8y-----, Snake charmer€¦ · VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n'If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (2024)

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n'If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (1)

VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n'If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au

TOBRUKhome after stint in Bougainville

,-----8y-----, Ll:.:UT Aaron Mat::.kow~

H~~~~~~~~~Si~}~;;~)~ :~::;{~~:a~~~'i~i~~~~~I~; Monitoring Group.

The official newspaper of the R oyal Au stralian Navy

She ~ailed into a cool, drizzly Sydney \0 a warnl welcome from about 4()() family and friend'. the Mafllime Commander. RADM Chn, Ril~hie. and Deputy M.nillrne Commander, CORE Geoff Walpole. The RAN B;md pla)'cd WllatlJwlf 11'1' dQ II'lIh the Drullli.ell S(II/or? The P,.b 11'1/1/ 110 Beer and I UJ..e Aeroplane Jelly.

Snake charmer TOI3RUK and her company of about 200, includ­

ing an Army contingent, left Sydney on January 2 10 relieve HMAS SUCCESS al Boug3inville. The pas­sage north induded the handover of command from CMDR Glen Robinson to CMDR Alan Ou Toil.

Medals On their arrival home membcr~ of the ~hlp'~ com­

pany were awardt:d their Australian Service Medals with UougalO\'ilie clasp.

"Congratulations on a job extremely .... ell done:' RADM RItchie told them.

"The task in Bougain\ille wa\ not an ca~y one and it wa~ nOt a glamourous one _ .. but peace in Bouguinville is high on the national agenda.

" You can be extremely proud." RADM Rithcie said TOB RUK now would not be

paid off this year as earlier planned. but would be kept in service until the refurbished MANOORA wa~ delivered next year.

A~~-I~e~~7:I~n~~~~~i~;~e7~~~~~~~~ STIRLING', hl~tory with another fir~t tor the ellpandmg Fleet l3a~e \Ve~t .... hidl ~'el­

ebrate~ Ih20th blnhdaythisyear, At 0800 on February 12. Llnelle

.... hom I am delight<"tl to report is ali\e and ....ell - became the first naval st'r\'lCe per­son to be bitten by a tl}:!er snale on Ganlen Island m We~tem Australia A~ the Na\'y It\e~ ..... tth nature within the

con tines of Pleet Ba~ \Ve~t and the hlghl) venomous tIger snales abound on the island. II has always been considered a matter of tlfne before a ~erving member wasbmen.

The la~t recorded snake bite mCldell1 on Garden Island was In November. 1976. .... hen Mo. Margaret Triplett was bitten on her right ankle while walkin}:! along"de a limeSlone tr.tl;l to ched: her boat at 2030 at mght Fonunately. she 100 made a full recover)

It allstaned when Janelle was Slanmg work In the small ships' compound She removed the padlock from the Building 72 Flamm Store and entered.

"[t was a bright day and my eyes weren't adjusted to the light. I steppe<! on

~- - . - ... ....

I \'ic Jeffrey, Navy B;:lIblic Affairs. \VA I the,nake whICh I dId nut ,ee.;lnd 1I1II11I:di­melyfelt the bIte un my .. hln.·· .. he~aid

''The fright cau-e<l me tu fall uvcr some lucl caddies amJ I hun my nght leg whK'h ] was huh,hng \It hen I ~turnbled oUl\lde IIli0thesunltght ..

Janelle', v.orlmale~, after the IIIllIal wlseCT.;Icls about the noi,e ,he made talltngover in the~tore. qUld:ly leapt tnto .;IClion .... hen ~he ,all! ~he had been blUen by a snake, Rolling the len leg of her combat coveralls up revealed two bleed­IIlgpuncturewoundsonthe~llll.

Work mates LSBM Simon Cook and ABBM Michael Roseler. aided by AUSCDT4's POMED Jean-Claude De Smel qUlclly a.~se~~ the MluatlOIi and to quole lanelle:'" was all band.;lged up V.l1hlnlhl'('(:minme .. :·

She complatned of blurred \'ISI011 and brealhlng diflicultles and wa~ ru\hed to the Fleet Ba~e We!>! Health Centre by Ilaval ambulance where hercondillon was stabilised before she was rushed In St John of Goo's Ilospital in Munloch.

Tests revealed the bite aslhat ofa tIger

~nake and aller the admllll"ralion of anll­venom J:melle ~Ilen! twouay, III inlenswe care before being di~charged h)r a funher three-daycol\\ale .. ..:entleave.

