Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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toll VI 6 s- ea 1 TL op Geserous Otter To Sufferer From put wouary Ailments ot Trial of Europe's Itemarkuble Bemedy SANOSIN urt6s Ad i "I Generous Offer To Si wonary Ailment Europe's -d I tANos mutt Lu 5 ea I Geteron offer To Sufferers From Pol inonary Ailments ot Trial of Europe's IZemarkable Bessiedy SANOSIN id sev- them Id take cky in ou the 1:2231 World-noted medical scientista--Doctorst 'DsrellusSommerfeld SAN- 041:1 a most efficient treatment for Put- 4000? moan Alirnents Felix Wolff Court Phy- can Director of the Sanitarium for Con- sumptives in RelboMsgrun Geetnany Says he has discarded an oL'her remedies SANOi sc has been oqiciallyrecornmended to the 1 'Berlin Medical Association We make 4 rANOSIN knowil to the whole human race trUfferera rich or poor can use remarkable home treatment that met Id sev such phenomenal success in Europe the tANOSIN does Its work by tos ap injection nor a medicine Induces td take restful sleqp without morphium or 4 similar deadening drugs Almost immedi- City 11 ste relief from coughing blood spitting and ou the aght sweats is repOrted by many users sAsosIN Is proving a blessing to hundreds I iraffering from Pulmonary Ailments Bron- thitts Asthma Influenza 'Whooping Coughs etc Send for FREE BOOKLET (with tes- explaining this treatment and trial can be made in your own home World-noted medical 'parellusSommerfeld osts a most efficient ''''1000? mostry Ailments Fe li oelan Director of the aaniptives in RelboMss 1 he qi il less discarded all oil i sr has been oclaily 1 'Berlin Medical Asse known to thf American erufferers Id sev ts remarkable home such phenomenal them t4NOSIN does Its wo 'sot au injection nor ld take i win restful eleqp wi ck i deadening drug ate relief from cougnin 'ou th igh t- sweats is repo 'SASOSIN Is proving a itfering front Folmon thins Asthma Influenr etc Send for FREE I ttmonials) explaining a trial can be mae worldnotd medical 'tug Sommerfeld A N- Dire' oct a most efficient treatment for Put- 4000? 5 01n ailments Felix Wolff Court Phy- tor of the Sanitarium for Con- 11clall Direc Pelhosgrun Ger in ld otnanY saYs rattiptiN es Jul hs has discarded all oiher remedies SANO-'ittm i sr has been ofgicla to the lly recommended 'Berlin Medical Association We make! qtx known to the whole human race isA70 rif kab erers rich or poor home treatment that met Can USe Aserican 1 sev- 0 remar'le 1th such phenomenal success in Europe does Its work by them OA' i or a medicine Induces ap injeCt on ake ecrri restful 81 eip without morphium or 4ilar deadening drugs Almost immedi- ore coughing blood spitting and In te relle ishi sweats is reported by many users Du the 17a-IN is proving a bte5sing to hundreds ering from l'olmonarY Ailments Bon- -e'hitts Asthma Influenza Whooping Coughs gend for FREE BOOKLET (with tes- ea explaining this treatment and tislon cl in emir own home a trial can be ma LS Want hter a down values nS ght lhoW It our risk Address Laity Bidg Chicago- Show This To Some BUYING FALL TO BE Reliable 'goods in be hard to buy at Leon Grosso 7Brother learnedort 'ciCes from which he ntfrht Gross made The merchants who 'buyers and good pay taken care of by the said "and these ing now Their ing to have to pay nor will they te- grade but the off their buying imrketa are going tp against a FOR RESULTS -NV 11 'how et our risk Address la A Bldg Chicago Laity Shaw Thi To Sol Want hter a down BUYING FALL' values TO BE Reliable goods in be hard to buy at ras fAll Le011 Gross prt Brothers learned ort ght ciCes from which Gross made cbmiitions Gr -The merchants NO buyers arid guod pa: 1 taken care of by the he said "and these tug now Their rust lorr to have to pay nor will they bet- suI ferior gTa de hut iput off their buYing ismedis irrarkets are 1 tp aga inst a rear 4 "-----nssm i -f FOR RESULT LT '''''''y TELEGRAM NV I eniEipe I 'how it our risk Address anity Bldg Chicago I Want show This To Some ater a BUYING FALL dOWn TO BE values Boilable goods in irill be hard to buy at ns hrs lernekon Leon Gross pre aur -cit'es from which he iht TOIL Gross made -c6nlitions -7he merchants who buyers and guod thpay taken care of by he said "and these Their ing now to have to pay nOr will they supp Jerior grade but the 7pui off their buying '2'1'11' kets are goin-- a ria' 1 ag FOR RESULTS ainst a I -f' ir d- RA TE1EG NV 11 I 1 -La SANuSIN Dept 101 Unfortunate SUNDAY JANUARY 21 1917 GOODS BIG PROBLEM the clothing lines any price by next prssident4of 'Washer a tohr 'of nastera returned Friday the trip to study have been good are geing -to be Eastern markets" I merchants arebuy-1 $1835 0 factory customer sa are not go-I exorbitant prices' supplied with an inferior merchants that: from the Easterni to find themselves reaCproblem" TRY STAR-TELEGRAM A IT ADS upD ALONG Fysflkctilc UTO w411 pow A new model Overland sedan has just been placed on display in the salesroom of the Overland Sales Company here