Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (2024)


“Ultimately, I think we’ll be able to convince ourselves that BLC-1 is interference.” – Andrew Siemion, SETI Principal Investigator for Breakthrough Listen.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (1)

Anyhow, another thing that surprised me greatly was discovering that you have the same extraterrestrial signals that we do, and, even more wonderfully, the details of each are also exactly the same. There are four principle ones – the Marconi-Mars signal (early twentieth century, first claimed by Tesla, actually – this is another fun newspaper article from the time), the Ozma signal (8 April 1960 detected by Frank Drake – this is the first modern ‘SETI’ signal), the Wow! signal (16 August 1977), and then the one we call the Proxima signal (29 April 2019 – 29 April is when this planet is closest to Proxima each year). The latter is more popularly known as the Seti Seti Sheikh signal, after Sofia Sheikh, the sassy young PhD student who popularised its discovery at Parkes Radio Observatory in Australia (technically it was a research student called Shane Smith who actually discovered it, but Seti Seti Sheikh just sounds fun). Your designation for this one is ‘BLC1’, which stands for ‘Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1’.

We don’t have the Breakthrough Listen project, I should add. We don’t need it because our version of SETI, which is affiliated with DEXOS of course, is staffed by people who really, really want to find evidence of intelligence life in our sector, as opposed to your version of SETI, which exists to cover up such evidence. Your ‘BLC1’ signal is the most obvious case in point, here. And I certainly do not blame your Sofia Sheikh for this. They must’ve either ‘got to her’ somehow, or she genuinely believed in their concocted electronic radiofrequency interference excuse. What I can say is that eRFI, if that’s what they’re calling it, is not present in our version of the Proxima signal.

The following citation is from this BL page, essentially their press release about it:

Occasionally an intriguing signal remains and must be subjected to further checks. Such a signal-of-interest was discovered by Smith in Listen’s observations of Proxima Centauri using the Parkes telescope. A narrow-band, Doppler-drifting signal, persisting over five hours of observations, that appears to be present only in “ON” observations of the target star and not in the interspersed “OFF” observations, had some of the characteristics expected from a technosignature candidate.

Dr. Sofia Sheikh, currently a postdoctoral researcher with the Listen team at UC Berkeley, dug into a larger dataset of observations taken at other times. She found around 60 signals that share many characteristics of the candidate, but are also seen in their respective OFF observations.

“We can therefore confidently say that these other signals are local to the telescope and human-generated,” says Sheikh. “The signals are spaced at regular frequency intervals in the data, and these intervals appear to correspond to multiples of frequencies used by oscillators that are commonly used in various electronic devices. Taken together, this evidence suggests that the signal is interference from human technology, although we were unable to identify its specific source. The original signal found by Shane Smith is not obviously detected when the telescope is pointed away from Proxima Centauri – but given a haystack of millions of signals, the most likely explanation is still that it is a transmission from human technology that happens to be ‘weird’ in just the right way to fool our filters.”

Notice the contradiction in Sheikh’s statement there – on the one paw she claims it’s ‘oscillators’ (without speculating on a specific device, or conducting experiments to replicate the RFI and thus identify the device thus ruling out ETI origin – you’d think they’d do that, wouldn’t you?), but on the other paw she states the signal was only present when the telescope was pointed at Proxima. Make of that what you will.

Furthermore, there is a blatant lie in the first paragraph. The signal was not detected as part of BL’s observations of Proxima. Rather, it was discovered amongst the data from an entirely separate project studying Proxima’s weather (it’s a flare star). But we’ll leave that one for the moment – I only mention it as, yeah, let’s call it ‘circ*mstantial evidence’.

I would not be surprised in the slightest if they’ve used this ‘debunk’ to further cover everything up and provide an excuse to discredit other signals they might be sitting on. It’s what they do. And they’ll surely be programming that debunk into their algorithm.

Again, this is your version of SETI speaking: “Ultimately, I think we’ll be able to convince ourselves that [BLC-1] is interference.” ‘convince ourselves’ – says it all, doesn’t it?

