The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

MONETARY ANDC03IMERCIAL BiHOiias. We have a large and heautt- ADVERTIsem*nTS HATS, CAPS, BONNETS. tW There is natural music In tbe following verse.1, sucb as none but the true genius of poesy BY TELEGRAPH. ReporitH'upto Qie Hour of Publication. Ocb Firc OsomiZiTioii.Ftom.

the Report or the Fire Department Committee, read at' the meet" ing of the City Council yesterday, we arc enabled to glean tbe following items connected with that De. partmenU Fire Company 1 baa' 10D active members; No. 2, ISO; 3, 100; No. 4, 70;, W. r.

Bins. K. Witter. Bobert. BANO.

WALKBB Sc CO. bitiio mrruiD ooo orrica wrra A New Adams Power Pres, EUGGLES JOB PRESS. WlthalltbeLatelmprovements, Mi with OomplMo AMrtmtntof Sow Type, 1 having alo applied Steam to onr Machinery, we are prepared to axecate with despoUh, ill orders for floojta, pamphlets, i ILL-HEADS, 0H.OULAEB, BILLS. CARDS, FCS IRA TICKETS. Inshort.everydrsGriptlon c' J'1" Taney Pri notice ud In the be tTifof thrt.

Bane. Walker fcCo Friday MoralDg, Jnly 15, 1859. "Onr Collector, Mr. D. W.

Kt, will be spending the present in rath among the Cedar Snags of Wilson and DeKalb. Wc brepcalt Tor bim a kind greeting. juljS-diwlm nil variety of unsaleable to the way of Giitert, Aeo, most of them are good shoes, but to get rid of them we will sell them at COST! 1 Come In and get bargains, June 26-lm Wet Nurse Wasted. A libera! price will be for a healthy, kind Wet Apply at this office. HAY AND CORN FOR SALE.

A Lrgc lot of Hatjuid Cors on band and for sale at A. HAMILTON'S July S-dlOt Trr Ori ental Taliskah or Natural Wwim Indicator, grows spontaneously upon tho great Desert of Arabia, it is incorruptible, will remain fn correct use, and may tost a century; it will fortell in "any climate, throughout tho year the various changes of the weather, twenty four lioun in advance, and perfectly reliable. It is the discovery of Louis Ullman, of Columbia, Tenn and may be obtained for $1 of Stretch, General Agent, Nashville, Tenn or sent secured per mail by the discoverer for (2 current money, See advertisem*nt. july 10-d tf A COOL PLACE. The most comfortable place in town to have a likeness taken is the Gallery on Cherry Street, cor.

ner of Union. The rooms being well shaded an4 thoroughly ventilated, will be found pleasant, even thongh the thermometer out of doors may climb, to Every description of Photographic picture fur nished at this establishment is guaranteed the very nest ol its kind. The only place in the State where the Gekcike Amhrotype, the king of pictures, can be had. Labcomde. June 20.

Cherry st, corner Union. TO THE PUBLIC. From now until October next we will offer our entire Retail stock of Hardware at reduced prices for catht including Carpenter! Tool, Building Hardware and Haute Furnithing Ooodt, hav preparations for a large lietail trade many very fine and desirable goods can now be bought at low figures for cath. If yon wish the worth of your money in Htrdware, call soon at McCALL junel5 tf 34 Public Square. Grovcr Baker's celebrated Sewing Ma chines, new styles at reduced prices, possessing more advantage than all others in use.

Nashville Sewing Machine office No. 4, Public Square Nashville. Send for a circular. co3m To tbo Ladies. Come and ice, yon lame and Ob, yon Rhen-malie asd you thall be reliexed by the application of Paor.

Da Gbath's Elxctoic Oil, from Philadelphia, l'a. More than thirty have been cured in this place. In the Iat few dji, of Kheamatltm, Ppraln and ftrniie, Sorti, Preit CnU. Swollen Glandi, Nenra'gis, and Deaf new. The Electric Oil li also Rood far any aorei on hone, sr tale atall DruitgUti and Dealers.

N. B. Please Inform me of any cue of fall are, a I with to cure, or charge nothing. Pear. Dt GaiTU Dear Eln Ihii li to certify that I hod a fall, ip rained my tbo alder, and wai afflicted for elghlren dayi, and oh the me of my arm, and conld not raUe my hand to my head and bearing of the wonderful eorei ef fee ted by De Oratu'j Electric OH, and by one application of tbe Electric Oil.

I wa immediately enabled to raiie rat band to ray head and take off my bat. Thank God I am well, and I cheerfully recommend It io alt the afflicted. The application wai made before a hundred penosi. Pnor. DbOutb Dear Bin I.

Cot-B. B. Smith, do hereby certify that I have been afflicted with Rhecmatiim for fonr year, and at time eonld not deep. By bearing of the wonderful cores br De Graih'i Electric Oil, I tu Induced to try It; and the Ural application of the Hectric Oil I wai at once relieved, and now hare the perfect me of my arm. The application iu made before Ally penoni.

a. ouiiu, i-onaiy. I hare giien away cTtr COO bottlei of my Oil to hone-en. and the all lar Is the ETeateit thine In the world far Bores, Sprain. Bpllnto, Gall and Scratch ei on horac.

For ale by all Drueglttl and Dealer. Defrat, Philadelphia, Pa. Foritleby BEECH AGOODLET, A CARD. Iltigbefc' Art mil cry rHOTOoairm, MaunoTTrB asn THIS ettabliihment, the avett centre of Photography tut continue to be tbe great centra of attraction where p'ctnre are dally made of all dUcrlptioni, varying from the imalleit pin to the lire fur portrait. Determined to acaomraoiitte our patron i we hare encased another operator, Mr.

T.J. KihxO, late principal mann factor at White-hunt' gallery, Washington, All picture taken by tbl excellent art lit will be warranted perfect or no charre will be made. C. a DCGK3. jaljlO tf Corner of College and Union St.

The Graefenberg Dysentery Bymp NEVER fall to care all disorder of tbebowelt. In a few hour. It I portly readable and taken in any quantity quite barmle. It has cured houdrcdi of catet of flux, CTrn after they bad beenglren up by the doctor. It li well remembered for the Krrice It rendered In Kaih-vtlle during the Cholera.

In every printing office or mechanical establishment In tbe city, om person msy be round who hare tested III efficacy. It li prompt In It effect. rellcTe pain instantly, and at the same time the In-flsroed surface of the stomach ord bowel ore sheathed and protected again their acrid con teats. It maybe giren to tbe yonnfest child without apprehension. AIX MACKENZIE, julylO-tf UCoHegeBtreei, Naahvllle.

B. A. Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic and 11-UJ politic iriiia. The annered letter will vrrr tn ifcnw thr hlsfi nilmi. lion In which tbe above celebrated Pills are hsld by those that have giren them a trial.

Imsuii, WtLUAKSOX Cotntrr.Tcss., March 19, 1SS9. Do. S. A. WlLSOS: The Pill Ttra nt te nr1v oat and I don't know how I can do without them.

I will take several dozen boaea provided you think they will keep perfectly good for acowlderable length of time. II tbe sieam now are running regularly between Pitts bare and NaihriUe. shin br rirer. If nnt vnu nt.ui n. far mall.

Do a yon think best, I mnsthave some ol the Headache PHI If I have to come there after tem. lour E. A. EOZELL. Prepared and told brlLL Vahnntivk a nknlfulr druggists and proprietor of B.

Fahneswck' Vermi-f age, No. 60 corner of Wood and Pooitb Pittsburg. Pa. Sold In Naih'ilte by W. W.

