining Chemica1s Handbook, 1989). However, no matter in wbich form gold

exists, sorne is totally überated in grinding circuits, and gravity concenttation can tberefore

he incorporated in the recovery tlowsbeet.

1.1.1 Gold Bebaviour in GrindiDg Circuits

In practice, most gold ore grinding circuits consist of two-stage grinding. Rod or

SAG milling is used for primary grinding and ball mill for finer grinding. Usually

Hydrocyclones are used as classifiers te separate particles fine enough for recovery from

those requiring further grinding.

Because of its malleability and density, the bebaviour of gald in grinding circuits

is unusual and affects a1l important mechanisms: breakage, classification and llberation

(Banisi et al, 1991). Laboratory studies of monosized gold and silica showed tbat gold

produces fewer fines upon grinding: 75% of the mass reports 10 the next Tyler size class,

as opposed to 45% for silica (Banisi, 1990). Gold, and particularly gravity recoverable

gold (GRG), bas a distinct bebaviour in hydrocyclones, whereby more tban 98 and even

99% of the GRG repons to the undertlow stream, sorne of it very fine ( < 25 Itm). As a

result gold builds up to very high circulating loads, 2000-8000%, and often [eaves the

circuit only once it is overground (Banisi et al, 1991).


Grinding circuits surveys demonstrated tbat the gold was liberated in primary

grinding circuits and concentrated in the primary cyclone underf1ow. At Casa Serardi, the

grades of the primary and secondary undertlow were respectively 114 and 44 g/t, with a

feed grade of only 7 g/t, which represented gold circulating load of about 4200 and 1540

%, respectively (Woodco*ck, 1994). At Rosebery, gold was concentrated to 30 tilDes the

ore grade in the primary cyclone undertlow, whereas ooly 7 limes in the secondary

cyclone undertlow. The recovery of overground gold particles could be hindered by

smearing, flattening, and tarnishing or passivation of the surfaces of liberated gold

panicles (poulter et al, 1994). In extrerne cases, gold may settle in the recovery circuit

to he recovered only at mill shut-down. In aU cases a significant inventory builds up, and

constitutes a form of working capital, whose net present value can be very low, since it

must he discounted from a future lime corresponding to the cessation of milIing activities.

Therefore, there is a significant economic incentive to remove liberated gold from the

grinding circuit as soon as possible to boost overall recovery and lower metallurgical and

economic gold losses; and the primary cyclone undertlow is arguably the best candidate

for this purpose.

1.1.2 Gravity Conœntrators Used to Recover Gold

Because of gold's very bigh circulating load, the primary gravity concentrator is

usually put in the grinding circuit to treat part or ail of the primary cyclone underflow to

recover liberated gold. The primary gravity concentrate is then upgraded by a sbaking

table to obtain a fmal gold concentrate, which is directly smelted to produce bullion

containing 90-98% gold plus silver (Huang, 1996).•CHAPTERI INTRODUCTION 3

Recovering gold from the circulating load of grinding circuits yields the following

advantages: (i) the payment for gold bullian is more tban 99% and is received almast

immediately, wbile gold in tlatation concentrate is only paid 92-95% tbree or four montbs

later (Wells and Patel, 1991; Huang, 1996); (ü) gold overgrinding is reduced and the

amaunt of gold locked up behind mill liners is mjnjrnized; (ili) the gold inventory in

downstream processes is reduced; (iv) for cyanidation, fewer cyanidation stages or lower

cyanide concentration an be used, and environmental pollution is decreased; (v) the

overall gold recovery cao be improved by reducing soluble losses and recovering large or

slow leacbing gold particles tbat would otherwise he incompletely leached (Loveday et al,

1982); (vi) for tlotation, the risk of gold particles advancing 10 tlatation that are tao coarse

ta Boat is reduced; (vü) and overall gold recovery cao also he increased by recovering gold

smeared onto ather particles or embedded by other particles (Banisi, 1990; Darnton et al,

1992; Ounpuu, 1992).

Defore the early 198O's, conventional gravity separators such as siuice boxes, jigs

and spirals were most commonly used to recover gold from grinding circuits. However,

these separators cao anly recover medium size to coarse gold particles, and produce

relatively low grade primary gravity concentrates, which need more upgrading. More

recently, they have been replaced by a number ofnew gold centrifugai concentrators, such

as Knelson and, to a lesser extent, Falcon SuperBowl. These centrifugal concentrators,

especially the Knelson, have achieved worldwide acœptance, because oftheir remarlcable

ability ta produce very high grade concentrates (e.g. bath Knelson and SuperBowl achieved

a concentration ratio above 200 at the New Britannia Mine) and recover gold over a wide

range of particle size (even below 2S ,an). Interestingly, the conventional separators bave

been replaced by Knelsans in sorne plants not only because of the latters' better

performance, but also easier operation and maintenance, since conventional gravity circuits

require significant operator attention to maintain recovery and produce quality

concentrates (Laplante et al. 1998; Wells and Patel, 1991; Poulter et al, 1994).• CHAPI'ERI INTRODUCTION 4

Many applications aIso demonstrate that gold centrifugai concenttators can better

the conventional separators in their metallurgical Performance. At Boddingron and Lac

Minerais' Est Malartic Division. replacing jigs and spirals with 3o-in Knelsons increased

gold gravity recovery by about 30% (Hart and Hill. 1995; Hope et al. 1995). At Montana

tunnels and St. Ives. a 30-in CD Knelson recovered respectively 14% and 37% gold from

their (wo grinding circuits. wbicb increased the overall gold recoveries by 2.7% and 1%,

respectively (Damton et ai, 1992; Cloun, 1995). At the New Britannia Mine, a 21-in

SuperBowl and 30-in Knelson achieved very similar performance, resPeCtively 36 % and

41 % overall gold recovery (this will he detailed in cbapter 5).

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of tbis study are ta (i) test a new gold centrifugai concentrator. the

SuperBowl (SB4 and SB2I), bath at laboratory and plant scales; (ü) carry out grinding

circuit surveys to determine the best stream for gravity recovery at the Mineral Hill and

New Britannia Mines; (iii) evaluate the performance of a 30-in Knelson at Casa Berardi;

(iv) test the efficiency of a sbaking table as an upgrading unit at the Mineral Hill Mine;

(v) characterize the gravity recoverable gold (GRG) in the New Britannia ore to provide

a basis for analysing gravity circuit performance.

1.3 Thesis Structure

The thesis consists of seven cbapters. This cbapter introduces the background of

this program, which includes gold's bebaviour in grinding circuits and the application of

gravity concentrators to recover gold. The objectives of the study and the tbesis structure

are also he presented here.

Chapter [Wo describes the general principles of cenaifugal separation. Severa!

gravity centrifugaI separators will he reviewed in tbeir stnlcture, separating mechanism,

operating pàrameters and applications.


Chapter tbree analyses samples from Mineral Hill Mine in three parts: a 21-in plant

SuperBowl is tested at five diiferent operating conditions, sbaking table performance is

exarnined and a grinding circuit survey is perfonned 10 contirm the cbaracter of GRG in

ail sampled streams.

The evaluation of the Knelson perfonnance at Casa Berardi is presented in cbapter

four. Two differem fluidization water tlows and cycle limes are tested and the nature of

GRG in the grinding circuit is funher confirmed.

ln chapter five, GRG in the New Britannia ore is tirst cbaracterized; results of a

grinding circuit survey are presented ad discussed. Comparative plant test work OD the

Knelson and SuperBowl is a1so presented in this cbapter.

Chapter six presents the methodology and results of a test program for the SB4

model. Three types of synthetic ores are .used to explore the effect of fluidizing water

flow and feed rate.

General conclusions and suggestions for the future work are presented in chapter




2.1 Introduction

Recovery of valuable minerais contained in fine panicles is a difficult problem in

mineral processing and panicularly in gravity separation. With decreasing particle size

« 100 #lm), the forces associated with the water tlow become dominant over those

associated with panicle volume, in particuIar gravity (Traore et al, 1995). Even though

jigs, sluices, cones and spirals bave lower size limits extending somewbat below l00~,

their primary purpose is not for this size range (Mills et al, 1979). Because of this, most

of the valuable mineraIs contained in the fine panicles prove to be irrecoverable with

conventional methods of gravity separation. To solve this problem, a number of gravity

separation methods and machines bave been developed over the last few decades (Traore

et al, 1995).

The development of the Banles Mozley Concentrator and Bantes Crossbelt

Concentrator in the 60s and 70s reduced the lower size of effective recovery to about 15

#lm (Bun et al, 1995). The most significant achievements, however, were obtained

recently by the use of centrifugai separation. The Mozley Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS),

a new fine-panicle gravity equipment, cao recover cassiterite at sizes down to 10 #lm

(Tucker et al, 1991); the Knelson CODœntrator and Falcon SuperBowl cao recover the full

size range gold, including the -25 J.LDl fraction. Synthetic ore tests showed that a

laboratory Falcon SB4 model cao recover over 90% of tungsten in the 8-25 #lm fraction

from different types of feeds. A new continuous discharge centrifugai separator for

separating fme and ultra-fine panicles called SL-type Separator (SLS) can recover a

minimum particle size of about 2 #.LJ11 (possibly down to 1 #lM) at centrifugai fields of 330-

660 Gs (Lu, 1994; ReD et al, 1994).• CHAPTER2 GRAVITY CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATION 7

2.2 General Principles

Gravity COncenttatiOD methods separate minerais of different specific gravity using

their relative movemenl in response to gravity and one or more other forces, which often

is the resistanee to motion offered by a tluid, usually water or a slurry (Wills, 1997).

Generally speaking, gravity processes depend on two actions: (i) stratification in a pulsed

or moving dense bed usually with a wide size range feed as in jigs; (ü) film sizing with

a thin flowing Iiquid film and usualIy, closely sized solids as in spirals, frames, and tilting

conceDtrators. Tables and sluices use a combi.ned action (Bun et al, 1985). A

considerable nomber of theories exist for gravity concentrators and no one concept is

adequate to explain the separation occurring in a given unit. Rather they suggest that

severa! processes occur at different stages of the cycle, in different pans of the device,

over different size ranges and under differing operating conditions (Kelly et al, 1982;

Gaudin, 1939; Pryor, 1965; Burt, 1984; Wills, 1997; Sun, 1982).

Although factors such as density difference, panïcle size, particle shape of both the

wanted and the unwanted minerai or mineraIs will affect the separation, centrifugaI forces

seem to have a most signiticant effect on the separation, even in "non-centrifuge" units

(e.g. sluice, spiral, table). In this chapter, attention is focused on the operation of the

centrifuge gravity concentrators.

2.2.1 Centrifugai Force Strength

CentrifugaI fields cao he generated in (WO differem ways:(i) by introducing a tluid

with a high tangential velocity into a cylindrical or conical vessel as in the hydrocyclone;

(ü) by rotating all or pan of the unit. In this case the fluid is introduced into some form

of rotating bowl and is rapidly accelerated. Because the frietional drag witbin the fluid

ensures tbat tbere is very little rotational slip or relative motion between tluid layers witbin

the bowl, all the tluid tends ta rotate at a constant anguJar velocity 6) (Coulson and

Richardson, 1990).


For a particle in a centrifuge bowl which is rotating al an angular velocity of 6), the

centrifugaI acceleration is rfl)2, wbere r is the radius of rotation, compared with the

gravitational acceleration of g. The ratio CCa)2/g, or number of Os, is one measure of the

separating effect obtained in a centrifuge relative ta tbat arising from the gravitational

field, which is called cenaifugal force strength (Sun, 1982). This value may he very high

(up ta lot) in some industrial centrifuges and more tban an arder of magnitude greater in

the ultracentrifuges, while in minerai processing praetiœ, il is as high as IS00 (Coulson

and Richardson, 1990; Lu, 1994)..

2.2.2 Motion of Particles in Centrifugai Field

Coulson and Richardson (1990) described the motion of panicles in a fluid in

details. Most of this section is based on their book.

In most practical cases, when a particle is moving in a centrifugai tluid,

gravitational effects will he comparatively small and cao he neglected. The equation for

particle motion in a centrifugai field will he similar to tbat for motion in the gravitational

field, except that the gravitational acceleration 'g' must he replaced by the centrifugai

acceleration rw2:


•where Fe is the centrifugai force, d panicle size, ô and p the specific density of the particle

and fluid, respectively.

In the case of centrifuges used for separating fine solids from a suspension in a

liquid, it is possible ta coosider ooly the Stokes' law region in calculating the drag between

the panicle and the Iiquid and neglect other factors. However, in the mineraI industry,

centrifuges are used to treat high density slunies, minerai particles are then subjected not

only to centrifugai and drag forces, but a1so to forces such as buoyancy and momentum

transfer resulting from inter-particle collisioDS. For example, the movement of a panicle

in a Knelson Concentrator can he decomposed into radial, tangential and axial components

(Ling and Laplante, 1997). Therefore, the calculation of the motion of a particle under

this situation is quite complexe Ta simplify, the foUowÎng equatioDS are ail presented

based on the Stokes' law region, neglecting forces other than the centrifuge and drag

forces. The drag force Fd on the panicle cao then be given by:



where Fd is inward drag force, Il is the viscosity of the tluid medium, and u is the particle

velocity with respect to the fluide As centrifuge acceleration is a function of the position

r of the panicle, for a spherical particle in a fluid, the equation of motion for the Stokes'

law region is equal to:


1t d 3 (s. ) 2 3 d dr 1t d 3 ~ d2r- u-p rw - 1t J.l (-) = - u(-)

6 dt 6 dt 2



•where t is the time taken for a panicle to move. As the particle moves outwards, the

accelerating force increases and the particle Dever acquires a constant velocity in the fluide

If the inertial terms on the right-band side of equation (24) can he neglected:


dl" _ d 2 (tI-p)' W2 _ r ClJ2-- -u-dt 18 fJ 0 g



Therefore, the instantaneous velocity (dr/dt) is equal to the terminal velocity Uo in the

gravitational field, multiplied by a factor of rCa)2/g. For a slurry in a centrifuge, the time

taken for a particle initially situated in the slurry surface 10 reach the wall of the bowl is

given by integrating equation (2-5):


where R is the radius of the bowl and ro is the radius of the slurry surface. These two

equations imply tbat the greater the centrifugai accelcration, the less lime will he taken for

a particle to ~ttle. nus, in a centrifugaI field, separation can he acbieved at a greater

rate .

Equations (2-5) and (2-6) are used bere just for presenting a simpüfied relationship

between a particle's settling velocity, time, and rotating velocity. In practice, the

centrifugaI force can really accelerate the separation processes, but the separation

mechanism is not simple, nor is it only del'endent on d, a, p, ,.,. and w. For example,

based on these (wo equations, alI the silica particles larger tban 83 pm will settle faster and

take less time 10 reacb the wall of the bowl tban nmgsten particles (of same specifie gravity

as pure gold) whose size is equal to or smaller tban 25 pm. This is Dot true in Most

centrifuge separations, especially with Knelson Concentrators and SuperBowls, which are

claimed to he able to recover the full size range of gold, even below 2S JI.ID, in the

presence of coarse silica (above 600 pm). Therefore, the ability of the centrifuge units to

recover fine gold is based on other mecbanisms, such as panicle-panicle collision and

percolation or consoüdation triclding (Laplante, 1993; Huang, 1996; Ling and Laplante,


2.2.3 Minimum Rec:overable Partide Sïze• CHAPrER2 GRAVITY CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATION Il

According to Lu (1994) and Sun (1982), the critical panicle size for a panicle

suspended in centrifugai flowing film is given by:

d =k. ~ g(7 0 2

W r(2-7)

where da is the critical particle size, li is a proponional constant which is related to

operating parameters. Effectively, this means tbat the minimum recoverable panicle size

will decrease with increasing rotating speed.

2.3 Gravity Centrifugai Concentrators

The earliest known gravity centrifugai concentrator was patenœd by Peck in 1891,

but this technology was known in the West ooly until about 20 years ago (Bun et ai,

1995). The Knudson bowl is perbaps the oldest centrifugai device for gold recovery, but

little information is known about its metallurgical performance. Applications appear to

he limited ta alluvial operations (Laplante et al, 1994), although some operations based on

the In-Line Pressure jig use it as a cleaner in Australia (Laplante, 1998). Centrifugai

separators were developed in the (then) Soviet Union in the 1950's and the "Yuxi"

Centrifuge units were used in China in the early 196Os. However, the earliest scientific

study into centrifugai separation was by Ferrara (1960), who studied a rudimentary unit

which then became known as Ferrara's tube: a 20 mm diameter 1100 mm long perspex

pipe rotating at up to 2200 rpm. Even tbough results were very encouraging, the obvious

mechanical difficulties inherent to the design made its commercial application impossible

(Burt et al, 1995).

Since as recently the 19805, severa! new centrifugai separators bave been

developed~ such as the Multi~ravity Separator (MGS) developed in England; the Kelsey

Centrifugai Jig in Australia; gold semi-bateh centrifugai concentrators, such as the

Knelson~ Falcon~ and SuperBowl in Canada; and SL-type continuous discbarge centrifugai

separators (SLS) in China. In minerai processing practice~ centrifugai concentrators ~an

be divided into three basic types: venical axis machines and their sub-set (Knelson~ Falcon

ete.), centrifugai jigs, and horizontal axis machines (MOS, SLS ete.). The orientation of

the rotation axis is usually determined by the meaDs adopted for introducing the feed and

removing product streams.


The following sections will briefly describe sorne of the most recent common

centrifugai concentrators in their structures, separation procedure ~ operating parameters

and applications in ascending order of centrifugai force strength.

2.3.1 Mozley Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS)

The Mozley Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS) may be conceived as folding the

horizontal surface of a sbaking table into a drum, which is rotated to generate 6 to 24

times the acceleration of gravity (Chan et al, 1991). The dnlm's axis cao he inclined to

about 100, and a sinusoidal sbalœ is superimposed on the dnJm in an axial direction. The

diameter of the dn1m tapers al 10 increasing from the high (concentrate) to the low (tailing)

end. One of the original features of the MGS is the presence of scrapers inside the drom

to drag the heavy minerais to the concentrate outlet, as shown in figure 2-1. The mine

scale MGS consists of [wo drums, mounted 'back to back' to make the whole machine

weIl balanced and virtually vibration-free.

The slurry is fed continuously mid way onto the internaI surface via a meshed ring

which reduces the turbulence caused by the introduction of the slurry. Wash water is

added via a similar mesh close to the outer end of the drum. The slurry follows a spiral

movemenl within the dnun. Under the effect of the centrifugai force 9 the heaviest


panicles penetrate the slurry and are pinned to the inner surface of the drum. They are

then dragged to the concentrate exit by the movement of the scrapers, which are driven

slightly faster than the drum but in the same direction. An intennediate layer forros above

the first consisting of finer and less dense particles. The top layer consists of the Iightest

panicles, which are carried by the wash water to the rear of the drum and discarded as

tailings. The oscillatory action disrupts these layers temporarily and improves the

separation, by minimizing the entrainment of gangue into the concentrate.

•Bars holding thescrapers

Scrapers - __..-c

(rotational speed ==that of the drum + 2.5

pimensigns (cml

lenglh = 165Height oz 110Width == 71

Figure 2-1 General features of the pilot MGS (Traore et al, 1995)

The most important variables goveming the operation of the MGS are the rotational

speed of the drum, the shake intensity (amplitude and frequency), the wash-water flowrate,

the angle of tilt and the flowrate and pulp density of the feed slurry. Chan et al (1991)

described their effects in details. With real ores, the most critical operating parameters

and their effect cao ooly he detennined by actuaJ testing (Traore et al, 1995; Belardi et al,



Two versions of the MGS are available. The smaller PilotiLaboratory unit can

treat up to 0.2 tonnes of solids per bour. The Mine Scale unit cau treat up to S tonnes of

solicls per hour. The MGS maIœs it possible to extend gravity concentration to ultta-tines,

tailings and sludges containing precious metals or high value minerais including tin,

chromite, tungsten and the precious metals, in applications which were previously

uneconomic. It is also claimed tbat its bigh unit capacity makes the processing of lower

value and industrial minerais such as iron ore, baryte, anarase, coal ete possible (Chan et

al, 1991). Reality paints a different pieture. For example, the plant MGS at Renison Tin,

Tasmania~ upgrades a flotation concentrate from 20 to 40% Sn02 at a relatively low

capacity of 1 t/h. A recendy introduced MeGaSep unit can treat up to 60 tonnes of solicls

per hour (httpll:www .mozley.co.uk).

Plant-scale tests perfonned at Camon Consolidated's Wheal Jane Tin Mine showed

that the MGS achieved considerably higher concentrate grades man the conventional

shaking tables (55% compared to 36% tin) at similar recovery (36%) and triple the

throughput. ft was expected that further optimization of the operating parameters would

give significantIy improved results (Chan et al, 1991).

2.3.2 I(elsey Jig

The Keisey Centrifugai Iig design is based on a standard jig, operating within a 60

Gs centrifugal field. It consists of several hutches which are tumed from a vertical to a

horizontal orientation and rotate on a vertical axis. just like a rotating bowl surrounded by

concentrate and tailing launders. Within this bowl. there is an impeller and cover to assist

the slurry distribution evenly and a parabolic wedge wire screen to rerain a ragging bed.

The jig hutch design incorporates a side pulsing mechanism (Figure 2-2). In the model of

J650 jig shown in Figure 2-3~ there are eight concentrate hutches as described in Figure

2-2~ which are positioned horizontally. These hutches hold the pulse water and discbarge

concentrate through their spigots.


Cam mechantam

Figure 2-2 Kelsey 1ig side pulsing hutch mechanism (Beniuk et al, 1994)


Figure 2-3 Modei 1650 Keisey centrifugaI jig (Beniuk et al, 1994)• r'-TAllS


Beniuk et al (1994) described the Kelsey Iig separation procedure as foUows. Feed

slurry enters the jig through an central feed pipe and is distributed ooto the ragging bed

by the centrifugai force. Huteh water is also fed through the inner central feed pipe into

the concentrate hutebes via water spigots. The high frequency strokes of the pulse arms

create an inward pulse of water through the ragging bed and cause it to dilate and conttaet,

much as it wouId in a c1assical jig, but at a much higher frequency. The water pulse

impacts different accelerations to the feed and ragging panicles according to their specific

gravity. Therefore heavy panicles cao he separated from the lighter ooes under different

centrifugai forces. The heavy particles move thraugh the ragging bed and the wedge wire

screen into the hutehes and are discbarged thraugh spigots into the concentrate launder.

The low density particles are displaced from the surface of the ragging layer by incoming

feed, and report to the tailing launder. The separation of fme particles can he achieved

when high relative centrifugai forces are applied.

The major variables affecting the performance of the Kelsey Iig were discussed by

Wyslouzil (1990) as: ragging material, jig rotational speed, pulse action, and pulse water.

The relationship between feed particle size and ragging retention screen apenure size were

shawn to be critical to metallurgical performance and operational stability (Beniuk et al.


Many different scale Kelsey Iigs are available: two laboratory models 1125 and

J200; a pilot model, J470; and plant models 1650. JI3OO I• The 11300 model incorporates

many design improvements, the Most recent being an automatic screen cleaning mechanism

and has became the standard plant unit. A new model, the J18oo, is scheduled for testing

at Iron Ore of Canada. Limited, in the summer of 1998. It has been claimed that Kelseys

are more suited to fme sands than ultrafines and were successfully applied in the pilot plant

for a large, fme grained (-100+50 #Lm) heavy minerai sands project in Australia (Burt et

1. The Keisey jig is identified by its screen diarneter; thus the 11300 bas a l300-mm diameter.


al, 1995). Il is true tbal they bave been successfully applied to beavy minerai sands to

separate zircon (s.g. 4.6-4.7) from kyanite (s.g. 3.6) in a number of plants, first in

Westem Australia and now in South Africa. Very bigb grades and recoveries are routinely

acbieved despite the low specifie gravity differential. However, the unit bas aiso proven

its capabilities for fine feeds, sucb as cassiterite recovery at Renison (Beniuk et al, 1994),

tantalite and cassiterite recovery at Gwalia's Greenbusbes and Wogina plants.

2.3.3 Kneison Concentrator (KC)

The standard model KC (Figure 2-4) is a centrifuge that develops an average of 60

Gs and classifies a feed of top size of 6 mm or less by specific gravity (Knelson and Jones,

1994). It consists of a ringed bowl rotating at high speed with a drive unit. Clean water

at high pressure is injected tangentially tbrough holes in the inner bowl, counter-current

to the rotation of the bowl. The feed slurry is introduced to the bottom of the bowl by

gravity through a downcomer. Under the effect of the centrifugai force, the heavy

particles will repon to the riffles as concentrate, whereas gangue minerais will he rejected

by the upward flow of slurry to the outer rim as tails.

Compared to other centrifuges, the Knelson Concentrator possesses quite different

fearnres either in design or separation mechanisms. Knelson (1988) claimed that this unit

uses the principles of hindered settling and interstitial triclding enhanced by centrifugai

force. The centrifugai force that would cause packing of material in the rings is partially

offset by the fluidization warer which is rangentially injected into the bowl from small

holes at the bottom of parallel grooves. The fluidized bed behaves as a heavy liquid with

the density of the pulp and thus a hindered settling condition prevails. Under this

constantly agitated environment. concentration takes place with the panicles of higher

specifie density displacing lighter ones and embedding themselves in the interstices of the

gangue (Knelson and Jones. 1994).


Figure 2-4 76 cm manual discharge Knelson Concentrator (Knelson and Jones. 1994)

Huang (1996) studied the basic bebaviour of mineraIs and separation mecbanisms

of Knelson by using synthetic ores and bowls with different features. He suggested tbat

the rings are completely fluidized only at the beginning of the separation; as saon as the

material bed builds up in each ring, it becomes untluidized. Therefore, there is aImost no

mass transfer between the fresh feed and the solids ~lready recovered in the rings (the

concentrate bed), as even fme dense particles cannot penetrate the bed. As a result,

separation takes place at the surface of the concentrate bed. where the slurry is at least

partially tluidized by the high pressure fluidizing water tlow and the feed slurry flow. In

the separation zone, the recovery or rejection of a panicle mainly depends on the forces

acting on it, such as centrifugai, drag (caused both the fluidization water and feed slurry)

and momentum transfer caused by collisions between panicles.

Laplante et al (1996b) systematically tested the effect of feed rate, density, size

distribution and fluidization water pressure by using a 7.S cm laboratory Knelson

Concentrator (LKC). It was found that the efficiency of the Knelson is affected primarily

by gangue density and feed rate, bath capable of significantly lowering the recovery of


fines or intennediate size gold at bigh values. A wide range of fluidizing water tlow was

found suitable for most separations. Feed size distribution bad little effect on Kœlson

performance, provided gangue density was low, except for very coarse (+ 1 mm) feeds.

A feed density from 0 to 70% solids is claimed to he handled without any detrimental

effect to operational efficiency (Knelson and Jones, 1994).

Laplante et al (1998) presented comparative results of the performance of a 3-in

Knelson Concentrator and a 4-in SuperBowl on flash flotation concentrates. The higher

recovery of the SuperBowl below 25 or 37 #Lm was offset by a lower recovery between 37

and 212 I-LID, and both uoits yielded sunilar overall recoveries.