No wonder they gave that guy a f*cking award. He clearly does his job very well.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (2)

Most of you probably don’t know what I’m on about here, I’m sure. I’d better explain then, eh? Our version of the Proxima signal is just, well, a signal originating from Proxima Centauri that lasted around five hours in total, and for the first 30 minutes and 11 seconds (starting at 13:17:35 UTC) was received between the precise frequencies of 982,002,411 Hz to 982,002,472 Hz. Those numbers probably don’t mean much to you but hold that thought. I’ll come to it shortly. In your version, after someone from SETI was called in (who flew all the way over from America), they then ‘discovered’ what they called ‘complements’ or ‘mirror signals’ to the main signal, at frequencies around the central signal which were multiples of around 64Hz or something like that. It’s these mirror signals which they have used as ‘evidence’ of electronic radiofrequency interference, thus denying the authenticity of the signal as having come from Proxima, let alone being indicative of intelligent design.

Needless to say, we don’t have those mirror signals. So I am fairly convinced, with my conspiratorial mindset, that the ‘bloke from SETI’ simply inserted those ‘mirror signals’ into the computer data (he probably had the program already written and simply snuck in during the night kind of thing – it’s what I’d have done) then prompted Ms. Sheikh to ‘look again’, or ‘oh look, Sofia, what I’ve just discovered!’. That kind of thing. You would’ve thought, after all, wouldn’t you, that she would’ve noticed these mirrors the first time she looked.

This, I would imagine, is presumably the best that SETI could come up with to cast ‘sufficient doubt’ into the mix. And it is a mark of their arrogance that they expect people to believe it. Firstly, the Parkes Radio Observatory location was specifically chosen because there isn’t any local electronic radiofrequency interference. Second, there would be extremely strict rules about taking electronic devices into the f*cking observatory with you (like a mobile phone, for example). Third, even if it was ‘electronic radiofrequency interference’, 1/ how come it only lasted for that specific length of time (and only when the telescope was pointed at Centauri), and 2/ aren’t you going to tell us what kind of electronic device would’ve caused it? No? Not even a teensy-weensy little speculation? I mean, it wasn’t a bloody microwave oven now, was it? We are talking a very specific frequency here, after all.

Then, as if you need more, there is a what-should-be-obvious fact that any eRFI would have to be captured within the dish itself, which reflects the incoming electromagnetic waves back to the receiver/antenna, which then converts it into digital data. From that point, any ‘interference’ would have to be inserted into the data file. This means any interference has to be from above the dish (or directed specifically at the antenna). If that’s the case, it requires either a geostationary satellite to beam down that signal, or some hovering helicopter, both of which would be noticed. Hopefully you get the picture.

This debunking of the official SETI narrative is exacerbated to the point of lethality simply by virtue of the Doppler shift. A signal increasing in frequency indicates a transmitting object moving towards the observer (in this instance, the telescope). Given the rate of frequency shift – approximately 2Hz per minute – we can calculate the relative velocity of the object towards the observer and, well, let’s just say it’s a hell of a lot faster than any human-made object would be travelling. In fact, it concurs wholeheartedly with the radial velocity of Proxima being around 22.2 km/s. If you don’t believe me, ask your ChatGPT (ChatGPT is so very useful for debunking official narratives, by the way – you should try it sometime!). What this means is that a human-made radio frequency captured by the dish/antenna would not exhibit the same Doppler shift. Therefore, any so-called eRFI would have to be directly interfering with the computer’s data file! And I’m sorry, but that sh*t just doesn’t happen, because computers don’t have antennae, darling.

Equally, if it was some randomly generated signal it would’ve been present in the ‘off’ phases (when the telescope is temporarily pointed away from the target object, then back again, to confirm that any data received is genuinely coming from that target), and it’s a bit too much of a coincidence to accept that it only occurred during those specific observations, but never at any other time – in the entire history of the Parkes observing schedule! The same, by the way, also applies to the Ozma signal (I’ll come to that later). In other words, their explanation of eRFI is, quite frankly, deceitful bollocks.

Other suspicious minds, naturally, may well just assume they hoaxed the whole thing for publicity reasons. In which case, as we’ll see, how come there’s some uncanny jazz in the metadata?