Berry Demoville, Ewlng Pendleton 4 and ltalns Brown, and by respectable drugght and Patent medlclnce dealers everywhere. PETER'S PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE, SELF-GENERATIVE Gas Lamp. The public are now favored wilh tho BEST, SAFEST, and MOST ECONOMICAL LIGHT ever produced, superior to any other portable Light in existence. It is adapted for Churches, Stores, Private Dwellings, Steamboats, Railroad Cars, A-c, ic. It Is easily managed, frco from smoke or smell and from all danger of explosion aa the the fluid used is not of an explosive nature.

These Lamps arc on exhibition and for sale at the auction rooms of M. C. Bruce, corner Cedar and Cherry streets, where the public arc invited to call and examine for themselves. BARNETT WINCHESTER, March3P tf General Aaenta. Now Firm.

-ued have this together under the firm of NICHOLSOX HUMPHREY, and will continue the DRY GOODS BUSINESS at the old stand cf O. Nicholson JTo 22 South Bide of the Squire-We will offer our entire stock of goods AT COST FOR CASH, as we are determined to get oar stock very low bfore receiving oar new stock. JJICOOLSOS BOMPUEIY. Jalyl3-8w. Cue-rious Fhelan-thropy.

THE PAeZan-Utropy of those lover of the giaciful and entertaining game of Bouaane, in patronistnit the pHXtxs table at Lyons Saloon is certainly cuo-rloa In the wfakpipiogtlmes of peace. But when we reflect thit the admirers of the gam can, fay descending from the sonny street, find themaelve In a eaol and wll ventilated saloon, not onlj (applied with two excellent Phelan patent cushioned. JenryLlnd tables, bat also wilh an Inexhaustible supply or IcedLAQKfc, and a splendid variety or Bavanna Cigar, we are no longer surprised at the tide of patronage lo the saloon of MWI3 LYONS'. JuljlO-tf DITTO J. DI5MUXD.

i. a. 400. Farrar, Dismnkes (rORJlEBXT VAKKAJl AMD DtSUTJKXS,) PTo. 4S ollette Street, Naahvllle (A.

B. ROBERTSON'S STAND.) WE have associated with tu. In the IXtMit sand Shoe Bnalncaa, Mr Wll. U. DISMDKEs, and have bo tight oat A.

li. Robertson. Uaving united two stock, we will conduct our bnatneai tnr a beantlfultot In rreat variety. We Invite the customer of Farrai- A Dia- muke, and the public generally, to call on us, as we will sell shoes at ttry Unc pric FOR JuneSt FARRAR, DISUTJKga A CO. STRAYED OB STOLES, BOM.

the arte Home In Nashville on Bstnrday morning, July HORSE AND CARRY ALC Tbe bone 1 whit, 3 or Io yaaxs old. In low order, boa a knnt rm riirht kcec. rreas filler aod Mah wtthtrs. TJteeu-. ryall to pal ot4 black and baa boen a barouche.

Allbcral reward wfflbesdTenfor UunOiraaf the abort to Johnson's Stable, east tlaq of its awspapvIOB Bridge, or ioformaOoalefl there otaat tbeproparty can ncovtiil. Ja)jl0St BAKE MOXBrAID EXCHANGE LIST. Corrected, Weellg ly Dyer Pearl Co. AllTenn 'BankFolesJ. par flute Bank, I dls 'Mxeepf.

Central. Id! Bank of America, SOdto Coauserdal I dls Bank, 1 dls'AU good eaxtn Sanks.Jf'dls Bank dlslYIrginla dU Bank par3. Carolina A Geo a Bank or North Wtat'nB'k, GaVji-di ladlsNorth Carolina lftJdi Jefferson. dl. AXOUANGE.

dlt New par K.Tennetsee.eSdislNew Yrfc selling Jtf Exebange Bank Mdit Philadelphia CItiaen Bank 50 is' Baltimore Jf KenuickyBaok di si Louisville Ohio Backs par Indiana BtaU Bank. LAND WARRANTS. Illinois disc's 150 LoulsUnaBask T5 Mobile dlsl woa-rsuxs aixcs. Agrlealtnral Bk. Brownsville I Memphis Brvlng Inst Central Bank, I MIn.

A Manul. Bt. Knox Far. A "erchts Memphis. I vllle.

NxwToar, juljl'2, P.M. The stock market does not hold tbe buoyant appearance of yesterday, thingh tbcre are no positive sign of weakness, tbe re-aciion amounting only to ti per cent, when compared witb the best prices of last evening. There Is nothing now whatever to notice In money or freights in Looisville. The following if an aggregate statement of all tbo Missouri banks of issue: Capital $7,653,725 Circulation Di.counta and 11.185.27S Colli on hand 4,209,660 The LooUvIIIe Journal of Wednesday gives sales of 47 hhds toba'crti 2 at at 83.90; 4 at 10 at 5.103.95; 9 at Gafl 35; and 3 at 7a7.60. The New Orleans Creteetit of the 8th say; There was a good demand with sales of BOO to 1000 bbds, including 160, 62, 302.

and another large lot at, IB bods at 4c, 61 at 6jc, 30 at 6Jc, and 26 at GJc per pound. BiLTutoax Coitxe Mabkct, Jnly 9. There bas not been much animation the market and tbe inquiry has been rather limited, owing probibly to the small stock of prime here. The sales are included in 2600 bags of common to fair Bio on private terms, and about 400 bags good to prime do. in Iota, at cents per ponnd.

We quote the matket firm bnt Dot active at the close, at 10, all cents for low grades of Rio; lljall cents for fair do; and lljal2 cents for good to prime do; HJalS cents for Laguara, and I4jal6 cents for Java. Cotton is rat Strict. We saw yesterday four bales of cotton, in too wagons, in the treti, and a perfect army of tho cotton buyers around them. The arrivals of the great staple are now like angel's visits, and create quite an excitement. We did not learn tbe price paid.

Montgomery Confederation, 1th. COTTON MARKETS. Ciuklxston, July 11. The sales of cotton for three days are 1,400 bales. The market is general, ly unchanged.

MoniLt, Jnly II. The sales of cotton to-day were light, and quotations were nominal. Kate 0iu.ia.5S, July 11. Sales of cotton to day 600 bales. The market generally unchanged.

Freights on cotton to Liverpool 7.16(1. Sugar firm, and quoted at CJc Corn 1.15. Nxw York, July 11, The sales of cotton to-dy were 600 bales, market firm. Middling uplands 11 1. HOTELS.

jily7-tf. EP PERSON SPRINGS, rt Macon County, twenty-one mile Northeast of Gallatin, and 'our and a hair miles East of tie Naih-Title and Looisville Turnpike, will be open and ready for the reception or visitors and Invalids by the 1Mb or Hay. These Spring are so well known for their high and heal thy locality, and the great efflooey of then- mineral waters that comment at ibi tine I Charge to wit: For regular boarders fl.00 per week; Children, under twelve year old, and servant half price: transient hoarders from 1S3 to tl.OOper day. Horse TS Cent per day. We will have a hack to run regularly every day during the season, to meet the Nashville and Louisville Stage at the Rck House to carry visitors to and from the springs, WSJ.

A. DoBOW A JuneS triwsm. Proprietor. Beersheba Springs. THE house at these Boring will bo opened far the reception of visitor on the ISth lniL Several r'oms and other Improve-eat hae been added to the accommodation ol last year.

There will be no drinking saloon kept about the establishment, nrwlll there be any accomodations for professional gambler. Atlengsged rooms will be chargeable Trocilhe first day of Julr. J. A. RICHARDSON A CO.

unci In Spricgs. TO THE PUBLIC 1 ARTIES visiting BEKRSBEBA BPRINGB l-e fTt prcseotBeaion will find HcUlnville and Tracy City ample accommodation for their I prompt conveyance to the Bprlngs- I have several Troy and Concord Coaches, with ether vehlsles, that will run regular In connection with the can, leaving UcUinrille and Tracy City immedl-atelj cn their arrival, so that vititor will meet wilh no delay at those point. General Stage Office at tbe Warren Iloutc, UcMlnvIIle.and Olllham's, Tracy City. I have also a LIVERY STABLE at Beersheba Springr, amply itippllel witb BABBLE HORSES, tares. Baggie, Rockaways and Carriages, for the accommodation of visitor.