Twelve models of the Knelson Concentrator are available. from 7.5 (0 76 cm

(Knelson. 1988 and 1992). Knelson Concenttators can be c1assified inlo the Manual

Discharge, Centre Discbarge (CD), and Variable Discharge models. Sînce the fust unit

was commissioned in 1980, more than 800 Knelson Concenttators have been installed in

over 60 countries. They have a large throughput capacity, e.g. a 76 cm KC can treal up

to 70 tonnes rnalenal per hour. and the ability to treat a wide size range of material

without desliming. A continuously operating Knelson Concentrator will be suitable for

the base metal and coal industries (Knelson and Jones. 1994), and is still in the

developmental stage.

The number of documented successful industrial applications is too large to be

discussed here te.g. Laplanle, 1987; Danon et al. 1992; Han and Hill, 1994; Cloutt.

1995; Hope et al. 1995: Vincent. 1997), the reader is referred to Ling (1998) for a

detailed discussion.

2.3.4 Falcon SuperBowl (SB)

The Falcon SuperBowl is a new type of patented gold centrifugai concentrator


which combines the proven fme gold recovery cbaracteristics of single wall concentrators

(Falcon Concentrator) with capabilities of backpressure teebnology. It is designed

primarily for gold recovery from grinding circuit or alluvial operations, the fluidized bed

SB gravity concentrators compliment the Falcon product line by providing coarser feed

capabilities. This new technology results in a machine able to apply extremely high

centrifugai force on the treated materials (up to 200 Gs) and enbance full size gold

recovery while using less process water. Figure 2-6 shows the nominal specifications of

the Model SB4 which is SPeCifically designed for lahoratory test work, smaU ore samples

or concentrate c1eaning with its main parts. The design and material of construction bave

been carefully selected to minimize the possibility of contamination between samples

(Model SB4 operating guide).


.--'Dt.. ,..,...


2 ..~WL'4l&.-.-'WUE -

•Figure 2-S Nominal specifications of the Model SB4

The SuperBowl concentrator utilizes the difference in specifie gravity between gold

and gangue particles to effect a separation. Feed is introduced as a slurry through the


central vertical feed pipe and accelerated by the rotor turning at sufficient RMP to impan

up to 200 Gs to the materiaI being processed. The extremely high centrifugaI force

magnifies the difference in specific gravity of different particles and the rotor geometry

assists in the retention of gold or heavy panicles in preference to Iight panicles tbat are

rejected with the process water. Backpressure (tluidizing) water is injected between the

riffle rings in the upper pan of the rotor from outside to allow heavy particles to move into

the upgrading concentrate retention zone. ACter feeding aIl the materials , the rotor is

stopped and the concentrate is rinsed down through the concentrate discbarge pons.

Lancup (1998) used four different tungsten. silica and Magnetite synthetic feeds to

test the effect of feed density at different feed rates. The feeds consisted of 0.5 %

tungsten. 0-10% magnetite with a total mass of 20 kg each. The results showed tbat the

concentrate bed was packed harder with increasing feed rate. The distribution of

concentrate inside the bowl was observed with a packed concentrated bed. In the upper

riffle part. tungsten was found predominantly in the inner section. Le. outside the riffle.

while the riffle grooves were mainly occupied by silica as observed by Huang (1996) with

a separable KC bowl. In the lower smooth pan, tungsten was also distributed on the top

of the concentrate bed which is similar to what Buonvino (1994) observed for a batch


As part of this research program. a 4-in 5B has been systematically tested with

different synthetic ores ta investigate the effect of ilS operating parameters (backpressure

water tlowrate) and feed conditions (feed rate, size distribution, gangue density). The test

results will be presented in Chapter 6.

SuperBowls are currently offered in four sizes: a laboratory model 5B4 and three

plant models-5B12, 5B21, 5B38 with capacities from 0.25-60 tonnes per hour. RMS Ross

Corporation bas compiled a Iist of SuperBowls that are in operation throughout the world

and showed that about 35 units are now used in 12 countries (5utter, 1997). A model


5B52 (with a 200 ton per hour capacity) is currently in the final phase of developmem and

will he inttoduced in 1998. The 5B52 will incorporate many design features of the Falcon

model C40 Continuous Concenttator.

Mineral Hill Mine incorporated a 21-in SuperBowl (SB21) in its grinding circuit.

The plant tests showed tbat total gold stage recoveries were 41-66%, while stage GRG

recoveries varied between 56 and 82%, and increased slightly at rmer particle size. As

the extremely low feed rate 1.6-8.5 tlh (maximum capacity is 15 tIh) resulted by an

inadequate screening surface, total gold recovery was low. about 16%. This test work is

detailed in Chapter 3. At New Britannia Mine, a SB21 achieved gold stage and plant

recoveries of 42 % and 40 %, respectively, by treating the primary cyclone undertlow al

a capacity of 8.8 tonnes per hour. This work is also presented and evaluated in this work,

in Chapter 5 .

2.3.5 Falcon Conceotrator

The Falcon Concentrators were initially developed to recover fine gold under a

very high centrifugai field. up to 300 Gs. The ooly moving part. rotor. is smooth and

combined by the upper cylinder and lower conical part which are called the migration and

retention zone, respectively, as shown in Figure 2-6 (Robertson, 1998). The feed is

screened at approximately 1 mm depending on the application and is inttoduced as a slurry

through a central vertical feed pipe and is accelerated by an impeller. Rapid stratification

according to specifie gravity occurs as the material is driven up the sloping rubber lined

rotor wall (migration zone) under the influence of an immense gravity field. The size of

the field is varied by changing the rate of revolution of the rotor with a variable frequency

drive. The concentrated heavy fraction is withdrawn continuously through a series of

ports distributed evenly around the circumference of the rotor, whereas the light material

flows upwards and out of the rotor into the tail Iaunder. For a batch Falcon, the

concentrate is washed out once the operating cycle is finished.


A batch Falcon Cancentrator~ B6~ was tested on bath synthetic and real ores lO

explore its mecbanism and performance (Buonvino~ 1993; Laplante et a1~ 1994). Based

on the resuilS of the overlaad test~ tbree recovery phases are suggested: (i) initial

unselective recovery, (ii) selective recovery, rapidly dropping with the bed saturation~ and

(iii) stable and near-zero recovery. Among the these, aoly the second recovery is

desirable. The recovery of the particles is described in two different ways: coarse particles

cao partially bury themselves in the concenttate bed~ while fine panicles are captured wben

they lodge in capture sites created by the concentrate bed. Intermediate panicles

experience the lowesl recovery, as they are tao caarse for many of the capture sites~ and

too fine ta bury themselves in the concenttate bed. The results showed that bowl geometry

(angle) and gangue size distribution are the most significant aperating parameters.

Recavery increases with decreasing gangue and heavy panicle size~ and the srnall angle

bowl is suitable for recovering heavy mineraIs, whereas the large angle bowl is designed

ta recover gold from lighter mineraIs.




.-~-- """1'&1I

• Figure 2-6 A sketches of continuous Falcon Concentrator


Two series of Falcon Concentrators at two different sile are available: the bateh (or

semi-bateh, as tails are removed continuously) units, B6 and 812, and continuous UDits,

CIO, C20 and C40. The continuous Falcon is suitable for a wide range of mineraIs and

fine feed applications requiring low to high mass recoveries. It is claimed tbat Falcon

concentrators have proven effective in many gravity applications as a primary concentrator,

secondary or tettÎary cleaning step, or as a scavenging unit (McAlister, 1992). Reality is

that although many pilot nms have completed both at mine sites (Lupin Mine, N.W.T .;

Carol-Lake, Labrador; New celebration, Western Australia) and researcb centres (CRM,

Québec; Southem Illinois University, Illinois), the only industrial application tbat resulted

from this work as of July 1998 (to the author's knowledge) is the one at Tanco Mine

(Manitoba), where a C20 is used as a rougher feeding (wo Holman tables, at the tail end

of a spiral and table circuit. A CIO will eventually further upgrade the C20 concentrate,

to reduce the tlow to the Dolman tables wbilst increasing the yield of the C20. Further,

many case studies confirmed that they were Dot suitable for ail applications. This is mainly

due to its separation limits, such as rapid overload of the concentrate bed and the creation

of a bed of feed at the beginning of the test. Its lack of any water addition also limits its

efficiency significantly (Laplante et al. 1994; Honaker et al, 1995; Lins et al, 1992;

Huang, 1996).

2.3.6 SL-Type Separator (SLS)

The SL-type Separator is a new continuous discharge centrifugai separator with

injection flow (injection tlowing film centrifugation, IFFC). It is a horizontal unit and its

main body is drum with a diameter progressively increasing toward the discharge end at

an angle 2.6°. The units of different size use an adjustable centrifugai force which varies

between 83 to 1500 Gs. Figure 2-7 shows a schematic diagram of SLS (Lu. 1994). Slurry

is fed at an optimum pulp density onto the inner surface of a drum (1) through a pipe (3);

because of the high rotation speed. a stratified bed of moving panicles is formed. The

heavy particles remain in contact with the drum surface and are carried away as a


concenttate via an exit (9) by the impact of a high pressure water jet (4) acting against the

longitudinal flow. The light particles, i.e. tailings, overflow downstream (10). The

mechanism of the injection flowing film centrifugation is quite complex and was discussed

in details by Lu (1994) and Ren et al (1994) .

Figure 2-7 Schematic diagram of SL-type Separator (Lu, 1994)

l-drum; 2-low pressure water; 3-feed; 4-water jet; 5-low speed motor;

6-voltage-stabilizer; 7-high pressure water; 8-secondary cleaner;

9-concentrate; 10-tailing; Il-major motor

The main operating parameters are the centrifugai strength and the pressure of the

water jet. Feed percent solids have sorne effect on the enrichment ratio and recovery.

Lower percent solids are suitable for roughing, while higher ones for cleaning.

There are six types units available, SL-300, SL-600, SL-1200I. SL-1200ll, SL-


1800, SL-2400, with capacities varying from 0.11 to 12 tonnes per houc. The SLS is

aimed at recovering fine and uItrafine cassiterite slimes. Dy adjusting the openting

parameters, it can he used to treat different size slimes with high recovery, even 1 #1IIl

cassiterite (Lu. 1994).

Commercial tests were conducted in the minerai processing plant of Dacbang Tin

Mine Company with three SL-600s in an open circuit as primary roughing and cleaning

units to treat -10 ~m cassiterite slimes discarded as finaI tailing and + 10 pm tlotation feed

slimes. The results showed that 55-60% recoveries could he acbieved with an upgrading

ratio of 10. Compared with flotation, the SLS yielded twice the concentrate grade at a

30% increase in recovery (Ren et al. 1994).



3.1 Description of the Plant

The Mineral Hill Mine of TVX Gold IDe. is located in Park COUDty, Montana,

USA. As of December 31, 1995, the total proven and probable reserves were 287,000

ounces with an average grade of Il.1 g/t. The mine was placed under maintenance in the

third quaner of 1996, because of politieal pressure from environmental groups. Before

that, the mill processed 500 tonnes per day of ore at an average grade of 10 g/t Au

(MineraIs Yearbook. 1995; Mining 1998, 1997).

A (wo stage closed grinding circuit was used in this plant. Crushed ore was fed

to a SAG Mill, whose diseharge fed to a primary cyclone. A bleed of primary cyclone

underflow was screened at 1.7 mm and fed to a 21-in Falcon SuperBowl (SB), while the

rest was reground by the SAG mill. The primary cyclone overflow was funher classified

by the secondary cyclone and its underflow was fed to a bail Mill whose discharge was

combined with the SB tails and screen oversize and retumed to the primary cyclone. The

SB concentrate was fed to a shaking table to produce a smelting grade concentrate. The

secondary cyclone overtlow was thickened and then fed to a leaching circuit. A simplified

flowsheet of the grinding-gravity circuit is shown in Figure 3-1.

3.2 Objectives

The objectives of this test work were: Ci) to determine the optimum operating

conditions for the 21-in SuperBowl such as tluidizing water pressure and feed rate, (ii) to

confinn the character of GRG (Laplante, 1996) in the grinding circuit and (iii) to examine



the shaking table performance.




• S8mplingl0C8tion


Figure 3-1 Simplified grinding/gravity circuit of the Mineral Hill Mine

3.3 Plant Sampling Procedure

Five tests were performed at the end of August 1996 by Mr. Bogdan Damjanovic

with a 21-in SuperBowl at different t1uidization water pressures (e.g. flowrate) and feed

rates. Qnly the SuperBowl feed and tails were sampled. In a second phase, aIl the

grinding circuit streams and shaking table feed and tails were sampled at the same time.

The sampling locations are indicated in Figure 3-1, while Table 3-1 describes the samples

extracted and the plant operating conditions. The fluidization water tlowrate and solids



content in SB tails were used to calculate the dry feed rate of the unit.

3.4 Laboratory Test Work

AlI samples except for the belt feed (not Iisted in Table 3-1) were dried and

weighed, then sereened at 850 Ilm (20 mesh) with a Sweco screeo. Only the -850 #lm

fractions were fed to a 3-in Laboratory Knelson Concentrator (LKC), except for the

aversize of the SAG mill discharge, which was eroshed and ground to -850 pm and fed

ta LKC with the undersize fraction to estimate the overall grade. For the shaking table

feed and tails, a different inner bowl labelled 6high grade' was used to minimize

contamination risks; other samples were treated with the low grade bowl.

For most samples, the target feed rate was 600 g/min with a fluidizatian water

pressure of 24 kPa (3.5 psi). For the fmer samples, a lower feed rate and water pressure

were used. As the shaking table samples had a higber specifie gravity and coarser size

distribution, a higher water pressure, 27 kPa (4.0 psi), was used with a feed rate of 700

g/min. Table 3-2 lists the laboratory operating parameters for aIl the eighteen samples.

3.4.1 LKC Operating Procedure

The feed was fed from a happer via a vibrating feeder to the feeding tray of the

LKC. At the beginning of each test, the target feed rate and fluidizing water pressure

were adjusted. For samples less than 7 kg, the total tails were co11ected in a large drum;

for the others, six tails samples were eut from the tail stream at regular time interval to

abtain representative tail samples. After feeding all the material, fluidization water and

the LKC motor were tumed off al the same time and the feeding tray of the LKC was

removed and adbering solids were washed down to tail drum. The concentrate bowl was

then removed and ail the concentrate was recovered. The feed rate was calculated using

• •Table 3-1 Description of the samples tested and the plant operating conditions

Waler Pressurc (psi) Waler Aownle Tails Feed RareSample Descriplion lnilial Final (USgpm) (') Solids (lib)

1niliai Final

T-)-F Test 1Fecd 28.0 28.0 94 91 8.54 1.96T-)·T Tcsll Tail

T·II·F Tcslll Fccd 22.0 20.0 82 76 1.62 0.29T·II·T Teslll Tail

T·III·F TesllII Fecd 30.0 28.' 106 9' "'8 0.37T·III-T Tesl III Tail

T-IV-F TeSllV Fecd 2S.0 27.0 88 89 I.S9 0.33T·IV·T TcsIIV Tail

T·V·F Tesl V Fecd 28.0 29.0 90 93 6.41 1."T-V-T Tesl VTail

PCOF Primary Cyclone Overflow

PCUF Primary Cyclone UlJJerflow

SCOF Secormry Cyclone Overflow

SCUr- Secormry Cyclone

BMDIS Bali Mill Discharge

SAG DIS SAG Mill I)ischargc

STF Shakilll Table Fecd

STT Shakilll Table Tail



the recorded processing tilDe.

Table 3-2 Operating parameters of the laboratory Knelson Concentrator

Sample Mass -850 #lm Mass -850 #lm Mass Feed Rate Water

(kg) (kg) (~) (gImin) Pressure (psi)

T-I-F 16.22 10.89 67 641 3.5

T-I-T 5.19 4.89 94 543 3.5

T-D-F 17.22 10.78 63 798 3.5

T-II-T 8.46 8.02 95 642 3.5

T-IU-F 7.68 6.79 88 590 3.5

T-IU-T 2.18 2.06 95 589 3.5

T-IV-f 19.55 11.94 61 645 3.5

T-IV-T 3.91 3.75 96 577 3.5

T-V-F 10.50 7.57 72 561 3.5

T-V-T 8.94 8.5S 96 743 3.5

PCOF 6.10 5.87 96 367 3.0

PCUF 11.83 9.04 76 623 3.5

SCOF 2.32 2.32 100 258 2.0

SCUF 14.14 13.74 97 482 3.S

BMD 6.84 6.69 98 352 3.0

SAG DIS 8.24 8.24 100· 485 3.S

5TF 19.73 17.26 87 639 4.0

5rr 18.98 15.61 82 743 -l.a·Overslze was crushed and ground to -8S0 #lm.

The LKC concentrate and six tails were fI1tered, dried and weighed for the assaying

sample preparation. After settling for 12 hours, the bulk tails were also decanted, filtered,

and dried.



3.4.2 Assaying Sub-Sample Preparation

For the larger samples, 50 grams were extracted from each of the six tails cuts and

then combined to obtain two 300 gram subsamples. For the smaller «7 kg) samples, two

300 gram subsamples were extraeted from the bulk tails. Each 300 gram subsample was

wet screened at 25 pm, then dry screened from 600 ",m down to 25 ",m. The weight of

each fraction was recorded separately and corresponding fractions then combined. The

+ 105 l'II1 fractions were pulverized. 1be entire concentrates were also screened down to

25 ~m. The concentrate size fractions were fùlly assayed to eliminate the nugget effect

(Woodco*ck, 1994). AlI the concentrate and tail size fractions were sent to Casa Berardi

for tire assaying.

3.5 Results and Discussions

For each sample, a metallurgical balance of the laboratory Knelson test is presented

and listed in Appendix A (Table A-l to A-17). From this balance, the grade of the -850

tLm fraction. the amount of GRG as a percent of the total gold. the grade of the non-GRG

fraction and size-by-size data cao he obtained (Xiao and Laplante, 1997b). Sorne

important data will he shown in figures and discussed in the following three sections.

3.S.1 Plant SuperBowl Tests

Table 3-3 summarises the results of the five plant SB tests. Both GRG and gold

recoveries were based on the -850 /Lm fraction. a legitimate approach. since there is

virtually no GRG in the +850 ~m fractions. The data of test 1 are used to illustrate how

ta calculate these recoveries (Table A-1 and A-2. p. 107). The SuperBowl was fed at

1.96 tlh. with a feed grade of 108.5 g/t, of which 20.8 g/t was not gravity recoverable,

and 87.7 g/t (the difference) was. The SB tails had the same rate, but a much lower gold



content, 37.0 g/t, of which 20.S g/t was not gravity recoverable. Plant and stage

recoveries can he calculated based on the plant capacity of 20 tIh and a feed grade of 10

g/t as follows:

Gold stage recovery = 100%· [1 - 37.0 g1t / 10S.S g1t] = 66%

GRG stage recovery = 100%· [1 - (37.0 g1t -20.8 g1t) 1(l08.S g1t -20.8 g1t)] = 82%

Plant gold recovery = 100%· (108.5 g/t -37.0 g/t) • 1.96 tIh / (10 g/t • 20 t/h) = 7()oA.

Table 3·3 Summary of the Plant SuperBowl tests

Test Feed -850 pm -850 pm Stage Gald Stage GRG Plant Gold

Na. Rate Feed Grade Tails Grade Recovery Recovery Recovery

(t/h) (g/t) (g/t) (~) (~) (CJj)

1 1.96 108.5 37.0 66 82 70.0·

II 0.3 158.6 82.1 48 70 11.1

III 0.4 99.4 49.2 51 73 9.3

IV 0.3 109.1 42.0 62 78 11.1

V 1.4 92.2 54.7 41 56 27.0*Test errar. as the histoncal gravlty CU'CUlt recavery was IS ta 20%.

Table 3-3 shows tbat extremely low 5B feed rates were used, 0.3 to 1.96 tlh; this

was caused by an inadequate screening surface for the bleed of the grinding circulating

load fed to the 5B21. As the rated capacity of the 5B21 is about 15 t1h, ail feed rates were

considerably below designed feed rate. yielding information of questionable value. As a

result. perfonnance in the range of feed rates tested was higher than what it should

normally he for such a unit and virtually independent of feed rate, as it is for the Knelson

Concentrator at low feed rate (Laplante et al. 1996b; Laplante. 1997).

As fluidization water tlow rates changed very fittle from test to test. they are not

expected to impact on SuperBowl performance. Therefore. it is impossible [0 determine



the optimized fluidization water tlowrate and pressure. Nevenbeless, valuable information

cao he extracted from this five tests.


Particlc Sizc (p. m)


20-t..§ IS;~

.~ 10 ­


2S r------------------,

The stage gold recoveries of the five tests varied between 41 and 66%; as expected.

GRG recoveries were higher, 56 to 82%. Total gold recovery is Dot a true measure of

5821 performance as unliberated gold should not he recovered. Hence, GRG recovery

is a better measure of unit performance. Sînce 50 Iittle of the circulating Joad was fecl to

the 8B21, total plant gold recovery was low, averaging 15% for the last four tests. The

lower plant gold recovery resulted in the high circulating load of gold of 90-160 g/t (about

1800-3200%). With a higher SB21 feed rate. plant recovery would have increased

significantly and the circulating load wouId have dropped signiflcantly.

1 T·I·F T·IJ·F T·III·F T·IV·F T.V.F 1'-.-- ........ --1

•Figure 3-2 Gold size-by-size distribution of the -850 ILffi

fraction of the 8uperBowi feeds

Figure 3-2 gives gold's size-by-size distributions for the -850 Jlm SB feeds. They

are very sunHar: less than 2% gold is in the 850-600 Jlm fraction, about 5 % of the gold




Partide Sïze (,Lm)


100 ,.------------------.

• Figure 3-3 Size-by-size GRG and gold stage recovery of

the -850 ,.un fraction of the sample

is below 25 J.Lm and most gold is distributed in the 25-600 #Lm size range. This similarity

makes it possible to calculate an averaged size-by-size performance for the five tests t

which is shown in Figure 3-3. Three curves are presented. Firstt total gold recovery was

caIculated for the SB2I t based on the total goId content of each size class in the SB21 feed

and tails (as measured by the LKC). Second. the GRG content of the SB21 tails as

measured by the LKC was used to calculate the SB21 GRG recovery. The amount of GRG

in the 5B21 feed was assumed equal ta the total gold grade minus the non-GRG grade of

the 5B21 13ils. NormallYt the measured GRG content of the SB21 feed should have been

used. but differences between the 5B and KC performance made this approach less

desirable. Third. the LKC recovery on the SB21 feed is shown. The SB21 outperforms

the LKC below 25 #Lm (point A). which is the reason the GRG content of the SB21 cannot

be used to calculate GRG recovery (which would then he greater than 100% for the -25

/Lm fraction). Note that total gold recovery is also greater for the 5B21 for three of the



coarsest size classes, but tbis could be due ta the Dugget effect (point B). Because so little

gold is found above 212 ~ (about 1% of total in each size class), and its liberation

uncertain, it is impossible ta Me in favour of eitber of the units. The nugget effect cannot

be invoked for the -25~ resuIt; rather, the bigher recovery of the 5B21 was clearly the

result of its higber acœleration, 120 Os vs the LlCC 40-70 Os (from ring 1 to 5). Overall,

the extremely low feed rate of the 5B21 made its performance very similar to tbat of the

LKC. Above 37 ,ml and below 212 pm, the LKC recovered more gold, because the higber

as of the S821 partially collapse the tlowing slurry and make the percolation to the surface

of the concentrate bed of particles in the 37-212 #LIll range more difficult.

3.5.2 Sbaking Table Performance

Table 34 gives the sbaking table test results. This information is important, as the

shaking table feed (STF) is in fact the 5B21 concentrate. About three quarters of the gold

was concentrated by the shaking table to its concentrate, as the feed assayed 2896 glt, and

the rails 729 g/t (Table A-Il and A-12, p. 110). The GRG content of the [wo samples was

underestimated because of the large feed masses (17.26 and 15.61 kg), which yielded very

high laboratory Knelson grades, 10.7% gold for the feed and 2.1 % for the table wls.

With lower feed masses, the GRG content in the shaking table feed (STF) should he as

high as 90%. as we obtained at Casa Berardi and many other plants. The GRG content of

the table tails is probably much closer ta the correct value, because the lower gold content

resulted in a less severe overload (Huang, 1996). Thus, the GRG recovery of the shaking

table was calculated using the GRO content of its tails. This yielded a GRG recovery of

86%. or

GRG recovery = 100%· [1 - (729-386) 1 2896-386)] = 86%

This estimate of GRG recovery is an upPer bound, as the GRG content of the STT was



underestimated because of the bigh concentrate grade. The recovery of gold would be the

lower bound (Le. assuming tbat all gold in the sn is gravity recoverable).

Table 3-4 Sbakïng Table test results

Prodw:t Grade (glt> UCC Rec. (~) Scqe Rec. (~) GRG Rec. (%)

Feed 2896 sa 7S 86-

Tails 729 48

- Based on the ORO content of the table Wls.


Partide Sïze u&m)



100 r--4~--------------..,

Figure 3-4 Gold cumulative size distribution of the -850 JLm fraction

of the shaking table feed. tails, and SuperBowl feed

•Figure 3-4 shows that gold in the SuperBowl concentrate (STF) is much coarser

than in its feed (PCUF). Between 105 and 600 J.lm, the gold distributions in the SB

concentrate are all higher than its feed. while below 105 J.lm, the opposite results is obtained.



There is a good agreement between the STF and STI cumulative size distribution. But the

STI bas a higher content of ·25 J1Dl gold than the STf (point A), as the shaking table cannat

recover it as well as the coarser fractions.

100 ------------------,

• 20

1,000100Parade Sïze ~m)

o L..- ....


Figure 3-5 Shaking table gold stage recovery

Figure 3-5 shows the table gold recovery as a function of particle size. It cm he

assumed that nearly ail of the gold is gravity recoverable, which means that GRG recovery

would only he slightly higher. The low recovery of the 37-53 p'm fraction could be due

to either to sampling, screening or assaying errors. GeneraIly, recovery drops with

decreasing particle size, an indication that table performance, rather than liberation, is the

main source of gold 10ss. Table performance could he significantly improved. as most

industrial operations can achieve table recoveries of 80 to 95 %. One possibility is to

screen table tails at 300 Ilm and reprocess the undersize in a small diameter centrifuge to

recover more smeltable gold (Huang, 1996).



3.5.3 Grinding Circuit Survey

Figure 3-6 shows that gold grades vary widely in the grinding circuit. The primary

cyclone concentrates a large amount ofgold to its undertlow (an indication of Iow gravity

efficiency), while the secondary cyclone bas a low enrichment ratio. This confirms further

that the primary cyclone Wlderflow should he the target ofthe gravity circuit. Except for the

secondary cyclone overf1ow, the ORO content is almost constant. The GRO content of

SCUF is probably underestimate~as it should he at least the same as that ofPCOFI. This

could he attributed to poor sampling, as will he discussed later.