The Wright Company announces the sale of a 2:5 Packard brougham to Al A Dillard The Jeffery Sales Company ha just unloaded a shipment including two touring cars and a se-dam The Cooke-Boyd Motor Company announces sales of Dodge touring cars to A CasstevCns and Conner Chevrolet touring cars were scdd by the Beck- Auto Company last week to the Kirkpatrick Palter Company Ray Knaur () Allen Stripling- A Barclay A Washington and Harry Keeton A shipment of new National cars will be received by the Wyatt Motor Car Company this week Employes of this company were busy the past week and preparing to move to the new building on Sixth and Throckmorton streets The De Luxe Motor Car Company has sold a Saxon six touring carto Harold Hough The first Buick sedan to arrive in Fort Worth is expected in a shipment to the A Ilseng Motor Car Company this week The car is a six-cylinder model D-47 and is priced at IL IL Harvey and Davis of the De Luxe Motor Car Company visited Dallas last week and arranged for the establishment of a state agency 1 The RI Southern Motor Car Company announces the sale of a five passenger Paige touring car to Walling of Wichita Falls l'wo carloads- of new series Paigs cars will arrive this week Kerrigan and Studebaker Roadster He Used Here Warren Kerrigan and his Studebaker landau roadster placed at his disposal by Wyatt Motor Car Co during his recent visit to Fort Worth FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM onA)NIgo ItNditts a rA RT Editor NotorServiceBureau rit ALBERT Editor PlotorServiceBurci Peview of Pevicaltv spark These spaces of time extremely short as they are constitute an appreciable fraction of the time required for an engine to make a stroke and they are a much larger fraction of the time taken to make a stroke when an engine is running at its highest speed than of that required for a stroke when It is running at its slowest If the electrical apparatus is so set that it always begins to produce the spark at the same point in the engine stroke the result is as follows: At very high speed the piston will have moved through a very considerable distance before the working pressure upon It is 'fully developed while at' very low speed it will have moved but a very short distance before the full pressure Is realized In the former case the piston may have moved beyond the top of the stroke and begun to go down so that the useful effect of the pressure may be largely lost While in the latter case the piston may not have reached the top of its stroke before full pressure development and the pressure may act for a time to push the piston backward To counteract this tendency toward late ignition at high speed and early ignition at low speed It is necessary to start the electrical action earlier for high engine speeds and later for low engine speed or in other words to "advance" and "retard" the spark by means of the spark-control lever provided Motor Knocks While Idling writes: My engine ha de I What You Should Know About City's Traffic Laws I 41L veloped a knock or "chug" when running idle although it runs very smoothly while p'ulling the car I have had the bearings of the crankshaft 'tightened but there is still a knock when idling What is the probable cause of this trouble? Answer: If your engine does not knock when pulling the car it is not probable that there is anything serious he matter for all knocks that indicate serious trouble are worse when an engine is loaded The probabilities are that your engine -when idling on I very small throttle occasionally misses an explosion or has a very weak ex- Plosion in one cylinder This causes it to slow down momentarily and whatever lost motion there is in the timing gears is taken up in one direction When the next explosion occurs the engine speeds up and takes up the lost motion in the other direction This 7 'action of the gears makes a tapping or knocking sound each time it occurs a An engine runs more irregularly when idle than when it is handling a load as the momentum of the load has a i steadying effect and thus you hear a a knock of this kind when idling and not when pulling a load The missing at very low throttle may be caused by an a air-leak around an inlet valve by i faulty distribution of gas in the intake! manifold or by failure of the spark at a very low speeds i Acid Resisting Paint writes: 1 cannot keep my storage battery from slopping The a liquid corrodes the battery box Is there anything that 1 can coat the inside of the box with that will resist 3 this acid? Answer: Asphalt paint applied to the inside of the box will protect the metal of the box to Some extent and perhaps as well as anything you can put on We presume that you do not a fill your batteries any fuller than recs ommended and suggest that you see if 1 you cannot obtain from the manu1 facturer of your battery some vented -I filler-plugs which will prevent the a slopping "So you read Addlepate's novel How did it come out?" "It's a mystery to me I guess he must have hypnotized the