Thankful for former patronage, I solicit a continuation or the tune. U. A. PRICE. JunelS dAtwIm Tiie Red Boiling Springs, County, Tonn THESE JUSTLY CELEBRATED BPSINOS ARE NOW open for the reception or visitor.

Everything necessary for the comfort and convenience of tbe invalid or plea to re-seeker, will be fonnd on the ground. Our table will be supplied with the best the country afford. The reputation of 7HB MEDICINAL VIRTUES of the Water is too well known to need any comment, having been tested by thousands of our cltlsen, who have obtained relief from the nse or the water. Tbe diseases for the core ol which they are particularly reeommen-ied ara BcrofuJ a. Gravel, Affection of the Kidneys, Dropsy, Chronic Sore Eye, and Dyspepsia, and wn can safely ay to all afflicted with any of the above named diseases, come and be cured.

A Hack will ran in connection with the Stage from Nashville to BarUrflle. Rxtcs or Boaon Beven dollar per week; Children under ten year and Servants half price Horse 7n cent per day. NEWBY A UEARN, JunelS 8m. Proprietor. AMERICAN MOUSE, BOSTON.

IS the largest and best arranged Bote! In the New England States; 1 centrally located, and easy or access from all tbe routes of travel. It contain all the modern imnrovsmenti. and eve ry convenience for the comfort and accommodation of the traveling public. Tbe sleeping rooms are large and well vent Mated; the snltea or rooms are well arranged, and completely furnished for families, and large traveling parties, and tho ho nse will continue tobekeptaaa first class Hotel In every respect. Jaol2 ly.

LEWIS RICE. Proprietor. FRUITS. Ornamental Trees Sc Evergreens. MONTGOMERY A HcGREDT, Nurserymen, Naahvllle, Invite special attention to their cztensiva stock ol Vralt, Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Green House Plants, Ac Over lOO.fOO Ornamental Trees and Evergreens, suitable for immediate effect.

W.uOO APPLE3.4, 8 and 4 years old. BOkO PEARS.nwarb and Standard, 2 to A year old. M.nOOPEaCHES. 1 and! veara old. CUES HIES.

PLTJUS, APRICOTd, NECTARINES, and BEBRIKS, GO0SBKRRIK8, CURRANTS Ac vr aiauieozons. MONTGOMERY McGREEDT, Llnwond Nurseries. Nahvi11e, Tenn SOMETHING NEW. Gillson's Patent Bat Trap. NcltColIn-e Street.

It gives me doeera pleasure to bear testimony to the utility of the above Bat Trap, having set several of them In my house, wUch succeeded to my entire satisfaction. NuhTillt, Jcnto, t. WH. ROBERTS. JuneT tt Sewanee BoteL Anction Sale.

birne in abort a complete set of Implement for Railroad eon- InMan All nUrnad win find It tn IMt fn. tereat to attend Eala tack plaeaa railroad station U'Kdgeflald; tn cosaaMsse arlD o'eloek-A. M. Times stc eaoiths, with approved aeenrtty. Tn above etock beAwst to tbs estate of G.

8.Bhasoati, and mm tt ecfcL WM. GOODMAN, Guardian JulyT-ttV per6o.E.LcCfa*g't,.; from a morbid condition ol the atomaeaTaiid liver, i Dr. u.Mm a fuuen. it nor only removes me unease i'ota tbe ayitem.batby giving tone to the organs of digestion, aldiUrsntn their ronciioru. AD -who nave trltdli acknowledge tta uccllence and and we therefor commend It to the sufferer.

Dr. Hos tetter? Bit' era a a 'toolci loa well known toneeJ praise. It Is thersfort scarcely kectssary, at thla time todo more tlian direct attention to tbtt preparation, which is certainly sn equalled bje 1 any bemra the pBhlle, satisfied aa wc are Xhat lu reputation must prove sufficient to satisfy allot ii cirellenccasarcllvr and remedy for oil ilbeaic vl iba stomach. Bold by druggists everywhere. Jvljlft lw Taarrpu1arityof theMEXICAN MU3TANQ LIN I MENT co-extensive wlUi the dvlllialioa ol the globe) Oilier articles claim alUotate pain and distress this cure, family Ptiysiclacs, Government Bospitals, Farri-er, PlanUra, rarmers, LlTery-men, Ac, have practically demonstrated thla tact, the world.

No artiste ever before received sucb undivided pialse and support from Medical and Scientific men. BHEDIHATIS3T of totally cured; Pile Ulcer. Tnmor, Running Bore, Scrofula, BUB" Joints, Pilon, ellln pa. Sunn, Bites, BoIU, Chaps, Kenral gia, 8 Blrcum and all ache and pains npoa man, and kindred coa-plalnla npoa I E0BSES. CATTLE, neb as Ring.

bone. Gall, Scratch, 'pavin. Poll-Evil, Saeency, Hoof-all, Ac, are subdoed and cared by the I nVSTANG LINISTEN T. VALUABLE HORSE BATED! Sir. LrrcB.

Byde Park. Tt irrlte "That the bora considered worthless." (his case was BpavtnJ "bt since tbe free nse of the Mustang Liniment, I have him for SIM cash. Tour Liniment has been doing wonder up here" i-- Extract "la linini- the kenle from the Br It herm unmanageable, tilted over and scalded my hands very solvere! v. almost to ertSD. It wai an awful aUht.

Tti Mustang Llnlmtnt appeared to extract lbs It heal- army yours, "CQARLESrOSTKB." Each lanrasTe as this 1 bnt the constant and natural lecho where ter thU article nied. I i uis unimeni is inaupensatilc lo planters sntj owner ol Iborac and male. Sir. Josx Daii ttt, Montgomery, Ata raised Lorn utter usrfeas-Inetaby thla Liniment. Irtir family should bars It.

aV very partlenlar ana enqalra for tbe MuUsf Liniment and Bold by all dealers throusjtjont Kortfc B3i! South Ameri-t, Europe, and the Islands of the Ocean, for 33 cent, SO mti, and flXOper bottle BARNES PARE. April '29 deowlnttbeodlm New Tore. The Great English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrate. Female Pills.

ThI Invaluable medicine 1 nsfaBlng In the care of ai I those painful and dangeroai disease Incident to the fa 1 male constitution. It moderates all excesses an a removes all obstructions. from whatever cause, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To ranvrrled Ladles It I peculiarly lotted. It win In a abort time, bring on (the monthly period with regularity.

CAUTION. Thete Piili i.ould not be taken by female Uuit art brtffnant, during tin riBST TURKS MONTHS, a IXry art rare to bring on MUmrriage; but ateveryotX- Lr time, and in every otAcrctue, they are perftdty taff. iu cue oi aarvoaa ana epinai Aiiecuotia, rain la the back and U-abi, Heaviness, Fatigue on alight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Lowncai ofSpIriU, Headache. Whites, aad all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a enre when all other mean nave failed.

Full directions In the pamphlet-around each package which sho old be carefully preserved. L' A bottle contalnlnv 50 nllls. and -nefrtln wilh th psemcieiit Stamp of Great Britiln.can be oant'poat Ire DvwaiEu luuBUBiKaawciuiiutniai, Nov ly. Rochester. N.

T. cold In NoabvIHe bv Berrr A DemovQIa. ud B- W. M. and all respectable Drnggtit everywhere Dr.

King's Dispensary FOR PRIVATE DISEASES. DR. KING, formerly ol New York, for the last four Tear of Louisville. Kentnekr.and whahu devoted hi attention to the treatment of privata disease for over SO years. Hatters himself, having attend ed to a Cradle Tor so many yean, and cured so many thousand, Is enabled to cure all disease or a private nature, no matter how bad they may be from injodld us medical treatment, or from neglect or their own.