But none of that, in the end, matters. Because that’s not, as it happens, how the ETI meant to communicate their presence. That’s all the signal means, by the way. It’s simply a ‘hello we’re here’ type of thing. What it does show, as does the more famous Wow! signal, is that the ETI thought from humans’ point of view. By this I mean they knew enough about human society, in the particular society where the signals would be received, and by which ‘organisations’ and even specific individuals they’d be received and the way those individuals think. Jerry Ehman, for example, who is credited with discovering the Wow! signal, was clearly a typical materialistic ‘scientist’ in the same mould as Drake, Fermi & the Gang. He missed the bleeding obvious mathematics in the signal, didn’t think for a moment about analysing the metadata in any profound way, and wasted god knows how much time attempting to calculate ‘where in the sky’ the signal came from, and attempting to rule out the possibility of it being of accidental human origin, when the mere presence of the mathematics outside of the 72-second window already confirms that (meaning it wasn’t a signal originating hundreds of lightyears away, but was probably inserted directly into the computer).

The same attitude is present with the Proxima signal. They simply don’t seem to understand that the ETI doesn’t think like you do! But it knows how you think, and this is why I say it’s mischievous. Because it knows narrow-minded ‘scientists’ like that won’t recognise these signals for what they are. They would dismiss the genuine decipherment of these signals as ‘pseudoscience’. And this, I say, is the extraterrestrials clever of way of teaching them a f*cking lesson.

I am sorry. You don’t know what I’m going on about. Well, I said I’d talk about that frequency. 982,002,411 Hz. So now take a look at this detail from the Wow! signal.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (3)

See it yet? Look in channel four. Now you know why it’s called ‘wow’. Except that Jerry Ehman didn’t seem to notice any of that. You will say obviously, Katrina, because this was 42 years earlier. Sure. But let’s add that 61 to 2411 and get 2472, then we’ll divide it by the channel number, 4, and get 618. If you know your golden ratio, you won’t need me to explain that one.

Here’s another lovely bit. Further down in channel 4 you have 4344. Divide that by 4 as well. That’s 1086. Now look to the left in channel 3 and you see 3111. Pretend that’s base seven, and now convert to base ten. I’ll spare you the effort. It’s 1086.

1086, by the way, is twice 543, which is the hundredth prime number. And 3-4-5 is the first Pythagorean triple.

Channel 7 you have 36-13. That’s a right-angle triangle, with a hypotenuse of 7. 36+13=49, as per Pythagoras. There’s some nice base seven there too if you fancy having a look.

The shout-off-the-screen sequence 24-3-12, which can reduce to 8-1-4, can, amongst other fun mathematics, be a way of encoding Pi=4. If the radius is 1, then the circumference is 8 (Pi x diameter), and the internal area would be 4 (Pi times the square of the radius). If the radius is 3, the circumference is 24, but the internal area is 36 (see the triangle described in the previous paragraph). Pi=4, remember, wasn’t known about at that time.

What Jerry Ehman, and, clearly, everyone else, calls the Wow! signal is simply those six numbers in channel two, namely 6-E-Q-U-J-5. I would imagine that poor Jerry was so taken aback by this sequence shouting off the page at him that he encircled it with a cartouche, wrote an excitable Wow! in the margin and effectively blinded himself to all that lovely mathematics which should’ve equally jumped off the page at him. Ah, but that would be ‘pseudoscience’, wouldn’t it? That’s just ‘numerology’ isn’t it? That’s ‘primitive Ancient Greek stuff’ that is, eh? We’re modern scientists don’t you know! We are oh so much more clever than that! We look down upon you mystical types!

More fool you.

As it happens, when all this stuff was eventually shown to Jerry when invited to DEXOS he was totally embarrassed by the whole thing. He suggested maybe we should change the name from Wow! signal to Doh! signal.

Because it is true that Jerry didn’t even bother to translate those alphanumerics into numbers and get 6-14-26-30-19-5 and find geometric Pi to seven decimal places. That’s 3.1415926, in case you didn’t know. Doh! indeed. He does laugh about it now, though, and he’s just happy he was able to spot that bit amongst all those thousands of printouts and make sure it was recorded for posterity. In that, he has done humanity a great service.