120 r------------------.,100


ol'Caf rcUf SCOf SCt:f


1 0 Grade. GRG


Figure 3-6 Grade and GRG content of the -850 ~m

fraction of grinding circuit streams

Figure 3-7 gives gold's cumulative size distribution in the -850 J.1rn fraction of

1. The other possibility is mat the GRG content of the PCOF was overestimated.



100 r-~~--------------_

grinding circuit streams. It is evident that there is very little gold above 420 J1m in aU ofthe

samples. The PCUF and SAG mill discharge (SAG DIS) had a lower gold content in the -25

~m fraction than the other produets. As this very fine gold is difficult to recover by gravity,

especially with a shaking table, gravity circuit perfonnance should benetit from the low very

fme gold content. Gold in the SCUF is noticeably tiner than in the PCUF, which would

make it more difficult ta recover. Notice that the gold in the SCUF is slightly finer than in

the PCOF, which obviously is physically impossible, and confirms the sampling problem

noted earlier. Note that the size distribution ofgold does oot depend on the performance of

the LKC, which rules out the laboratory procedure as the source of the problem. The

sampling error probably stems from unsteady seci>odary cyclone operation, at least with

respect to gold. Unsteady secondary cyclone operatioo during very stable primary cyclone

operation had been noted at the Golden Giant Mine (Banisi et al, 1991).

v'----~~.....-.~10 100 1.0CX)

Particle Sïze (p.m)

• Figure 3-7 Gold cumulative size distribution ofthe -850 f..lm fraction of

grinding circuit streams


3.6 Summary



By analysing the above da~ the following conclusions can he made:

1. The SB21 recovered the full size range of GRG effectively, particularly below 25

J.Ut1. As the unit was underf~ it is impossible to assess what its performance would

he under nonnal operating conditioDS.

2. The low feed rate affected overall gravity circuit efficiency with a plant gold recovery

ofooly 15-20%, obviously much less than what could be reached. This was traeed

to inefficient screening ahead of the SuperBowl, not to the SuperBowl itself.

• 3. The extremely low feed rate made it possible to compare directly S821 and LKC

perfonnance. The Super80wl bettered the LKC below 37 J,lm, whereas the

Knelson was slightly better in the 37-212 J,lm size range. Unfortunately, the low feed

rate also made it impossible ta assess how the SB would respond metallurgicaIly

and mechanically to nonnaI feed rates.

4. The shaking table achieved a lower perfonnance than that in most plants, which could

be improved with a fmer feed. This could be achieved either by screening the SB

feed fmer or screening the SB concentrate in the gold room. Scavenging of the fine

table tails with a centrifuge \vould also improve overall performance significantIy~

and is the suggested route.

•5. The grades of grinding circuit streams varied widely. Most of the gold was

concentrated in the primary cyclone underflow, which was chosen quite appropriately

as the stream to bleed as SB21 feed. Plant recovery could have been increased

significantly with a much higher 8B21 feed rate.




4.1 Description of the Plant

Les Mines Casa Berardi, a joint venture owned by TVX Gold Inc. (60%) and

Golden Knight Resources (40%), is located near La Sarre, Québec. The East mine was

put into operation in September 1987, and as of May 1994, the remaining life was seven

years. The average head grades of the East and West mines were 14 g/t and 6.2 g/t,

respectively. Before it was shut down in 1996, the mill capacity was about 1800 tonnes

per day .

The crushed ore was fed to a SAG mill closed by a screw classifier, whose

overflow was then fed to two stages of cyclones, the overtlow of the first feeding the

second. Both cyclone undertlows were fed to a bail mill, while a bleed of the primary

cyclone underflow, about 30 tlh, was screened at 1.7 mm and fed to a 76 cm CD Knelson

Concentrator. The ball mill discharge and the Knelson tails were rewmed to the primary

cyclone pump sump. The Knelson concentrate was fed ta a shaking table producing a

smelting grade concentrate. The secondary cyclone overtlow was thickened and then sent

ta cyanidation circuit. Figure 4- t shows the simplified grinding and gravity circuit of Casa


4.2 Objectives

The major objectives were: (i) to assess the impact of fluidization water flow rate;

Cii) ta explore the importance of cycle time; (iii) to establish the relationship between total



and gravity-recoverable gold recovery and panicle size and (iv) confirm the nawre ofGRG

in the grinding circuit.


• ~point

Figure 4-1 Casa Berardi simplified grinding/gravity circuit

4.3 Plant Sampling Procedure

The graviry recovery circuit was sampled on July 17. 1996 by A.R. Laplante and

A. Farzanegan. after two days of mechanical problems both with the Knelson screen and

SAG mill. Knelson feed, tails, and concentrate were sampled at two different water tlow

rates and different cycle times. For the 150 L/min water flow rate test. Knelson samples



were extracted over a 40 minute cycle. In a second test. tluidization tlow was increased

to 350 L/min. and a full two hour cycle was used for gold recovery. with separate

sampling of the Knelson feed and taUs for cycle times of 040. 40-80 and 80-120 minutes.

The concentrate was sampled at the end of the recovery cycle. As the screen undersize

could not be accessed. the screen feed. Le. the primary cyclone undertlow was sampled

înstead. The Knelson tails samples were actually the Knelson tails combined with the

screen oversize as indicated in Figure 4-1. This type of sampling problem is inevitable

when the Knelson Concentrators Inc. screen is used. Table 4-1 lists the samples extracted.

4.4 Laboratory Test Work

The previous work bad showed tbat there is very little GRG above 300 1-LlD. so ail

the samples were screened at 300 ~m. and only the -300 ~m fraction of the samples was

fed to a LKC. For the Knelson concentrates. the high grade bowl was used; other samples

were treated with low grade bowl (both bowls are identical: the high grade bowl is

generally used with Knelson concentrates or table tails).

The standard procedure described in the previous chapter in sections 3.4.1 and

3.4.2 was used to process aIl the samples with a fluidization water pressure of 17 kPa (2.5

psi) and a feed rate averaging 300 g/min. Other LKC operating parameters are a1so listed

in Table 4-1. The masses were around 5 kg for Most -300 ~m samples. which is enough

for the purposes of determining gold content. The mass of 30-in Knelson concentrate

treated was lower for the first test. but remained adequate due to its higher gold content.

AIl LKC concentrate and tails subsamples were sent to Casa Berardi for fireassaying.

4.5 Results and Discussions

A metallurgical balance for each sample is presented in Appendix B (Table B-l to

8-10). Table 4-2 summarizes the results for the two tests. For aIl samples. the much

• •

Table 4-1 List of the samples extracted and the operating parameters for treatment with LKC

Tcsl Sample Cycle Time Mass -300 ,.m -300 ,.01 Fced Rate Fluidizing Water(min) (kg) (kg) (%) (g/min) Pressure (psi)

KC Feed 0-40 7.16 5.20 73 325 2.5150

lImin KC Tails 0-40 9.08 6.62 73 316 2.5

KCConc. 0-40 1.77 1.03 58 343 2.5

KC Fecd 0-40 7.75 5.09 66 339 2.5

KC Tails 0-40 7.28 4.91 67 317 2.5

350KC Fced 40-80 7.57 5.05 67 360 2.5

lImillKC Tails 40-80 5.64 3.85 68 320 2.5

KC Fecd 80-120 7.16 4.95 69 291 2.5

KC TaUs 80·120 6.96 4.13 68 350 2.5

KC COlle. 0-120 9.47 5.29 56 302 2.5



lower grade of the 212-300 #lm fraction and its very low gold distribution (l % or less)

fully vindicate the decision not 10 treat the oversize. It also suggests tbat the Knelson feed

is mucb too coarse, wbich will impact botb on feed grade and Knelson performance,

especially when the recovery cycle time is extended, because the +300 ~m fraction can

erode some of the -300 #lm gold already recovered (Laplante et al, 1996a; Xiao and

Laplante, 1997a).

Table 4-2 Summary of the plant Knelson tests

Test Samplc Cycle Timc -300 "m Gold GRG 212-300 "m(min) (g/t) (%) gold (%)

KCFecd ().4() 218.5 62.05 0.46

ISO Umin KCTaiJs ().4() 22S.5 60.60 0.57

KC CODe. ().4() 9482 88.95 1.28

KC Feed 0-40 201.3 60.02 0.65

KC Tails 0-40 194.2 60.11 0.66

KC Feed 40-80 203.9 58.39 1.01350 Umin

KC Tails 40-80 169.0 65.96 0.61

KC Fced 80-120 167.7 62.35 0.87

KC Tails 80-120 135.1 57.55 0.69

KC Cone. 0-120 16055 47.83 4.16

4.5.1 Test al 150 L/min

A fluidization water tlow of 150 L/min for a 30-in Knelson, which was used at the

time, corresponds to a 1.5 L/min f10w rate for the LKC, whose concentrating surface is

a hundredfold smaIler. This is much lower than the optimum measured for such a unit.

which is around 4 to 6 L/min (Huang, 1996).

Figure 4-2 shows that the size distributions of gold are in excellent agreement for



3o-in KC feed and rails. The Knelson concentrate bas slighdy coarser gold, indicating that

coarser GRG is preferentially recovered. Table 4-1 shows tbat coarse gangue is also

preferentially recovered, as the -300 #lII1 fraction drops from 73 % of the weight for the KC

feed and tails ta 58% for the concentrate. Visual examination shows much tramp iton and

sulphides were recovered in the concentrate, which is expected when an ore with a high

content arsenopyrite is ground in a SAG circuit. This material affects bath Knelson and

table performance.

Water tlawrate: 150 L/min100



=&~ 60


• ~\1.! 010~=§


010 100 1,000

Particle Sïze (p,m)

1 K~"" KC TailsK~ 1

Figure 4-2 Gold distribution of the -300 J.Lm fraction of

the 30-in Knelson feed, tails, and concentrate

AlI the -300 J.Lm fraction grades were high, 219 g/t for the Knelson feed and 226

g/t for its rails. The higher tails grade is an indication of the grade fluctuations in the

grinding circuit. This is due (0 very significant fluctuations in feed grade (mosùy because

the feed cornes from two separale mines, each with a very different gold and GRG

content), coupled with a relatively low stage recovery, which results in the Knelson feed

and rails grades being very similar.



GRG content is aIso bigh~ 61-62 % for the Knelson feed and tails~ and 89% for the

concenttate. The high grade and ORG content suggest tbat the gravity circuit is not quite

effective in reducing gold' s circulating load. The ORG content of the concenttate might

he even higher than 89%, since the high LKC concentrate grade~ 6.S % Au~ probably

produced sorne overload and some GRO was lost to the LICe taïls. There is ooly 1% of

the gold in the 212/300 #lm fraction, which means that the table feed couId he screened at

about 425 Ilm~ and oversize returned to the grinding circuit.

4.5.2 Test al 350 L/min

From Table 4-2, it is apparent that the 3o-in KC feed and tails grades fluctuated

widely. ORG content is aIso expected to have fluctuated~ as the ORG content is more

likely to vary than that of the non-GRO~wbich is often associated with fmer~ background

gold. Although the total gold content is higher in the KC feed than its rails for all tbree

time periods tested (0-40, 40-80 and 80-120 minutes), the difference hetween the two is

Dot stable, 7, 35 and 32 glt, respectively. ORO content also varies greatly, 58-62% for

the feed and 58 ta 66% for the tails. This makes the average GRO content of the tail~ (in

% of total gold) higher than that of the feed, which is Dot physically possible.

The agreement in gold size distribution between the Knelson feed and tails (average

of the three cycles) is again remarkable, as shown in Figure 4-3. The Knelson concentrate

is also coarser than feed as in frrst test. The implication is that sampling, sample

processing and assaying were reliable.

The feed mass of Knelson concentrate was too large and also produced overload

of the LKC, observed by the low ORG content, only 48%. and the exuemely high

concentrate grade, 20.3 % gold (shown in Table B-4, p. 115). Obviously plant KC

concentrate sample masses must he chosen much more carefully, as the high concentrate




Panide Size Van)

grade obtained not only invalidates the GRO content detennination, but also constitutes

a severe contamination risk.

Water' tlowrate: 3SO Umin100 t"'"""lII~---------------..


Figure 4-3 Gold distribution of the -300 JLm fraction of

the 30-in Knelson feed, tails, aod concentrate

The concentrate grade at 120 minutes, 16,055 g/t, was relatively low, it should

have been, at constant recovery, at least three times higher than that of the 40 minute cycle

at 150 L/min, 9482 g/t, due to its longer cycle time. It is concluded that cycle time was

too long at 120 minutes and hence produced the overloading of the plant KC.

4.5.3 Recovery Calculation

Both stage and overall gold recoveries cao be calculated by assuming a concentrate

mass of 45 kg and a feed rate to the Knelson of 30 t/h. The plant capacity will be assumed

to be 1800 tld with a feed grade of 6 g/t. The calculation of the stage gold recovery will

he based on the -300 ILm fraction and total recovery on the gold fed to the plant.



For the 40 minutes cycle test, the concenttate contained 58% of its weigbt in the

-300 ~m fraction al a grade of 9482 g/t. Feed and tails grades averaged 222 glt, at 73%

-300 #lm. From this the foUowing calculatioDS are made:

45kg)( 58% x 9482gltGold recovered = 100% = 248 g

1000 kglt

Goldfed to pianI == 6 gll x1800 (Id x 40 minutes = 300 g24 hourslday x 60 minUleslhoUT

40 minutes 73%Go/djëd to Knelson = 222 glt x 30 tlh x x -- =60 minuteslhaUT lOO%

3241 g

Based on the above information, stage recovery is calculated to be 8%. whereas

plant recovery was more tban 82%. a very dubious estimate. It is possible tbat the 1 kg

sample was not representative of the total Knelson concentrate. It would have been better

to extract a larger primary sample and then split it to 1 kg (which is enougb to eliminate

nugget effects). The high grades of KC feed and tails might also he due to timing of the

test, as sampling was perfonned severa! hours after a shut down of the 30-in KC. This

may have lead to accumulation of GRG in the circulating load. which wouId also explain

the high plant recovery. This type of problem can arise with punctual sampling surveys.

The performance of the long cycle lime test can be estimated in a sunilar way:

45kg x 56% x 16055gltGold recovered == 100% == 405 g

1000 kg/t

Goldféd ta plant = 6 glt x 1800 tld x 120 minutes == 900 g24 hours/day ;.c; 60 minureslhour

67%Goldfed ta Knelson = 191 glt x 30 t/h x 2 haurs x -- == 7678 g100%

For the test at 350 L/min. the increased cycle time \Vas not followed by a



corresponding increase in concentrate grade, and both plant and stage recoveries dropped

respectively, to 45% and only 5% of the gold in the -300,an fraction of the Knelson feed.

4.5.4 Comparing the Two Tests

Figure 4-4 shows the grades of -300 J.LDl fraction of the K.nelson feed and tails for

the two tests. It is obvious tbat bath feed and tails grades decreased as from test 1 to test

2, and even during test 2. As maintenance and mechanical problems were experienced

shortly before sampling, a large and unsteady gold inventory in the grinding circuit

existed. This may have resulted in high recoveries immediately after the running of the

Knelson which panly explains the lower recoveries of the second test.

300 ,-----------------,


-:- 200


'"; 150...:;,;



150. 0-40 350. 0-40 350. 010-80 350. 80-120

Water Flow Rate (L/min), Cycle Time (min)

1 0 KC Fc:ed C!J KC Tails 1

Figure 4-4 Grades of the -300 ~m fraction of the 30-in Knelson feed and rails

Figure 4-5 compares the proportion of gold in the -25 J-trn fraction for the Knelson

feed. concentrate and rails of test 1 and 2. It is shawn that in test 1. at a fluid flow of 150

L/min, there was an upgrading of the -25 #Lm in the Knelson rails and a corresponding



downgradïng in the KnelsoD concentrate. This problem is only experienced al tlows above

optimum (obviously Dot the case bere) or significantly below (a more likely occurrence

here). At 350 VIDin, the -25 pm gold is upgraded into the concentrate, an indication tbat

the optimum flow bas Dot been reached yet. Agam, evidence suggests that the lower

recovery of the second test was mainly linked to (i) the recovery cycle, whicb was too long

at two hours, on account of the fineness of the gold recovered, and the coarseness of the

feed and presence of significant amounts of arsenopyrite, and (ii) the unsteady nature of

the gold inventory in the grinding curcuit.

20 -----------------.,

-'#. 16--c~co 1" ­

Ç,) -


"0\-'ë ::l~



150. 0-40 350. 0-120

Water Flow Rate (L/min), Cycle Time(min)

1 0 KC Fee<! ~ KC TaUs am KC Cane. 1

Figure 4-S -25 JoLm gold content in the -300 J-Lm fraction of

the 30-in Knelson feed, tails, and concentrate

4.6 Summary

Test results confmned the high variability of the gold content in the grinding circuit



of Casa Berardi. which makes test work difficult. However. the following conclusions

still can he reached:

1. The GRG content at Casa Berardi remained very fme and comparable to

mat of previous work. There was vinually no gravity recoverable gold

coarser than 300 #tJIl.

2. A tluidization tlow rate of 350 Umin appeared more efficient than the 150

L/min previously used. which is still at the lowest limit of Knelson tlows

for a 30-in unit treating a -1.7 mm feed. especially for the -25 #Lm gold


• 3. The recovery cycle was too long at 120 minutes. which was the main cause

for the lower recovery of the second test because of concentrate bed


4. The fineness of the GRG suggests that a fmer feed would improve Knelson

efficiency and possibly extend the optimum cycle time. Separate screening

of the primary cyclone undertlow al 400 ILm would achieve this. but would

require considerable modifications. Another approach would he to use the

secondary cyclone undertlow as pan or ail of the Knelson feed.



5.1 Description of the Plant

The New Britannia Minesite is located in Snow Lake, Manitoba, 420 miles nonh

of Winnipeg. The mine previously operated from 1949 to 1958, extracting some 5.39

million tons of ore at a 0.150 ounce per tonl gold grade. In February 1994, TVX Gold

mc. and High River Gold Mines Ltd. entered into a joint venture pannership to develop

the Snow Lake property, naming TVX Gold Inc. the operator. Milling began al a rated

throughput of 86.6 tons per hour to average 2000 tons/day, and the first gold pour look

place in November 1995. In 1996, geological in-situ reserves were estimated at 5 million

tons at a grade of 0.194 oz/ton for 967,776 ounces. Diluted mineable reserves are

4,631.527 tons al a 0.168 oz/ton grade for 777,351 ounces of gold. The principal gold

bearing rock at the New Britannia Mine is made up of quartz-carbonate rnaterial in

sequence of basic and acidic volcanic rocks contained within a shear zone. The ore itself

is free gold associated with arsenopyrite (Halverson el al, 1996).

A simplified grinding circuit flowsheet is shawn in Figure 5-1. The minus 0.75

inch fine ore from the 3000 ton fme ore bin is fed to a Il.5 ft. diameter by 15 ft. Koppers

rod mill powered by a 1000 HP synchrous motor. Rod mill discharge at 78 % solids is

combined with the baIl mill discharge at 67 % solids and pumped 10 a 20 inch Krebs

primary cyclone. The primary cyclone undertlow feeds a 14 ft. diameter by 20 ft. long

Nordberg bail mill powered by a 2000 HP synchronous matar. The primary cyclone

overflow is pumped to seven 10 inch Krebs secondary cyclones and the secondary cyclone

1. English units are used in wJs section. as pcr the main reference.


underflow is aIso fed the bail mill. The secondary cyclone overflow repons to a 40 ft.

high rate thickener and tben to leaching circuit (Halverson et al, 1996).




• Sampling location

Figure 5-1 Simplified grinding circuit of New Britannia Mine

5.2 Objectives

After the closure of the Mineral Hill Mine and Casa Berardi operations. research

was re-oriented to 1VX's New Britannia Mine. The objectives were to: (i) determine the

size-by-size gravity recoverable gold (GRG) content in this ore; (ii) assess the behaviour

of gold in the grinding circuit; (iii) estimate the possibility of installing a gravity centrifuge

in the grinding circuit; (iv) compare SB and KC performance al mine site.

5.3 Plant Sampling Procedure

A grinding circuit survey was completed on May 1997. Seven samples of rod


mill feed and discbarge~ ball mill discharge~ primary cyclone under and overtlow~ and

secondary cyclone undert10w and overtlow were enracted and sent to McGill University

by the end of May.

5.4 Laboratory Test Work

AlI the samples were dried and weighed tirst~ and three quaners of the rad mill

discharge sample were combined with the rod mill feed sample as the feed for the GRG

test. Other samples were split and screened at 850 ~m with a Sweco; the six undersize

fractions were processed with the same LKC methodology presented in Cbapter 3.

Subsamples were sent back to New Britannia for tire assaying. Table 5-1 identifies the

samples treated and their operating conditions for the LKC tests.

Table 5-1 Description of the samples and the LKC operating conditions

Sample Total Mass -850 #lm -850 #lm Feed Rate Water Pressure

(kg) (%) (kg)- (g/min) (psi)

Rad Mill Feed 27.84

Rad Mill Discharge (RMD) 26.36 93.9 6.16 513 3.5

BaU Mill Discharge (BMD) 23.96 100 6.01 300 3.0

Primary Cyclone Underflow (PCUF) 31.95 88.3 7.24 517 3.5

Primary Cyclone Overtlow (PCOF) 15.02 100 7.68 384 3.0

Secondary Cyclone Underflow (SCUF) 27.57 100 7.02 390 3.0

Secondary Cyclone Overflow (SCOF) 11.26 100 5.63 216 2.0

* For LKC tests

GRG measurement

Woodco*ck (1994) presented a new methodology to characterize gravity recoverable

gold (GRG) in an ore. The procedure consists of a three-step recovery by using a 3-in


laboratory Knelson Concentrator to treat a sample mass of 40 to 120 kg (typically SO kg).

The sample is crushed and rod milled to 100% -8S0,an for the tirst processing, and the

last two recovery sœps treat the tails of the previous stage, ground 10 acbieve further gold

liberation. Stage two is normally performed on 24-28 kg ground al 4S-SS 9{, -75 ,.aD, and

stage three on 21-24 kg ground at 7S-80% -7Sp.m.

The Knelson tests are performed al increasingly lower feed rates and fluidization

water pressures to match the tiner feed, typically from 1000 g/min and 2S lcPa (4 psi) for

stage 1 to 400 g/min and 12 kPa (2 psi) for stage m. Because the test is optimized, it

yields the maximum amount of ORO; aetual plant recoveries will he lower due to

limitations in equipment efficiency, the usual approach of processing only a fraction of the

circulating load, and the need to produce a concentrate of smeltable grade (Laplante.


The LKC operating procedure and assaying subsample preparation were performed

as described in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. Table 5-2 shows the processing conditions for each stage.

Note that the feed to stage II was finer than normal, because the feed to stage 1 was also

fmer than average.

fLKC fi OROT bl 52 Pra e - ocessmg parameters 0 or measurement

Stage Mass Fineness Feed Rate Water Pressure Feed Grade(kg) (~) (g/min) lePa (psi) (glt)

1 45.67 100~ -850 llIl1 1110 28 (4.0) S.O

Il 23.75 67% -75 pm 560 25 (3.5) 2.8

III 22.1 82% -75 Jlm 330 17 (2.5) 1.9

•5.5 Results and Discussions

5.5.1 GRG Test

For each stage, a metallurgical balance is presented in Appendix C and the overall


metallurgical balance is calculated based on concentrate assays of the three stages and the

last stage tail assays (more accurate because of its fineness and removal of GRG).

Concentrates are assayed to eliminate any 'Dugget' effect.

Figure 5-2 shows the size distribution of the feed to the three stages. The Fil) for

each stage were 310, 90, and 61 ,an, respectively.

100 ,.---------~.....~~---.....

•o~----------------"10 100 l,CD>

Particlc Sïzc ~m)


Figure 5-2 Cumulative passing of the feed for three GRG stages

The metallurgical balances of the three stages are presented in Appendix C (Tables

C-I to C-3, p. 119). Overall results are presented in Table C-4 (p. 120). Assay

consistency can he assessed by comparing the tail grade of stage I, 3.3 g/t, to the calculated

head of stage Il, 2.8 g/t; and the tail grade of stage n, 1.8 glt, to the calculated head of

stage III, 1.9 g/t. Agreement is fair for the first comparison and good for the second.

Assays are also consistent for the tails fractions and trend consistendy for the concentrates

(e.g. from 29.0 to 397.5 g/t for size fractions of stage Ill). Il is concluded that assays cao

be considered reasonable.




0 ......-----------------...10 100 !.Ca>Partide Size (}lm)


Figure S-3 Size-by-size recoveries for each stage


Figure 5-3 shows gold size-by-size recovery for the three stages. The apparently

lower recoveries of the (wo fmest size classes for stage II could he anomalous and due to

concentrate assays that are too low, but evidence is inconclusive. The lower recoveries

above 212 Ilm are consistent, and indicate that the New Britannia ore contains very little

coarse gold.

Figure 5-4 cumulates gravity recovery in [Wo different ways. First, it is cumulated

from the coarsest to the finest size class - i.e. as a cumulative percent retained. The last

point to the left of each curve is the total recovery, for which a minimum panicle size of

13 Jlrn was arbitrarily chosen. Second. recovery is cumulated from stage 1 to stage m.Thus the highest point on the highest curve (stage 1 to In) shows the total GRG content.

75 %. AlI curves show that there is very little coarse gold: only 4% of the gold in the ore

is coarser than 212 }Lm. There is a substantial amount of gold below 25 Jlm, Il % of the

total gold ore and 15% of the GRG.


100 ,-----------------......


Particle 5ïze ~m)


• Figure 5-4 Cumulative recoveries for each of the three stages

Table C-4 shows that 38 % of the gold was recovered in stage J. 22% in stage II.

and 15 % in stage m. In other words, of a feed of 4.6 gft, 1.7 gft was recavered in stage

I. l.0 gft in stage n. and 0.7 gft in stage ID; 1.2 glt was not gravity recoverable.

Laplante (1996) reported that the lowest GRG content was found ta he 25 % and the

highest 94% among thiny-eight samples af gold ores tested al McGill for possible gravity

recovery. The average GRG content was 63% with a standard deviatian of 19%.

Therefore, New Britannia ore bas an aboye-average GRG content.

5.5.2 Grinding Circuit Survey

•Detailed results are listed in Appendix C (Table C-S ta C-I0, pp. 121-122) which

pravides the grade. GRG content, and the non-GRG grade of aIl samples.







-,.... -- .....



-ï ... . r- -




1 0 Onde (J ORO 1

Figure 5...5 Grade and ORG content of the -850 JLIll fraction of

grinding circuit streams

Figure 5-5 shows mat GRG contents of ail the streams are very high, from 40.7%

for the rod mill discharge to 73.2% for the primary cyclone undertlow. Grades are

extremely variable. fram 5.1 g/t for the secondary cyclone overtlow ta 148.6 g/t for the

primary cyclone underflow.

Gold size-by-size distribution in Figure 5-6 shows that the highest gold distribution

is around 37 #Lm, unlike Mineral Hill Mine which is 100 #LIll (Figure 3-8). This funber

confirms tbat gold is finely disseminated in New Britannia ore.

The size-by-size recovery by LKC of three possible centrifuge feeds, primary

cyclone undertlow, bail mill discharge, and secondary cyclone underflow. is shawn in

Figure 5-7. It decreases with increasing particle size for the (wo cyclone underflows.

whereas the bail mill discharge shows a relatively sile independent recovery, but with

significant noise.





Partide Sïzc: ~m)

01--------=~~t=ii ..·=A~L-...J10


-+- --- -+- - - -

Figure 5-6 Gold size-by-size distribution of the -850 JLm size classes

of grinding circuit streams


Partide Size l}Lm)





100 ,-------------------.,

Figure 5-7 Size-by-size gold recovery by LKC of the -850 #Lm

size classes of grinding circuit streams•


Based on the above information, resuIts of each stream is disc:ussed in details in the

following sections (Xiao and Laplante, 1997c).

RQd miU djsctwKe CRMPlRod mill discbarges typically conrain 20 to 30% GRG. A bigh GRG content,

40.7%, indicates tbat there is al least thal much GRG in the ore. With funher grinding by

ball mill, ORG content will be much bigber in other StreaJDS. In this case, the bigh GRG

content is not due to coarse gold, but to the relatively fine size distribution of the RMD,

46% -75 ~m and a Pao of about 300 Ilm.