Dr. Ring's Dlapearw I No.sS Deadctick street, be twe Cherry and the flow re. he cures all disease of a private nature Gcoaaau fared wlihnut nauseous medicine orinterfltr ence with boaineas. Braicvcassof aid or recent date, effectually cared la days, by an operation which cause no pain. Where Eirictnre exist health cannot be enjoyed.

Perhaps no dls caae rautr more mischief and undoinines the consUtv tloniotnnch. BTnnLa, wiin ail tne aueaseaoruia akin, growing a ofneglectorbad treatment, can be effectually crd la few days. Baatunx, Waxaanaa Particular attention having been gives to this dlseoie.and all tbe consequence growisKout or It, brought on in man case by tho destructive haMta of Inconsiderate youth and eixcsslre Indolganceof lb passions, a neglect of which will underlain tbe conatlttttion, rendering the subject unfit for business or society, asd catling premature old age. Female who may be laboring with any difficulty of tbo nomn may rest assurm oi Deaderick Btreet, NashvIlta.Tenn., will have the necessary To Hotel Keepers, Bestaarants, Drag-, gists, Grocers and tbe Public. DR.

BRUNOrn BITTERS, HATE, from their excellent qualities, been recommend -edby ft MOST EMINENT PHTSlCUNBa amul valuable and never-falling rensffly for DYSFEP8IA, SIARBHEA. DEBLLITT, EEART2ITRIT, BILIOUS HESS, JATJ1TDICE, LIVER COMPLAINTS. RL00D DISEASES Ac, Ac-, ftc. Are alio a rare and certain preventive against FEVER AND AGUE, CHOLERA, SUMMER COMPLAINTS" Ac, and I the matt valuable and emcacioc T0NI0 AND AP PITTITE-CREATING COMPOUND ever offered to tie-pnblic" By the use of these BITTERS ALL DISEASES or THE BLOOD will thoroughly eradicated, and oil those who ore suffering from early excess and PROSTRATION OF THE PHYSICAL ENERGIES will be restored to a EO-BCST AND TIGOBOUB STATE OF HEALTH. Tbe DIGESTIVE ORGANS will be stimulated and PERMANENTLY STRENGTHENED, APPETITE will becrea ted, and the DEBILITATED SUBJECT RESTORED TO NEW LIFE.

ThI remedy ha a very agreeable taste, and will bo taken readily by children as well a adult. All penona suffering from any of the above cnmplalnta are Invited to try DR. BRUNONS BITTERS. Dc For an adultsmaU wine.glartUnUmesady: forachlld.ascialltca-ipoanful twiceadaj. K.

CRUGER, SOLE AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES. 742 Broadwar, N. Y. Sold at B0 cent per bottle, SO per doscn, i SO per gallon; extra Bitter for Bar-room, by the gallan or Barrel, at the low price or II 23 per gallon; fine tough ton Bitters, 1 3 per gallon. For Sale by all Drrtflata and Grocers WliOLISlLK itilt RETalL AT 742 BnOADWAV, IV.

V. jan83-ly HANKY'S CUM DIN ED REAPER AND MOfTEB. WITH WOOD'S IKFJtOTJllEXT. THIB celebrated Machine received the first premlom of a osjbd gold xxDii. as the best combined Re pine and Mowing Machine at the great United State AgrlcnltB-1 ral Fair, held at Louisville; In September, ISiT.

Tha trialcameolfnearnearByraeute, New July, where all the principal machine In the United Stales wrrw thcrougbly tested. The Committee made their aw.rd through Marshall P. Wilder. President. Cnltetl BUUa atLoulsvlIIc Ev.

It also received the awards as tbe best Reaper and the best Mower be for two aeparate Co tnmiUre. appoint i by the President or the Davidson County Agricultural Society Vash vllle, In July, 1637, over moitol the ncbinnn In use in Tennessee. Numeron other premiums and awards were Riven tbta Machine daring tbe lat season orcr crtry Machine in America. The above Machine are for sale by the undersigned. B.

F. CHEATHAM, General Agent for th State. FISHER, WHELESS A Moyllt B. S. WEIIER, SR.


50, KouMa Brood St. Naahrt.Ir. P.B.-Rooflngandaatering in Copper and Tin In the most superior tjle, in Town and Country. Peck, Hmilh A Tinners' Machines and Hand Tools Tut sale laTS--IAwilni $25 Be ward. RAN AWAY, from the subscriber, on' the 34th of May last, at Nashville, anegro woman named Mellnds, about as years of age, copper colored; about fire feet right inches high, stout made.

I purchased btr from Richard Barnafield, do, of Lebanon, who, I. understand, own some of her chlldre it probable she may be lurking about that place. I will give the above reward tn any one apprehending her and lodging her to Jail that I can gtther. TH0B. H.

MILLINGTON, JaaeB 1m. High Btreet, Nashville. Lebanon Btrald copy, one month and send account li oDoo fer collection. 7 Tnaksl. IADIE8' Larga French Dress Trunka, Ladle' No.

1 oi Leather Trunks, Also alarpe stock ot Tolicitw Carpet Bars and Satchel, which we offer at LOW PKH1E3. could evoke: Written for the Republican Datmtr. -BOB I TJ3 nr woosiek. AH day, In the woods, the merry young wile. Slug songs to hit nta'e from the dawn to tbo night.

Tor a winning-to teed (ill ant is young Bob Bo happy and sportive and And he ilnp shrill so clearly and trite From his perch on the mulbeiry tree: -Bob Whits," "ZobWhileUmy name Bob While." Now here In the orchard now there In the wood. Behind the old bro wbtre the hay-otaek stood, Or over the creek In qnest of frrth food, Tet ilnglnf the same merry lay; Was ever a heart io glidsome and light Ai that which Is ringing to-day: 'Bob White," "Bob White It ray name-Bob White." HeUoffwlusiprinsiBowhedartithroagbthelcaTes le iklmi o'er the wheat-field dotted with theaTts -And over the wsrlog corn, reiti 'neath the eavti Or the old farm-bonte In the glen; He lit tecs, and heart on the left and the right Hi! name, and echc-es batk then: "Bob White," "Bob White is ray nine -Bob White." And o'er tbe bine iky iklmi the fleecy elond And corers the nn witb a mow whltj abroad. And the wind throngh the branches alond, Proclaiming that Nature glad, The merry Qaall ilngi In tbe hedge with delight (Tor when wa a QmU etct td!) Bob White," "Bob Whit Is my WUU." Court House Blows Up with Gunpowder. About four o'clock on the morning of tbe 1st inst pome scoundrel ignited a keg of powder, which had previously been placed under the Court House at Port Gibson, Claiborne county, and about hall tbe building wasblown to atoms. Tbe Sheriff's office adjoining was also destroyed, and his vault robbed of about $10,000.

The occupants of the building all escaped uninjured. The damage to the building is estimated at from 10,000 to 12,000. No clue bas yet been discovered as to the perpetrators. New Yors, July 10. A disgraceful fight occur red this afternoon between two fire companies, near the Bowling Green.

The combatants used pistols, bricks, and stones, but no one was killed, though several received severe injuries. Mr. James Glass, postmaster at New Brighton, near Pittsburgh, has been arrested for passing counterfeit money. Laura Kcenc made 30,000 at her theatre in New York last season. BELIGERENT FIREMEN.

DISORA CEFUL FIGHT AT A FUNERAL Tinnint-E riot the xew tore viewer. The New York Herald of the 11th gives an account of a most disgraceful battle between a Hose Company and an Engine Company in the streets of New York, while returning from a fnnera! of a deceased member of one of the Companies, named James Games. Games was accidentally ran over and killed on the 6th inst by Engine Company No. 38, while running to a fire. The member of nineteen companies turned out in procession and paid the last tribute of respect to their late associate.