[)e,plte her urdeal.lanelle holds no fear ofsnaJ...el>, "We are III the ,nalel>' en\'lron­ment and that's the 1I.,I. .... e tale. I was more worncu Ihal I had ~tepped on the snake.] W.;I,not "ared"

[t "a~ only month, ago thai Janelle ' toppeu her car In side the ba~e and grabhed a carpet snake by the tall. drag­glng it off the main roau to prevent it being run over. She does. however, alhnil lOa fcar of ,pider<' and moths.

Ongmal1yfromMlluura.shere]atesthe story of some years ago when her father NeVIlle, pnor 10 her blnh, was abo bitten

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (2)

Connie's in hot seat at WATSON Tt~~~;~gne.y;:;:~~ rc;h:';: v;:sJ WATSON.

- - Belreved to be the only Connie Gatti is a woman erty worth million s of dedicated woman fire. carrying 1015 o( responsi . doll ars reslS on her fighter in a s upervisory bi lity. shoulders. position on any base in

The protection of hun· She is the "fire chier ' Australia. LSFF Gatti is

rd'='d;;' =Of"l=ive='='="d;;;p=m=p.:::="=S!;;d","~, "·';;;:;H,,,M;::A;;:Sil :~:r2i~S~ ~~/:;~ie~;e~;; at WATSON.

She is .-.upported by o ther Navy person ne l trained rn firefighling.

Operator busy T~~~:~:::~7~~ a~::rric:~~~~!: ~:o: the s"itch board,

Howevcr. the senk'1l slipped mo me ntwrily Ihis montb .. . ro r a particularly good reason.

The occasion was the award or a n Australia Day Medallion to PENGUI N's long·sen ·ing s~'itch ­

board operator FmI Pomroy, Fred is pa r tially bUnd in b is righ t eye and be

lost his len eye in a childhood aeddent 1lith. pai r

or scissors. Fred , who b egan servi n g at PENGUI N in

Seplem~r 1988 wu completely unaware thai he bad been Domina ted ror lbe a ward u ntil lbe d ay

berore tbe presentation. T he ci ta tion acoom pao)i ng th e a wa rd read In

part thai Fred's inllmale knowledge or the P EN­GUIN switchboard had resulted in an excrptional level or d ient sat isfa ction and lluperior level or ....,,1«.

They are jo ined by brigades (rom the civil· ian.NSWFireBrigades. automatic fire detection ~iiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig







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POSTALAODRE5S: NaVjNm,loci.!db;J 12. f'yrmonL HSW,2009. PHONE:(02) 95631207.FAX:(02)9S631600, E-maiiAddress: f\[emailprotected] PUBlISI1m:fortniQhIly. DATHI:MlII1day. TYPESlZEOFPAGE:Approx.33anl21icm,1co1s.StmS.

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SUSSCAIPTIONS: S24pelaMIII'r1POSla\1eWlt/wlAasnlll(airrN~¥Id owlSUSutra).

STAlf:MwgIll9EiloclCORKewlPie (02) 9563ISS3 AssI5tatrtEdiIor.LEUTAuoo~{02)956JI213:

ArM/IlSIlQ: Mr GeoIfQfford/02)956JI539: PICI/N: lSPH SIM GUrJ'in (02) 95631593. SaiIm'~: I'OW1'RMm;Ho'nlI (02)95634460 ~~andgeMrJlI!IlQUllltS: t.!rP~JoMson (021 9531207

Mli'I~Oft Datet Deadline

SA9ri1 . . . .. .............. .. . .. ................... .. 27I.larch ~.~.

4Moiy . .. .... .. 24ApIi

18_ .. . .. J~ 1_ . .. ...... 12M.!y 15June ...................... ... . ......... 5June ~~ ............ . . .. ... . . . jg~

1311tt .. .. 3111y 27Jutt ... . 11kif' lDAugust.. .. ............ 31 pAy

2Uuoust .. .. .............. 14Augusl 7Stptember . .. .. 28Augusl 21$eplember .. .. ................................ 11 September 5OdGber . . . 25Seplembtf 190d0bef ... .... ..... ,.......... .. . .. 90cr0ber 2Nowmber .. .. .............. 230q0ber 16Nll'llmbel .. . .... 61icM!rber J)NClllemW .. • .•. .20Nowmber UDtamb!1 . . .................................... ~Oecember

2 (66) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

Connie, who co mes from Boronia in ViclOria ha ... been WATSON's dedicated firef ig hte r sincehnuary 1991.

S h e got the job because of outsland ing resullS in her fire training course at HM AS CER­BERUS.

Attenda nce at emer· gencies is just part of her ro le.

She is responsible for o ngoing fire training o f s tatT at WAT SON.