Add those numbers up and you get exactly 100, by the way. Which is neat. You can also translate it into a musical key, by relating each number to a note in the harmonic series (starting with a C-note – there are 31 numbers in the series, by the way). That gives you G-A#-Ab-B-D#-E. There is a note missing in this heptatonic scale, actually, which is the C# (which would be obvious to any musician, like me). Try playing around with that on an instrument of your choice (tuned to the 12 semitone octave), like a piano, and you’ll get some very beautiful, and very profound and emotionally deep tunes out of that key. I myself have written loads of little compositions with it. Maybe I’ll do you a playlist sometime (apparently I can do that with this version of Substack).

Finally there’s a bit more to the metadata. 22:16 local time on August 15, 1977 (as the Americans do dates) at the Big Ear radio telescope in Delaware, Ohio, was precisely 18:21 in sidereal time. 18-21cm is the so-called waterhole, a quiet part of the electromagnetic spectrum in which Professor Drake & the Gang decided to look for potential ETI signals. They figured seeing as it’s a quiet part this is the frequency range ETI would most likely use for sending signals. That’s fair enough, I suppose (not that you would bother trying to communicate across interstellar space at lightspeed, given how long it would take), but in this instance, the ETI only chose to use that frequency because it knew that’s where the humans were looking. 21cm also happens to be the hydrogen line, which is 1420MHz. If we return to our Proxima signal and do some more pseudoscientific numbers games then we’ll see this encoded into that frequency. There is an irony here, because SETI clearly didn’t want the public seeing the ‘2411-2472’ bit (else they might get ideas in their heads, you know), so they presented the signal in MHz as just 982.002. And those numbers ever-so-pleasingly encode both 21 (add the numbers together) and 1420; to wit, 9x8=72; multiply by 20=1440; reverse the last two digits (20) and subtract, and there’s your 1420. I do love that kind of mischief. It’s very Paschat.

Anyway. There is a lot more to the Wow! signal than that. But it’s enough for now. You can play your own numbers games with it if you like.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (4)

There is, however, a lot more when you examine the metadata, and the fact that this signal is related to the Proxima signal. You can work that out by simply looking at the number of days between the two signals, which is precisely 15,231. Subtract 6 and get 15,225. 225 is 15 squared. 1+5 is 6. Bring back your spare 6 and you have 6-6-6-6. The Wow! signal was received at 02:16 (utc). 216 being 6 cubed, or 6-6-6. Because of that 6-6-6 there are some people in my world who do think these are hoaxed signals, given the cabal’s penchant for satanic numbers. I can see where they are coming from, of course, but in this instance they are wrong. Mainly because the cabal, although they may well have considered creating a hoax signal, would not have done it in the same way. After all, as per the Brookings Report, they really, really wouldn’t want millions and millions of people actually believing it, because people who believe they are being watched closely by extraterrestrials will self-examine, and then they will demand that their leaders do everything in their power to fix things. Like ending war, for example, which is a necessity for the cabal if they want to divide and rule. So at the most, they would do the channel two bit of the Wow! signal, but no more than that.

Likewise, if millions of people believed it, in order to avoid Brookings Report style mayhem and social unrest, they’d have to come clean and admit they hoaxed it, in which case, people get mad and want to know what else they’ve hoaxed. Leaders are no longer trusted, so propaganda no longer functions. Either way, hoaxing these signals is a lose-lose situation.

They certainly wouldn’t create a mathematical series out of the chronological connection with the launch of the Voyager 1 probe, precisely 20 days, 10 hours, 40 minutes and 1 second later (remember as well the launch of that probe was delayed by four days because its sister probe, Voyager 2, ran into a few problems when it reached orbit. Again, if you don’t know what I’m getting at here, remove the zeroes in the above and you have 214, with a 1 remainder, which you can then add to get 215. You’ll remember the signal was at 02:16. The date of that was 16 August 1977. 1+9+7+7=24. So that’s 16-8-24, which reduces to 213. So there’s your sequence.

The conspiracy theorists have an answer to that one, though, which is that the cabal somehow engineered the launch of the probe so that it took place at exactly that time. Some of them don’t go that far, and simply say that the ‘historical record’ has been altered to make it look like that was the exact time. I’d imagine your world’s version of Miles Mathis would go for that option, what with his (or the Committee’s) false events narrative. Alas for them, and him, it’s rubbish. As I say, the cabal do not think like that, and in any case, the ETI would anticipate the cabal’s machinations and pre-empt them. Given the suggestion of time-travel in that chronological connection, pre-empting the cabal wouldn’t exactly pose much of a problem.