Bail miU discharKe CBMPl

The bail mill discbarge contaîns a significant amount of GRG, 60%, mostly below

lOS #LD1, as was the GRG in the test on the ore itself. Its fine disttibution implies tbat the

bail mill bas excess capacity and its discbarge could he fed to the Knelson without

screening. This could require pumping of the gravity concentrate and tails, wbich is a

significant drawback.

PrimaQ' cyclone underflow œcUF>

This stream is the best target for gravity recovery, with 73 % GRG and the highest

grade, 148.6 g/t. As eXPected from the size distribution of GRG (Figure 5-4), there is

very Little coarse gold recovered. In facl, whereas 51% of the mass is above 212 ,.an, ooly

3% of the gold is, and even less of the GRG. Oearly, this stream would he an even better

candidate for gravity recovery if screened around 200 or 300 ILm, rather than the typical

1800 #Lm.

PrimaO' cyclone overflow <pçOf)

The high GRG content, 54%, and grade. 44.8 g/t, are highly unusual for cyclone

overf1ows, but have been observed elsewhere (e.g. Casa Berardi, Woodco*ck. 1994) for

primary cyclones whose overflow feeds secondary cyclones. 1lle primary cyclones act as


crude sizers to reject oversize (possibly because apex diameters are too Small)9 and the fine

separation is effected in the secondary cyclones.

Secooda[y cyclone undert10w <SCUf)

This stream bas a relatively high grade and ORO content9 92.0 g/t and 54% 9 which

makes it the second choice feeding gravity unit without screening. However, it contains

much less GRG than the primary cyclone underflow 9 and is therefore not as attractive a


Secondary cyclone overt1ow <SCQf)

This sample is very fine, 86% -75 Ilm9 and bas a very similar grade to tbat of the

rad mill discbarge, 5.1 g1t. The relatively high ORO content (for a SCQF), 46%, suggests

that although much of the gold bas been overground by the tilDe it repons to the secondary

cyclone overtlow, it still remains coarse enough to cause problems in the cyanidation


Ail six samples have relatively higher ORO contents than what is nonnally

encountered. The POtential of goId gravity recovery in New Britannia Mine is very higb;

about 50% of gold could he recovered by treating the primary cyclone undertlow with a

gravity centrifuge.

5.6 Plant Trial

Plant trials were perfonned at the New Britannia Mine to test goId gravity recovery

by comparing 20-ïn Knelson Concentrator (KC) to a Falcon 21-in SuperBowl (SB). Bath

primary and secondary cyclone uodertlows were tested, but ooly the week-Iong trial on

primary cyclone undertlow obtained stable and comparable results and will he discussed

in the following section (Jean9 1998).


5.6.1 Falcon SuperBowl

The SB plant trial was performed by P. Jean on lWO thirds of the feed rate of the

KC on a bleed of the primary cyclone underflow, for four days, from November 17 to 20,

1997. The rationale for using a lower feed rate with the SB for the comparative work is

that the 21-in SB bas two thirds the tluidized inner surface of the 20-in KC. A 21-in SB

was operated under a tluidizing water tlow of about 208 L/min (SS USGPM. the lower

limit) with a cycle time of2 bours. The concentrates and rails samples of tbree cycles were

combined for assaying and calculation. eacb data set making up one test. As the feed of

SB was sampled before the screen, il was not the ttue sample, and the SB head grade was

therefore calculated based on its concentrate and tails assays and masses.

Table 5-3 Summary of Falcon 2i-in SuperBowl test results (trom Jean, 1998)

Feed Concenttate TailsTest

Rate Grade Weight Grade Rccovery Grade(tIh) (glt) Obs) (glt) (%) (glt)

SB-l 8.5 41.5 123.1 11542 33.6 27.4SB-2 7.7 32.2 131.6 9684 42.6 IS.5SB-3 9.1 41.5 146.9 13411 43.7 23.3SB-4 8.7 51.4 136.2 1351S 34.4 33.6S8-5 9.3 54.5 148.1 13103 31.9 37.0SB-6 10.4 38.7 148.2 8775 27.0 2S.1S8-7 10.9 47.3 145.2 20441 47.S 24.7S8-S 10.8 56.9 140.1 23164 44.0 31.9S8-9 7.4 64.8 136.2 19381 46.0 35.0

SB-1O 6.5 77.5 139.0 27224 62.7 2S.SS8-11 6.0 55.2 131.9 11213 37.1 34.6SB-12 7.1 45.3 129.9 12451 42.0 26.1SB-13 8.3 44.9 133.5 12623 37.7 27.8S8-14 7.7 35.0 135.3 12544 52.7 16.5

Average 8.5 49.0 137.5 14934 ~1.7 2S.1

Table 5-3 summarizes the plant week-Iong trial results for Falcon SB. The SB

recovered 42 % of the gold in its feed, with a standard deviation of 9 %. This stage

recovery can he translated into a plant recovery. Using the published data of a 2000 stld


and a head grade of S.2 g/t (Halverson et al, 1996), plant recovery was equal to:

Pl t I-J 137.5 lbs • 0.4536 kg/lbs • 14934 g/t 41\C1Lan go," recovery = = U70

2000 st/day • 6 hours / 24 hours/day • 907.2Icg/st .5.2 g/t

The 40% recovery is more than baIf of the GRG in the ore, which was measured at 74.6%

(section 5.5.1).

5.6.2 Knelson Concentrator

A 2Ü-in CD KC was used to treat a bleed of primary cyclone undert10w from

September 15 to 18, 1997. The KC was operat.ed onder a tluidizing wat.er tlow of 265-284

Umin (70-75 USGPM). Other operating conditions and calculation were similar to tbose

of the Falcon SB. OveraU results are presented in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Summary of 2Ü-in Knelson test results (from Jean, 1998)

Feed Coneentraœ TailsTest

Raœ Grade Weight Grade Recovery Grade(tIh) (glt) (lbs) (glt) (%) (glt)

KC-1 15.8 58.3 130.3 25574 30.1 40.8KC-2 11.9 43.5 136.2 16734 36.7 27.4KC-3 12.3 39.1 139.2 14605 35.2 25.4KC-4 12.8 40.8 116.3 11419 21.2 32.2KC-5 12.4 77.2 121.7 27615 29.3 54.5KC-6 12.4 53.8 159.2 12671 25.3 40.1KC-7 12.4 52.1 211.4 9307 25.4 38.7KC-S 12.4 46.0 183.2 10490 28.2 32.9KC-9 11.1 39.1 200.0 10205 37.8 24.3

KC-lO 12.3 39.1 161.9 12928 36.3 25.0KC-ll 12.3 44.9 147.3 13912 31.0 30.9KC-12 11.4 39.4 153.2 15445 39.6 23.7

Avera~e 12.6 45.6 155.6 15074 31.3 32.9

The Knelson, operated at a higher feed rate than the 21-in SB, recovered Jess goJd,


31 % of its feed, into a concentrate of very similar grade, 15074 vs. 14934 g/t. However,

the higher feed rate yielded a bigher overall gold recovery, despite the lower stage


P I '(/ 155.6 lbs • 0.4536kg//bs • 15074 gll 450~.anl gO'1 recollery = = 70

2000 sllday * 6 hours 124 hours/day • 907.2 kglsl *5.2 gll

When recovery is regressed as a function of feed rate and unit type, the following

regression is generated:

R = 55.5 ±18.5 % - 1.4± 1.6Q - 5.0±5.6x

R: gold recovery, %

Q: feed rate to recovery unit, tIh (dry)

x: dummy variable, (x=O for the 21-in SB, x= 1 for the 20-ïn KC)

The regression bas no significant parameter (even al a low confidence level, such

as 80%), and predicts a bigher recovery for the SB of 5.0% over the KC. This

improvement has a statistical error of 5.6%, and cannot therefore he considered

significant. Il does suggest a slight advantage for the SUPerBowl; additional work is clearly


A water saving cone (WSC) with an experimental ·retainer ring' was also tested

with the 20-in Knelson, and fragmentaI results suggested a higher gold recovery, but

cannot be directIy compared to the above data, as a shoner recovery cycle, 1 hour, and

average feed rate, 10.6 st/ho were also used. Because of lime limitations. no one-week

trial of the WSC was completed. This is unfortunate. as the WSC is rapidly becoming the

standard for Knelson operation.

The SuperBowl and Knelson unÎts produced very similar performances (Le. they

were nat statistically different. even at a low confidence level). The methodology used,


with the lower feed rate to the SB, was very questionable, because both units bave a

sunilar size and, with the Knelson WSC, a similar water consumption.

Because the (wo units are simiJar, it MaY weil he argued tbat a fair comparison

should be based on similar operating conditions - Le. feed rate. This feed rate sbould

approacb realistic plant operation, which calls for maximum goid production, obtained at

a very bigh feed rate. It cao tbus he argued tbat bath units were tested at a feed rate wbich

was too low to assess their full impact on overal1 recovery. In other words, because the

economic and metailurgical impact of these units is maximized al maximum throughput,

to maximize the mass of gold recovered, comparisons at lower feed rates cao he

misleading. Despite these limitations, test work did demonstrate tbat the SB was similar

to the Knelson in performance at feed rates below optimum.

5.6.3 Detailed SB and KC Performance

To gain additional insight into the comparative performance of the two centrifuge

units, samples of feed and tails were extracted at the end of each test series, and shipped

to McGill for funher processing. The samples were screened al 850 #tfll, and the undersize

processed with a 3-in Knelson al a feed rate of 400-500 g/min and fluidizing water pressure

of 27 kPa (4 psi), using the protocols oudined in sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. Size fractions

were assayed at Spectrolab, Rouyn-Noranda. Table S-S details experimental conditions

and overall results; Appendix C (Table C-ll to C-14, pp. 123-124) and Figures 5-8 and

S-9 present size-by-size data.

Table 5-S shows the extremely low stage gold recovery for the KC (20%), which

averaged 31 % for the full week trial (Table 5-4). This might he due to its reJatively low

feed grade. 40.8 g/t compared to that of the SB feed, 50.0 g/t. The laboratory test work

yielded similar results to the plant trial, Le. the SB recovered more gold from its feed.

Such a direct comparison is unfair to the Ke, as its higher overall gold recovery (because


of its higber feed rate) caused a bigher drop in the circulating load of gold in the grinding

circuit. This lower load corresponded ta a decrease in the ORO content, from 69% in the

SB feed to 59% in the KC feed.

Table 5-5 Sample descriptions and the overall results

Sample -8S0 "m -850 "m -850 "m GRO Stage Gold SIaFGRG

Mus (%) Mau (kg)* (gIt) (%) Rec. (%) Rec. (%)

S8-14 Feed 64 6.39 50.0 69 48 66

S8-14 TaiIs 86 8.56 25.9 49

KC-12 Feed 74 7.34 40.8 59 20 40

KC-12 TaUs 89 8.81 32.S 40

* Processed by LKC

Total gold recoveries are based on the differences between feed and tails gold

grades, whereas GRG recoveries were caIculated assuming that ail gold recovered is GRG,

and the unit's tails GRG content is that recovered by the 3-in LKC (as in section 3.5.1).

There appears to he sorne seaner in the data for bath units, in the coarse range for the SB,

presumably a nugget effect, and in the fme range for the Ke, possibly screening errors

(e.g. a tear in the 25 J.Lm concentrate screen, the Most probable eause).

Despite this seaner, a cJear picture emerges. For the SB, gold recovery is

maximum at intermediate particle size, and drops significantly beJow 37 J.LD1 and above 425

ILm. GRG follows a similar trend, but at a higher recovery. For the KC, gold recovery

is around 30 to 40%, except above 300 #Lm.

GRG recovery is constant and from 50 to 70% over the full size range, indieating

that the loss of gold recovery above 300 #Lm is due to a Jack of liberation (Le. MOSt +300

ILm goJd in the KC feed is not gravity recoverable). It is surprising that the KC

outperfonned the SB below 37 #Lm (on account of the higher Gs of the SB), and funher test

work would he needed to confirm this finding.


100 ,.....----------------,


PIIrticfe Bize (l'm.


0 .....----------------'10


I~"&401fi 20c:J

Figure S-8 Size-by-size GRG and gold stage recovery of the 21-in SuperBowl•100 ,------------------.,


Plrtlcle Size (l'm)



l~ so•>ou~ 60

"'0C) 40 t--4~=="'lr_----__;;&_---:~------:1lIUll--t

"C•CGl: 20 r:====-r-----------'::----IIUL--tC)

•Figure 5-9 Size-by-size GRG and gold stage recovery of the 2ü-in Knelson

(20%: average gold recovery; 40%: average GRG recovery, from Table 5-5)


Figure 5-9 is aIso surprising in tbat bath total and gravity-recoverable gold

recoveries, calculated on a size-by-size basis, are above wbat was calcuJated from the

overall total and gravity-recoverable goId content (Le. Table 5-5). Upon inspection, the

problem was traced to the feed sample, which in fact is the screen feed. 1be -850 ,an

fraction of this sample is much coarser than tbat of the KC tails and as a result the impact

of the +212 JLIl1 fraction is exaggerated. A sunHar problem was noted with the SB feed.

To correct both problems, the feed total and gravity-recoverable gold content was

reca1culated using the size disaibution of the taiIs ofeacb respective units (in fact assurning

that size fractions in the screen feed bad the correct total and gravity-recoverable gold

content). Table 5-6 shows the new estimates of total and gravity-recoverable gold content

for the SB and KC feeds, as weil as the total and gravity-recoverable gold recoveries based

on these new estimates (old estimates are sbown in brackets).

Table 5. Corrected estimates of the overall results

Sample ·850 ldD ORO ORO Stage Gold Stage GRG

(g/t) (glt) (%) Rec. (%) Rec. (%)

S8-14 Feed 56.1 (50.0) 39.7 71 (69) 54 (48) 69 (66)

KC-12 Feed 48.1 (40.8) 28.8 60 (59) 32.5 (20) 55 (40)

Ail estimates are up from the previous ones, more so for KC, which displayed more

size effects (gold and GRG content) than the SB. This is an impottant finding as screen

feed are often used to represent KC feed samples, because of the inaccessibility of the

screen undersize (the true KC feed) as was the case for the Casa Berardi tests. This is

particularly true with the screen supplied by Knelson Concentrators mc. for their 30-in


5.6 Summary

A GRG test confinned that 74.6% of gold in New Britannia ore is gravity


recoverable. more than 78~ of it below lOS ,.un, an indication of abondant finely

disseminated gold tbat cm nevenheless be Iiberated.

Bath the GRG test and the data generated with the six samples from the grinding

circuit confirmed the very good potential of the New Britannia ore for gravity recovery.

The primary cyclone underflow is the Most interesting wget because of its extmnely bigh

GRG content and grade.

Plant trials yielded very good results. as more tban 50% of the ORO was recovered

from a bleed of the primary cyclone undertlow. The SB and KC acbieved performances

that were statisticaIly not significantly different. despite the fact tbat they recovered

different amount of gold trom the feed and circuit, due to their different feed rates.

However. units should be compared on the basis of optimum economic impact. whicb

occurs wben equivalent units (in capacity) are operated al maximum feed rate, to maximize

gold production. This was not the case in tbis test work.



6.1 Introduction

Severa! methods can he used 10 evaIuate the efficiency of gravity separalors. The

conventional metbod includes first optimizing operaÜDg parameters, then feeding an ore

to the separator, analysis of the products for the valuable minerais, and plotting a curve

of concentrate grade (or gold) versus recovery. Most other methods for the assessment of

gravity separators are based on the use of sYDthetic feeds. For example, Diamond

Research Laboratory in Johannesburg manufactures a range of plastic markers, using a

different coloUl for each relative density, and extrudes these markers inlo peUets. Tbese

markers have been used very sucœssfully in the assessment of heavy-medium separation.

It was believed that markers rme enough to he used in fine separations such as spirals or

shaking tables could not he manufactured. Even if they could he manufactured, il was

argued that their recovery for re-use and for the identification of the various colours would

be difficult (Ouest and Ounne, 1985). However, a program of fundamental spiral research

undenaken at the JKMRC over the last three years bas drawn heavily upon the use of the

different coloured density tracers as synthetic feedstocks (Edward et al, 1993).

Walsh and Rao (1988) first used radiotracers to evaluate a compound water cyclone

as a fine-gold concentrator. Subsequently, the technique was applied to a Pan American

jig, a statie wedge wire screen and an elutriator (Walsh, 1989). Clarkson (1990) bas also

used the technique to full-scale sluicing operations. Walsh and Kelly (1992) applied it

again to investigate the perfonnance of a spiral. More recently, Clarkson (1997) used it

to the detection of gold traps in a grinding circuit.


For the evaluation of gravity centrifugaI concentrators, Buonvino (1994) used

magnetite and silica to test a Falcon B6, a fine material concentrator. In the Knelson

concentrator overloading test, Huang (1996) chose fine metal1ic tungsten to mimic the

behaviour of gold, as its density (19.3 g/cm3) is identical to that of pure gold. Magnetite

was used as a substitute for the main gangue minerai of gold gravity concentrates, pyrite;

the two minerais bave approximately specific density, around 5.0, and but magnetite can

he easily recovered by bath gravity and magnetic separations. Silica, with a specifie

density of 2.65, was used to mimic the light gangue, the main component of Most ores.

The obvious advantage is that synthetic feeds can he totally liberated. and their size

distribution, shape, density and grade cao he controlled (Guest and Dunne. 1985). This

can eliminate the impact of middling panieles which have a negative impact on unit

performance. especially for gravity separation. Huang also pointed out tbat, for gold

gravity studies. there are at least another three additional benefits for the use of synthetic

ores. First, wben uying to achieve high concentrate grades with a fixed concenttate mass,

the use of gold would he cost prohibitive. Second. the risk of contamination for parallel

work with much lower head grades is eliminated. Third, the use of a tracer with a

controlled shape can shed light on the behaviour of gold panicles with much lamellar


In this study, the same materials (tungsten. Magnetite, and silica) were chosen to

compose the synthetic ores to evaluate the performance of a new gold centrifugai

concentrator, the laboratory 4-ÎD Falcon SuperBowl Madel (SB4).

6.2 Objectives

The objectives of this program was to explore the effect of fluidization water

flowrate and feed capacity on the SB4 performance with different gangue size and density


under a 120 Gs centrifugaI field. The possibility of treating flash concentrates was aIso


6.3 Feed Preparation

6.3.1 Tungsten

'The tungsten was obtained from Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Works of China and

in the size range of -600 +212 1lfIl. witb irregular shapes. To obtain the desired size

distribution, the tungsten was first screened; coarse fractions were ground in a baIl mil}

and then screened from 600 #Lm down to 2S Ilm. Each size fraction was tben stored

separately. The -2S Ilm tungsten fraction was funher classified with a Warman cyclosizer

to remove -8 Ilm particles to reduce the experimental error. The size distribution of this

fraction is shown in Table 6-1 .

Table 6-1 Size distribution of the -25 Ilm tungsten fraction

Cone 1 Sïze (&Lm) 1 Wt. (g) 1 Wt. (%) 1

1 -15+19 19.70 30

2 -19+ 12 15.00 38

3 -12+8 6.88 Il

4 -8+6 2.74- 4

5 -6+4 0.68- 1

-4 10.15· 16

Tnl.21 fiol\ 101\ 100

(*: removed for the sample)

6.3.2 Magnetite

The magnetite was obtained from a 40 kilo sample of cobber concentrare1 sample

1. A cobber concentrale is a rougher concenlrate produced with a low inteosity magnetic separator (weIdrum) in a tacooile flowsheet.


of Iron Ore Company of Canada Limited. The sample was fust processed with a sbaking

table, its middlings were then cleaned with a band magnet; bath shaking table concentrate

and magnetic middlings, about 16 kilos, were screened on a Rotap from 600 Io&m down to

25 ~m; part of the coarse fractions were ground with a Sepor 30 cm lengtb x 30 cm

diameler rod mill and screened repeatedly to obtain the desired size distribution. Finally,

each fraction was c1eaned with a band magnet and the non-magnetic fraction rejected to

ensure an easy separation of tungsten from magnetite. The specifie gravity for each size

class was measured, and was in excess of 4.7 for ail size fractions. This was deemed

adequate to mimic most sulphides, whose density ranges from 4.1 to 5.0 (pyrile). Denser

sulphides such as arsenopyrite (6.1) or galena (7.5) wouId require separate testing. For

galena (or cassiterite). ferrosilicon would provide a convenient magnetic substitute.

Table 6-2 Size distribution of fine magnetite or silica synthetic feed

c:J Total Wt. Tungsten Magnctitcl5i1ica Tungslen Tungsten{Jl: (%) (g) (g) (%) Dist'n (%)

300 3.7 15.8 356 4.25 10.6

212 7.6 18.5 144 2.43 12.3

150 14.1 24.5 1386 1.74 16.4

106 15.2 21.7 1493 1.43 14.5

15 13.4 17.1 1327 1.27 11.4

53 11.2 12.0 1I04 1.08 8.0

38 11.5 14.8 1I33 1.29 9.8

25 12.3 13.5 1219 1.09 9.0

-25 11.0 12.1 1088 1.10 8.0

Total 100.0 150.0 9850 1.50 100.0

As one purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the SB treating a

flash flotation concentrate. which is mostly composed of sulphides. the size distribution

of a flash concentrate from mine Lucien Beliveau (Putt. 1994) was chosen to he the size


distribution of fine magnetite and tungsten synthetic feed. The overall tungsœn grade for

different feeds was 1.5% with a total mass of 10 kilos. The size-by-size weight and

distribution of both tungsten and magnetite are shown in Table 6-2.

6.3.3 Silîca

Different size fractions of silica were prepared by grinding and screening silica

sand and flour obtained from Unimin Canada Ltd. A relatively coarse distribution was

chosen for the coarse silica and tungsten synthetic feed, which was based on Woodco*ck's

(1994) frrst GRG test with the Alaska-Juneau (Al) ore, as shown in Table 6-3. A rIDesilica-tungsten feed was also prepared, of a size distribution identical that of magnetite in

Table 6-2.

Table 6-3 Size distribution of coarse silica synthetic feed (100% -850 pm)

c=J Total Wt. Tungsten Silica Tungsten Tungsten Dist'n

(}.Lm) (%) (g) (g) (%) (%)

600 15.0 13.4 1491 0.89 8.9

425 14.9 19.6 1474 1.31 13.1

300 11.5 20.8 1124 1.81 13.8

212 8.4 16.4 828 1.95 11.0

150 8.1 19.0 788 2.36 12.7

106 6.3 14.0 612 2.23 9.3

75 6.3 12.3 622 1.94 8.2

53 4.5 8.6 436 1.93 5.7

38 4.9 6.6 482 1.34 4.4

25 4.2 4.0 417 0.94 2.7

-25 15.9 15.3 1576 0.96 10.2

Total 100.0 150.0 9850 1.50 100.0


6.4 Test Procedure

A shown test procedure is in Figure 6-1. The synthetic ore was first processed

with the SB4; its concentrate was then dried and screened size-by-size. Each size fraction

was treated by a Mozley Laboratory Separator (MLS) to separate tungsten from silica or

magnetite. For the magnetite feed, tungsten recovered by MLS was funher cleaned with

a band magnet to remove the residual magnetite.



sa Teils

§Il~1 1


Figure 6-1 Simplified test procedure

6.4.1 Operating the ~in SuperBowl

The prepared material was blended thoroughly and split into ten l-kg sub-samples.

To avoid tungsten settling to the bottom of the feed tank, because of its density, dry


samples were fed to the SB4 maml3l1y at identical lime intervals. For aIl tests, feed solids

percent was kept at 40%, except for the tests at bigh feed rate, 5 kg/min, for wbich a

density of 48% solids was used (the maximum water tlow tbat could he handled by the unit

without spill). 1be detailed operating procedure is as foUows (adapted from the MODEL


1) Tum on supply water ta unit. Ensure it is cleaned of old samples and rotating

union drain is closed.







Check rotor basket is secure and impeller boIt tight. InstaJl the funnel lido Put a

barrel to collecl tails.

Stan concentrator motor and open tluidizing water valve at the same time. Adjust

the fluidizing and slurrying water tlow rates. Feed the materials in a given rime.

ACter aU of the sample bas been processed, simultaneously shut down concentrator

motor and slowly shut off tluidizing water while the rotor coasts to a stop. (As

shutting off the tluidizing water supply too saon will cause the concentrate to pack

in the riffles). Conversely, if the tluidizing water supply is shut down tao slowly,

the concentrate may he flushed out of the riffles and report to tails.

Disconnect the power to the SB4, remove the funnellid and unscrew the impeller

boIt in the rotor bottom. Lift out the plastic rotor bowl and carefully rinse the

concentrate into a pan.

Place a bowl onder the rotor shaft, open the valve on the union and rinse any

particles from inside the water jacket thraugh the ho11ow rotor shaft combining it

with the bowl concentrate.

Thoroughly rinse the tails launder and the entire machine ta collect a11 the sample

for the reuse. After senling for 10 hours, decant and dry the tails.

•6.4.2 Analysis of 4-in SuperBowl Concentrate

The SB4 concentrate was decanted. dried, and screened on a Rotap for 20 minutes


from 600 #lm down to 2S pm. The amount of tungsten in each size fraction was

determined with a Mozley Laboratory Separator (MLS) and a band magnet. To contirm

the reliability of this method, preliminary tests were performed with different maœrial

combinations al different sizes. The MLS operating parameters and corresPOnding test

results repeated very weil at the same operating conditions; at least 97% tungsten was

recovered with little variance by this separation method.

Table 6-4 MLS operating pU'ameters

Size Sample Water Flowrate Table Frequency Amplitude Slope

(ILm) Tunastell (Umin) Sbaoe (fJ)ID) (cm) n>106 Silica 0.5 V 70 2.5

TungsteD 1.5 1.75

<106 Silica 2.5 Flat 90 3.5

TungsteD 3.0

Table 6-S MLS preliminary test results

Size Sample Test TungsteD Recovery Average

(Ilm) Tungstell: 10 (g) No. (g) (%) Rec. (%)

1 9.91 99.1

Silica: 20 2 9.92 99.2 99.2

+3Q0-425 3 9.92 99.2

1 9.90 99.0

Magnetite: 10 2 9.91 99.1 99.1

3 9.92 99.2

1 9.80 98.0

Silica: 10 2 9.84 98.4 98.3

+53-75 3 9.86 98.6

1 9.65 96.5

Magnetite: 10 2 9.75 97.5 97.4

3 9.81 98.1


6.4.3 Test Arrangement

Sixteen tests were performed with three types of synthetic feeds at three or four

different fluidizing water tlowrates (109 15, 20, 25 L1min) and three different feed rates

(1,29 4 or 5 kg/min). First9 the optimum tluidization water tlowrate was determined for

each sample with a feed rate of 1 kg/min. The feed rate was then tested al the optimum

fluidization water flowrate. This approach rninirnized the required number of tests 9 an

important consideration9 as the feed samples bad 10 he re-used. which would evenmally

lead to 10ss of tungsten and inaccurate test results.

6.5 Results and Discussions

For each test 9 size-by-size concentrate mass and tungsten content were recorded 9

and the overall tungsten recovery and concentrate grade were calculated (all are shown in

Appendix D). Because of the high tungsten recoveries and screening errors. some size

fractions had more than 100% recovery, making size-by-size tungsten recavery

calculations impossible (but redundant).