Boston Transcript 1T C1- 11 if he eason la 4 1 1 vvIA41wo34i 0 That the Automobile Public are now trying and then adopting MONOGRAM OILS for their Motors is that all manufacturers of high-grade cars recommend MONOGRAM above all other 1 oils for uniform quality and service By far cheaper in the long run FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE we have a very complete stock of Auto Accessories and the Famous Service Tires Lee Punclure-Proot Tires Lee Regular Tires Texas Auto Supply Co FORT WORTH DALLAS HOUSTON Why Not Buy MAXWELL Touring Sedan? is comfortable in all weather $1050 Delivered THE WRIGHT COMPANY 907-9 Commerce St Fort Worth Texas Phone Lamar 8868 Auto (Did Not Advance in Price) WHOLESALE-RETAIL ohne Sho CA SPECIAL TRAIN VIA PAGE SEVEN a 1 i er Roadster He Used Here 11 is-N'': SUNDAY JANUARY 21 1917 ill'ORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM PAGE SEVEN il 1-1PD ALONG it! Kerrigan and Studeba -To eason (57 ist--Ej 1 -r-5---7I' p1-'-ke i ii Oa- 401 01 1 Warren Kerrigan and his Studs- trretr at Flfrii- :14:1 i-hra i 8- h- le 4 baker landau roadster placed at his '''sa4 '4 -sas qsas -s SIIIMISPIEllaslinealitelltalit -4S'Ws4' -Atl 4's 1- '''z! 0-1J 000401Z-iir-044-'i- lk 7 14Er-4-0440 0ireitiew-417-s A new model Overland sedan has dur- ust disposal by Wyatt Motor Car Co 1: been placed on displa in the That the Automobile Public are now trying and 1 ''t I' -5' salesroom of the Overland Sales Com- ---w-- F4r-a -ca-a I' Ar i 1 ingw his recent visit to Fort Worth kk ks--1-74-' ett -7- "-a-e---): pan3r here 41--lr''''- eet-'1'e-x'-'- --ivi-- The Wright Company announces the sale of a 2:5 Packard brougham to -14 te-'-4 :0 1-- Motors is then adopting MONOGRAM OILS for their --4 cars recommend -p1q eir that all manufacturers of high-grade i 1 A Dillard It-" -z illooalaa MONOGRAM above all other N' -'k- The Jeffery Sales Company ha just -f OiIS for uniform quality and service By far 57177-- SO SS Pik3 4- 'N't44k 4 1 -1k 71120744a --avo -401 unloaded a shipment including two 4 cheaper in the long run --Scf --le( ttp -0 v1 touring cars and a se-dan "4-4 l'SI''''''''' 7- '''1''''' 4'''' -e----i'a a ---aaa: ae 1 -t '''4 L-s Ssliswessssys t- A 4 YAY--44'-- FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE we have a 1 The -Cooke-Boyd Motor Company 4'7 --q WA announces sales of Dodge touring cars aziEt- 14A'7 -a- rf -4 -'1- ls--afkoo S- --1-4-ta' very complete stock of Auto Accessories and the 1 to A Casstevens and Conner a tt04-ii 7--A-: ---110 I -t-v- 'g- Famous Service Tires st avf1 sr: iis ''''e-i I Chevrolet touring cars were sold by lc -1 1' 'a I the Beck-Auto Company last week to the Kirkpatrick Palter Company ItaY 147-171Y '4- i Lee Puncture-Prool- Tires a SAINUSIN Dept 101 A Knaur () Allen Stripling- 7 -2'! tk- ta s- rt-e all i 6 A Barclay A Washington and I 1- '1 2 r'l '--5 41- 'SIC' )1 (Did Not Advance in Price) Harry Keeton ---7'0--'-: '''7s''--i: 'Ibassaea---k'r'ss: P-- 4' A -Y '''-sA- Unfortunate socsLit: r-'' v'' ss s- ls 4643 t1 shipment of new National cars At Lee Regular Tires zol 4 4 GOODS will A be received by the Wyatt Motor a-- sger1m)4 Car Company this week Employes of a i this company vvere busy the past BIG PROBLEM ft elk and preparing to move to the rH: ------a ''P 4--- alto '1--- 4 (-Veil 44 i I Y--2-tie 4 new building on Sixth and Throck- a '1 the clothing lines l'-'-g '''2 -AA' A ii: I anyyrice by next The De Luxe Motor Car Company ia 'lent- of Washertniorton streets has sold a Saxon six touring car to Texas Auto Supply Co Il a to a 'of' Harold Hough returned Friday -4 1 i the trip to study The first Buick sedan to arrive in Fort Worth is expected in a shipment LI FORT WORTH DALLAS HOUSTON a ftom veioped a knock or "chug" when run- r'- have been good to the A Ilseng Motor Car Com- 1 ning idle although it runs very smooth- of geing to be pany this week The car is a six- ly while pUlling the car I have had -7 are ft -) 1 the bearings of the crankshaft -tight- Easte rn ark ets cylinder model D-47 and is priced at 1 l' 1 c1 merchants are buy- $183a ia factory Fil Ty- ened but there is still a knock when idling 'What is the probable cause Of r'777717f-117'31 customers are not go-I this trouble? lied ith in- exorbitant' Prices' II II Harvey and I' Davis of rsi'40-1 14'14 --') ---1 I a he De Luxe Motor Car Company is --V-q0----)1 ori Answer If your engine does not 1 merchants that ited Dallas last week and arranged r- he matter knock when pulling the car for all knocks that it is not AIL 2 probable that there is anything serious 411110P from the astern for the establishment of a state agency to find themselves l' er' sl 1-24 1 I j'' tt indi- Aro The Southern Motor Car cate serious trouble are worse when i 0 II 1 TRY STAR- reat'prohlern" 1Company announces the sale of a five passenger Paige touring car to I I l''' 11' I an engine is loaded The probbilitie -'a'- -4r as are that your engine when idling on kigOlt' -6Y- C-1 61 very small throttle occasionally misses an explosion or has