Notice also, by the way, that President Carter’s letter is dated to the 16 June, which is precisely 61 days before the Wow! signal (see channels 3 and 4). You may also wish to be reminded that on 16 November (16/11/1977), Spielberg released Close Encounters of the Third Kind. As far I am concerned, I find that postmodern extraterrestrial mischief both delightful and immensely reassuring! I love a friendly and intelligent sense of humour – as you may have noticed.

Of course, as I said to Joss Whedon once, you can take postmodernism too far. We have already seen that 24=1977, so we can see that sequence 16-11-24 as a date. So this is where I got our ‘Event Day’ from for the scary movie franchise. I got the ’11:26utc’ bit from the 4344 lower down. This was totally arbitrary on my part, I should say, as I just took 1086 to be 10:00 plus 86 minutes (it could equally have been 11:43 and 44 seconds). We do sometimes regret doing all these scary found footage movies because it’s blurred the lines between fiction and reality, so now there really are a lot of people who are convinced that something’s going to happen on that date, at that precise time. People have already earmarked the night before to party like it’s 1999. The sixteenth is a Saturday, as it happens, so that’s rather convenient for that kind of thing. So there are millions of people who’ve quite sensibly decided to take a kind of Pascal’s wager approach to the whole thing.

So there are some, especially the evangelical types, who have convinced themselves it’s going to be the Rapture, and maybe Jesus will be swinging low in some fiery chariot to save the elect. I seriously doubt that. Others, on a less theistic note, believe that may be when we finally get an overt or direct ‘first contact’ with the ETI. DEXOS has, indeed, set up a little portal on the website which remains open for any communications, should ETI (or their AI) wish to connect up to our Internet. They were quite against the idea of beaming signals at 1420MHz at lightspeed to various different nearby stars – not because of some absurd ‘Dark Forest’ type of paranoia, but because doing that would present us in a psychologically immature light, given the impractical nature of using that communication method over such vast distances. Overcoming that problem, of course, is a very important area of ongoing scientific research (involving particle accelerators, amongst other things), which I shall not bore you with at the present juncture.

Then again, simply beaming a cool playlist to Centauri with no supplementary explanation sounds like a great idea, and I for one am very much in favour of it. So long as there’s one of my songs on it, of course.

Personally, given the ETI is observing us, I do think that something will happen on that date, and I’ve gone out of my way in public to try and reassure people by saying I really don’t believe it’s going to be the end of the world and the skies are going to rip open and hordes of pan-dimensional demons will be spewing forth. If it is to be a sort of judgement day affair, then given how well we treat each other, and the planet, these days, I believe we would be judged favourably. So I like to think of that date as a kind of deadline day. Whether this is true or not, people are kind of acting as if it’s true, and going out of their way to be good. This is what our utopia looks like. At the national and international level we have good people in governments doing good things for everyone. And at the local level we have people looking after each other in their communities. It’s really quite profound. Not to mention lovely, to just walk down any street in the country and have people smiling at you.

Perhaps you’d like to try it sometime?

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (5)

Anyway, I am in danger of rambling again. Just briefly, the Ozma signal. If I told you that consisted in a series of pulses at 8 times a second, on April 8, 1960, now you have the metadata analysis method, you can work that one out yourself, I hope. 1+9+6+0 equals 16, if that helps. In the case of Ozma, the American military’s cover up excuse was they were ‘testing a secret new jamming device’. Right. Ok. Whatever you say, bud. But how come your jamming signal didn’t affect anyone else, and how come it only seemed to work when Professor Drake pointed his radio telescope at Tau Ceti?