6.5.1 Observation of the Concentrate Red

According to the SB4 user manual, the optimized fluidizing water tlowrate is

obtained when concentrate collected in the riffles just stan. to slump out of the lower riffle 9

as it should not be packed hard. It aIso suggests to use as Iowa water backpressure as


During each test, the concentrate bed was inspecled and ilS formation was

recorded; il is shown in Table 6-6. Concentrale bed loosened with incr~asing fluidization

water tlowrate. whereas feed rate had little effect. The optimum water flowrate for these


three samples (fme silica, coarse silica, and fme magnetite) would be 10, 15, and 20

L/min, respectively, according to the bed sloughing criterion suggested in the operating

guide of the user manuaI.

Table 6-6 Observation of 4-in SuperBowl concentrate bed

1 Sunple 1Waœr Flowraœ (Umin) Feed Rate (kg/min)

10 15 20 25 1 2 4/5

Fine Slump Slump No - Slump Siump No

Silîca Bed Bed

Coarse Packed Siump No - Siump Siump Siump

Silîca Soft Bed

Fine Packed Packed Packed Siump Packed Siump Siump

Magnetite Hard Soft

Lancup (1998) had tested the effect offeed rate, and found tbat the concentrate bed

was packed harder with increasing feed rate; no such relatiooship was found in this work.

The difference may be due to the following reasons: (i) Lancup's feed solids percent was

much higher than that used in this work, about 60-70 %, and a lower slurrying water

flowrate was used; (ii) step 4 in the operating procedure, which is a key factor affecting

the concentrate bed formation, was perfonned differently.

Visual observation of the concentrate bed showed that coarse tungsten panîcles

were on the bed surface of both the fluidized and non-fluidized fractions, when concentrate

was packed bard (the surface of slumping concentrate beds could not he examined). This

was also observed by Lancup (1998), and Huang (1996), for a 3-in Knelson. Huang also

used a separable bowl to recover the 3-in KC concentrate, once frozen. and analyse its

content. The innermost layer was found to contain most of the tungsten at a very high

grade, 87.2%. Buonvino (1994) examined the dynamics of solids bed formation of a B6

Falcon Concentrator - a non-fluidized separating rotor, and found that the bed builds up


quickly with a non-selective recovery and tbat recovery of heavy panicles occ:urs

predorninantly on the surface via capture sites.

6.S.2 Effect of Fluidizadon Water Flowrate

Figures 6-2 and 6-3 show the nmgsten recovery and concentrate mass of the tbree

synthetic feeds at different t1uidization water tlows. For the coarse and fine silica samples,

tungsten recoveries were very high, more than 97%; bath recovery and concentrate mass

decreased slightly with increasing water tlowrate. 1be lowest fluidizing water tlow tested

yielded the highest recoveries, but must be very near the optimum tlow, given the very

high recoveries achieved, 97-99%. As tungsten recovery ftom the coarse silica sample at

10 and 15 L/min did not change very much (â=O.3%), the optimum fluidization water

flowrate should he hetween 10 and lS Umin. For the fine silica sample, the optimum

water flowrate should he between 5 to 10 Umin. The slightly higher tungsten recovery

with coarse silica gangue was probably due ta the coarser tungsten size distribution (23 %

-75 J-Lm vs. 35% -75 ~m for the fine silica gangue).

The fine magnetite sample showed quite a different behaviour. At fiuidization tlow

rates of below 15 or above 20 L/min, tungsten recovery decreased; in the range of IS to

20 Umin, the highest recovery was obtained, above 9S %, which was about 3% lower tban

for silica gangue, coarse or fine. The concentrate mass aIso decreased with increasing

water flowrate because of the increasingly looser concentrate bed. Lower recovery

coincided with a very tighdy packed concentrate bed, suggesting that poor tluidization was

the cause of the loss of recovery. Conversely, an excessive t1uidization flow, such as 25

L/min with the fme magnetite gangue, caused some of the tungsten to be washed out of the

concentrate .


F••d rat. 1 kg/m in

100 r-E=========----l_ 95



80 -------------------'


10 15 20

Water flowrate (L/min)



•Figure 6-2 Tungsten recovery of the three feeds at different water tlowrates

(C-S: coarse silica; F-S: fme silica; F-M: fme magnetite;)

Feed rate 1 kg/m in


100 ""------------------'

Figure 6-3 Concentrate mass of the three feeds at different water flowrates

(C-S: coarse silica: F-S: fme silica: F-M: fine magnetite;)•

10 15 20

Water flowrate (LI min)




Figure 6-3 shows mat the concentrate mass was twice as high for the fine magnetite

than the fme silica gangue. This cao he explained by assuming the same concentrate

volume was obtained, since the specific gravity of magnetite is twice mat of silica - i.e.

5.25 and 2.65, respectively.

Tungsten recovery cao be correlated with bed packing to test the manufacturer's

suggestion that the optimum tluidization flow corresponds to a concenttate bed that begins

to slump al the end of the test. Table 6-6 suggests that the highest recovery is achieved

when the bed is softly packed~ ooly when it is packed bard is the tlowrate clearly too low.

Because gold is lamellar (flaky), and will have a lower terminal settling velocity tban

tungsten, the rungsten results are likely to predict an OptimUDl tlow equaJ to or above that

of gold. The manufacturer recommends a higher flowrate, one tbat is clearly too bigh for

optimum results.

Magnetite: Feulrate 1 kg / minlm r------------......-----,

!l}L...-. ---'

10 100 I,(JJ)

Size (am)

•Figure 6-4 Size-by-size tungsten recovery of the fine magnetite feed

at different water tlowrates

Because of the relatively lower recovery of the fme magnetite feed. its size-by-size


tungsten recovery was calculated, and is shown in Figure 6-4. Because of screening

errors, the following size classes were combined in the resuit: -25 and 25-37 #dI1, 212-300

and 300-425 #lm, and an average recovery is used for 37-53 and 53-75 J.LIll fractions.

Tungsten recovery decreased for all the size fractions at a water tlow of 25 L/min. For

the two lower water flows, the overall and size-by-size tungsten recoveries cbanged very

littie. The U curve of the 2S Umin test was also obtained by Ling with a 3-in Knelson

(1997) and Buonvino with a B6 Falcon (1993). In Ling's worky a sunilar feed was tested

with a variable speed 3-ïn KC al three different centrifugai fields. The size-by-size

tungsten recoveries at 60 and IISGs ail presented a sunilar U shape at a low fluidizing

water tlow, 2 Umin, but over a much more narrow size distribution, whereas at high flow

rate, the U shape disappeared. Buoovino obtained a relatively narrow middle range

(plateau) size-by-size recovery curve by tteating magnetite and silica feed with a B6 Falcon

Concentrator (a non-fluidized unit).

This information suggests that the 4-in SB operates at least panly under a non­

fluidized condition, even at relatively high fluidizing water tlow rate (due to its smaller

riffied surface) and therefore bas a separating behaviour which combines some features of

the Knelson Concentrator, and others of the batch Falcon (section 2.3.5).

6.5.3 Elfect of Feed Rate

For the fine silica gangue feed, the maximum feed rate could ooly reach 4 kgimin,

whereas the other two samples were processed at a maximum feed rate of 5 kg/min. Ali

three gangues were tested at a water flowrate of 15 Umin, which is equal or very close to

the optimum.

Detailed results are in Appendix D. Figure 6-5 shows that tungsten recovery was

constant for the coarse silica sample over the full range of feed rate (from 1 to 5 kg/min).

For the fine silica feed, the tungsten recovery stan to decrease from 97.8 % at 2 kg/min


to 96.5% at 4 kg/min. a very slight drop. The fine magnetite sample showed a decreasing

recovery with increasing feed rate. which means that a high density feed was more

sensitive to feed rate changes (the overall drop remains low. ooly 4%). Laplante et al

(1996b) had reponed a sunilar fmding for a 3-in Knelson Concentrator.

Water flawrlte 15 L/min

100 ---------------..,

96 _______

-~ ----------~~ ~...~

~"..j~ 88



80 .......--------------.....• 2

Feed rate (kg/min)



Figure 6-5 Tungsten recovery of the three feeds at different feed rates

(C-S: coarse silica; F-S: rme silica; F-M: rme magnetite;)

Figure 6-6 shows that feed rate had Hale if any effect on the concentrate mass

recovered. Only with the rme magnetite gangue did an increase in feed rate affect

concentrate mass, which dropped from 558 to 468 g when feed rate increased from 1 to

5 kg/min. Laplante et al (1994) had reponed a similar trend for a B6 Falcon Concentrator

tested at the Snip Mine, but the effect was much more significant. The mass recovered

is clearly first a function of gangue density, then gangue particle size, and fmally

fluidization water flow.

Figure 6-7 was obtained by adjusting the data in the same way as Figure 6-4

(grouping of same size classes ta decrease the effect of experimental errors). Tungsten


Water flowrate 15 L/mln

600 r----------------_'iô-500(ft(ft



100 .......---------------~



Feal rate (kg/min)


Figure 6-6 Concentrate mass of the three feeds at different feed rates

(C-S: coarse silica: F-S: fme siIica; F-M: fme Magnetite;)

Magnetite: water flawrate 15 L/min100 ,..------------~-----

8)~----------------.....10 100 1,(0)

sm: C#lm)

Figure 6-7 Size-by-size rungsten recovery of the fine magnetite feed

at different feed rates


recovery decreased for all the size fractions and the two curves al 2 and 5 kg/min were

aImost parallel. The obvious li shape confirms further the similarities between the bateh

Falcon and SuperBowl operation. and aIso suggests that the lower recovery of the finest

fraction of the test at a feed rate of 1 kg/min might be caused by experimental error,

especially when considering the concentrate mass of this fraction (see Appendix D).

6.S.3 EtTect of Gangue Size and Density

As mentioned earlier. the size-by-size tungsten recovery could he obtained for most

tests. but the concentrate mass distributions still cao reveal the different effects of bath

gangue size and density on the 4-in SB performance. Figures 6-8 and 6-9 give the mass

distributions of the three feeds and their concentrates at a water tlowrate of 15 L/min and

feed rate of 1 kg/min.

Ganime size

Water flowrate 15 Umin, f••drat. 1 kg/min


Sïzc !}Lm)



•1 C-F F·F c.c F-C 1-+------

Figure 6-8 Comparison of concentrate size distribution for silica gangue

(C-F: coarse feed; F-F: fine feed: C-C: coarse concentrate; F-C: fine concentrate;)


For bath fine and coarse silica gangue, the conccnttate size disttibution was very

similar to that of the feed. The small differences between feed and concenttate size

distributions can he informative. For fine silica, the coarser fraction (+212 Itm) was

preferentially recovered, but not at the expense of the finest fraction (-37 #LJD), but the

intennediate size range (37-150 #LM). This was even more obvious at a lower fluidization

tlow (l0 Umin, Appendix D, page 127). Very fine (-2sltm) silica rejection did take place

witb the coarser sample, but not because the coarsest fraction was recovered, as there was

slightly less +425 lUIl material in the concentrate than in the fced. For bateh centtifuges,

concentration mechanislDS are complex, and differ very significantly al the beginning of

the recovery cycle (Huang, 1996).

•GanlWe densitY

wa., ftowrate 15 Umin. fHdrata 1 kg/min


Size (,lm)




•Figure 6-9 Comparison of concentrate size distribution for the fine gangue

(M-C: magnetite concentrate; S-C: silica concentrate;)

(hatched Ime: corrected mass for the M-C;)


Figure 6-9 compares fme silica and Magnetite feed and concentrate distributions.

The fine silica curves have been discussed above. What is striking is the similarity

between the magnetite and silica concentrate curves. Note that the mass in the two finest

classes of the magnetiœ concentrate had to he corrected because of screen faiIure (the 25­

37 ~m fraction was assumed equal to tbat of the feed, and the -25 Jlm mass corrected

accordingly). The higher density of the magnetite bas favoured recovery of the -25 pm

fraction (even when corrected) rather than that of coarse (+212 #lm) Magnetite.

6.6 Laboratory vs. Plant Performance

Can the perfonnance of the 4-in and 21-in SB units he directly compared? IfGRG

performance is used (to account for liberation problems) and feed rates are scaled up or

down on the basis of constant loading (tlh of feed per m2 of concentration area), as was

suggested for another gravity unit, the Reichert cone (Rolland-Ban, 1978), this may he


With the coarse silica gangue, tungsten recovery was still above 98% at a feed rate

of 5 kg/min, which corresponds to a feed rate of

5 kg/min * 60 minlhour * (21 inch f4 inch =8.3 (/h

1000 kglt

for the 2I-in SB, at constant loading (tlh of feed per m2 of concentration area). Yet, the

measured GRG recovery was much lower at New Britannia (76%, Table 5-6), or even

Mineral Hill al much lower feed rates (56-82 %, Table 3-3). The differences can he

explained by:

i) the synthetic feed was 1()()% -850 ~m, whereas the plant feeds were



ii) the plant feeds contained sorne sulphides.

iii) the plant SB operating variables were not fully optimized.

iv) gold's size distribution~ shape factor and density in plant feeds were not as

conducive to recovery as those of tungsten.

v) small differences in geometry (Le. groove cross-sectional shape) between

the 4-in and 21-in SBs make a direct comparison impossible.

Ail five hyPOtheses are likely and funher test work will he required to assess tbeir

respective contributions. Since Laplante et al (1998) found that the performance of a 3-in

KC and 4-in SB on flash tlotation concentrates was very sunHar. clearly the differences

between GRG and tungsten recoveries are not specific to the SB, but are a general problem

of semi-batch centrifuge unïts.

6.7 Summary

The SB4 recovered more than 90 % of tungsten for aH tests with a fme magnetite

gangue~ and more than 95% of tungsten for ail tests with a coarse or fme silica gangue.

(1) The 4-in SB achieved extremely high recoveries over the full size range of

tungsten (almost 100%) for low density feeds. Results for the magnetite feed

confirmed that flash concentrates cao he effectively treated with a SB at a suitable

feed rate and fluidizing water tlowrate.

(2) Within the range tested, fluidization water flowrate had a limited effect on the 4­

in SB performance for both the coarse and fine silica feeds. and a significant one

for the magnetite feed. Test work confinned that different feeds had a different

optimum tluidization water tlowrate.


(3) Feed rate spanned a wide range for the light gangues without a significant effect

on recovery. With a high density gangue, increasing feed rate bad a more

deleterious effect on recovery, which appeared to he uniform for all size fractions.

Recovery nevertheless remained high, 92%, at a feed rate of 5 kg/min.

(4) The efficiency of the 4-în SB is affected primarily by gangue density. A high

density feed was sensitive to changes of both feed rate and fluidizing water flowraœ

and had a lower overall performance than lower density feeds.

(5) Feed size had little effect on the overall 4-in SB metallurgical performance with a

low density gangue, but significandy changed the concentrate size distribution.

With a fme feed, recovery of the very fine (-25 #lm) particles went up significantly.

(6) Tungsten recoveries achieved with the 4-in SB were much higher than ORO

measured in full scale units in Chapters 3 and S, al equivalent or lower loadings.

The differences couId have been caused by a number of factors. Many of which

could he investigated at plant and/or laboratory scale.



7.1 Conclusions

The practical and fundamental experiments accomplished the desired objectives and

obtained results which are summarized below:

1. Both laboratory and plant performances confirmed tbat SuperBowl is an effective gold

centrifugai concentrator within the range of variables tested.

• • The concentrate bed formation and size-by-size recovery of the SB4 suggested that

SuperBowl combines characteristics of both Knelson and Falcon Concentrators (as

of its bowl structure), which makes it operate mainly under non-fluidized

conditions and suits the recovery of fme particles. Gangue density was the most

significant factor affecting its perfonnance. as observed for Knelson Concentrators

at plant and laboratory scales.

• Comparison of a 21-in SB with a 20-in KC at the New Britannia Mine

demonstrated that bath machines could achieve sunHar perfonnances (i.e. with no

statistically significant difference) at plant scale, at relatively low feed rate. This

comparison, however, was incomplete. and it did not address sorne key issues

which are outlined in Chapter 5.

•• The 21-in SB at the Mineral Hill Mine recovered the full size range of GRG.

especially below 25 ~m. As the unit feed rate was limited by the screen ahead of

it to 0.3-2 tlh, the overall plant recovery was relatively low, ooly 15-20%. By


installing a large capacity screen, the gravity recovery would have increased


2. Grinding circuit surveys detennined tbat the best stream for gravity recovery was the

primary cyclone undertlow for both the Mineral Hill and New Britannia Mines.

Compared to other streams in the grinding circuits, the primary cyclone underflows bad

the highest gold grade, and the highest proponion of gravity recoverable gold. Feeding

part or aIl of this stream to a gravity centrifuge would achieve bath the highest gold

primary concentrate grade and recovery.

3. Test work at Casa Berardi funber confinned the fineness of its GRG, with virtually no

gravity recoverable gold coarser tban 212 #lm, which suggests that a finer feed would

increase the Knelson performance. Because of the unsteady gold inventory in the grinding

circuit, bath stage and overall gold recoveries couId not he measured accurately. It was

concluded that 350 L/min is a better fluidization tlow rate than 150 L/min, and that the

recovery cycle was too long at 120 minutes.

4. The GRG content in the New Britannia ore. 75%, was above average among thiny eight

ores tested, but relatively fme. more than 78 % GRG helow 105 ~m. This suggests a finer

sereen should he used ta remove coarse barren panicles feeding ta the Knelson or

SuperBowl and achieve a better gravity circuit perfonnance than that obtained in the plant


7.2 Recommendations

Mineral Hill (to be implemented upon recommissioning of the mine and mill)

• • A GRG eharacterization test should he perfonned on a representative sample of the


ore to assess the full potential of gravity recovery.

• Gravity recovery should he pursued at Mineral Hills, but with a much larger bleed

of the primary cyclone underflow.

• Scavenging of fine gold from the table tails should he tested.

Casa Berardj (to he implemented upon recommissioning of the mine and mill)

• The potential of gravity recovery at Casa Berardi bas been known for a number of

years. Unfonunately, this potential has been ooly partially tapped because of a

failure to take into account the very rme nature of the gravity recoverable gold.

• • An efficient screening circuit should he installed to prepare for the 3o-in KC a feed

which is optimal for gold recovery. This would probably require screening of a

primary cyclone undertlow bleed al 400 to 500 ~m.

• Once an adequate feed bas been secured, operating parameters (recovery cycle lime

and tluidization tlow rare) should he opümized. It is Iikely that much lower flow

rates and larger recovery cycles could he used with armer feed.

New Britannja

As gravity test work was terminated because of the Iow gold price and a failure to

detect an impact on overaIl goId recovery, it is difficult to fonnulate any specific

recommendalion at this point. It is likely that despite the significant amount of test work,

the full potential of gravity recovery, both metallurgical and economic, has not been fuIly

determined. Recoveries of more than 50% by gravity appear feasible, given the high GRG

content of the ore. This cao ooly he achieved if a much higher throughput is bled and fed


to a centrifuge (in excess of 30 t/h). This could he tested on eitber a 2o-in Knelson or 21­

in SuperBowl, whenever gold's price will have recovered enough to justify the


A corporate approach to gravity recovery may he as imponant as good site

teehnological expertise and comminnent to operational exceUence. Although in principle

gravity circuits are easily retrofined in operating plants. the constraints of circuit layouts

are such that retrofit exercises are seldom optimum and are at rimes very far in efficiency

from wha~ could have been achieved had gravity been considered at the green field stage.

The relevance of gravity recovery can he established easily in a project. with relatively

inexpensive testing (Woodco*ck and Laplante, 1993) early in the design stage. Generally

little test work is needed to generate the information required for appropriate flowsheet

design. It is then up to the design team to allow for the appropriate space in the plant

layout to allow for both primary and secondary (gold room) recovery. The Most

successful operations are those where the gravity units are fed significant tonnage, to

maximize gold production by gravity. This implies that the screening stage ahead of the

cenuifuge must also he properly designed. Thus the corporate technical team must

exercise judicious decision-making at the design stage and have the vision ta incorporate

gravity recovery in the original plant flowsheet. or at least to make retrofit not only

possible but also effective, should the potential for gravity recovery he such that the

decision to use gravity recavery must be delayed.

7.3 Future work

This study was meant to be exploratary, and did not seek to elucidate in detail

concentration mechanisms in SuperBowls. Nevenheless. results clearly indicated that the


bottom part of the concentrate bed was similar to that of a Bateh Falcon, wbereas the top

one was similar to a Knelson Concenttator. There was no clear transition hetween the

two. Further work should determine the relative contribution of tbese two zones to overall

recovery, and compare the DaOJre of the concentrate bed and effect of operating variables

with their effect on both the "Falcon" and "Knelson" concentrate zones. The foUowing

questions could then be answered:

1. [s the lower pan of the concentrate bed as sensitive to concentrate bed

erosion as the Falcon (Laplante and Nickoletopoulos, 1997)?

2. Does the lower part make a significant contribution to fme gold recovery,

as suggested by the manufacturer?

3. Could bowl geometry he improved for example by adding a tluidized ring

lower down the taPered section?

This study did not address the effect of rotating speed which cm significantly affect

the SB performance. Not oruy couId rotating velocity be optimized, but it would he

possible to investigate the effect of ramping velocity up or down throughout a recovery

cycle to mitigate the effects of concentrate bed erosion.

As discussed in Chapter 6, factors likely to affect the success of an industrial unit

should be investigated in as many industrial SB circuits as possible. The existing gold

market has led to the c10sing (temporary or permanent) of a number of operations (e.g.

Mineral Hill, Casa Berardi, Madsen gold) where SBs were or could have been operated,

making this type of survey difficult to carry. Ultimately, successful industrial operations,

rather than academic surveys, will determine the fate of a given industrial unit.

That the 2I-in SB and 2ü-in KC yielded similar performances is not really a novel

finding, as bath uoits are semi-batch centrifuges with back-flow fluidization water. The

comparison is far from complete. as it should have included the very important following







Because absolute gold recovery is achieved at maximum feed rate, bath

units should have been tested at increasing feed rates, up to the point wbere

gold recovery no longer increases. For the 20-in Ke, indications are tbat

tbis may he as much as 70 tIb (used at the Kundana Mine, HiJJman (1997».

The WSC cone tested on the 2i-in KC yielded higher gold recoveries tban

the fourth generation cone used for the extended testing period. Funher

œsting of the KC should include the WSC, wbose use is rapidly spreading

(Laplante, 1998).

Factors such as mechanical reliability, ease of operation. wear-pan life.

water consumption. sensitivity to operations variables and disturbances, ail

of which cm reduœ operating availability and increase operating costs. are

critical in equipment selection. In the test work at New Britannia. there was

some evidence tbat the 21-in SB was more sensitive to operating conditions

tban the 20-in KC. from test observations (Jean. 1998) and the lower feed

density and rate used for the week-long trial. These factors are best studied

in industrial environments. and it is unlikely that the McGill University

research team is best qualified to carry out this type of work.

The test work at Casa Berardi indicated that shott-term tests may he usefui to gain

an understanding of how full scale units work, but may he too vulnerable to feed

fluctuations (flow rate, gold grade, GRG content and size distribution) to identify optimum

operating conditions. It is suggested that an evolutionary operation (EVOP) method

(Mular. 1971) would he statistically and cperationally more robust, and its use should he

tested and documented at a chosen site.








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Table A-I to A-IO: Plant SuperBowl Test

Table A-II to A-12: Shaking Table Perfonnance

Table A-13 to A-17: Grinding Circuit Survey

• Table A-l MiœraI Hill Mine --8j() ,.nt T·(·F. 641 &fmin. 3.5 psi107

IlIII~ II:. TAIUi FEEDSïze Weight " Grade Rec. Weilht " Grade Rec. Weilht " Grade DiIl'n(sun) (Il) '{,Weimt (vU (~) (Ill) "Weim (IZIU (~) (If) "Wei. (2ft) (~)

600 37.24 18.16 62 26.42 869 8.13 7.4 73.58 906 8.32 9.6 0.74420 42.39 20.67 121 24.77 1492 13.96 10.4 75.23 1534 14.09 13.4 1.75300 38.69 18.87 171 25.10 1601 15.05 11.8 74.20 1647 15.12 15.S 2.16210 22.08 10.71 472 26.19 1204 Il.27 24.4 13.81 1226 11.26 32.S 3.37ISO 20.44 9.#J7 4990 68.21 1251 11.71 38.0 31.19 1211 11.68 117.6 12.65105 15.71 7.69 10153 79.84 1093 10.23 37.0 20.16 II09 10.18 180.9 16.9715 13.36 6.52 16466 81.89 1018 9.53 47.8 18.11 1031 9.47 260.5 22.1453 7.33 3.57 16613 79.43 515 5.39 54.8 20.57 583 S.35 263.1 12.9737 4.82 2.3S 29111 81.71 596 5.58 52.8 18.29 601 5.52 286.4 14.5725 1.75 0.85 33142 6S.SS 383 3.59 81.2 34.45 385 J.54 234.7 7.65·25 1.18 0.58 26236 59.10 595 5.57 36.0 40.90 596 5.48 87.8 4.43

TOCiI 205.05 100.00 4190 72.71 10000S 100.00 30.2 27.29 10890 100.00 100.S 100.00

Table A-Z Mineral Hill Mine -850 l&JJl T-(-T. 543 glmm. 3.5 psi


Sïze Weight " Grade Rec. Weipt " Grade Rec. Weipl " Grade Dist'n(s,un) (Il) ~Weillht (IZIU (!i) (Il) %Weillht (IliU (%) (2) %Wei2ht flllU (~l

600 31.16 16.12 19 44.45 248 5.29 2.9 55.55 280 5.72 4.6 o.n420 39.12 20.23 28 20.31 526 11.19 8.0 79.63 565 Il.SS 9." 2.92300 35.60 18.41 59 22.97 672 14.30 10.4 71.03 707 14.46 12.8 5.01210 20.04 10.37 198 48.03 537 1l.4] 8.0 5l.97 557 Il.39 14.8 4.$7150 19.63 10.15 339 36.76 572 12.19 20.0 63.24 592 12.11 30.6 10.01105 16.58 8.58 692 44.12 523 11.13 27.8 55.88 539 11.03 48.2 14.3875 14.97 7.74 1349 SUS 524 Il.16 36.2 48.45 539 11.03 72.6 21.6653 7.97 4.12 2206 65.47 290 6.17 32.0 34.53 298 6.09 90.2 14.8S37 4.95 2.56 2499 51.13 296 6.29 40.0 48.87 301 6.15 80.5 13.3825 2.11 1.09 2656 37.07 189 4.02 50.4 62.93 191 3.90 79.2 8.36-25 L21 0.63 1232 19.82 321 6.83 18.8 80.18 322 6.58 23.4 4.16

Total 193.34 100.00 430 4S.93 4697 100.00 20.8 54.07 4890 100.00 37.0 100.002.9 1(onginal assay i.s 28.6 glt)

Table A-J Mineral Hill Mine -8SO p.m T-U-F. 798 glmin. 3.5 psi

Ill'ATh TAILS FEEDSize Wcight % Grade Rcc:. Wcighl % Grade Rcc. Weight " Grade Dist'n(pm) (2) <F,.WeÎ2hl (IliU ("1 (Il) %Weillhl (Illt) f"l (2) "Wei2ht (2/t) ("l