The procession followed the hearse to the South Ferry, where the remains of the gallant fireman were taken charge of by the members of his company and conveyed to their last resting place in Greenwood. The City Hall, Post Office and other bells were tolled while the melancholy cortege passed down Broadway. The While the firemen were returning from the ferry, a most disgraceful and eavage fight occurred between Hose Company No. 18, and Engine Company No. 2a at tbe corner of Beaver street and Broadway.

It appears from what our reporter could ascertain, that at the firo yesterday morning in Chat-bam street some unfriendly feeling arose between thee? companies, in consequence of No. 20 running into No. 18 and severely Injuring one of the members of tbe latter. No fight ensued at that time, though hard words were used and revenge threatened. the afternoon a favorable opportunity Eocroed to present itself for 1 8 to get quart," as one of the members expressed it, as No.

20 came opposite Beaver street the Company received a tremendous volley of brickbats and stones. The ranks were immediately broken, and a desperate fight ensued, fisW, brickbats and stones bping freely used. About a dozen pistol ehota were fired from the north-east corner of Beaver street and Broad-way, and tbe debris of the building in process of demolition, corner of Marketficld and Whitehall streets, afforded the belligerents plenty of ammunition. For nearly half an hour the fight raged fiercely, Broadway, between Morris and Whitehall being used as the battle ground. An alarm being raised that a large Police force was coming, had tbe effect of driving away a great portion of the crowd, and soon after there was a cessation of hostilities.

A platoon of the First Ward Polico appeared on the ground when the fight was nearly over, but the men made no arrest, and did not attempt to stop the disturbance. Sergeant Croft of the Tenth Precinct residing in Morris street, and who is absent from his cost on account of sickness, hearing of tbe fight, seized his club and rushing into the midst of the combatants, attempted to quell the row, but, single banded, his exertions were of tittle avaiL It was reported that one man was badly shot, but no information could be obtained in regard to his tbe firemen not feeling inclined to be communicative. Several of the belligerents were badly bruised about the face and bodies with the missiles ued, but no one was seriously hurt The cene of this disgraceful Gnht was thickly strewn with brickbats, stones, anJ pieces of lime. These Companies will probably be disbanded. Distressing Casualty A Woman, Badly Bitten by Dogs.

About seven o'clock yesterday morning, as Mrs. Margaret Shtterly, the wife of an honest laborer, while passing along Winchester street, near the bayou, was set upon by a number ofsav age dogs and so badly bitten by tbcm as to render her recovery exceedingly doubtful A man by the came of McGraw, who went to her assistance, was alrm badly bitten about the legs by the worthless animals. Officer Boyt, who was in hearing, hurried to the spot, killed two of the dogs with his pistols, and succeeded in driving the other away. He afterwards procured a shot gun with which he killed two more of the dogs and wounded a fifth. The unfortunate woman was taken to her residence near by and her wounds properly dressed, but very slight hopes are entertained of her recovery.

The flesh to some places wa torn from the limba so as to expose the bone. Metnphit Avalanche, 12th, BUSINESS NOTICES. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by EWING, PENDLETON CO. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by W. W.

BERRY DEMOVILLE. HoStetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by J. W. BROWN EVASS. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters.

Sold l.y G. W. HESDER3UOTT. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by A. H.

R0SC0E CO. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by RAINS BROWN. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by DEMOVILLE CO. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by T. WELLS.

Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by A. A. STRETCH. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by JONES HOOPER. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by J.

STRETCH. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by E. E. GOODLETT tt CO. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by HODGE RICHARDS.

Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by CARTER HOLLISTER. Hosteller's Celebrated StomacbTBittefii Sold by MATTHEWS Edgefield. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, Sold by DRUGGISTS and DEALERS rrjTrnere. Cloilng out at Cost of Materials. 560 Beautiful Fancy! Bonnets, WORTH.

10, FOR 13.50 TOt3 EACH, Black Lace Tolats, Mantlrs and Shawls, TO CLOSE OUT ODU EXTENSIVE STOCK OF All of the Latest Derigw. 100 B0ZSI 7 ABI8 FLO WXBSt ENGLISH ITBjIW fc FLAl.f 1IAIB Bonnats, Cbildren'sHals, Ac-, T11S MOST SKA UTIFtTL SSLICTJOXX rKB DLS FLA. YED A TJTASB VILLS, -ad must be Said ibla IHontb. WE wcold respect felly I a (arm our Lady friend that, as now the season 1 advanced, and wishing, to close online ballance of oar whclrtiH good, we will give great bargains this minih. Wo have Just received Bummer Bonnet of every new sljla and description.

Lady's, Use' and Infant's JlaU. Riding Hat. Ac.ol superior Quality, Rich Ribbons, Paris Flowers for llati, beautiful Garniture Bcttaof 'lowers. Bridal Setts, the most csqolslte ityles, rich Pari Balr Fins, and new atjle Ornamental Comb, Bonnet and Robber Pint, new style Tonalr Coracta, Hoop Eklrti, riebOoiffure Bead Drams and Mohair Caps, worked Handkerchief, Lace Setts, worked Band, Laee Point wc bare a line stock of real Blond Polot Lace Balb and Oolffare to make on toorder.ImpertalCnlpa cf superior uuallty, Children elastic round comb, 25c only. "Catl for Unprecedented Bargain.

WISE. Agent, Union St up ttalrs, seat door to the State Bank. JuntSI tt Berry, Saufleyfi WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HAT S9', AF8 BOTfJfBTS, AND STRAW GOODS, 1VO, 7X. TWO DOORS ABOVE THE CITY HOTEL, Nashville, Tennessee. OCR pres-nt stock embrace every variety or Fashionable Bat and Bonnets, inch as Fashionable Slole Hats, Trimmed Palm Hat Bilk Plush do Palm do Cloth do raney Bilk Bonnets, Rlb'd 311k do do Straw do Plaid do do English do Tweed andPl'd cat.

do Hair da PoaPur.all erd do Colored WBlow do wool do do Leghorn do Panama do Ladies' Riding Hats; Leihorn d) do Bloomers all colors: Rice Straw do do Turbans, Trunk, Valises, Bonnet Boies, Carpet Bag, Ac, Ac. Baring purchased the above named Goods of the largest manufacturer In tbe Eastern cities, we feel confident we can fell at as low prices as any bouse In the city. HE It KIT SAHXEV CO. WE ALX BUY HATS WALKER'S of something cool and comfortable for the neaa Keaaer. yon will find tho vrry thlnr von need at WATFnpm.n ttcn tr.

ER'3. They have all that I new and desirable for tbe niajzo a. WATEBrnrr.p WAIKER'S Tbe Broadway Hat left JD6T RECEIVED AT 3L nyys WATERKELP ft WALKER'S MILLINERY. THE LADIES CA. FITVD THOSE BAVTIPVL WHITE Pamelia Bonnets, ALBO line English Straw, Balr, Chip, Crape Ae st B.

M. WIL FORD'S No, 15 Public Square, ne doer to W.H. Calhoun. Our price shall be reasonadle. May tf.

CANDIDATES. TOR CSIaGlAL COURT CLERK-We are aatborixed to announce the name of CBARLES E. DKIGntB, as a candidate for the office of Criminal Court Clerk, at the next March election. Jolyl td. We are authorlted to announce JOHN SHANE, a a candinate for re-election, to the efflce of Criminal Court election.

We are onthoristd to "announce Dr. E. M. PATTERSON as a Candidate for Original Court Clerk at the ensuing election. may 1 td.

EOS COTTXTY TRUSTEE. Wc are aolhorised to announce THOMAS T. SACK DERS as a candidate for the Office of County Trustee of Davidson County, at the election lo be held In March, I960. AprJO '59 td. FOR ATT0RJEY GENERAL REPORTER, We are authorised and requested to as nonce JAMES B.