Or was it Epsilon Eridani, the other star he was looking at? The official explanation seems to have switched from Tau Ceti (unless this is parallel world stuff, or the so-called Mandela Effect; this is usually dismissed by the usually suspicious psychologists as a kind of false memory syndrome; if you’d rather believe in the ‘they’re f*cking with us’ theory, then this is an amusing place to start). There are some other, notable oddities I’ve recently discovered in my brief afternoon’s Internet searching. First, Drake did believe that the first attempt to communicate would indeed be simple mathematics. That regular pulse fits that bill. Second, I can’t find any reference on your Internet to these crucial details about the signal (aside from this one perhaps). It appears to have been scrubbed. Third, the debunk excuse, or official narrative, appears to have changed from ‘jamming device’ to ‘passing aeroplane’. Furthermore, they seemed to have replaced one conspiracy theory with another – the statement that it was an aircraft in the stratosphere, which was not known at the time, suddenly becomes ‘oh, it was that secret U2 spyplane’. See what I mean about cover-ups? Well, I can also assure you that the U2 spyplane would not be emitting signals at 1420MHz at 8 pulses a second. And given how fast it must’ve been travelling, any signal would not have stuck around for very long.

Equally briefly, the Marconi-Mars signal. This was simply Marconi (and prior to him, Tesla) pointing his newfangled device at Mars and receiving a signal, three little pulses like ‘S’ in Morse code (apparently it was sometimes ‘M’ as well), which disappeared when Mars went below the horizon, thus demonstrating it really did come from there. That’s all the information we really need – which, we can assume, is all the information the ETI (or the AI monitor) needed us to know.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (6)

So, I’ll give you the general DEXOS consensus about how to interpret these four signals. Obviously this is based on the assumption that all four of them are authentic, which, to most minds, seems a given. These signals are designed to tell us three basic facts, the first two of which hope to prompt us into understanding the third interpretation, which is a much broader, somewhat interstellar-political one (exopolitics, you might call it).

So it goes like this. Starting with the Proxima signal, this one doesn’t contain any actual information other than simply stating ‘we are here at your nearest neighbour system’. Or, ‘there is intelligent life at your nearest neighbour system, which knows all about you and has the technological capability of interstellar communications’. It’s basically just a prompt. The same is true of the Ozma signal, which is saying ‘we are also here at Tau Ceti’ (or Epsilon Eridani). That, in fact, also shows that there is communication between Centauri and Tau Ceti/Epsilon Eridani, which is suggestive of a star-spanning civilisation (possibly involving multiple species – which defies racism, of course). The Marconi-Mars signal is saying ‘we are also here within your own system, at your neighbour planet, and we are monitoring you’. Finally, the Wow! signal goes to that logical endpoint and says, ‘we are not just at Mars, we are right here amongst you’. We know this simply because some of those mathematical numbers in the signal are outside the 72-second observation window. Due to the planet’s rotation an extraterrestrial signal would only be captured by the dish for 72 seconds, before passing over. This tells us that the signal must’ve been inserted directly into the computer, which requires presence.

So, the first two conclusions really are 1/ the Zoo Hypothesis is true, and 2/ we know everything about you; or ‘we have a policy of continuous monitoring’. This leads to conclusion 3/ ‘we are not hostile. If we were hostile you would know about it already because as we have demonstrated we clearly have the technology to subjugate you if we wanted. But we haven’t.’

This, then, is how the great minds at DEXOS have interpreted all of this, and by propagating that conclusion into the public domain they have generated the most profound and glorious change in outlook for our species. It’s not just a realisation of ‘we are not alone’, it’s far more than that. It’s ‘we have an amazing potential future ahead of us as part of an interstellar civilisation which is peaceful, in which racism (or ‘other-ism’ or species-ism) is unknown, and which can extend for tens or hundreds of thousands of years or even millions into the future’. Galaxy-spanning, indeed. This, really, is the most profound realisation in any intelligent lifeform’s development.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (7)

In this world, aside from the fact that this kind of thing has been relegated to the realms of ‘speculative fiction’ such that hardly anyone of any importance or (benevolent) influence takes it at all seriously, but I venture to suggest that it has been deliberately concealed and denied to the general population. And it shouldn’t take a genius to understand why it has been denied. As I have said, if you know you are being monitored, you look at yourselves from their point of view, and you start thinking ‘what must they think of us?’.

Well, the answer to that question should likewise be obvious. You have an utterly horrific dystopia, which is ultimately caused by you. Yes, it is caused by you. Let’s call you the 99%. Granted, all your global and domestic problems are indeed caused by that 1% cabal of evil monsters, but the reason I say you’re to blame, is because you allow them. This, I say, is what the extraterrestrials would see. They would be scratching their heads thinking ‘it’s so obvious, but why do those humanoids not do what must be done?! Have they lost their instinct for self-preservation? What’s wrong with them? Have they been infected with some weird cosmic virus?’ And similar questions of that ilk.