600 38.75 22.11 95 14.23 965 9.10 23.0 85.71 1004 9.31 25.8 1.51420 38.15 21.77 485 34.74 1565 14.76 22.2 65.26 1604 14.88 33.2 3.11300 35.71 20.38 1386 4J.32 1627 15.34 39.8 S6.68 166J 15.42 68.7 6.68210 21.06 12.02 2960 57.09 1294 12.20 36.2 42.91 1315 12.20 83.0 6.39150 16.40 9.36 9105 69.12 1334 12.58 50.0 30.88 1351 12.53 159.9 12.63105 9.78 5.58 20929 72.18 1022 9.64 77.2 27.82 1032 9.57 274.9 16.5875 7.26 J.14 38006 76.10 9SO 8.96 91.2 23.90 957 8.88 J78.7 21.20S3 3.84 2.19 37909 68.09 632 S.96 108.0 31.91 636 5.90 336.4 12.5037 2.66 1.52 38726 65.49 414 3.91 131.0 34.51 417 3.87 377.2 9.2025 0.98 0.56 37182 30.13 371 3.49 228.0 69.87 372 3.45 325.5 7.07-2S 0.66 0.38 22440 21.83 431 4.06 89.2 72.17 431 4.00 123.4 3.11

Total 175.25 !oo.DO 6070 62.21 I060S 100.00 60.9 37.19 10780 100.00 158.6 100.0023.0 1(ongmal assay IS no g It)

• TabIeA-4 Mineral Hill Mine -850~ T-O-T. 642 &lmin. 3.5 psi


1a ... ~alC T~ fEEDSize Weighl % Grade Rec:. Wei&bt % Grade Rec:. Wcicm % Grade Dia'n(Jml) (Il) %Weillhl (l[/t) (") (2) %WeilEhl (2/0 (") (Jl) "WeiÔl (1[/0 (~)

600 14.86 9.63 44 34.14 154 1.96 8.2 65.86 169 2.10 11.4 0.29420 26.41 17.11 45 8.51 456 5.80 21.0 91.49 483 6.02 21.9 2.12300 26.09 16.91 132 15.99 713 9.06 25.4 84.01 139 9.21 29.2 3.Z7210 17.81 Il.54 243 23.70 774 9.84 18.0 76.30 792- 9.87 23.1 2.17150 18.51 11.99 1265 50.69 1035 13.16 22.0 49.31 10St 13.14 43.' 7.02105 14.24 9.23 1972 42.89 954 12.13 39.2 57.11 968 12.07 67.6 9.9575 14.16 9.18 4331 51.81 1098 13.96 52.0 48.19 1113 13.11 106.5 1'.0053 9.96 6.45 6399 47.'17 934 11.87 14.0 52.03 944 11.17 140.7 20.1837 7.71 5.03 6978 43.29 800 10.17 88.8 56.11 807 10.01 155.1 19.0125 2.74 L711 8802 32.16 436 5.55 116.6 67.34 439 5.48 170.8 11.39-25 L77 U5 5412 24.62 5ll 6.50 58.0 15.38 S13 6.oW 16.7 5.91

Total 154.32 100.00 I1TT 41.66 7866 100.00 48.8 5&.~ 8020 100.00 82.1 100.008.2 1(animai assay IS 12 &ft)

Table A-S Mineral Hill Mine -8SO~ T·m-f. 590 glmin. 3.5 psi


Size Weight 'JO Grade Rec:. WeicN % Grade Rcc. Weiaht ~ Grade Disl'n(lLm) C1z) 'rcWeillhl (1l/U (%) (Il) %WeÏlzht (IUt) (%) (2) 'JOWeiaht (IUt) (~)

600 23.02 13.21 84 43.55 212 3.21 11.8 56.45 235 3.47 18.9 0.66420 34.23 19.75 65 31.11 St, 8.27 9.0 61.89 582 8.57 12.3 1.06300 36.77 21.21 271 44.74 892- 13.4& 13.8 55.26 929 13.6& 24.0 3.30210 22.06 12.13 616 27.91 &20 12.39 42.8 12.09 842 12.oW 57.& 7.21150 18.36 10.59 1794 S9.76 798 12.06 27.8 40.24 816 12.02 67.5 8.17105 12.51 7.22 4009 59.51 659 9.96 51.8 40.49 671 9.89 125.5 12.4975 10.82 6.24 8627 71.66 671 10.14 55.0 28.34 682 10.04 191.0 19.3053 6.33 3.65 13352 69.39 489 7.39 76.2 JO.61 496 7.30 245.8 18.0537 4.84 1.19 lS002 71.51 432 6.53 67.0 28.49 431 6.43 232.6 15.042.5 1.19 1.26 15635 55.01 347 5.25 80.6 oW.99 350 5.15 178.0 9.22-25 2.22 1.28 1306 43.61 749 Il.32 28.0 56.39 151 11.06 49.5 S.51

Toul 173.35 100.00 2375 61.00 6617 100.00 39.8 39-1)0 6790 100.00 994 100.00

Table A-4i ~fincral Hill Mine -850 Ilm T-ill-T. 589 glmin. 3.5 psi

CONCENTR /\-TE TAiLS FEEDSize Weight % Grade Rcc. Weight % Grade Rcc. Weight % Grade Disl'n(,.ml C~) %WeÎ2ht (2/t) (~) (2) ~Weillht (2ft) (%) (JI:) %Weillht Clûtl ;~)

600 8.93 6.29 8 43.91 38 1.98 2.4 56.09 47 2.28 3.5 0.16420 17.80 12.53 24 34.54 116 6.03 7.0 65.46 133 6.48 9.3 1.22300 25.70 18.09 52 27.69 213 11.09 16.4 72.31 2J8 11.S8 20.2 4.76210 18.71 13.17 57 23.09 213 11.10 16.8 76.91 232 11.24 20.1 4.59150 19.03 13.40 106 30.95 230 11.97 19.6 69.0S 249 12.07 26.2 6.42105 16.13 11.36 374 48.62 204 10.66 31.2 51.38 220 10.70 56.3 12.2375 15.75 11.09 489 46.69 230 12.00 38.2 5J.31 246 11.94 67.1 16.2653 8.93 6.29 919 47.01 179 9.35 51.6 52.99 188 9.14 92.8 11.2137 6.27 4.41 1312 50.32 151 7.87 53.8 49.68 157 7.63 104.0 16.1225 2.48 1.75 1576 JO.97 124 6.49 70.0 69.03 127 6.16 99.4 12.44·25 2.30 1.62 1018 26.86 220 11.46 29.0 73.14 222 10.78 39.2 8.59

Toul 142.03 100.00 291 40.76 1918 100.00 31.3 59.24 2060 100.00 49.2 100.00

• MinenJ Hill Mine -8.50 1'111 T-IV-F, 645 &lmin., 3.5 psi


TAILS FEEDSîze Weight '1ii Grade Rec. Weipt $ Grade Rec:. Wei&ht '1ii Grade Dia'a(uro) (2) $Wei2ht (21tl (~) (Il) '1iiWeilfbt (lÛt) ('1ii ) (2) '1iiWeimt (lÛt) (SI

600 JO.71 17.84 144 51.78 895 7.61 4.6 48.22 926 7.75 9.2 0.66420 35.09 20.38 242 42.41 1602 13.61 7.2 57.59 1637 13.71 12.2 I.SI300 32.81 19.09 392 41.42 1822 15.48 10.0 58.58 18S5 IS.SI 16.8 ~.39

210 19.93 11.58 1685 53.81 1"1 12.2j 20.0 46.19 1461 12.Zt .2.7 4-.79150 18.07 10.50 6424 72.61 1479 12.57 29.6 21.39 1497 12.54 1015.8 lZ.%7105 13.26 7.70 14310 78.38 1229 la." 42.6 21.62 1242 10.«> IM.9 18."7S 10.68 6.20 18801 76.82 1130 9.61 53.6 23.18 1141 9.56 229.1 20.01553 5.44 3.16 33641 81.34 611 5.19 43.4 12.66 617 5.16 339.• 16.0137 3.63 2.11 38411 81.12 614 5.22 52.8 18.88 618 5.18 278.1 13.1925 1.44 0.84 37804 63.21 384 3.21 8'2.2 36.73 386 3.23 223.0 6.60·25 1.02 0..59 30706 62.79 559 4.75 33.2 37.21 560 4.69 89.1 3.13

Talai 172.14 100.00 5659 74.78 11768 100.00 21.9 25.22 11940 100.00 109.1 100.00

Table A-8 Mineral Hill Mine -8S0 jlJTl T-IV-T. 577 glmin, 3.5 psi


Sîze Weight $ Grade Rcc. Wei&ht- '1ii Grade- Rcc. Weilht % Grade Dïst'n(!Lm) (Il.! '1iiWei2ht (210 (") (V '1iiWeimt (21t) ($) (\p) %Weil!ht (\pIt) (~)

600 16.90 9.86 37 59.65 70 1.97 6.0 40.35 87 2.33 12.0 0_67420 26.76 15.61 Il 15.81 212 5.92 7.4 84.19 239 6.36 7.8 L18300 31.81 18.56 25 19.00 361 10.08 9.4 81.00 393 10.47 10.7 2_66210 20.61 12.02 60 28.70 375 10.47 8.2 71.30 395 10.54 10.9 2.74150 20.56 11.99 332 .50.62 4.50 12.51 14.8 49.38 470 12.54 28.7 8.57105 17.44 10.17 386 37.44 408 11.39 21.6 62.56 425 Il.33 42.3 Il.4375 16.98 9.91 1051 55.50 464 12.98 30.8 44.50 481 12.84 66.8 20.4453 9.79 s.n 1781 58.63 380 10.61 32.4 41.37 389 10.39 76.4 18.9037 6.44 3.76 2352 55.52 323 9.02 37.6 44.48 329 8.78 82.9 17.3425 2.40 1.40 2914 41.80 215 6.02 45.2 58.20 218 5.81 76.8 IG.63-25 1.73 1.01 1681 33.96 321 8.98 11.6 66.04 323 8.62 26.5 5."

Total 171.42 100.00 448 48.84 3579 100.00 "".5 51.16 3750 100.01 42.0 100.00. ICorrccted

Table A-IJ Mineral Hill Mine ·850 llm T-V-F. 561 gtmin, 3.5 psi


Size Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Rcc. Weight % Grade Dist'n(um) (2) %Weil!ht (llft) ('1ii) (2) %Wei2ht (lÛt) ('1ii ) (2) 9éWci2ht (2ft) (")

600 39.55 20.75 127 39.62 539 7.31 14.2 60.38 579 7.64 21.9 1.82420 40.57 21.28 71 24.12 871 11.81 10.4 75.88 912 12.0S 13.1 1.71300 33.49 17.57 209 34.48 978 13.25 13.6 65.52 1011 13.36 20.1 2.91210 19.82 10.40 489 26.80 843 Il.42 31.4 73.20 863 Il.40 41.9 5.18150 18.38 9.64 2012 65.77 917 12.42 21.0 34.23 935 12.35 60.1 Ul5105 13.59 7.13 3775 66.51 755 10.24 34.2 33.49 769 10.16 100.3 1LOS75 11.51 6.04 7495 65.76 736 9.98 61.0 34.24 748 9.88 17S.4 18_7953 6.28 3.29 14068 73.05 509 6.90 64.0 26.95 515 6.81 234.6 17_3237 4.52 2.37 19844 n.99 362 4.90 70.0 22.01 366 4.84 314.1 16.4725 1.70 0.89 24947 55.89 337 4.56 99.4 .u.11 338 4.47 224.2 10.87-25 1.22 0.64 16709 50.04 533 7.22 38.2 49.96 534 7.05 76.3 5.83

Total 190.63 100.00 2308 63.02 7379 100.00 35.0 36.98 7570 100.00 92.2 100.00

• TableA-IO MineraJ Hill Mine .j5() l'lI1 T.v-T. 743 &fmin. 3.5 psi


,a' .... TAILS Fa:.DSîze Weipt ~ Grade R.ec:. Weipt % Grade R.ec:. Wei&ht % Grade Dia'll(&lm) (IZ) %Weiahl (vI) (S) (11:) SWeil!ht (Illn (S) (..) ~Weiaht (Illn ("l

600 26.64 13.05 80 oU.56 233 2.79 11.4 55.44 259 3.03 18.5 1.02420 39.45 19.32 30 17.93 616 7.38 8.8 82.07 655 7.66 10.1 1.41300 38.24 18.73 94 32.67 926 11.09 8.0 67.33 964 11.28 Il.4 2.35210 22.41 10.97 308 36.99 864 10.36 13.6 63.01 817 10.37 21.0 3.99150 21.52 10.54 750 44.40 1011 12.11 20.0 55.60 1032 12.07 35.2 7.78105 18.24 8.93 1589 52.76 976 11.69 26.6 47.24 994 Il.62 55.3 11.7675 16.89 8.27 3910 67.81 1024 12.27 30.6 32.19 1041 12.18 93.5 20."53 9.02 4.42 6295 60.71 756 9.06 48.6 39.29 765 8.95 122.2 20.0137 6.36 3.11 7901 60.42 599 7.17 55.0 39.58 605 7.07 137.5 17.11025 2.47 1.21 7698 45.65 407 4.88 55.6 54.35 410 4.79 101.7 8.91-25 2.96 1.45 2071 31.88 936 11.21 14.0 68.12 939 10.98 20.5 4.11

Tolal 204.20 100.00 1259 55.03 8346 100.00 25.2 44.97 8550 100.00 54.7 100.0080.0 1(onliDal assay as 8 &fl)

Table A-11 Mineral Hill Mine -850~ STF. 639 glmin. 4.0 psi

•~I\ ,"uc. TAILS FEED

Size Weight ~ Grade R.ec:. Weilhl % Grade Rcc. Wei&ht % Grade Dia'll(am) (Il) ~Weil!ht (2ft) (") (2) %Wei2ht (fllt) (~) (2) %Weillht (2/0 (~)

600 28.08 12.06 14104 25.37 1482 8.70 786 74.63 1510 8.75 1034 3.12420 45.76 19.66 12333 28.09 2147 12.61 673 71.91 2193 12.70 916 4.02300 45.54 19.57 18421 31.30 2749 16.15 670 68.70 2795 16.19 959 5.36210 29.66 12.74 28645 34.72 2035 11.95 78S 65.28 2064 11.96 1185 4.89150 17.46 7.50 197460 58.$6 1946 11.43 1254 41.44 1963 11.37 2999 11.78105 23.SS 10.12 264874 72.11 1377 8.09 1752 27.89 1401 8.11 6176 17.3175 13.96 6.00 329202 58.02 1428 8.39 2328 41.98 1442 8.36 5492 15.8453 9.98 ~.29 362933 56.10 1053 6.18 2692 43.90 1063 6.16 6074 12.9237 12.19 5.24 284497 57.01 1042 6.12 2509 42.99 1055 6.11 5168 12.172S 3.36 1.44 22S078 18.97 640 3.76 5047 81.03 643 3.73 6196 7.97-25 3.22 1.38 210221 29.39 1127 6.62 1443 70.61 1130 6.55 2038 4.61

TO(;l1 232.16 100.00 1000SS 50.92 17027 100.00 1441 49.08 17260 100.00 2896 100.00

Table A-lZ Mineral Hill Mine -850 Ilm SlT. 743 glmin. 4.0 psi

TE TAJLS FEEDSize Weigbl '.{, Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight 'ici Grade Disl"n(am) (IZ) %WeiRht (1l/U (~) :Il) %WeiRhl (Rit) (%) (2) %WeiRht (Il/t) ('.{,)

600 55.73 21.10 425 14.55 1779 Il.59 18 85.45 1835 11.76 89 1.43420 70.70 26.77 65S 9.16 2495 16.26 184 90.84 2566 16.44 197 4.44300 50.40 19.08 1529 7.78 3046 19.85 300 92.22 3096 19.84 320 8.7l210 33.56 12.71 6201 29.14 2181 14.21 232 70.86 2215 14.19 322 6.28ISO 21.52 8.15 32200 49.01 18n 12.20 38S 50.99 1894 12.13 747 12.42105 13.65 5.17 80147 67.92 1038 6.76 498 n.08 1051 6.74 1532 14.1675 6.93 2.62 165059 66.69 742 4.84 770 33.31 749 4.80 2290 15.0153 4.11 1.56 193694 63.15 388 2.53 1198 36.85 392 2.51 3217 11.0837 4.72 1.79 209431 69.47 314 2.05 1382 30.53 319 2.04 4459 12.51:!5 1.17 0.44 139966 34.62 194 1.26 1596 65.38 195 1.25 2427 4.16-25 1.62 0.61 140369 20.50 1297 8.45 680 79.50 1298 8.32 854



Toul 264.11 100.00 20680 48.00 15346 100.00 386 52.00 15610 100.00 729 100.00

• TabIeA-13 MinelaJ Hill Mine -850 ,un PCOF. 367 glmin. 3.0 psi



Sïze WeiBht % Grade Rcc:. Weighl ~ Grade Rcc:. Weilht % Grade Dist'n(am) (Il) %Weim (vil (") (sr) %WeiRht (VI) (~) (~) %Weim (vl) (~)

600 8.04 5.62 71 82.03 63 1.09 2.0 11.91 71 1.20 9.9 0.41420 12.89 9.01 107 S4.55 185 3.24 6.2 45.45 198 3.38 12.• 1.49300 16.17 l1.n 2S 16.79 346 6.05 6.0 83.21 363 6.19 6.9 1.47210 12.61 8.86 71 32.59 388 6.78 5.2 67.41 401 6.83 7.5 L.76ISO 15.02 10.50 331 60.09 516 9.01 6.4 39.91 531 9.04 15.6 4.86lOS 16.02 11.20 471 62.67 576 10.06 7.8 37.33 592 10.09 20.3 7.0875 19.86 13.88 1134 75.29 725 12.65 10.2 24.11 145 12.68 40.2 11.5953 15.00 10.49 1176 68.73 617 10.78 13.0 31.27 632 10.71 40.6 15.0937 14.40 10.07 1663 69.63 S62 9.81 18.6 JO.37 576 9.81 59.7 20.2225 6.94 4.85 2459 66.91 469 8.19 18.0 33.09 476 8.11 53.6 15.00-25 5.43 3.80 2730 57.96 1280 22.35 8.4 42.(M 1285 21.90 19.9 15.04

Total 143.04 100.00 182 65.77 5727 100.00 10.2 34.23 S870 100.00 29.0 100.00

Table A-14 Minerai Hill Mine -850 jlm PCUF. 623 glmin. 3.5 psi

•&' ~ TAIU t'~

Sizc Wcight % Grade Rcc:. Wei&ht 9G Grade Rec. Weilht % Grade Disl'o(um) (!.!) %Weillhl (vil (~) (Il) "WeiRhI (vI) (%) (Il) %Weisrhl (1l/1) (~)

600 34.61 17.56 36 14.18 438 4.96 17.2 85.82 473 5.23 18.6 0.87420 36.27 18.40 133 29.37 699 1.90 16.6 70.63 735 8.13 22.3 1.63300 33.40 16.95 2JO 36.55 926 10.47 14.4 63.45 960 10.61 21.9 2.08210 22.18 Il.25 480 41.26 1024 Il.58 14.8 58.74 1046 11.57 24.7 2.55ISO 23.24 11.79 1685 62.JO 1463 16.54 16.2 37.70 1486 16." 42.3 6.22105 17.96 9.11 J013 52.05 1305 14.16 38.2 47.95 1323 14.64 18.6 10.2975 14.98 7.60 10417 74.41 1174 D.27 46.0 25.59 1189 13.15 171.5 20.8753 7 ..w 3.75 18616 74.50 ï08 8.01 66.6 25.50 715 7.91 258.5 18.3037 4.67 2.37 31569 85.85 353 4.00 68.8 14.15 358 3.96 419.8 17.0025 1.57 0.80 458J3 53.25 439 4.96 144.0 46.7S 440 4.87 306.9 13.37-25 0.82 0.42 44988 53.53 314 3.55 102.0 46.47 315 3.48 218.9 6.82

Toul 197.10 100.00 3392 66.17 8843 100.00 38.7 33.83 9040 100.00 111.8 100.00

Table A-15 Miner.lI Hill Mine -850 Ilm SCUF. 482 glmin. 3.5 psi

. 11'1. "-TE TAILS FEEDSïzc Wcight % Grade Rec. Wcighl % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Disl'n(/Lm) (2) %Weillhl (JUt) (~) (2) %Weil!ht (2ft) (~) (2) %WeÎ2hl (2ft) (%)

600 8.85 5.43 87 75.26 53 0.39 J.8 24.14 62 0.45 16.6 0.21420 17.86 10.95 35 12.26 246 1.81 18.2 87.74 264 1.92 19.3 1.07300 20.58 12.62 S4 18.78 586 4.32 8.2 81.22 6IJ7 4.42 9.8 1.24210 15.71 9.63 63 14.il 1025 7.55 5.6 85.29 1040 7.S7 6.5 1.41ISO 19.09 11.71 276 33.41 2100 15.47 5.0 66.59 2119 15.43 7.4 3.30105 20.65 12.66 671 37.S1 2841 20.92 8.2 62.49 2861 20.83 13.0 7.8075 24.07 14.76 1365 44.89 2689 19.81 15.0 55.11 2713 19.75 27.0 15..3153 16.58 10.17 2412 52.08 1448 10.67 15.4 47.92 1465 10.66 52.4 16.0637 12.91 7.92 4451 61.00 1088 8.02 33.8 39.00 1I0I 8.02 8S.6 19.7325 478 2.93 9024 52.78 654 J.82 59.0 J1.22 659 4.80 124.0 17.09·25 2.00 123 22309 55.56 846 6.23 J2.2 44.44 848 6.17 94.7 16.80

Toul 163.08 100.00 1477 50.38 13577 100.00 17.5 49.62 13740 100.00 34.8 100.00

• MincnJ Hill Mine~ ldD BMDIS, 352 &lmin. 3.0 psi



Size Weighl % Grade R.ec:. Wei&hl % Grade R.ec:. Weilbt ~ Grade DiII'n(Ilm) (.Il) %Weillrht (21t) (~) (Jl) %Weidlt (Jl/O (~\ (Il) ~Weim (vO (~l

600 3.83 2.90 42 40.55 14 0.21 17.4 59.45 17 0.26 22.& 0.17420 6.64 5.03 75 ~.13 46 0.70 20.4 65.17 52 0.78 27.3 0.61300 9.31 7.05 197 46.01 III 1.69 19.4 53.99 120 1.80 33.2 1.69210 8.30 6.28 273 46.90 181 2.76 14.2 53.10 189 2.82 25.6 2.Cl'ISO 12.87 9.74 813 74.51 40S 6.18 8.8 25.43 418 6.25 33.5 5.96105 16.12 12.20 7n M.48 726 11.07 8.8 34.n 742 11.09 24.9 7.1675 22.17 16.78 948 54.36 1063 16.21 16.6 45.64 lOIS 16.22 35.6 164253 19.00 14.38 1201 63.26 850 12.96 15.6 36.74 869 12.98 41.5 15.3231 18.00 13.62 1466 62.73 784 11.96 20.0 37.27 802 11.99 52.5 17.812S 9.85 7.46 2181 56.78 683 10.42 24.0 43.22 693 10.36 54.7 16.12-25 6.03 4.56 3123 50.24 1696 25.86 11.0 49.76 1702 25.44 22.0 15.92

Talai 132.12 100.00 1044 58.60 6558 100.00 14.9 41.40 6690 100.00 35.2 100.00

Table A-11 Mineral Hill Mine -850 lIIn SAG DIS, 485 gtmin. 3.5 psi


Sîze Weight % Grade Rel'. Weilhl % Grade Rcc. Wei&ht % Grade Dist'n(Ilm) (il) %Weillhl (vil (") (lrl %Wcilfht (1lI11 ("1 (If) %WeilfJlI (1lI1l (~)

t'iOO 23.23 15.54 9 14.73 378 4.68 3.2 85.27 401 4.87 3.5 0.70420 26.51 11.73 ~ 28.23 573 1.08 4.0 11.77 S99 1.27 5.3 1.59300 25.09 16.78 133 42.13 614 8.33 6.8 57.81 699 8.49 11.3 3.93210 11.29 Il.57 315 60.22 630 7.19 6.8 39.78 647 7.85 16.6 5.35ISO 17.80 11.91 843 61.36 762 9.42 12.4 38.64 780 9.47 31.4 12.15105 13.37 8.94 1019 68.35 726 8.98 9.2 31.65 739 8.97 28.5 10.4875 10.66 7.13 2519 74.45 808 9.99 11.4 25.55 819 9.94 44.0 17.9153 5.92 3.96 ~762 79.95 580 7.16 12.2 20.05 585 1.11 60.2 17.5137 4.54 3.04 4607 74.84 663 8.20 10.6 25.16 668 8.11 41.8 13.8825 2.30 1.54 4396 55.78 573 7.08 14.0 44.22 575 6.98 3I.5 9.00·25 2.19 1.81 2192 40.56 1723 21.30 5.2 59.44 1726 20.95 8.7 7.49

Toul 149.50 100.00 887 65.83 8091 [00.00 8.5 34.17 8240 100.00 24.4 100.00



Table B-l to 8-3: Test at 150 L/min

Table B-4 to 8-10: Test at 350 L/min

• Table 8-1 Casa Bcrardi -300,un KC TaiIs (150 Umin. O4Omin). 316 l'min. 2.5 psi


IR"I.r. TAILS FJ:-IIDSïze Wei&ht ~ Grade Rec. Weilbt $ Grade Rec. Weiahl ~ Grade DiIl'n( ...ml (Ill ~Wei. (vn (~l (trl ~Weimt (v(\ (~l {tr\ ~Wei.ht (vil (S)

210 8.09 6.60 380 36.~5 323 4.97 16.6 63.~5 331 5.00 25.5 0.57ISO 19.04 15.53 1592 45."2 1059 16.30 34.~ 54.58 1078 16.21 61.9 ~.47

105 24.62 20.08 2393 44.86 1244 19.15 58.2 55.14 1269 19.11 103.5 8.8015 30.20 24.63 4519 54.11 12" 19.IS 90.8 45.29 1274 19.25 195.7 16.1.53 19.30 15.74 9111 62.08 815 12.54 131.8 31.92 834 12.60 339.5 18.9737 13.63 11.12 16165 69.58 611 9.40 157.8 30.42 624 9.~3 S01.3 21.2125 5.11 4.17 28160 10.87 329 5.06 183.8 29.13 334 5.04 621.3 13.89-25 2.61 2.13 50856 57.81 813 13.43 111.0 42.19 815 13.22 262.3 15.38

Total 122.60 100.00 7379 60.60 6497 99.99 90.5 39.40 6620 99.99 225.5 100.00

Table 8-1 Casa 8crardi -300 ;Am KC feed (1SO Umin. 0-4Ornin). 325 l'min. 2.5 psi

Ile ATE TAJJ...:li FF..E)

Sizc Weighl % Grade Rec. Weighl % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Dist'n(.uml (!!) %Wei2hl (21Il 1%) (Ill '1cWeillhl (!!/n (%l ( 11\ %Weilllht ( 2/1) (~)

210 9.06 1.11 469 80.63 243 4.79 4.2 19.37 252 4.85 20.9 0.46ISO 20.06 15.89 1206 55.22 846 16.67 23.2 44.78 866 16.65 SO.6 3.86105 23.83 18.88 2072 47.~ 9'79 19.30 55.0 52.16 1003 19.21 102.9 9.0875 JO.53 24.18 3523 53.80 1047 20.64 88.2 46.20 1018 20.72 185.5 11.59S3 20.37 16.14 6159 58.90 677 13.33 129.~ 41.10 697 13.40 305.6 18.1537 14.76 11.69 12046 69.23 S04 9.94 156.8 30.77 519 9.98 495.0 22.6025 5.32 4.21 21609 70.58 272 5.35 176.4 29.42 277 s.)) 588.1 14.33-25 2.31 1.83 43945 67.08 506 9.98 98.4 32.92 S09 9.78 297.~ 13.32