a very weak ex- -4 Walling of Wichita Falls- l'wo car- A' 1 'ALBERT Editor PlotorServiceBureau 1 4- 1 A ADS loads- of new series Paigs ears will 'IN arrive this week plosion in one cylinder This causes Powell of Pevieltv it to slow down momentarily and what- ever lost motion there is in the tim- When the next explosion occurs the ing gears is taken up in one direction A spark These spaces of time extremely mely en ne speeds up and takes up the lost engine I i an engine to make a stroke and they or knocking sound each time it occurs taken to make a stroke when an en- idle than when it is handling a load short as they are con tt an a ciable fraction constitute re- motion in the other dire PP direction This a- ction of the time required for 4i ction of the gears makes a tapping i' --s- are a MUCh larger fraction of the time An engine runs more irregularly hen i "1" gine is running at its highest speed as th -momentum of the load has a than of that required for a stroke when steady effect and thus you hear a i SNIorhy Not Buy a 1 ist is tlectris rcua in nal np gp a raatt uist Its i ss 1 ostovesset begins to produce the set tihfatthiet kwnhoeco*k pulling this throttle nidoawd-h when idling and not Th eaumissing at point in the engine stroke the air-leak around an inlet valve by result is as follows: At very high faulty' distribution of gas in the intake- 7: speed the Piston will have moved manifold or by failure of the spark at ---4- through a very considerable distance very low speeds -a- car that INIAX17VELL EINNINIE si i is an -All-Season Car and all r- i before the working pressure upon It is Acid Resisting Paint is comfortable in all weather 'fully developed while at' very low writes: I cannot keep my hi -1 speed it will have moved but a very storage battery from slopping The short distance before the full pressure liquid corrodes the battery box Is i is realized In the former case the there anything that I can coat the in- iston may have moved beyond the top side of the box with that will resist SI 050 De- livered 1 of thestrokeand begun to down so this acid? that tit useful erreo i the he pressure Answer: Asphalt paint applied 1 'r IMMO 1 may be largely lost While in the lat- thinside of the box will protect the THE WRIGHT COMPANY ter case the PistOn maY not have metal of the box to itome extent and CZ r- -1 reached the top of its stroke before perhaps as well as anything you can full pressure development and the pres- put on We presume that you do not 907-9 Commerce St Fort Worth Texaa INN ISENINSIN i 5 sure may act for a time to push the fill your batteries any fuller than rec- Phone Lamar 8868- piston backward To counteract this ommended and suggest that you see if tendency toward late Ignition at high you cannot obtain from the manu- isms speed an ignition gnition at low speed facturer of 3our battery some vented it is necessary to start the electrical filler-plugs which will prevent the 7 -t i action earlier for high engine speeds slopping ssssss INNS mmIe Ms 11111111100t AMEMSOinte 4 a the spark by means of the spark-con- did it come out?" and later for low engine speed or in other words to "advance" and "retard" "So you read Addlepate's novel How trot lever provided "It's a mystery to me I guess he Motor Knocks While Idling must have h3pnotized the writes: My engine has de- Boston Transcript I NI 3- -te-i- 1191110211D11111111111M12 4 It 4 ---4 7: 4 70011 -4 i I ----1 1 i i rs What You Should Know I kill 110 I 1- i show I 4 rt 1 Ah out ty a Traffic Laws 1 i i i CHIICAG 0 t'- I i 1 f' 1 gt -1 1 SPECIAL TRAIN it i( ft i IA i I i I Zrr I 1 Dallas Notes I 1) kJ k71-1 M-1 4 Rose is expected -home from New York Tuesday it iNsetrif Cop3-right 1917International Syltdicate Verifying the rilitiTh- i eutTmiorrisitngirn por- business trip to the factory and from tance that the inlet nlet and exhaust valves 11-01 luODBItsvalsH a visit to the Atwood has returned from a 'New York show of an engine should open and close ex- I actly at the correct points in its cycle Hardy writes that all of the I If they do not its power and speed may SORES FIMPLESITCHING RASH 3 i and oilier skin AtTeettona may be Qtrrezty BANIRREp by the moderato Ube of this inexpen- sive and Harmless Hemedi- DRTitIKLE'SIANTISEPTIO factory Ray-Rose dealers from 'Texas who went to the New York Auto Show were taken to the Marion-Handley 1 factory at Jackson Mich as guests of be greatly reduced and heating and carburetor difficulties arise It i are likely to very seldom that a car is delivered with the valves' of its en i ne incorrectly timed but this does occur fjok was occasionally to the great annoyanceof HEALING IL The IL Sides Motor Company the ow The valves of modern en- unable to send its representative ner va to gines 'When once correctly timed keep feLl air ssurlDrartgi0 or sersi Isle to ten is ntere lease tor Large Fa i ly Bottle Fort Worth last week to met pros- their setting remarkably well thanks containing enough for Dozens of pective dealers in this territory