THORNTON, Esq or Memphis, as a candidate for the of-flco of the earning election, oa the ISth of Anguit. jnyIS id MILT3N A. HA7NK3. or Memphis, It a Candidate for Attorney General and Beportar. Beet Ion, 13tb or August, 1ES9.

jnoeii diwld. We are authorised to announce SAMUEL TURNCT, of Sparta, ai a Candidate for the office of Attorney General and Reporter, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of J. L. T. Sneed, Esj.

JunelS-td We are authorised to announce J. W. HEAD, of Gallatin, Snrantr eaadldate for the office of Attorney General and Rep trier Tor the Etate, la fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of J. L. T.

Sneed, Esq. Jonel td. We are authorised to announce WM.B. REESE, as a candidate for the office of Attorney General and Re porter for iba State We are authorixed to announce J. 0.

SB A CZLEF0 P(s) ClarksriHe, as a candidate Tor the office of Attorney Can. ral and Reporter. may2S tf Election of Attorney General and Be porter for the State. PURSUANT to instructions from the Governor of th Bute, I will, on Saturday, th 13th day or August, 1655, open and hold an electlm for Attorney General and Reporter for tbe Slate, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation or John L.T. Bneed.


Sold by all respectable Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealer, and by tbe proprietors, PrleaBO cents. CHARLES EARNEST A 00., No. 98 Maiden Lane, New York. "It wiU accomplish all that la claimed for iand no one seed fear or mourn the loss of hair If they will use your Maravilla." J. II.

BRAD3IREET, JnacT dSn. 83T Broadway. New York. Groomes, t'avert NO. 13 COLLEGE STREE2, WOULn resptetfolly call atteatloa to thtlr lane asd varied assortment of Furniture In doing oo, tbey reel satis a ed that they are prepared to exhibit by far Ihc largest and Bt StsKk Of all kinds of Furniture, ever offered before lathis city, and Io order to hold out Inducements, they are offering inch articles as may be desired to cash buyers at Kcdnced Prices.

Owing to this reduction, those buying on credit will be charged Interest from tbe time the MBa are made Tbe heavy stack now in store, and th employment of a large number of hacd constantly engaged Io manufacturing, induce them to glre extra bargains at the present time. We aak an examination of oar stock, believing that those In want of any article will find It to tbelr Interest URW11E9, UAVBNX UU. at lbs lowest market price. Notice. HAVE bSoit lotntnr A CTAWJL B.B-BlnganxloutereJctrpsnyoU affair aa soot upoattbl, I iwemott'oO persoB to colt ami settle thaii occoonts to 1st July.

JO. G. 1ROWN. joiyi ua. NEW ORLEANS, July 18 P.

Gillette, Ag-nt of Buckley Fink, of Vescy street, New Toik, fell the portico' of the St. Charles Hotel ta-day and was killed. BOSTON, July H. The HonBufuiCboafedka at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Tuesday lost, WASHINGTON, July H. It is rumored that Wie and Phsylette fought a duet yesterday at Lake Drummond, 20 miles from Norfolk.

Two gunners were killed and ten others wounded by the bursting of a gun it the Navy Yard. Foreign per' Steamer Canada. NEW YORK, July'. Hi The Rothschilds toik the new five per cent Hese Darmstadt ban of thno millions guilders at 93. Baden was about to Issue two millions worth ol Railway bonds at 94J.

Tbe morning Post says Mitner Gibson will become President of the board of trade in the place of Cobden. The King of Sardinia refused tbe dictatorship or protectorate of tbe Papal States. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Nkw Oklkahs, July. IS. Cotton, tales to-day 3f0 bales.

Sugar buoyant, advanced -g 6i6. Niw Yorx, July 14 Cotton, sales to-day BOO bslert. Flour heavy, mixed corn B5a9i). Orleans Sugar 6j4Gf. Cixcinxati, Jnly 14.

Flour declined; buyers offer only 5.00; sales at S.OOaS 35. Corn 60aB4. Oaia 48aS0. Wuky24t. Ucflued Jtusjnrw, CRUSHED, Powdered, Loaf aod Oariflad Sugar, Ac, lam and guod assortment recti red Horn th Eastern Refineries, and for sale low for cub fay jniyia-iy jAun liyijiostos.

ffandriea IE0Y1LLE and St. Jn'len Brands, fresh CUret, Wine. Old Otard fine Old Otguae Brandy. Bye, Scotch and D. D.

Whisky, Fresh Imperial, Oolong, Black O. P. and Byslng T. with a general assortment or good In my line, can-fully selected and Imly reported according lo quality and kind, and for sale at lowest rate for cash by JnlylK-tf JAHE3 LIYIRGBTON. J.

E. CALDWELL CO. 822 CHESTNUT STREET, HEW IMPORTATIONS -FIHE WATCHES-Patek, Philippe Co. Watches, In Geneva. Charles Frodiham'a tendon Time Keeper new series, anriiea.

in Hunting Cases and Open lace. ar-BoIe authonied agents for above. Uold and Silver, English and Swiss WATCHES. Rich Jewelry, new design. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, and all the Paibinnable Stylea- Eilvrr Ware, nnsnrpastd In Hjle, quality and Onfsb.

3T Strangers visiting PtiUdelpfcla are Invited to ex. amine their BEW MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT, a visit entattlng no obligation to purchase. lnlforn Prices, tn plain figures, and no varla-fcoua. Money Wanted. A LIBERAL InWeit will be given for $3,070 to $5,000 for a term or three yesrs.

Interest paid to soft the lender. Good seenritj given. Any Inform 'on desired can had through the publishers or the Banner. JoIyO-tf WaBh House Furnaces I7URNACE3 suitable lor the wash house, for Ironing or for piesslojr. Preserving Ef ttles, bran and poree.

Itln or frencb white Iron. Fruit Cans and Jan, of appro red pattern. Jeily Strainer and Moulds, Cream and eld stiles. Feather Duster, Gongs, various slir. Water Cooler and Chamber Beta.

Juljff-tf. MACKENZIE A M1NCHIN. Refrigerators. WUISniP'S Beir Ventilating Refriferator, for preser ring Meats, Pish, Fruits, Vegetables, Ac This is the best article In use, for Ibe purpose for whleh It Is ilesigned and bas obtalntd the Crst prises at the World's fair In London and New York. THE EUGENIE, Imperial clothe hamper made, after the new Pari fashion.

MACKENZIE A IN CHIN. Jnly-tf. Lost. OX the evening or the 7th at the Louisville nd Nashville Railroad Depot, a PORTUDNIE containing about $ffi Of; consisting of fire, tecs and twenty dollar tilt oi Kentucky bank and a small amount In loose silver change. A liberal rewird will be paid forsaid pocket-book, open It return to Docousa A or W.

B. Cacao, mi UWK cmc JUIJV -1W. Great Seduction! WITH the view of selling out everything In the way orBUWltKR STOCK. hmvotht. rii.

Ih pr'ces figures iht must Insure their sale, and all per- clea, a tbey will be sol without regard to cost, FOR CASH or to ramirr nciia ON TIME. Rica Summer SUxs, ef an kind, Rich Printed Grenadines, Rich Printed Boregec Rich. Printed Organdies. Rich Printed JaxaneU. Together with an endless variety) LOW PBICXD LAWNS In fact, everything sraHnaBLi, In the way of Bummer Good, will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES.

"We mean New floods Third Importation. WE are receiving a lew new and desirable article la the way of Traveling Dress Goods, Rich Black fllks. Ribbon. Loose Rtsaaei. BJr-h feirfi.