"And I have to liaise with contrac t o rs who come to WATSON to i nst all o r se r v ice our

and alarm s),s tems.'·she said.

" Th is type of work keeps me bu sy." she added.

With seven years in the Navy Connie can be seen in her blue overalls at the wheel of WATSON's fire tender moving around the facility check ing equ ipment. looking for fire hal.arus and inspect.


A lways beside her. in case of an e mergency. are he r lumout coat and helmet.

Honour for ADELAIDE L~:::U~~dW~~~~ ADELAIDE (CAPT Lee Cordne r) for her efrorts durin g Ihe Southern Ocean res<:ues of 1996.

Lloyd 's c hairman, Sir Da vid Row land, sa id : "Lloyd 's is de lighted to honour the ship 's compa· ny of HMAS ADE· LAIDE and the men and women o f the Maritime Patrol Gro up o f t he RAA F fo r thei r va liant e ffort s in loca t ing and rescuing the three round the wor ld yac ht s me n

CFM ----~-------------(, I /ill '/11,/ I (/ I I

Information Service for Military Stall

AIIend a free superannuation and investment seminar Wednesday 29 April 1998, 9.3Oam or 1.3Opm

Pilgrim Hoose, Cnr Northboume" Rucki street, Canbeml

i 'j; S u perannuation and inves t m e n t options

• MSBS & DFRDB scheme opt.ionsavailable upon retiremen~,earlyretirernent , retrenc!unentand resignation

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• Taxationofempto},er bellefits,includil18 lump sum 10118 service, recreation leave and severance payments

• Rollover and general inveslmentolltions

Departme nt o r Social Security Be nen ts

• Income and assets lest • EUgibiUtyforbenefits

Individu lll inrorma tio n C(lns ultation

• SchemespecificinfOnlIation explained

• Considerationsregan:ling Superannuation options

• Taxation issues explained

• Assistance~ith documentation

F ree FinandaJ P lanning Advice • CFM can introduce

memberstoa CornmonwealthFinancial Services consultanl to discuss your investment and reliretnentplalUUng

F ree seminars tailo red to requireme nt can be a rranged on request Australia wide

Please call CfM on

ISIllit1 to reserve yoor plare at a seminar

anell ... to enquire about a !reo individual consuHation

Lloyd ·s. a prominent and distinguished partici. pant in the international marit ime industry, pre · sented the Commanding Offi ce r of ADELAIDE with an inSt"ribed ste rl ing s il ve r Elizabethan a lms dish.

Lloyd's has a long his· to ry of recognis ing acts o ( bravery a t se a, firs t bestowing an award for a sea rescue in 1835.

und e r s uc h haza rdou s ~~~~~~_~~'~.~~"'~""~_~l~"~'''~''~'''~'~"~'''~~~~~ conditions."

ac~n~:I~dg;dOt~: ;e;i~ WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY

Howeve r, th is is th e fir s t time L1oyd 's has ho no ured the ac tio ns of an t mire g ro up . rathe r than individuals.

It is a lso the first time Ll oyd's ha s ho nou red a nyone o utside the United Kingdom.

The presentati on was made by WGCDR (RId) G. L Conee on behalf o( Ll oyd's at Te n ix Dockyard.

A si milar present31ion was made to the RAAF al Edinburgh in SA.

o u s ness wit h which Auslralian Defence Force vie wed our international Obligations for the safety of li fe at sea.

"The office rs and sai lo r s in ADELA ID E performed thei r duly 10 the be~1 of their ability. no more. no less, and as we always try to do:' he said.

From Fleet Base West. ADELA IDE is in the final stages of her DSRA and has begun running in preparation for her workups and operational read iness eva luatio n in late April and early May.


Have Your Say Employee Attitudes Survey - 18-29 May '98

AdY8ft,se~ .fl(LIOf .OVeftJ$lng .geneie$ upon .nd by lodglll!il rnatenat with the Publ,sher 10. pubhc.l,on or .... ll\oris'ng or app.oving ollhe publicltlon 01 any rn.terill INDEMN IFY Itle Pubtishel. ~s directors, employees and agents agamsl • • claims. demands. procee<tirlgs, 00$1$, expenses. darnall". Iwards. judgmeflls and any Olhel tiatJ;~ty whatsoever whotly Of partially arisil'lgdirealyor indorecttyIn coonection W11tl the pub/lClltion 01 the malerial. andwithoullom~lng Ihe generality 01 the Iotegoong, indemnity e.ctI ot them in let.tion 10 delamaloon. libet. slaodBr ot tide. ,nlnngement 01 copynght, infringemenl of tradema!lo;s Of names 01 publicatoon r,t\e$ . unlM oompet~ion . breach of Irade practices or lair Irading legl$lalion. violation 01 rights 01 pnvacy Of

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8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (3)

Race to save boat eople .-----------------------------~---. poor. It was o\·ercrowded.