be- to the thorough inclosure and copious FREECOPY DRTIN'KI-E'S--CU-10E-To HEALTH cause of the bad weather lubrication of all the moving parts but 11 still there is a tendency for wear to It is reported in Dallas that cause a gradually increasing lateness of McClure formerly district traveling opening and earliness of closing which representative of the Mutual Motors results in a shortening of the period -) Com is Dallas willaka on a new 'that they are open and a diminution We Have Not line of cars with his distributing head- or power The most common cause of quarters in Dallas He is expected to incorrect valve timing is found in er- Changed Our conclude arrangements for these new rors made in reassembling engines after his visit to the Chicago Auto overhauling Mechanics all too fre- cars On quently are careless in retiming the Tire Prices' Show next month valves of engines that have been taken Guaranteed Tires $575 and Jake Tipts experienced auto sales- apart and the result of such mistakes Is very annoying to the owners It Is man: who has been with the Burton within the power of the owner of a car Rountree Company in Dallas has join We Have a Few 30x312 RaY-ROSe'S city selling force inspect the valve timing of his en- Rebuilt Tires at $500 Each line of Marion-Handlevs v- in -ill be gine and see if it Is correct Nearly he all engines have markings on the fly placed on A bly display proba wheel which indicate by their relation HIBBS any in Fort Worth wi thin a shor salesroom of the De Luxe Motor Com- to a fixed point or mark the periods in the rotation of the fly wheel that RUBBERCO time it was announced Saturday IN Fosdick Of the Ray-Rose Company A the inlet and exhaust valves should open and close The cover over the 200 SOUTH BOAZ STREET was In Fort Worth last week arrang- valve stem should be removed the in-Phone Lamar 4265 ing for the display let and exhaust valves Identified and the housing of the fly wheel if an3r should be opened With the spark 1 plugs removed the engine should be NewTexas Steamer 0 0 slowly cranked by hand by one person while another watches the fly wheel TOZIMIng TIPS marks and the valve action With a four-cylinder engine when the fly 0 A fora Autonsto wheel mark "I 0" comes opposite the pointer some one of the inlet valves Ak IIIIP1W should just be beginning to lift and 1 koss0c-1 a 1 when the mark 0" is reached an exhaust valve should just be beginning Cilit 541 TEMPLE Texas Jan Tem- to open The abbreviation I and ple-Belton pike will be closed for the refer to the closing of the to kinds next few days in order to facilitate of valves the laying of tarvia upon it What Is a "Spark Knock" 'At asks: What is a "spark RINGLING Okla Jan 20---Con- knock?" tracts are to be avvarded shortly after Answer: It is the knocking sound Feb 1 for eight miles of road north that an engine produces when it is of Ringling to the Stephens county line running on a too early spark When and the building of bridges and in- the spark is too far advanced (too stallation of concrete culverts his early) the pressure of the explosion is developed before the piston reaches the stretch of highway will pass pear Dixie fill an important gap the 'top of its stroke or upper dead center route between Ringling and the North on the compression stroke and the re- sult is that during the last park of this Ringting ell field and connect at the stroke the full exposon li Stephens county line with the high pressure is acting to stop the engine and tending way from Comanche and Loco to make It turn in the reverse direcins -nder this heavy reverse pres- BALL! NGER Texas Jan 20--A tion sure the moving parts are severely turnpike road is being constructed stressed and any looseness in the between this city and winters The crank shaft bearings is taken up in one county is building the road from a direction When the piston passes dead s-------- special tax levy There is much activ- and begins to go down the di- ity in public road improvement in this 1 HICHET 'P ILLS reetion of the explosion pressure Is SER section I I then such as to drive the engine in its I normal direction and any looseness in II nr: In om BEL-ism is Iiii ie! A al your Itruglytot for MAXWELL TO MOVE the crank shaft bearings Is taken up in Chi-rtirn-treo Diamond li nd the opposite direction The knocking 'ers Pills in Red and 1oitt rnermadsc heavy blow that IL sele 1 with Flue Ribbot 1IN li INTO LARGER QUARTERS sound results from the TaLe no othrr Roy of your 1 IS delivered the parts when explosion tor0szit A Or Cil I-C li FSTER11 I occurs and the slight motion of the 1le RR Nib l' I for ea Outg-rowing its old quarters the crank shaft and other parts in their vears nown tts Eest5-festAtwavs Reliable I ii SOLD BY EVERYPIHERE Max-vvell motor Sales Corporation of bearings Retarding the spark is the 1-)nlInss will move into a three-story 1 obvious remedy for a spark knock CLOUGH Flue Ribbon with 3 tin DI 11-4iNip BR-AN-1k MAXWELL TO MOVE the crank shaft bearings Is taken up in 1 itcef41 