A An. TIimi Goods were bought in Ntw Tork within ihs last few day byonaof our firm, andare new and desirable janew-tL urtii R. C. 'HAIRY CO. New and Magnificent Stock Boots, Gaiters Shoes, Slippers, WE CHALLENGE COSIPETITION IN STYLES 1 We Challenge Competition in Prices! Tbe Finest ever OpenM is this Market Small Profits and Quick Jort opened and always on band MY line of SUMMER GOODS are cqnal.

If not snperlcr. lo any ever oQVnd In thlieitv. Ihave Init received and now offer for sale the following goods: Gents' One Patent Leather Opera Gaiters, Gents' Pimps, Genu XdsonTies, Gents' All Calf Pnmp Gaiters, Gents' OaronJTies, Gents' Btrap Pumps, Gents' Lasting, Kid and Cloth, Congress Gallera Genu' Kid.Clothand Lasting Oxtordtit*, Gents' and Cilf Laced Bootee, Genu' Morocco Bootee and Oxford Ties, Genu Nulifier and Lasting Bhoc, Gent' Ltmoln Calf Pnmp Boot. For Ladies, Missel and Children. Extra fine Lasting, Italian, Cloth A Kid Heel alters, Extra Hut ton Extra Front Laced Extra Kid Slipper, with and without heel, Extra Lilting and Buskins; In lheit every variety and style of goods wanted, fonnd in flrt class bouses.

Call at o. IS Public Square, Soulh Side. 1 am determined not to be undersold. CTPJAB. JL HALL-JuneSS tf Trunks Trunks rJUE best No.

1 sole leather Trunk ever broogbt to this Ladies' fine French Dress Trunks; P-aln Leather and Russett Bole Leather and Plain HonnetTrnnki, Bole Hogskln and Vallce, Cartwt Hw- FateliFli Sr. .1 The above win be told very cheap far cash. C. B. HALL.

FOR EENT, The Warehouao on Market WHICH I HATE OCCUPIED FOB BO HE TIME PAST. SAID HOUSE It very' desirably Located to Conduct 'a GROCERY OR COMMISSION BUSINESS. i whlcohthsTje to bell Cider AS HERETOFORE. ROBERT R. unn23 tl Kb.

43 Market PtreeL Dividend Notice. Pustkbs Ban or Toiaais, I NisHrnui, Jnne 30.1SM. A DIVIDKND of flvo dollar per share wilt be paid to Drake Creek nillaExtrta Familr Flour. ANEWeupp'yof this celebrated brand of FLOUR Jntt received and for sale by BURGS ALLEN. juntlS-tf.

Extra Framtly Flonr. juneW tf. Dividend Notice. A Tameetingnf the Board of Directors of tbe Nashville YGaaLIghtCoDipany.held tblsdsy, a dividend of Dper cent, was declared, payable on and after the 1'Kh lust. Juljl lw JAB.

H.KENDRICK. Beefy. Fresh Arrivals. inK a. iDixs.

ABBAY, GIBSON DEALERS IN. Boots, Shoes, Hats, NASHVILLE, TSNIT A -El Qrti daj la iuuW.1 PMB ADOmONI se-tWfr J. Stock, which tbey osssr laMerclisuitw at vary low PrssM FOR OAflB. or CJT KHOT "nst. Call and see.

ABBAT, GIBSON A CO. 75, and tbe Qootcand Ladder Company a full complement of men numbering about 40 active members. This would make the number of active firemen in the diy about S20, a pretty formidable array against the -Firo King in so young a city. Resides these we havoan efficient fire if included In the list would bwcI! the nutnher considerably. The city was never so well defended gainst the devastating element.

The various com panlea are now, we believe, all supplied wiib strong and' durable apparatus one or two of the engines being surpassed by these of no other city in tbe States, and we are certain no other city can boast a more useful and orderly body of men than our Nashville Firemen. Doctor A. E. Dr. Akshan, of this city, late Professor of Analytical aod Agricultural Chemistry Io the Nashville University, has recently been elected to a Professorship at tho University of But Tennessee, at Knoxville.

The Doctor occupies an eminent position in the profession, and has made for himself an enviable reputation during his residence In this city. He has but few equals as a Lecturer and Instructor in Chemistry, and wc regret that so useful a member of soci ety is ao soon to be withdrawn from tbe community. We congratulate the Knoxvillians upon the acquisition to their city of sucb a citizen, and Knoxville University upon their good fortune in having secured bis services aa Professor of Chemistry, and Natural History for that Institution. Suspect ed Horse TniEF Arrested. Ofhcert Hooes and Bhastlt, of the city Police Department, arrested on Tuesday last a man named Hen-driel-t, charged with horse stealing and witb having subbed a man near Franklin, Ky.

Hendricks wa arrested- at tbe instigation of two men who 'came from the neighborhood where the depredations were committed and who testified before tbe officers that Hendricks was the offender. The officers had un derstood that reward of $200 bad been offered for the apprehension of Hendricks, and tbey were of opinion that tbe two men who testified to bis came to this city for tbe purpose of ar resting him, but fearing the consequences, had pointed him out to the officers. IT any reward is given at all, the officers who made the arrest ve certainly entitled to iL Hendricks has been committed to jail until further instructions from Kentucky are re ceived. That Bcll again. One of our pictoriat exchanges bas a funny illustration of tbe effect of Gen.

Cass's manifestoes on the rights of foreign-born American citizens. Mr. Belmont, our late Charge to the Higue, is represented as venturing to revisit bis Dative town tn Germany, where he is captured, compelled to shoulder arms, and march under the orders of some fearful looking soldiers, one of whom points a bayonet at the augtat person of the distinguished diplomat and banker, in a way which is best fitted to quicken his forward foot steps. Mr. Belmont appears in the picture to be more than usually chop-fallen and morose, having just been served by Gen.

Cass, in reply to a demand for protection, with copies of tbe Le Clerc and, Hofcr letters. A Good Joee. A bald headed old gentleman in Cincinnati, hearing that burdock leaves carried in the hat, would prevent sun stroke, be gathered alot which he supposed to be sueb, and wore them during one of the hottest days last week; but what was his surprise the next morning on finding his entire scalp drawn into a most beautiful blister; he having in a mistake taken the leaves of the horse radish. t3f" CapL Robert Ccshisgham, aa old and respected citizen, and soldier of tho war of ISIS, died at bis residence in Laurens district, S. in the 78 year of his age.

CapL Cunningham was tho father of the editor of the Charleston Newt. Poisosisb. We regret to learn, says the Bunts-ville Advocate, that on Saturday or Sunday last, tho family of Dr. Sullivan in the eastern part of this county, with some visitors, were badly poisoned by arsenic The cook by mistake (clearly unintentionally so) put arsenic Instead of soda in tbe flour. Twenty-odd were poisoned, The Doctor soon discovered that something was wrong and resorted to active emetics.

All, it is thought, will recover. The escape was a very narrow one. Levi Long, a country postmaster, a few miles from Pittsburg, having been sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary -or stealing a letter from the mail, leaves the following with a lock of his hair: Though brief hatbeea my bright earoer I Leet-ti black mall strong, Now penitenP tor fifteen year Toil country Xmu Long. Personal. This sanctum was favored yesterday wiib a visit from Mr.

Tuos. W. Neal, of the Dyers-burg Recorder. Mr. Neal brings cheering intelligence from his neighborhood, and reports tbe Ncth-crland cause tu and about Dycrsburg, all right COMMON COUNCIL.

B0AKD Or COUKCIL1IEM. Thursday Evening, July 14. Tbe Board of Councilmen conveued in regular session Present, Messrs. Cheatham, Crunk, Bos- tick, Darden, Dcmumbreon, Jones, Yarbroagh, Rhea; President Winston in the chair. The usual reports of the various city affairs wcro read, and tbe reports from Standing Committees were read and received.

Mr. Jones presented a petition from a number of citizens of tbe Gth Ward. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Rhea presented a petition from John W.