• VADM Chalmers

Survey to seek opinions T~c AC~e~1 of ba:y~ Chalmers. will ask seleCI­ed uniformc:dand ci\'ihan members of the Navy learn to panicipate in the second Royal Auslralian Navy Employee Auitude Sun'cy in May.

"The su rvey is designed to see k your comllleni on a range o f e mpl oy men t related issues such as work rife and faclOrs thaI encou r­age people 10 leave or Slay in the Navy:' VADM Chalmer~said.

1-£!~~a~:~V~,*o~ me tres al full speed 10

save II C hine se boat people. some already ill. as their failing and over­crolOo'dedjunk headed for a partially uncharted reef off Auslralia 's north-wesl coas t.

''The junk had lost two or its three propellers and was just II mile s from the Robroy Ree f. when we caught up with it:' the Co mmandin g Officer. LC DR Piers C hatterton. said.

" 1 knew we had to get to them before they got to theretf."nesaid.

"Our c ha rts carry a warning that the reef is partly uncharted and some of It:. waters are tur­bid."

The I I people, e igh t men and three wome n aged belween 25 and 30 years. had left a purt on the coast o f mainland C hina near the borde r with Vietnam about two 1l10mhsearlicr.

"We don'l knoweuct­Iy how much they paid but it is suggested gangs are pUllillg padage deals together o ffe ring a s hip. fo o d. fuel and CPS 10

• H~IAS TOWNSVJLLE: al speoed.

come to Australia." LCDR Chatterton said.

"They pa y be tween SUS2000 and $USIO,OOO fo ra place on board"

The II peo pl e wcre

cramped on an 18-metre wooden junk powered by three engines dri vi ng three pro pellers. They had a s mall map and a high quality GPS.

''They had barrels hold­ing fuel and water." LCDR Chane nOll cOlllinued.

"Othe r barre ls he ld noodle s and dri ed fi sh Conditions un bonrd were

"J se nt our RIB across and its c rew boarded the junk. The people were glad to see us. Two were sick. One man had a broken arm.

"Th e re was a young woman with a very high temperature. possibl y from hea ts troke , I selll u ur medic, PO Way ne Waters poon. acrou and he splinred the arm and gave 1 h e woman painkillers. -

"We talked to doctors in Broome by radio about the trea tment we were g i ving." LCDR Challeno n said

"The tow to Broome took about twO days, One day o ut we we rc asked how long it was going to be before we landed.

"To ld it was a few hours the Chinese people took showers and put on good c lothe s for their arrh'al inAustralia."

TOWNSV ILLE was mel by Immigration and Heallh o ffi cers in Broome where the II were taken to the Po rt Hedland Imrni g ration Deten ti o n Centre.

:;;:::,:i~::~~~;~:;;:;: PI~oo~d~r~e;::sp~o~ns~e~a~~~~~~ rion withlOpicaJ Issues as the Defence Reform

~:~~~:;t.~:~::~~~': grea! teaf!)"oo,,~"ffQ,[t, ;'':; e::~i~ ;~::~;~I~~ ~n'~n;~ ~~:~~;t~~~ 11~,~::n:;~~C:~:;l~:'~~ ~~;;~~; I~~!~~:~~~~s.un T~~D:~S:~~~:O~~I~~dKl~:e~~ ~h;l~~: o~~:m~l~~h=~~ :;!~ey ~;;!~

''The results are Impor- eli ls o f the tri -service o rganisationa l toa dl\'erse range of assets.

:~;~ ~~:~'~~:;~~i~~ :~~ct~: ~~:o~:e.nmm:~~:ran~·o~~~r~~ ha'~~ \r:~ :tJ~~=h~~ t:a;e~i~~Sar;O:~~ ~~ :~l~~I~;~~d~tl:~ ~:~~ c~.~n:::~\B:~~t~::~ ~~~~~'draWing ~a:n~ ~~a~O~~tn~~r;'~;~~~I~~; ~ :;;; o f, and ac ross, different togethe r people aoo resources from the are now unde r Ihe Australian Theatre

~~;:n~~a~;~!~d~he organi- ~:a~~u~~:~:sa~!~~~::na~o~~~:~~ : a~~~~m;~~~?~~i~ ~~~:i:a~f~ vin-I·IMAS COONAWA RRA and 1s t dicated the counter di saste r plans the

" I do fH)t illtend that the survey substitute for the normal activilY of man · agement staffrel3liuns,

" It is intended. instead. to be an additiona l too l fo r co mmunit'ati o n and assessing effectiveness."