Amdt your itruggit for 41 hi kientPr Diamon the opposite direction The knocking Brood es 'arf Pills to Red and 46old roetalisc INTO LARGER QUARTERS sound results from the heavy blow that --It taa sa e-1 th Ei delivered the parts when explosion araaa Le op Ito of your Ts tho I occurs and the slight motion of the i 17 ii Akr A d-C1 TER Its old quarters the crank shaft and other parts in their RD ND PiLIA for ea TO tf years nown rts Eest 5-fest Ainavs Reliable Outgrowing Maxwell rotor Salea- Corporation of 1 bearings Retarding the spark la the SOLD BY EVERIVIHERE Dallas will move into a three-story i obvious remedy for a spark knock 4 Itt I i 4111411tD- SORES FIMPLES11 and ether Fkin AiTectior BANISREP bY th derat ace sad Harmless Remedy DRTiltiKLI Ick lilin A rsk nurDraagist ore tennters lease containing enough for REE LON Li RA 1 N'KLi strits -ringsatowsta We Hal Change Tire Guaranteed Th tip eve Have a Rebuilt Tires a 1 CLOUGH m--I a a 4 Dallas Notes Rose is expected home from New Syltdicata Trifig-m- ew York Tuesday Copyright 1917 Atwood has returned from a Is 'business trip to the factory and from tance that the inlet and exhaust valves hi li 1 du VANISH a visit actly at the correct points in its cycle to York of the Hardy writes that 1 'Texas who Verifying the Valve Timing It is of- course of the utmost impor- of 'an engine should open and close ex- I If they do not its power and speed may oe greatly reduced and heating and RASH er5Ad5 1: REEft ilt 111 1 11 no seP ttAIS et emraedst is tzi tili trefupus'- I'm HEAL! NIS OIL rnt taken ke tnh to lke New the from A iica hr lo nua-tsioi angSudhe guests a th factory incorrectly ys arise irliresu itito carburetor sidt Nibfefri difficulties seldom are that a likely a sar to hut this does occur oyance-of The It occasionally to the great ann Motor ComPa nY was the -owner The valves of modern en- gines'When once correctly timed keep Pal1 Aotk virlDreggifrt or eend 50e to linable to send its representative to ator tante Family Bottle Fort NI orth last week to meet- pros- their setting remarkably well thanks rn for Doreae of tive weather dealers in this territory be- to the thorough inclosure and copious FREE COPY DRTIN'KCE'S- C13 pec10E-TO HEM111 cause of the bather lubrication of all the moving parts but still there is a tendency for wear to -4' It is reported in Dallas that cause a gradually increasing lateness of McClure formerly district traveling opening and earliness of closing which rgatz7teseamoommil gopresenytative of the Mutual Motors results in a shortening of the Period In Dallas wil l-take on a new that they are open and a diminution IA' ave Not of cars with his distributing head- of power The most common cause of is expected to Incorrect valve timing is found in er- line new rors made in reassembling engines after Cha cars On his visit to the nged Our quarters Dallas eme Hs an overhauling Mechanics all too fre- Iarr' for hica thes Auto cluentlY are careless in retiming the Ti Rountree Company in Dallas as re Prices Show next month NAl Guaranteed Tires $575 and Jake Tipts experienced auto sales- a Ra man apse who has been 31-- y- city selling force -ves of engines that have been taken apart and the result of such mistakes with the Burton- is very annoying to the owners It Is Joined within the power of the owner of a car to inspect the valve timing of his en- We Have a Few 302c Rebuilt Tires at $500 Each A ce line of aprl laZH vi-ntut wheel which indicate by their relation bh: gine and see if it is correct Nearly all engines have markings on the fly gits laced on parnod 1babl to a fixed point or mark the periods HIBBS in the rotation of the fly wheel that pang was announce uiAxeit Motor within otor a shom*ort RUBBER time it SaturdaY -R the inlet and exhaust valves should open and close The cover over the CO 200 SOUTH BOAZ STREET was A Foisdrico*krtof the Rthlaasy last week pankCoamrrangy valve stem should be removed the in- let and exhaust valves identified and Phone Lamar 4265 ing for the display- r----esseo----- the housing of the fly wheel if an3r plugs removedt 1 should be opened With the spark he engine should' be slowly cranked by hand by one person ewTexas Steamer while another action fl watches the wheel tounung Tips marks and th valve With a four-cylinder engine when the fly A wheel mark "I 0" comes opposite the 1 fora Autonsto pointer some one of the Inlet valves A 49011 sh beginning just be beginn ng to lift and 4 t-ac -111 1 when the mark 0" is reached an a exhaust valve should us be be innin breviation I and s4Z7-'ItA -ET -'sse-A164 TEMPLE Texas Jan 20The Tern' to open The ab 7 --a Belton pike will be closed for the refer to the closing of the two kinds pie- next few days in order to facilitate of valves the laying of tarvia upon it What Is a "Spark Knock" asks: What is a "spark that an engine produces hen it Is RINGLING Okla Jan 20--Con- knock?" tracts are to be awarded shortly after Answer: It is the knocking sound id Feb 1 for eight miles of road i th running