Total 126.24 100.00 5585 62.05 5074 100.00 85.0 37.95 5200 100.00 218.5 100.00

Table 8-) Casa 8crardi -300 ,un KC Cone;. (ISO Umin. 0-4Ornin). 343 l'min. 2.5 psi

CC N TE TAJJ...:li ~

Sïze Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Dist'n(uml (~\ '1aWeisrhl (sr/ll (~) (sr) %Wei2hl (I!ft) (%\ (l!) %Weisrht (LY/t) (~l

210 12.21 9.16 8070 78.60 5S 6.19 .&83 21.40 68 6.57 1852 1.18150 35.45 26.60 24683 88.71 209 23.27 534 Il.29 244 23.70 4041 10.10105 30.63 22.98 33938 89.67 190 2U5 631 10.33 220 21.39 5262 11.8775 27.33 20.50 63916 92.69 185 20.63 144 7.31 212 20.62 8815 19.2953 13.73 10.30 116976 92.18 120 13.36 1138 1.82 134 12.97 13046 17.8431 8.89 6.67 193771 91.15 79 8.83 2111 8.85 88 8.55 21452 19.3525 3.33 2.50 273128 85.36 34 3.81 4573 14.64 37 3.64 28453 10.91-25 1.12 1.29 400827 75.46 25 2.76 9059 24.54 26 2.51 34511 9.3S

Toral 133.29 100.00 65118 88.95 891 100.00 1204 Il.05 1030 100.00 9482 100.00

• TabkB-4 Casa Berardi -300 l&J11 KC Fced (350 Umin. ~in). 339 glmin. 2.5 psi



Sîzc Weight % Grade Rec. Weight ,;, Gœie Rec. Wei&ht % Grade Dist'n(um) (2) %Weiltht (lt/U (~) (2; %Weimt ( It/t) (%l (1[) '1;Wei.ht WU (")

210 8.97 7.00 438 59.lA 347 6.98 7.8 40.76 355 6.91 18.7 0.65150 25.77 20.11 922 41.28 1061 21.38 24.0 5en 1086 21.34 45.3 4.10105 26.51 20.69 1961 54.45 1035 20.87 42.0 45.55 1062 20.86 89.9 9.3275 29.15 23.22 3517 55.95 938 18.91 87.8 ".05 968 19.02 193.2 18.2553 18.21 14.21 6557 57.15 629 12.67 142.4 42.85 647 12.71 323.0 20.3937 12.79 9.98 11087 63.17 452 9.10 183.0 36.83 464 9.13 413.3 21.9025 4.32 3.31 21614 63.03 228 4.60 240.0 36.97 232 4.57 637.2 14.45-25 1.81 1.41 42015 72.55 272 5.49 105.8 27.45 274 5.39 382.9 10.25

Total 128.13 100.00 4800 60.02 4962 99.99 82.6 39.98 S090 99.99 201.3 100.00

Table 8-5 Casa Serardi -300 l&J11 KC T:lils (350 Umin. O~min). 317 glmin. 2.5 psi


Sîzc Wcight % Grade Rec. Weight ~ Grade Rec. Weight ~ Grade Dist'Il(uml li! ) %Wei2ht (2/U (%) (JO %Wei2ht (l!/U (%) (2) %Wei2ht (JZ/l) (~)

210 7.82 5.95 520 64.41 361 7.56 6.2 35.52 369 7.52 17.1 0.66150 18.39 14.00 1018 41.03 1044 21.85 19.4 51.97 1063 21.64 36.7 4.09105 24.90 18.95 1801 47.29 999 20.91 50.2 52.71 1024 20.85 92.9 9.9175 34.52 26.21 3157 S4.30 887 18.56 103.4 45.70 922 18.77 217.8 21.0553 23.14 17.61 4972 58.27 561 11.75 146.8 41.73 584 11.90 337.9 20.7137 15.53 11.82 8595 64.49 435 9.11 168.8 35.51 451 9.18 459.0 21.7125 5.17 3.94 16742 69.25 214 4.47 180.0 30.75 219 4.45 571.5 13.11-25 1.91 1.45 32075 73.90 277 5.79 78.2 26.10 279 5.67 297.6 8.69

Total 131.38 100.00 4362 60.11 4779 100.00 79.6 39.89 4910 100.00 194.2 100.00

Table 8-6 Casa Senrdi ·300 IIm KC Fced (350 Umin. 4O-8Omin). 360 glmin. 2.5 psi


Sîzc Weight 'Xl Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Dist'n(um) (2) %Wei2ht (2/0 (%) (In %Wei2ht (Ilft) (%) (2) %Wei2ht (2/n (%)

210 10.30 7.74 736 72.76 364 7.40 7.8 27.24 374 7.41 27.8 1.01150 22.72 17.08 839 46.04 1006 20.46 22.2 53.96 1029 20.37 40.2 4.02105 27 ..!.7 20.65 1374 42.36 1027 20.89 50.0 57.64 1055 20.89 84.5 8.6675 31.79 23.90 2108 50.30 924 18.80 92.0 49.70 956 18.93 179.0 16.6253 20.36 15.31 .5142 52.14 595 12.10 161.6 47.86 615 12.18 326.5 19.5O37 13.83 10.40 12402 66.41 456 9.28 190.2 33.59 470 9.30 549.6 25.0925 ,U3 3.41 20878 64.72 221 4.49 233.6 35.28 225 4.46 648.8 14.19-25 2.01 1.51 39701 71.11 324 6..58 100.2 28.89 326 6.45 344.7 10.90

Total 133.01 100.00 4519 58.39 4917 100.00 87.1 41.61 5050 100.00 203.9 100.00

• Table 8-7 Casa Berardi -300 ldD KC Tails (350 Umin. 40-80min), 320 IImîn.2.5 psi116

T~ JolœDSi2e Weight % Grade Rec:. Wcicht % Grade Rec. Wcicht % Grade Dia'n

( lUJ1) (2) ~Weillht (210 ("l (Il) %Wci2ht flUt) (%l (If) %Weidlt (vU (~)

210 9.72 7.30 270 66.59 263 7.09 5.0 33.41 273 7.09 14.4 0.61150 21.28 15.98 n, 63.22 761 20.49 12.6 36.78 783 20.33 33.3 4.01105 25.85 19.42 965 50.55 763 20.51 32.0 49.45 789 20.48 62.6 7.5975 32.29 24.25 2241 63.94 690 18.56 59.2 36.06 722 18.75 156.' 17.40S3 21.69 16.29 3649 61.79 454 12.11 107.8 38.11 476 12.35 269.3 19.6937 15.41 11.57 7262 69.45 355 9.54 138.8 JO.55 370 9.61 435.5 24.7725 5.08 3.81 14072 70.11 175 4.71 174.0 29.89 180 4.68 565.8 1'.67-25 1.82 1.37 21558 7'.05 256 6.88 65.1 24.95 258 6.69 259.5 10.17

Total 133.14 100.00 3223 65.96 3717 100.00 59.6 34.04 3850 100.00 169.0 100.00

Table B-8 Casa Bcrardi -300 1&111 KC fced (350 Umîn. 8O-120mîn), 291 glmîn, 2.5 psi

........... TAILS ~

Si2e Weight % Grade Rec:. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Dia'n(am) fi!) "i,Weil!ht (2ft) (~) (2) %Wei2ht (IZItl (~) (2) ~Weil!ht (2ft) (%)

210 18.95 15.55 309 80.73 349 7.14 4.0 19.27 368 7.44 19.7 0.87ISO 25.4S 20.88 685 53.79 998 20.68 15.0 46.21 1024 20.68 31.7 3.90lOS 22.90 18.79 1213 45.45 981 20.31 34.0 S4.55 1003 20.27 60.9 7.3675 23.48 19.26 2991 53.69 902 18.67 67.2 46.31 925 18.69 141.4 15.7553 14.25 11.69 7310 59.53 608 12.60 116.4 40.41 623 12.58 281.0 21.0737 10.47 8.59 13122 67.57 470 9.73 141.4 32.43 480 9.71 426.5 24.6825 4.09 3.36 21176 67.59 220 4.51 188.4 32.41 225 4.54 510.6 15.43-25 2.31 1.89 29080 74.06 299 6.20 78.6 25.94 302 6.09 300.7 10.91

TOlal 121.90 100.00 4247 62.35 4828 100.00 64.8 37.65 4950 100.00 167.7 100.00

Table 8-9 Casa Bcrardî -300 Ilm KC TaiIs (3S0 Umin. 8O-12Omin), 350 glmin. 2.5 psi

CO['ll.~ ... ~llC TAlLS teEDSïze Weight % Grade Rcc. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight ~ Grade Dist'n(am) (2) %Wei2ht (2ft) (%1 (21 9DWeil!ht h!fll (~) (~ %Weillht (2ft) ("l

210 10.04 ~.09 270 61.14 336 7.29 5.0 38.26 346 7.31 12.7 0.69150 20.35 16.39 775 S6.52 963 20.91 12.6 43.48 983 20.79 28.4 4.37105 26.27 21.16 965 45.52 948 20.58 32.0 54.48 974 20.60 S7.2 8.717S 30.88 24.88 2242 57.39 868 18.85 59.2 42.61 899 19.01 134.2 18.8753 19.01 IS.31 3649 S2.73 577 12.53 107.8 47.21 596 12.60 220.8 20.5837 12.20 9.83 7262 59.39 436 9.48 138.8 .w.61 449 9.48 332.5 23.332S 3.81 3.07 14072 60.47 201 4.37 174.0 39.53 205 4.34 432.0 13.87-25 1.57 1.26 27558 70.63 276 5.99 65.2 29.37 277 5.87 220.8 9.58

Toul 124.13 100.00 2964 51.55 4606 100.00 58.9 J2.45 4730 100.00 13S.1 100.00

• Table 8-10 Casa Bcrardi -300,.nt KC Cane. (3~ Umm. G-12Ornin), 302 &!min. 2.5 psi117

lA "'.I~ TAILS ..~Size Wei&ht " Grade Rcc. Weiaht 'JI:, Grade Rcc. Weilht 'J':, Grade DÎIl'n(um) (Il) ~Weiaht (2/0 (~) (Il) 'J':,Weillht (1ft> (S) L'tl $Weidlt (v'tl (~)

210 13.08 6.53 77654 28.78 387 7.60 6499 71.22 400 7.56 8126 4.16ISO 24.42 12.19 139312 36.26 703 13.82 8503 63.74 728 13.76 12192 Il.œlOS 24.14 12.05 125553 30.33 659 12.95 10564 69.67 683 12.91 14621 11.1675 33.84 16.89 164466 39.42 827 16.25 10343 60.58 861 16.21 16401 16.6253 32.35 16.15 188749 47.45 866 17.01 7809 52.55 898 16.98 14325 15.1537 36.06 18.00 209304 56.92 904 17.76 6320 ~3.08 940 17.17 14107 l!.6125 20.24 10.10 294886 58.95 480 9.43 8661 41.05 SOO 9.45 20247 11.92-25 16.20 8.09 493009 68..52 264 5.18 13920 31.48 280 5.29 41654 13.72

Total 200.33 100.00 202780 41.83 S090 100.00 8706 52.17 5290 100.00 160.55 100.00



Table C-l to C-4: GRG Test

Table C-S to C-IO: Grinding Circuit Survey

Table C-ll to C-14: Plant SB and KC Performance

• New Btitannia Mine Rad Mill Feed, sgge l, 100% -850 &lm. 1.11kglmin••.0 psi119

1 ....A.I: TAILS ~E~

Size Weight % Gr-. Rec. wetghI % Gr8de Rec. WeigM % e;,... DiIl'n(um) (a) %w.iaM (aln 1%) (a) %WIIiaht (ail) 1%) la) %weiaht (ail) (%)

600 6.19 4.92 35 2.63 2569 5.&1 3.1 97.37 2575 5.64 3.2 3.59420 11.70 9.29 .a 2.94 4478 9.84 3.5 97.08 ....81 9.83 3.8 7.03300 18.23 12.88 227 21.05 4028 8.85 3.4 78.85 4045 8.• 4.3 7.82210 14.04 11.15 2... 23.93 2975 6.53 3.7 76.07 2988 6.54 4.9 6.3'150 18.01 14.30 328 30.32 3267 7.17 4.2 88.88 3285 7.18 5.8 8.51105 17.45 13.16 468 37.18 ~ 7.56 4.0 62.82 3461 7.sa 6.4 9.5875 18.01 1•.30 777 44.22 4518 9.92 3.8 55.78 4538 9.93 7.0 13.1053 10.n 8.55 1058 42.84 4499 9.• 3.• 57.08 4510 9.87 5.9 11.5537 7.93 6.30 1585 49.2. 4751 10.43 2.7 50.78 4759 10.42 5.4 11.1225 3.41 2.71 2821 49.35 3714 B.16 2.5 50.65 3718 8.1. 4.9 7.89·25 2.18 1.73 ....70 32.73 7301 16.03 2.7 67.27 7303 15.99 4.1 12.97

Total 125.92 100.00 824 34.24 45544 100.00 3.3 65.76 45&70 100.00 5.0 100.00

New Sritannia Mine Rad Mill Feed. stage Il. 67% -200 me.h. 56OgImin. 3.5 psi

•1 ...."I~ IAlu:iI ~Et:U

Size Weight % Gr.- Rec. Weight % Gr8de Rec. WeigM % Gr.- Oiat'n(um) (a) %Weiaht (ait) (%) (a) %w.iaht (ail) (%) (a) %Weiaht (ait) (!%)

212 5.84 3.• 52 13.49 689 2.12 2.8 16.51 695 2.93 3.2 3.41150 15.61 10.32 '" 41.49 1703 7.22 2.0 58.51 1718 7.2. 3.3 8.88105 25.20 18.66 117 37.29 2253 9.55 2.2 62.71 2278 9.58 3.5 11.9275 38.22 25.26 137 44.2. 3148 13.3' 2.1 55.76 3187 13.42 3.7 17.1653 28.34 18.73 176 .....00 3326 1•.09 1.8 56.00 3354 14.12 3.4 17.0937 21.24 14.04 224 44.97 3769 15.97 1.5 55.03 3791 15.96 2.8 15.9825 10.54 6.97 170 24.57 4120 17.46 1.3 75.43 4130 17.39 1.8 11.04-25 6.31 4.17 235 16.01 4590 19.45 1.7 83.99 4598 19.35 2.0 14.03

Tolal 151.30 100.00 158 36.07 23599 100.00 1.8 63.93 23750 100.00 2.8 100.00

Table C-3 New Britannia Mine Rod Mill Feed. stage III. 82% -200 me.ih. 328g1min. 2.5 pSi


Size Weighl % Grade Ree. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Oisfn(um) (g) %Wetahl (a/n (%) (a) %Weiahl (a") (%) (a) %Weiaht (0/1) (%)

150 3.24 2.19 29.0 31.52 163 0.74 1.3 68.48 166 0.75 1.8 0.71105 14.25 9.85 46.3 29.76 1082 4.93 1.4 70.24 1096 4.96 2.0 5.3075 36.49 24.71 66.4 42.13 2660 12.12 1.3 57.87 2696 12.20 2.1 13.7553 33.41 22.62 82.1 41.47 3137 14.29 1.2 58.53 3171 14.35 2.1 15.8137 30.68 20.n 93.6 45.38 3734 17.01 0.9 54.62 3765 17.04 1.7 15.1225 17.69 11.98 123.7 38.59 3906 17.79 0.9 61.41 3924 17.75 1.4 13.55·25 11.93 8.08 397.5 31.69 7271 33.12 1.4 68.31 7283 32.95 2.1 35.76

Total 1~7.69 100.00 106.5 37.57 21952 100.00 1.2 62.43 22100 100.00 1.9 100.00

•Table C-4

•New Britannia Mine Rad Mill Feed Overall Results

•Size 1 Frlst stage: 100% -850 um 1Second stage: 67% -75 ",m Thira SlaQe: 82% -75 ",m Total Total(~m) Stage Rec. Stage Rec. Stage Rec. lasses Rec. Rec.

Rec. Dist'n glt Rec. Disn't Q/t Rec. Disn't Qlt glt glt %

600 2.63 3.59 0.0 0.0 0.1420 2.94 7.03 0.0 0.0 0.2300 21.05 7.62 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.1 1.8210 23.93 6.34 0.1 13.49 3.41 0.0 0.1 1.9150 30.32 8.51 0.1 41.49 8.68 0.1 31.52 0.71 0.0 0.0 0.2 5.1105 37.18 9.58 0.2 37.29 11.92 0.1 29.76 5.30 0.0 0.1 0.3 7.275 44.22 13.80 0.3 44.24 17.86 0.2 42.13 13.75 0.1 0.1 0.6 13.853 42.94 11.55 0.2 44.00 17.09 0.2 41.47 15.81 0.1 0.2 0.6 12.637 49.24 11.12 0.3 44.97 15.98 0.2 45.38 15.12 0.1 0.2 0.6 13.125 49.35 7.89 0.2 24.57 11.04 0.1 38.59 13.55 0.1 0.2 0.4 8.0-25 32.73 12.97 0.2 16.01 14.03 0.1 31.69 35.76 0.2 0.5 0.5 10.6

Total 37.5 100 1.7 34.9 100 1.0 37.6 100 0.7 1.2 3.4 74.6O/A 37.5 21.8 15.3

Yield 0.00395 0.00953 0.00665Grade 5.0 glt 2.8 1.9

Cale: 4.6 aIt

• Tablee-a New BriUnnia Mine SCOF (100% -850 l'm). 216 glmin. 2.0 psi121

lr'AI~ IAlL~ ~~~

Sile Wtright % GrMe Rec. Weight % Grade Rec. Wejght % Gr.- DiIl'nlum) la) %'Neiaht (ail) (%) (a) %w.iahI (ail) (%) (al %waiahI (ail) 1%1

105 6.99 7.30 Il.8 24.63 216 3.90 1.2 75.37 223 3.96 1.5 1.1675 12.64 13.20 21.4 33.14 589 10.28 1.0 66.86 582 10.33 1.4 2.1353 15.50 16.19 51.5 37.&4 933 16.88 1.4 62.16 948 16.&4 2.2 7.3037 18.81 19.65 99.6 41.55 1239 22.39 2.1 58.45 1258 22.35 3.6 15.8025 34.32 35.85 196.0 68.74 866 15.65 3.5 31.26 900 15.• 10.8 33.15·25 7.47 7.80 474.6 31.24 1711 30.92 4.6 68.76 1719 30.53 6.6 39.27

Total 95.73 100.00 138.9 ~.OO 5534 100.00 2.1 54.00 5630 100.00 5.1 100.00

Tab"~ New Bntannia Mine -ISO l'm RMOIS. 513 glmin. 3.5 psi

1,.1' I~ TAiLS FEED5ize Weight 0,4 Grade Rec. Weight % Gr8de Rec. Weight % GtMe Diarn(um) (a) %Weiaht lait) (%) (a) %Weiaht (ait) (%) (a) %Weiant lall) (%)

600 7.57 7.08 12.0 4.03 325 5.37 6.7 95.97 333 5.40 6.8 6.63420 8.79 8.23 13.3 5.95 443 7.32 4.2 94.05 452 7.33 4.4 5.80300 11.72 10.97 66.9 35.75 472 7.80 3.0 64.25 484 7.• 4.5 6.48210 9.98 9.34 63.0 26.70 403 6.• 4.3 73.30 413 8.70 5.7 6.14150 13.25 12.40 74.2 34.01 4M 7.• 4.1 65.99 4n 7.74 6.1 8.51105 14.22 13.31 113.5 47.41 4&4 7.• 3.7 52.59 488 8.08 8.8 10.0375 16.50 15.44 167.7 59.58 637 10.52 2.9 40.42 653 10.80 7.1 13.8753 10.51 9.84 178.9 51.49 6St 10.80 2.7 48.51 664 10.78 5.5 10.7537 8.31 7.78 230.1 55.80 638 10.54 2.4 44.40 646 10.49 5.3 10.1825 3.95 3.70 376.7 53.79 497 8.21 2.8 46.21 501 8.13 5.5 1.14-25 2.05 1.92 751.8 35.14 1037 17.13 2.7 64.86 1039 16.17 ~.2 12.91

Total 106.85 100.00 129.3 40.67 6053 100.00 3.3 59.33 6160 100.00 5.5 100.00

Tablee·7 New Britannia Mine PCOF (100% -850 l'm). 384 glmin. 3.0 psi

"AI~ TAILS FEED5ize Weight 0,4 Grade Rec. Weignt % Grade Rec. Weight % GI'Ide Oisfn(um) (a) %Weiaht (ait) (%) (al %Wetaht lall) (%) (a) %WeiQht (ail) (%)

300 13.62 12.02 10 21.99 135 1.78 3.6 78.01 149 1.93 4.2 0.11210 7.02 6.19 42 22.60 239 3.17 4.3 77.40 247 3.21 5.3 0.38150 6.91 6.10 164 34.09 420 5.55 5.2 65.91 427 5.56 7.8 0.96105 8.11 7.16 475 57.30 511 7.68 4.9 42.70 589 7.68 Il.4 1.9575 15.50 13.68 857 49.29 949 12.55 14.4 50.71 965 12.56 27.9 7.8353 18.38 16.22 1358 37.32 1225 16.19 34.2 62.68 1244 16.19 53.8 19.4337 21.62 19.08 2035 46.67 1300 17.18 38.7 53.33 1321 17.20 71.3 27.3825 15.06 13.29 3571 69.75 861 11.38 27.2 30.25 878 11.40 88.2 22.44-25 7.12 6.28 6373 67.n 1856 24.53 11.6 32.23 1863 24.26 35.9 19.45

Total 113.34 100.00 1649 54.29 7567 100.00 20.8 45.71 7680 100.00 44.1 100.00

• New Btitannia Mine SCUF (100% -850 .,m). 390 glmin. 3.0 psi122

I~ TAIL~ t'I:t:D

Size Welght % Gracie Rec. welght % Grade Re<:. 'Neight % Grade 0iIt'n(um) (a) %Weiaht (ail) C%) (a) %wetClht (ail) (%) (a) %Weiaht (ail) (%)

300 8.58 7.08 218 40.47 264 3.82 10.4 59.53 272 3.88 17.0 0.72210 5.22 4.30 50 5.21 545 7.90 8.7 94.79 5SO 7.84 9.1 0.77150 8.28 6.83 2..7 25.30 993 '''.39 6.1 74.70 100' 14.26 8.1 1.25105 11."9 9.C8 308 27.26 1113 16.14 8." 72.14 1125 16.02 11.5 2.0015 19.92 18.43 1032 CO.3e 1121 18.24 21.1 59.tU '1'" 18.25 .....7 1.•53 21.33 17.59 1434 30.73 925 13.CQ 7".8 69.21 948 13.C8 105.2 15.4237 24.43 20.15 3C8' 48.83 827 11.119 111.1 53.37 852 12.13 214.1 21.2425 18.14 13.31 61,.. 68.21 "21 6.20 107.2 31.71 ...... 6.32 325.& 22.38·25 5.87 4.84 183CC 78.13 684 9.91 .....1 21.87 690 9.82 199.8 21.34

Total 121.28 100.00 2888 54.23 8889 100.00 42.8 4-5.77 7020 100.00 92.0 100.00

Tablee-I New Britannia Mine BMDIS (100% -850 .,m). 300 glmin. 3.0 psi

''':l''I~ TAIL~ t'EED

Sim Weight % Gracie Rec. Wetght % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Oisfn(um) (a) %Weiaht (ait) C%) (a) %Weiaht (ail) (%) (a) %Weiaht (ail) (%)

300 7.64 6.25 281 52.91 C8 0.11 37.0 47.09 56 0.92 67.8 0.83210 3.90 3.19 934 49.31 82 1.40 45.5 50.63 88 1.43 85.1 1.24150 6.28 5.14 1888 65.09 219 3.72 29.0 34.91 225 3.1" 80.9 3.07105 9.90 8.10 1fM3 87.09 409 8.es 23.' 32.91 "'9 6.97 88.5 ".8375 19.29 15.78 15ec 42.37 900 15.28 48.5 57.63 919 15.29 79.0 12.2453 22.84 18.88 2721 50.4' 1033 17.55 59.2 "9.59 1058 17.57 116.8 20.7937 25.58 20.92 3316 57.52 1137 19.32 55.' 42.C8 1163 19.35 126.8 2....25 19.01 15.55 4'CO 73.60 593 10.07 47.6 26.40 612 10.18 174.7 18.02-25 7.81 6.39 7858 72.27 1487 2".81 16.0 27.73 147.. 2".53 57.6 14.31

Total 122.25 100.00 2900 59.76 5888 100.00 40.5 40.24 6010 100.00 98.7 100.00

Table c.10 New Britannia Mine -850.,m PCUF. 517 g1min. 3.5 psi

"''' lE:rAILS FEED

Sim Weight % G,.. Rec. 'Neight % Grade Rec. Wetgl'lt % Grade Oisfn(um) (a) %Weiaht (a/U (%) (a) %Weiaht (an) (%) fa) a4WeiQht Can) (%)

600 15.03 13.81 38 9.53 852 11.95 6.3 90.47 867 Il.97 6.9 0.5&420 Il.38 15.9& 104 21.06 1135 15.92 6.0 78.94 1152 15.92 7.4 0.80300 19.61 18.01 172 31."7 1107 15.52 6.1 68.53 1126 15.5& 9.5 1.00210 11.34 10.42 123 47.17 551 1.72 16.3 52.23 562 7.76 30.6 1.60150 11.00 10.10 1784 51.45 381 5.34 48.8 48.55 392 5.41 97.3 3.54105 9.8& 9.06 5090 61.15 352 4.94 90.5 38.85 362 5.00 226.6 7.6375 9.33 8.57 11904 68.09 476 6.87 109.4 31.91 485 6.70 336.3 15.1653 5.68 5.22 25560 14.96 500 1.02 9&.9 25.04 506 6.99 382.6 18.0037 5.12 4.70 36828 16.38 583 8.17 100.1 23.62 588 8.12 420.0 22.9525 2.70 2.48 49528 82.25 340 4.77 &4.8 17.75 343 4.74 474.0 15.11-25 1.82 1.67 68582 84.95 854 Il.98 25.9 15.05 856 11.82 111.6 13.6&

Total 108.81 100.00 1230 73.16 7131 100.00 40.5 26.84 1240 100.00 148.6 100.00

• Tablee-11 New Britannia Mine -850 .,sm 58-14 Feed. 400-500 glmin. 4.0 psi123


Size Welght % Gqde Rec. Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade 0iIrn(um) (a) %weiaht (ail) (%) (a) %Weiaht lall) C%) (a) %Wetaht (aIIl (%)

600 11.37 11.21 6 1.79 673 10.70 5.8 98.21 6&& 10.71 5.6 1.21420 22.43 22.11 180 52.57 848 13.48 4.3 47.43 869 13.60 8.8 2.40300 14.23 14.03 523 41.89 405 6.45 25.5 58.11 420 6.57 42.3 5.56210 12.78 12.80 871 60.37 311 4.as 23.5 39.83 324 5.07 545.8 5.n150 12.54 12.38 1n7 76.14 241 3.84 28.1 23.86 254 3.98 112.0 8.91105 7.63 7.52 3421 81.• 2n 4.41 20.7 18.OC 285 4.445 111.8 9.8775 6.28 6.11 52St1 79.64 501 7.97 17.0 20.36 507 7.84 82.4 13.0853 6.56 6.47 657V n.37 666 10.59 19.0 22.63 672 10.52 83.0 17.4737 4.26 4.20 83CMS 79.53 ...9 7.14 20.3 20.47 453 7.09 98.2 13.9325 1.74 1.72 7080 44.83 648 10.27 23.5 55.17 847 10.13 42.5 8.81·25 1.63 1.61 16516 64.... 1271 20.22 11.7 35.56 1273 19.92 32.8 13.08