Aiken, asking for compensation for work done in the 6lb Ward in 1858. Referred to a special committee of three members Messrs. Darden, Rhea and Yarb rough. A bill regulating drains and sewers passed on its second ni ling, and under a suspension of the rules, was an its third reading referred to a special committee to confer with the City Engineer; and Messrs. nigh end, Jones, and Bostick were appointed said committee.

Several bill and resolutions and petitions from the other house were road and received. In reference to the petition from tbo Historical Society to remove the remains of Lieut. Chandler a the Sulphur Spring, the following gentlemen wcJe ppuinted to act In conjunction with tbe committee from the BoarJ of Aldermen: Messrs. Demumbn an, Bostick and Darden. A resolution to authorize the Mayor to advertise for bids to make alterations and improvements upon tho Wharf, which, with an amendment offered by Mr.

that the when adopted by the Mayor should be referred back to tbe Council, was adopted. Adjourned. Akqtuek. Victim. I kti resting to Xatgrili--zed CmzEKS.

Tbo St Louis Newt of tbe 11th says: Mr. Obnemus, a prominent German citizen of Quincy, who left this conutry on a visit to his native land some time ago, has been arrested and impressed into tbe Prussian army. Mr. Ohncmus ia a saddler by trade, and owns property in Quincy valued at $20,000. The case, regarded in the light of cominoii sense, seems to be one or great hardships; but according to international law, as expounded by the present administration, it isperfcctlyallowable.

What right bad Mr. Obnemus to be born In Prussia? Tbe New York Herald says the Brooms street Baptist church was crowded to excess: yesterday afternoon by members of tbe "congregation and others to witness tbe obsequies of" the late Rev. Abner Kingman Nott, formerly pastor of the church whose death by drowning, while bathing near Perth Amboy, on Tbmaday ha been heretofore 're- ARE WE TO HAVE A HOTEL? THE CRISIS! The impression seems to have been made upon tnany minds, before considerably exercised in regard to a Hotel project, that the question is settled in tho affirmative, and (be Hotel ito be built! We find rjpon enquiry that this cooclu-ion i altogether premature that wo are not yet out ol the woods that, indeed, tbe most unpleasant part of tbe prqect is yet to be accomplished the procuring of tbe mon-T Some three or fonr of our leading citizens hive succeeded in making an arrangement which will the speedy erection of a first class Hotel, i prodded our citizens will enme lorward witb a Den coming spirit of liberality and carry out the arrangement. Upon this point now depends the issue. Should they fail at this cmi, all that has been done goes for naught, and we at once relapse into our former unpromising condition.

We can explain. John Overton, baaJ agreed to erect a first class Hotel on his lot, corner of Cherry aod Spring streets, on condition the citi-xens loan him $100,000 for fire years without inter-ett. This amounts to a donation by the city, of the sum of 30,000 for the purpose of securing a Hotel commensurate with the wants of the city and the spirit ol the times. This is certainty most excellent proposition, and one which Bhould be promptly excepted. No better one is likely to offer, if as good.

Tbe money should be made up at once, and we hope do merchant, mechanic, professional man, nor capitalist, will refuse to contribute something to it. Tbe gentlemen who have bocu engaged in securing this proposition will call upon oar citizens for subscriptions. They have labored zealously thus far in forwarding a project in which all have common interest. They cannot be expected to prosecute the work wFthout sucb encouragement as tbe project deserves, and as a proper pub-lie spirit, to say nothing of eel Mo teres should dictate. Wo trust they will receive such encouragement, and that they will not filter in their zeal in the cause.

The erixit is now upon us. Shall we have a Hotel! The answer is with our citizens, who are tbe parties interested. Self-interest, city pride, public spirit, and every consideration, say vel What will those who have tbe purse strings say? We shall see. A day or tiro will bring us'tbe answer. It is not a case where prolonged and continuous begging will be resorted to to eke out a few dollars.

Those who aak and those who. are asked are on tbe same footing. It is not for the benefit of individuals, but practically pro bono publico. Who will refuse to assist in so important a work? Scpirlative Hottest. Yesterday was a dissolves Wc have experienced many hot have withstood the scorching temperature of tbe most "furnacious" climates; have moro than once exclaimed, "this is tbe hottest day we ever knew," but yesterday morning "fotcb" a climax.

Between the hours of nine and ten that climax was fclL For one hour there was not, before a gentle breeze had set in from the South, a breath of air sufficient to make a feather deviate in its descent, or raise a particle of dust ten million times as small as a pin's point, the bundreth part of a quarter of an inch from the earth's surface. Old Phallus had taken a level pop at this mighty edifice in which this mighty document is at present beiug prepared, and had drawn an envious bead upon its bumble ioof, and shot right through the shingles at the rival luminaries it sheltered and we sweltered. Our Bandana (a silk one, from College street) reeking with that perspiration which Adam's folly doomed to flow in the earning of our daily provender, swung i the sunlight from our window sill to dry a melancholy signal that its unfortunate possessor bad been trying to wipe himself out of existence. Even now the damp places in our hat-band resemble a circular map of the Rocky Mountains, while our nether garment (not flannel) like that of Narcissus, cling to us with the tenacity ol desperation (we couldn't crawl out of it 00 a wager.) Yet even in the great suffering from the oppreivenefis of tbe weather we unselfishly think of our neighbors Oh! bow wo pity democrats Democrats who have wheedled and humbugged, and courted and coaxed the naturalized citizens thus to have their projects fo unexpectedly frustrated by "that stupid old cass;" and in such hot weather too. But Vaugbu poor Vaughn of Hawkins, bow con we help thinking of thine unsheltered caput glistening beneath a scorching sun like that of to day.

Oh Philip Criti of Hawk inn, that cruel action of the Hat, hath damned thee with an immortality. And Cjmblinf, too, and the indeorigable peeking shelter from the sunshine, and the jeers of their acquaintances in tbe shady solitudes of Mount Vernon. Oh, Cym, thou mays't have swelled thy bellicum but not tbe foreign vote for democracy. Wbew! here comes a gentle breeze, and witb it the distant hum of a dinner-gong. How gratefully we receire both, and lay down our pen to answer the summons.

Tho Cincinnati Timet is responsible for a story that a gentleman living in that city, and well to-do, married about ten years ngo, and after living w'ith his wife samo five years he concluded to get a divorce, on account of the unhappincas of their domestic relations. The wife assented, and be applied to tbe Courts and was successful. A year passed and be concluded to venture once more in the matrimonial market, and see if he could not find one who would make his home happier than the first. Io this be was successful, and a short time afterward hi divorced wife applied to him for work in his family in the capacity of servant girl Tho situation was given her, and she now does the work in the bouse of which she was once mistress. Babdeuods.

In these piping hot times when beards grow rapidly, and the beads ut luckless pc des trims become heated by the fierce, unrelenting rays of the god of day, it should be remembered that John bas a cool and comfortable shop below the City Hotel for shaving and shampooing, and that John is himself an experienced coiffure. Not We stated yesterday that a negro man, Arthur CWin, died from the effects of a blow with a hatchet in the hands of Jo. SturdivanL It seems that the gentleman who gave in the information was mistaken the negro did not die. As Twe yesterday killed him prematurely, we take plea-sure in resurrecting him this morning. Fatal Railroad Accidest.

Tho Memphis peal of tbe lSth.says fatal accident occurred on tbe Memphis and Ohio Railroad, at Gadsden Station, a short distance from Humboldt, on Monday evening. A young matt named Charles E. Bojkin, a sod of the gentleman who keeps the station, and a switch tender, by accident became entangled between the freight cars and locomotive, and was kilted almost Instantly. By tbe accident his bead, and face were horribly crushed and The de ceased hid a wile and two children. Owing to tbe unfortunate occurrence, the arrival of the train was delayed until a lite boar last night.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.