on a too early spark When of Ringling to the Stephens county nor lne the spark is too far advanced (too and nd the building of bridges and in early) the pressure of the explosion is Up ty Emasmil 1917 'e of ths fresh acstablished that as opedia is rence dear are a events proposal ae belligties and -cs'n army paredness and coneral revcharge5- also ths 'ural Post together -orkmen's nsions official ote from ire givell disburse Up Up 4 LT 1917 of ths -esh ac- ablished that the pedia 's eminent ece de- are a events )roposal being- rn arrnS tredness n- nd co ral rev- charges also ths ral Paq her toget rkmen's isions (Editor's Note: This is the fifth of a series of articles explaining the city teaffic code in every-day terms for the busy motorist) The automobile driver has been told of the many things he must do and must not do but he has certain rights over the pedestrians and it is well for him as well as the pedestrian to know what the law says about the man on foot Pedestrians are rot permitted to use the roadway of the street for loafg While automobiles must not blockade street crossings no persoLi about to board a street car may (IUD the sidewalk for the street until the car Is within 100 feet of the corner "Jay walking" is prohibited A pedestrian must cross a street only at an intersection and at a right angie with the curb line In other words he must keep on the line of the sidewalk There is this protection for the per (Editor's Note: This is the fifth of a series of articles explaining the city traffic code in every-day te rms or th busy motorist) The automobile driver has been told of the many things he must do and must not do but he has certain rights what the law says about the ire over the pedestrians and it is well for him as well as the pedestrian to know man foot Pedestrians are not permitted to use the roadway of the street for loaf- son boarding or alighting from a street car: An automobile must keep at least six feet from the running- board or lower step of the street car that is stopping to take on or discharge passengers and if the automobile cannot pass the car at less distance than six feet it must stop and remain at a standstill until the street car has started again However if an atiV)mobile must pass a street car that has ftopped it must not move faster than four miles an hour A perkon on a bicycle motorcycle tricycle or roller skates must not take hotd of your car to be pulled by you and the law requires you to be vigilant in preventing this The city means to save you tire bills It is against the law for anytody to throw or drop upon the street any nails tacks crockery scrap iron tin wire bottles ghiss or any other thing likely to injure your car or tires or to litter the streets son boarding or alighting from a street car: An automobile must keep at least six feet from the running board or lower step of the street car that is stopping to take on or discharge pas- sengers and if the automobile can- not pass the car at less distance than six feet it must stop and remain at a standstill until the street car has start- ed again However if an automobile must pass a street car that has to ped it must not move faster than four miles an hour A person on a bicycle motorevele 51-- in a t- le te to ly ig to Str 'HENRY MALLORY" Largest in the coastwise service Now in service between Galveston New York HAVANA-MIAMI rAn outside staterooms Bedroom suites with private bath Large promenade clecka Ercentional cuisine CIRCLE TOURS Otte way by water returning ty ra with liberal woo-over privileges en route Full at las ticket office or write MALLORy LINE Galveston Locai Telc as Office 300 Moore Fort Worts Str 'HENRY MALLORY" Largest in the coastwise service ow i service between Galveston New York or HAVANA-MIAMI All outsi de staterooms Bedroom Iftlitett with private bath Large prom ade ec 6 Esceptional cuisine CIRCLE TOURS by water die feturnIng es ra th liberal ob asover rt vileges en route Full ilifeemation et mover ticket office or write l'iitALLORY LINE' Gal Nriston i9 Texas ocal Office 30n Moore 'Did Fort Wortle HENRY MALLORY" laargest in the coastwise service Now in service between ae Yorn lveston The Katy and A Leaving Fort Worth 5 nil 1 -7 7 1 -1 CI A The January 27 1 9 1 7 Jai ARRANGED FOR BY The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce WHO INVITES YOU TO JOIN The Sa Warns Autoists Not to Warns Autoists INot to MitTt 5 I 4 A 71r LI Klil ip te aor 1 4 1 I -I This Texas Train hose ered your of ig in hich 7HE map of A special train of Pullman Sleepers with Dining Car service San Antonio to Chicago without change via The Katy (M T) to St Louis Chicago Alton to Chicago A stop of half a day at St Louis for entertainments arriving at Chicago 7 a Jan 29 SPECIAL LOW RATE A special train tonio to Chico! Louis Chicago for entertainme Fort Worth to Chicago and Return $4325 Final Return Limit Feb 15 Fort AIT( I a Run Engines in Closed Garage I I Special to The Star-re-ler-atm blood more readily than oxygen building at 