Total 101.45 100.00 2183 69.36 6287 10000 15.8 30.64 6388 100.00 50.0 100.00

New Britannia Mine .aso .,sm 58-14 Tai", 400-500 glmin. 4.0 psi

II"'lA le: IAIL:5 ~~~D

Sï.ze Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Gr8de Rec. W~ht % Grade a.rn(uml (a) %weiaht (ait) l%) la) %W8iaht lait) l%) %Weiaht (0Il) l%)

600 5.76 5.15 8 2.26 478 5.88 4.2 97.74 484 5.85 4.2 0.92420 16.23 14.52 84 27.58 738 8.73 ".9 72.... 754 8.81 8.6 2.23300 '''.03 12.55 201 40.80 "36 5.16 9.4 59.20 450 5.26 15.3 3.11210 15.46 13.83 322 38.52 379 ".49 22.8 83.48 395 4.61 34.5 6.15150 17.01 15.22 489 61.3:! 350 4.14 15.0 38.88 387 4.28 37.0 6.11105 11.29 10.10 910 61.34- 420 ".97 15.4 38.68 431 5.04 38.9 7.54575 9.61 8.60 1218 50.31 818 9.88 14.1 49.89 828 9.67 28.1 10.4853 10.09 9.03 1520 46.63 1098 12.99 16.0 53.37 1108 12.94 29.7 14.8337 6.86 6.1" 2651 61.65 718 8."9 15.8 38.35 72.. 8.46 40.7 13.3025 2.42 2.17 2839 25.91 985 11.65 20.0 14.09 987 11.53 26.9 11.96·25 3.00 2.68 9576 55.46 2032 24.04 11.4 ....54 2035 23.76 25.5 23.35

Total 111.76 100.00 972 48.91 8451 100.00 13.4 51.03 8563 100.00 25.9 100.00

Table C-13 New Britannia Mine.aSO.,sm Ke-12 Feed. 400-500 glmin. 4.0 psi

1""",It TAILS ~E~D

Size Weight % Grade Rec. Weight % Grade Ree. Weight 0" G~de Oilrn(uml (a) OfaWeÏQht (ait) (%) (a) %Weiaht (ait) C%) (a) %Weiaht (ait) (04)

600 7.19 6.65 6 1.23 721 9.97 5.0 98.77 728 9.92 5.0 1.21420 21.98 20.33 19 6.44 1248 17.26 5.0 93.56 1210 17.31 5.2 2.21300 17.83 16.50 96 22.02 917 12.68 6.6 n.98 935 12.7" 8.3 2.60210 13.60 12.58 294 45.64 508 7.03 9." 54.3& 522 7.11 16.8 2.93150 13.80 12.n 517 52.69 285 3.94 22.5 47.31 299 4.07 45.3 4.52105 8.75 8.10 1221 62.80 255 3.53 24.8 37.20 264 3.60 64.5 5.6875 6.92 6.40 2593 59."5 ..... 6.14 27.6 40.55 451 6.14 66.9 10.0853 6.55 6.06 5000 64.OC 573 7.93 32.1 35.96 580 7.90 88.2 17.0837 4.aO 4.44 6761 72.12 390 5.39 32.2 27.88 394 5.38 114.1 15.0325 1.84 1.10 6858 35.18 609 8.43 38.1 64.82 611 8.33 58.7 11.98~2S ".83 4.47 11Sn 70.01 1278 17.68 18.7 29.99 1283 17.49 62.3 26.68

Total 108.09 100.00 1625 58.68 1230 99.98 17.1 41.32 7338 99.98 40.8 100.00

• New BrünnIa Mine -850 "m Ke-12 T.iIs. 400-500 glmin. 4.0 psi124

Ilr ,,,~ rAlUi reeu5ize Weight % Gr.cIe Rec. W~ht % Gr.se Re<:. Weight % Gtade DisI'n(um) (al %weiatd (a'" l%l %Wtliaht lalll l%l (al %weiaht (aIIl l%l

600 6.98 6.65 3 0.99 445 5.11 4.5 99.01 452 5.13 4.5 0.71<420 15.92 15.16 24 7.08 1105 12.70 4.6 92.92 1121 12.73 4.9 1.93300 13.36 12.72 90 17.74 953 10.95 5.8 82.26 966 10.97 7.0 2.37210 13.48 12.84 125 23.29 652 7.49 8.5 76.71 865 7.55 10.8 2.52150 15.04 14.32 291 43.16 412 4.74 14.3 56.84 427 4.85 24.3 3.64105 11.30 10.76 572 39.32 397 4.56 25.1 60.88 lIOI 4.&3 <40.3 5.7575 8.75 8.33 1431 38.94 682 7.84 28.8 61.06 691 7.85 46.5 11.2553 8.3& 7.96 2925 45.78 873 10.03 33.2 54.22 881 10.01 60.6 18.8937 5.48 5.22 4745 59.4 591 6.79 30.0 <40.52 596 6.77 73.3 15.3025 2.66 2.53 52eo 29.85 880 10.11 37.8 70.15 882 10.02 53.4 18.49-25 3.67 3.50 61~7 37.24 1712 19.88 22-4 62.78 1716 19.49 35.& 21.3&

Total 105.00 100.00 1088 39.89 8701 100.00 19.7 60.11 8806 100.00 32.5 100.00



Table D-l to D-S: Coarse Silica Test

Table D-6 to D-IO: Fine Silica Test

Table D-ll to D-16: Fine Magnetite Test

•Siurring water flowm.e (Umm): 1.5 Fccd rare (k&/min); 1.0


Auidization water flowralC CUmin ; 10.6 Fccd Solids (~); 40.0:SB Feed

Size ~ WL Tlanpten Grade Recovery Mus WL Tunpœn Grade DiIl'n(am) (Il) (~) (Il) (~) (~) (-Il) (~) (&) C~) (~)

600 47.26 13.06 13.38 28.31 ISG' 15.04 13.43 0.89 8.95425 48.80 13.49 18.44 37.79 1494 14.94 19.62 1.31 13.08300 47.54 13.14 22.42 41.16 1145 11.45 20.76 1.81 13....212 32.01 8.85 IS.88 49.61 844 8.44 16.43 1.95 10.95ISO 37.01 10.23 19.14 SI.72 807 8.01 19.05 2.36 12.10106 27.99 7.74 14.24 50.88 626 6.26 13.98 2.23 9.3275 26.52 7.33 12.29 46.34 6J4 6.34 12.30 1.94 8.2053 19.64 5.43 8.78 44.70 445 4.4S 8.61 1.93 S.7437 16.90 4.67 6.11 36.15 489 4.89 6.56 1.34 4.3725 18.86 S.21 S.37 28.47 421 4.21 3.98 0.94 2.65·15 39.32 10.87 12.93 32.88 1591 15.91 15.30 0.96 10.20

Total 361.8S 100.00 148.98 41.17 99.32 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 100.00

Shming water tlowrate (LImin); 1.5 Fccd rate (k&lmin): 1.0

•Auidization water tlowrate CUmin: 15.0 Feal Solids (~): 40.0

:SB oncemrate Feed

iSize Mau Wl. TllDISten Grade Rcc:avcry Mus WL T\mpœn Grade Dist'n(am) (Ill (~) (Il) (~) (~) (-Ill ("l (11:) (~) (~)

600 38.75 12.27 IJ.J5 34.45 ISG' IS.()4 IJ.43 0.89 8.95415 41.52 IJ.15 18.80 45.28 1494 14.94 19.62 1.31 13.08300 41.26 13.06 22.06 53.47 1145 Il.45 20.76 1.81 13.84212 29.03 9.19 IS.78 54.36 844 8.44 16.43 1.95 tO.95150 34.47 10.91 18.95 54.91 807 8.07 19.05 2.36 12.70106 26.53 8.40 14.42 54.35 626 6.26 13.98 2.23 9.3275 23.86 7.55 11.79 49.41 634 6.34 12.30 1.94 8.2053 18.38 5.82 9.10 49.51 445 4.4S 8.61 1.93 5.7437 14.78 4.68 6.06 41.00 489 4.89 6.56 1.34 4.J715 16.07 5.09 5.40 3J.60 421 4.21 3.98 0.94 2.65·15 31.18 9.87 12.81 41.08 1591 15.91 15.30 0.96 10.20

Tot:l.1 315.83 100.00 148..52 47.03 99.01 10000 100.00 150.00 l.50 100.00

Table 0-3 Couse silica-lUDpteD rftd

Siurring water tlowrate (Umin): l.5 Feal rate (kg/min): 1.0

Auidization water tlowrate (Umin): 20.7 Fccd Solids (~): 40.0SB oncemrate Feal

Size Mus Wl. Tunpten Grade Recovery Mus Wt. Tungsœn Grade Dist'nCum) (IZ) (~) (11:) (~) (~) (2) (~) (Il) ( ") (~)

600 33.61 Il.63 13.25 39.42 1504 15.04 13.43 0.89 8.95425 36.50 12.64 18.34 50.15 1494 14.94 19.62 1.31 13.08300 37.12 13.06 22.11 58.62 1145 II.45 20.76 1.81 13.84212 26.61 9.21 15.74 59.15 844 8.44 16.43 1.95 10.95ISO 30.89 10.69 18.81 60.89 807 8.07 19.05 2.36 12.70106 23.82 8.15 14.30 60.03 626 6.26 13.98 2.23 9.3275 22.01 7.62 11.93 54.20 634 6.34 12.30 1.94 8.2053 16.75 5.80 8.93 53.31 445 4.45 8.61 1.93 5.7437 IJ.86 4.80 5.98 43.15 489 4.89 6.56 1.34 4.3715 15.98 5.53 5.56 34.79 421 4.21 3.98 0.94 2.65-25 31.13 10.78 12.02 38.61 1591 15.91 15.30 0.96 10.20

Tot:l.1 288.88 100.00 146.97 50.88 9798 10000 100.00 150.00 l.SO 100.00

•Siurring water flownle (Umin): 3.0 Foed me (k&/min): 2.0


Fluidization waœr OowralC (1Jmin): IS.0 Feed Solids ("l: 40.0,sB Fem

Sïze Mau WL Tuapt.cn Grade R.ccovcry Mau WL TIqIlIal Grade Dist'n(uml (21 (") (2) C~' .~, (v (II) feJ (") (")

600 38.0S 12.18 13.]3 3S.03 1504 15.04 13.43 0.&9 8.95425 39.22 13.18 18.20 46.40 1494 14.94 19.62 1.31 13.08300 39.73 13.35 22.$4 56.73 1145 11.45 20.76 1.81 13.84212 27.82 9.35 15.93 57.26 844 8.44 16.43 1.95 10.95ISO 33.40 Il.22 19.21 51.51 807 8.07 19.05 2.36 12.70106 25.37 8.52 14.48 57.08 626 6.26 13.98 2.23 9.3275 22.50 7.56 11.81 S2.49 634 6.34 12.30 1.94 8.2053 17.74 S.96 9.20 51.86 445 4.45 8.61 1.93 S.7437 13.11 4.40 6.10 46.S3 489 4.89 6.56 1.34 4.3725 13.40 4.50 S.20 38.81 421 4.21 3.98 0.94 2.65-25 27.32 9.11 12.60 .&6.12 1591 IS.91 15.30 0.96 10.20

Tow 297.66 100.00 148.60 49.92 99.07 10000 100.00 lSO.00 1.50 100.00

Table 0.5 Couse silica-tUDllIIIaI feed

Siurring waler f10wrale (Umin): 5.4 Feal raie (kg/min): 5.0

•Fluidization waœr OavorralC (1Jmin): 15.0 Fem Sofids (",: 48.1

SB oncenuaae I"ccdSïze Mau Wc.

~Grade R.ccovery Mau WL Tunpt.cn Grade Dist'n

(am) (2) (") ('" ("l (~) (") (~) ("l (")

600 36.59 12.42 13.26 36.24 1504 15.04 13.43 0.89 8.95425 38.31 13.00 18.09 47.22 1494 14.94 19.62 1.31 13.08300 39.37 13.36 22.S7 57.33 1145 11.45 20.76 1.81 13.84212 27.86 9.45 16.11 57.82 844 8.44 16.43 1.95 10.95150 33.13 11.24 19.17 51.86 807 8.07 19.05 2.36 12.70106 25.40 8.62 14.53 57.20 626 6.26 13.98 2.23 9.3275 23.26 7.89 11.96 51.42 634 6.34 12.30 1.94 8.2053 16.n 5.67 8.77 52.45 .u5 ·US 8.61 1.93 5.7437 13.69 4.65 6.24 45.S8 489 4.89 6.56 1.34 4.3725 13.62 4.62 5.08 37.30 421 4.21 3.98 0.94 2.6S-25 26.71 9.06 11.94 44.70 1591 15.91 15.30 0.96 ~0.20

Toul 294.66 100.00 147.72 50.13 98.48 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 100.00

Table D-6 raDe siIica-tu...-ea reed

Slurring water tlowrate (Umin): 1.5 Feal rate (kg/min): 1.0

F1uidization water OowralC (1Jmin : 10.7 Feal Solids ("l: 40.0SB oncentr:lte Feed

Sïze Mas.s WL Tunpœn Grade Recovery Mau Wt. Tungsten Grade Dist'n(am) (~) C"l ûù (~) (%) (L) C'" (Il) (") (%)

300 23.96 8.90 16.80 70.12 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.55212 25.97 9.65 17.37 66.88 762 7.62 18.50 2.43 12.33ISO 38.09 14.15 24.32 63.85 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.35106 34.80 12.93 21.89 62.90 ISIS 15.lS 21.72 1.43 14.4875 29.85 Il.09 16.53 55.38 1344 13.44 17.10 1.21 11.4053 23.15 8.64 12.31 52.95 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 25.19 9.36 13.38 53.12 1148 Il.48 14.78 1.29 9.8525 33.12 12.30 15.25 46.04 1233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00-25 34.96 12.99 9.89 28.29 1100 Il.00 12.06 1.10 8.04

Total 269.19 100.00 147.74 54.88 98.49 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 100.00

•Siurring wacer tlowrate (Umin): 1.5 Fccd rate (k&lmin): 1.0


Auidization w:ucr tlowrate (Umin): 15.0 Fccd Solids (%): 40.0SB le l'eed

Size Mass WL Tuap1.en Grade Rccovery Mua WL Tuapœa Grade DiIl'n(~m) (&0 (%) (Ir. (~) (~} (Il) (%) (Ill (~) (~)

300 22.08 9.63 16.63 75.32 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.55212 23.58 10.28 17.13 72.65 162 1.62 t8.5O 2.43 12.33ISO 33.48 14.60 23.14 71.21 1410 14.tO 24.53 1.14 t6.35106 JO.58 13.33 21.50 10.31 1515 15.t5 21.72 1.43 14.4815 25.23 11.00 t6.... 65.32 t344 t3.44 17.10 1.27 11.4053 20.31 8.81 12.11 62.89 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 20.91 9.14 13.50 64.38 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.8515 26.93 11.14 15.12 56.15 t233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00-15 26.16 11.40 9.15 37.65 1100 11.00 12.06 1.10 8.0'

Tota! 229.38 100.00 t46.16 64.02 97.9t 10000 100.00 t5O.00 1.50 100.00

Slurring wacer fiowrale (Umin): 1.5 Fccd race (kg/min): 1.0

•Auidization w3ter rlowrace (lJmin : 20.1 Fccd Solids (~): 40.0

SB OllCCntrale FcedSize Mass WL Tunasten Grade Recovery Mau Wl. Tunpcen Grade Dist'n(um) ( Ir) ('K.) (2) ('K.) ('K.) (2) ('-' ) (Ir) ('K.) (%)

300 20.43 10.39 16.17 82.09 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.552t2 21.09 10.13 17.21 S1.60 762 7.62 18.50 2.43 12.33t50 29.01 t4.15 23.48 80.94 t410 14.10 24.53 1.74 t6.35t06 26.33 13.39 21.09 80.10 1515 t5.15 21.72 1.43 14.4875 22.4t Il.40 16.82 75.06 1344 13.44 17.10 1.27 11.4053 16.34 8.31 12.02 73.56 1116 11.16 12.02 LOS 8.0137 18.22 9.27 13.41 73.60 1148 11.48 14.18 1.29 9.8515 23.19 11.19 15.25 6S.76 1233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00-25 19.61 9.97 9.51 48.80 1100 11.00 12.06 LlO 8.04

Tow 196.63 100.00 145.62 74.06 97.08 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 tOO.OO

Table 1>-9 FiDr 5iIic:a-tuaptea reed

Slurring wacer tlowrate (Umin): 3.0 Fccd rate (kg/min): 2.0

Aui~ization water tlowrate (lJmin : lS.0 Feed Solids ('K.): 40.0SB oncentrate Fced

Size Mass WL Tunasœn Grade Recovery Mass Wt. Tungsu:n Grade Dist'n(j.trnl lit) (~) (Il) (%) (~) (1?) (~) (Il) (~) C%)

300 21.48 9.70 t6.58 71.19 372 3.72 15.83 4.15 10.55212 23.22 10.49 17.24 74.25 762 7.62 18.50 2.43 12.33150 33.20 15.00 23.69 71.36 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.35106 30.75 13.89 21.56 70.11 1515 l5.1S 21.72 1.43 14.4875 25.94 l1.72 16.64 64.15 1344 13.44 17.10 1.27 11.40S3 20.11 9.09 12.80 63.65 1116 11.16 t2.02 1.08 8.013i 20.61 9.31 13.61 66.04 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.8525 24.95 Il.27 14.84 59.48 1233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00-25 21.09 9.53 9.69 45.95 1100 11.00 12.06 1.10 8.04

Toul 221.35 100.00 146.65 66.25 97.77 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 100.00

• Table ~IO Fiae ............. fced

Siurring wacer nownœ (Umin): 5.4 Feed rare (k&lmin): 4.0


AuidiZ2tion water flownte (Umin : 15.0 Feed Solids (,,): 42.55B oncemraœ Feed

Size Mus Wt. Tunpcn Gnde Rccovery Maa Wt. Tunpœn Gnde Dist'D(um) (w) C%) (Il) (~) (9C) (2) (~) (Il) (~) l"l

300 22.43 9.46 16.45 73.34 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.55212 13.98 10.12 17.06 71.14 762 7.62 18.SC 2.43 12.33ISO 34.74 14.65 23.55 67.79 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.15106 32.30 13.63 21.44 66.38 1515 15.15 21.72 1.43 14.4115 27.45 Il.58 16.00 58.29 13" 13.44 17.10 1.27 11.4053 21.94 9.26 12.56 51.25 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 13.11 9.75 13.60 58.85 1148 11.41 14.78 1.29 9.8525 29.43 12.41 15.19 51.61 1233 12.33 13.SC 1.09 9.00·25 21.68 9.15 8.95 41.28 1100 11.00 12.06 LlO 8.04

Total 231.06 100.00 1".80 61.08 %.53 10000 100.00 1~.OO 1.50 100.00

Slurring water flowrate (Umin): 1.5 Feed ralC (k&lmin): 1.0

•Auidization water flownte CUmin): 10.0 Feed Solids (,,): 40.0

SB ( oncenuate """FeedSize Mus Wt. Tunplen Gnde Rccovery Mus Wt. 1'unpI.cn Grade Dist'ft(am) (Il) (") (Ir) l") (") (Ir) ("l (.l ("'l (")

300 33.57 .5.88 17.36 5Lll 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.55212 44.40 1.77 15.60 35.14 162 7.62 18.50 2.43 12.33ISO 79.88 13.98 20.91 26.18 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.35106 74.60 13.06 18.69 25.05 IS15 lS.1S 21.72 1.43 14.4875 63.93 lLl9 15.3.5 24.01 13" 13.44 17.10 1.27 11.4053 55.5S 9.72 10.98 19.71 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0131 67.04 11.73 14.03 20.93 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.8515 44.84 7.85 10.43 23.26 1233 12.33 13..50 1.09 9.00·25 101.49 18.81 12.10 Il.26 1100 Il.00 12.06 LLO 8.04

Tolal 511.30 100.00 135.4.5 23.11 90.30 10000 100.00 150.00 1..50 100.00

Table 0.11 Fme Dlapdile-tUDplCD fecel

Siurring watcr flowralC (Umin): 1.5 Fecd ralC (kg/min): 1.0

Auidization water flowrar.e (Umin): IS.0 Fecd Solids ('J:,): 40.0SB ( onc:enuate Feed

Size Ma.ss Wt. TUJ1&Sten Grade Rccovery Mau WL Tunptcn Grade Dist'n(um) Cil) ("') (Il) (%) ("'). (Il) ("') (Ill (4fo ) ('Jr, )

300 31.49 6.72 17.58 46.89 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.5.5212 41.94 8.59 17.21 35.90 100.00 762 7.62 18.SO 2.43 12.33150 78.76 14.11 23.60 29.% 98.08 1410 14.10 24.S3 1.74 16.35106 71.72 12.85 20.71 28.88 1.515 15.15 21.n 1.43 14.4875 60.62 10.86 16.05 26.48 93.86 1344 13.44 17.10 1.21 Il.40S3 56.41 10.11 11.83 20.97 93.51 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 60.02 10.7.5 13.23 22.04 93.51 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.8525 38.61 6.92 8.92 23.10 92.21 1233 12.33 13..50 1.09 9.00·25 106.56 19.09 14.65 13.7.5 1100 Il.00 12.06 LlO 8.04

Tolal 558.13 100.00 143.78 25.76 95.8.5 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 100.00• The coarsesl and fincsl l'No (racuons are combll1ed scparar.ely fO calculate the recovenes. an average recovery IS used for-53 and +37 flm fr:lCüons; the exccss lUngSlen in +212 ~m fraclion is added to the nexl frnclÎon. Calculaticn is sanie for the

followïng tables.

•Siurring wacer Oowratc <Umin): 1.5 Feed raie (kg/min): 1.0


Fluidization waler Oowntc CUmin): 20.0 Fecd Solids C~): 40.0SB Feed

Size Mus Wt. Tuf1&S1CD Grade Ra:ovcry Mus WL Tunpœn Grade Dist'DUolm) (II) (S) (-2) CS) CS) (II) C'J') (II) ('J'> (S)

300 3S.34 1.31 11.43 4S.46 372 3.72 1S.83 4.25 10.55212 46.52 8.81 11.16 36.89 100.00 762 7.62 18.50 2.43 12.33ISO 13.19 13.9S 23.49 32.09 96.82 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.35106 67.38 12.84 20.13 JO.77 95.44 ISIS IS.lS 21.72 1.43 14.4815 58.31 11.12 16.25 l7.a.- 95.03 1344 13.44 17.10 1.27 11.4053 49.80 9.49 11.67 23.43 91.46 1116 lLl6 12.02 1.08 8.0131 53.36 10.17 12.a.- 24.06 91.46 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.&525 37.03 7.06 9.47 25.51 93.cM 1233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00-25 100.14 19.20 14.31 14.20 1100 11.00 12.06 LlO 8.lM

Total 524.73 100.00 143.35 27.32 95.57 10000 100.00 ISO.oo 1.50 100.00

Siurring water Oowrate <Umin): 1.5Fluidization water Oowrate CUmin)' 25 0

feed raie (k&lmin): 1.0feed Solids CS>· 40 0

•SB oncentJace Fecd

5ïz.e Mus Wt. Tunpœn Grade Ra:overy Mus Wt. Tuncsœn Grade Dist'n(um) (II) (S) (2) CS) (S) (II) (S) (II) CS> (S>

300 31.26 7.02 16.68 53.36 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.SS212 38.75 8.70 16.52 42.63 96.71 762 7.62 IS.5O 2.43 12.33ISO 64.00 14.31 21.93 34.27 89.~ 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.3S106 59.91 13.45 IS.83 31.43 86.69 1515 15.15 21.72 1.43 14.4815 49.69 11.16 14.59 29.36 85.32 1344 13.44 17.10 1.27 Il.4053 44.34 9.96 Il.28 25.44 87.09 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 47.65 10.10 12.06 25.31 81.09 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.&525 33.47 7.S2 9.77 29.19 89.63 1233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00·25 16.28 17.13 13.14 11.23 1100 11.00 12.06 1.10 8.04

Total 44S.3S 100.00 134.80 30.21 89.81 10000 100.00 150.00 1.50 100.00

Table D-15 Fine mapetjle-tUDplm rftCI

Siurring water tlowrate cUmin): 3.0 feed race (kg/min): 2.0

Fluidization wacer tlowr:ate (1Jmin : 15.0 feed Solids cS): 40.0SB ~oncentJace Feed

Sïz.e Mau Wl. TuJl&Sten Grade Ra:overy Mus Wt. TUJ1lSten Grade Dist'n(Ilml Ce) (%) (2) C~) (,,> (2) (~) (2) ('{, ) CS>

300 34.85 7.20 11.03 48.87 372 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.55212 45.23 9.35 16.66 36.83 98.14 162 7.62 18.50 2.43 12.33150 7S.SS 15.61 22.43 29.69 91.44 1410 14.10 24.53 1.14 16.35106 68.10 14.07 20.22 29.69 93.09 1515 lS.lS 21.72 1.43 14.4875 55.86 Il.54 15.59 27.91 91.17 1344 13.44 17.10 1.27 11.4053 47.13 9.14 Il.80 25.04 90.11 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 45.92 9.49 12.35 26.89 90.11 1148 11.48 14.78 1.29 9.8525 31.45 6.50 9.20 29.25 94.56 1233 12.33 13.50 1.09 9.00·25 79.79 16.49 14.97 18.76 1100 11.00 12.06 1.10 8.04

Toul 483.88 100.00 lJO.25 28.98 93.50 10000 100.00 150.00 ua 100.00

•SIW'1'ÏllI waser flowme (Umin): 5.4 Feed me (k&/min): 5.0


Auidizalion water flowrate CUmin): 15.0 Feed $oliels (~): 48.0SB l: onc:encrace l'ad

Sïze Mus WL 1ùnptcn Grade Recovery Maa WL TwIp&en Grade Dist'n(uml (Il) ('-') (Il) (") (,.l (Ill (,.) (Ill (") (")

300 33.69 7.20 16.53 49.07 312 3.72 15.83 4.25 10.SS212 42.88 9.17 16.60 38.71 96..50 762 7.62 18..50 2.43 12.331.50 69.96 14.95 22.4& 32.13 91.64 1410 14.10 24.53 1.74 16.3!106 61.87 13.22 19.83 32.05 91.30 1515 15.15 21.72 1.43 14.4875 51.24 10.9' 15.25 29.76 89.18 IJ.W 13.4'" 11.10 1.27 11.4053 46.52 9.M 11.67 25.09 88.43 1116 11.16 12.02 1.08 8.0137 41.46 10.14 12.03 25.35 88.43 1148 Il.41 14.78 1.29 9.8.525 33.55 7.11 9.45 28.11 92.33 1233 12.33 13..50 1.09 9.00·25 80.69 17.15 14.15 17.54 1100 11.00 12.06 LlO 8.()4

Toal 467.86 100.00 137.99 29.49 91.99 10000 100.00 1.50.00 1..50 100.00

 · • • • ABSTRACT A new goId centrifugai concentrator, the Falcon SuperBowl, was tested bath at plant and laboratory scales to assess its ability to recover gold from grinding - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.