You see, it’s akin to having some really awful disease, with the vial containing the cure sitting there on the table in front of you, but not bothering to take it. Just staring at it, like some zombie. Personally, I find this attitude utterly unfathomable. And I venture to suggest that so do the extraterrestrials. And that’s the reason they have only intervened in the most minimal way with these signals, because they want you to work it out and do the necessary. They’ve given you all the information you need.

Maybe it’s a test. Have you thought of that? Maybe you only get invited to join their civilisation if you have proven you’re worthy of it. You can’t be told what to do, you have to decide for yourselves.

In my world, we proved our worthiness. We did what must be done.

What are you going to do?

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (8)

To wind up this overlong diatribe (apologies for that – I didn’t expect it to be this long), another, more mystical or spiritual view on all of this, which, encouragingly, an increasing number of people in my world are indeed taking, is that all of these signals instead have a more earthly origin. Namely, they were created by the Goddess, or the planetary intelligence herself. In my world we call her ‘Danuih’, which is generally considered to be the Atlantean name (and the true name by which she wishes to be addressed). We Celts called her ‘Danu’ which is essentially the same, simply in a different dialect, so to speak. The name with which you would be more familiar is of course Gaia (the Greek appellation). I would very much imagine she hates it when you call her ‘earth’ – this is a cold, lifeless, dirty and somewhat masculine name (if we’re going to get feminist about it), and given the psychological effect of names, words and the like (cf. the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis), that name ‘earth’ is hardly one to engender any love or care now, is it? And that explains a lot, I think. She may not much care for the name ‘Gaia’ either, but at the very least that name is associated with an aliveness, with a feminine, motherly figure who demands love, nurture, and care. Simply training yourself, gently, to use the word ‘Gaia’ every time you were about to say ‘earth’ will, I assure you, profoundly and fundamentally alter your attitude. It has done on our world, I can tell you.

But you will notice that whether it is Danuih, or extraterrestrials, responsible for those signals, the cultural effect on attitude is the same.

As a related aside, there is a parallel with the old crop circle phenomenon, which sprang up when I was coming of age in Southern England in the late eighties and into the early nineties. A lot of people, predictably, started concluding that ‘it was the aliens’. But others amongst us recognised them as coming from the planetary intelligence (simply by manipulating the charge field emanating from the interior of the planet/her body). And often using symbolisms with which she knew we’d be familiar, or would subliminally resonate with us – or hoped they would, anyway. And what happened here follows another familiar pattern. Not long after the phenomenon became widely known and considered in the general population, a few people started faking, or hoaxing them. Equally predictably, they then conveniently made themselves and their activities known, thus providing the Establishment with a ready explanation or debunk with which to discredit the entire phenomenon. Or at the very least, cast doubt on the spiritual or otherworldly origin of the phenomenon.

As someone well-versed in subversion and counter-subversion and all that (what you now call ‘conspiracies’) this course of action is indeed predictable. As I say, accepting that non-human origin profoundly changes the outlook of human beings to such an extent that they can no longer be controlled. This is the real, unspoken thinking behind that Brookings Report. People would initiate that process of self-reflection and ask ‘what is she trying to tell us’. Thus provoking incessant demands of those in a (political) position to make the world a better place (but who have never done so) – and if they don’t accede to such demands, they get removed from their positions. ETI or Danuih, the result is the same – and this explains exactly why the cabal would be desperate to prevent this kind of thinking amongst the general population. Because all their -isms, their ideologies, their mechanisms of social control, would collapse (as the Brookings Report suggested), and they would be done for. They would be finally ostracised, and become extinct. As they should have become a long time ago.

Until you do that, nothing will change. In fact, it will only get worse. And you will be alone.

Well, I think I have said just about as much as I need to about all this extraterrestrial jazz. I hope you will continue thinking about it seriously. And, I hope, act upon it.

As we did.

Welcome to DEXOS.

Welcome to DEXOS, Part V (9)

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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