2105-2107 Commerce street 1 Dressing for Clutch Leather GU 'TER 110TEL Thia includes the wholesale branch and A Says: The clutch of my car is WASHINGTON Jan does and blood that is saturated the sales and service departments I of the cone variety with a leather fee- bureau of mines department of the with it cannot take up oxygen The dangerous symptom of this A Smith zone manager is in leg What If anything should I put interior today called attention SAN ANTONIO TEXAS or ay enon to carbon monoxide poisoning comes I Official Headquarters for A charge Of the lklaxwell sales while on the leather to keep it in good roe- the increasing number of persons almost without warning and col- and A A A directs the ervice and Answer: A good leather facing re- who are being asphyxiated through lapse in a garage generally proves Fix lAbsol sarts de- dition? a i utely Fireproof Modern prtments breathing the exhaust gases from Quires very little attention btat an or- fatal unless outside aid arrives serge display rooms for commercial It A HOTEL BUILT FOR THE Goes With Tire Company casional dressing is advisable Castor automobile engines in garages and very soon because the running en- Arthur LIMATE Bryant formerly of the Hark- oil iei often recommended for this pur- suggested that the danger is great- gine continues to generate carbon- EuropeaRates $1 $3 per day rider-la has ac- Pose but we believe that neatsfoot oil ly increased in the winter time monoxide and continues to make San Antonio Hotel Co Owners el cepted a Pos th-ritrionn ke a f4Ccredit om Company ri my i for the applying In per- is better -ving it have one when the weather is too cold to son hold the clutch fully out of en- keep the doors and windows open the air more poisonous "In the tests the chemists found Oorev Tvrrolt 011rtaelor Miller Tire Company of Texas gagement by pressing the pedal while A series of tests were conducted dangerous amounts of carbon monanother person applies oil to tile far- in a garage in which one of the oxide in the farthermost part of the eamaramenraemer in with a rush or stick The clutch chemists was considerably affected garage after twenty or thirty min SECOND --1 can be turned around by hand so that by the poisonous gases The tests utes running of the engine while all netts 6f the leather can be reached led to the following conclusions: near the engine the air was ex- SHEET Why Spark Control Is Required An automobile engine should not tremely unsafe when the engine I The spark in each cylinder of a gas- be operated in a small garage un- had run about fifteen minutes i oline engine should occur at such an less doors and windows are wide "The observer did not -remain In Ely F'CIAtLa FP IRLIC I I instant in its operation as to cause the -pressure produced by the burning ward A very brief space of lime 1 elapses after the spark has occurred open In the tests conducted the air in "The oar made by automobile en- the dangerous atmosphere except charge of gas to be fully developed Just when taking samples of the gas tering of the eyes due to the pres- ence of other noxious products of the garage was rendereddecidedly and was not exposed to the poison- 75c 1 1 ias the piston has ceased ed its upward dangerous after the automobile en- ous air longer than three minutes motion and is ready to move down- gine had been running fifteen min- on the whole Smarting and wa- I utes 1 Per Thousand Lots FOR FEW DAYS ONLY before combustion has spread throng' gines i- inolosed garages is known combustion were the first effect out the entire gas charge and has fully as carbon monoxide" said Direc- After collecting the samples the developed the useful pressure upon the tor Van Manningof the bureau I observer contracted a headache and 1 1 THE STAR-TELEGRAM BUSINESS OFFICE epiisto er a minute instant "I Aloreov "It a colorless odorless and apsesbetween the commencement of tasteless gas It is extremely poi- about an hour later became dizzy nauseated and very ill This lasted the electrical actions that cause ig- soncus because it combines with for ten hours' The next day he -anion and the actual kotsage of the i the red coloring matter of the had completely recovered" a -16al i FOR FEW DA II THE STAR-TELEGRAM gHF 1 1'1- 1 4' I il 0" '-i i' i- '1 l' I '1 1 4 1 i I 1 1 6 I 'I I I 'I 1 I I 1 111 '1 I 'I li -i One-way tickets will also be good on 11118 train If yon contemplate a trip to Chicago or thereabouts now or in the near future join this 1 special train Sleeping car rates Fort Worth to Chicago $575 lower berth $460 upper berth SPECIAL SLEEPERS Reserved for Tort Worth Auto Dealers and Their Friends Make Your Reservations Early For further "Talk It Over" with Johnston A or Telephone Lamar 52 atratoscarixemem Way of the wiz? Barzamanagnstui One-way ticke a trip to Chicl special train berth $4 60 up Reserved fot For further "Talk It Ltaant Gs )n Life ls ntley Life ls 'nue' 1 1 11 4t i 'For Results Try a Star-Telegram Want Ad AP.

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.