VADM Chalmers said the confidentiality o f sur­vey responses was guar­anteed.

" Iooividuals Will not be identified with results," he said,

Brigade as welt as from southern ce n- headquarters had in place and practised tres." BRIG Roberts s,1id. in October.

Co-operation first class "The leve l o f cooperation and trust

belween the Navy. Anny and Air FOI"ce was first class.

BRIC Robe rts s aid the new AOF command structure enabled the ADF e ffi cie ntly to bring tog e the r its resources in the Top End and elsewhere unde r one commander to mett many requests for supplies and suppon from the Nonhern Territory counter disaster organisatio n.

Often these had been made at quite

He complimented Ihe three single ser­vice elements in Darwin on the way in which they combined and co-operated to a.~sist in the ADF operaTion.

"The operaTio n was ve ry successful . no t o nl y because o f the o peratio nal imper.lIives and the command arrange­menTS put in place, but also because of the high levels of truSt. cooperation 0100 good will that have developed betwetn the services in Northern Command." BRIG Rubens said.

Program prompted by SeA formation Wg~m~haend b~r~:tra~ta (~~~~o:~ July I. 1997. ca rne a requ irement to mould the organisation into a modern, integrated. defence logisti c business team.

In order to facilitate this change SCA has embarked on an ambitious leader­ship and cuhure building program.

The prog ram aims to develop the overarching. adaptive culture that best suits materiel suppon and supplements


The program targets all members of the command across the nex t twO years . an ambitious aim in its ow n right.

The program started with a five-day. live-in workshop for Ihe lOp 18 people in the organisation.

The workshop was cond uc ted at the Defence Internatio na l Training Centre at Lavenon.

Outcomes of the worlr.:shop included the draft strategic intent and cultura l s tatement s fo r SCA.

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8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (4)

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4 (68) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (5)

Retenti on benefit extended T h", Government has prospects can apply for Members who became r::;;~~;;";;~~~~~~~~~~~=:;~~~';;~~;;;;;;;;-:;;1

added four N:lVY job the payment at lower eligible on February 13

1"'1~~I""""'!'''~! categories to the excep- ranks. must take an ckction 10 lions to rank require- The benefit has been receive the payment menls for payment extended to Aviation within 90 days. that i~ oft heM iii I a r y Observer al lieutenant no taler than May 14. Superannuation Benefit level and Aviation Those yel to become Scheme retention bene- Technician - Aircraft at eligible must mal-e their fil. elecllon 10 fecic ... e the

fi~ t~~~~gO:n~: :~::; Rise fa r ~~oer~ta:;t~inng ~~e~rar; the three services have d' yean.'~erv ice been added 10 the Ibt to Ive rs There is no scope for qualify for the payment. extending the cut-off

The benefit i:. payable a p prove d period or for givin~ :.pc-

t" "t ... , • ,~ .1 · , t , ,. . " 1-' 1 ~ , ,,,,, • '" - t$, "'" ~ ~ .ti' ",-,. " *' on applic':lIion to offi- cial consideration

cers who have reached Previously declared lieutenant-commander leading seaman. ~pecified employment l- _." .. or ;ts equivalent or For those in the listed categories include sailors who h3ve categories. lhc cornputa- Aviation Pilot and I II attained petty officer tion date is February 13 Communiea t ion~-rank. this year or the date on Signab.

ha~~ ~~~I~~d t~~y yr:l~:~ ~i~c~5 t:eeln>,c~~~~~~~~ C I e a ra n c e School's out ... 50 years on

and make a commitment er is the later. Mea n w h i Ie, the

~~~~~~; ~ f~~~~;n~~~f ha~l!g~b~~llr;~~III~rsm:~~ ~e~n~~e~a~i~n ~r~b~~a~ five yean>. than 15 years but less has approved increases

However, ADF mcm- than 20 will be entitled in the Clearance Diving bers in specified jobs to the full benefit from Allowance. recognised as having the date on which they For the qual ification s low promotion completed their 15 years. and skill element. in

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Basic Clearance Di ving

~~~:~~~ !~e~O~:I;~~~ M~~~7 ~~:~;g~9~~~;t~:~~~;t:;~~le~U~~~i:~ of the Intermediate anniversary. Clearance Diving Their guest-ot-honour was Mrs HeieR Th rum , course; Tier 3, $4500 widow of CMDR Greg Thrum. who as a lieutenant p3yable on completion was the Jervis Year's first divisional oUieer when the oft he A d va n c e d 30 boys JOined Fhnder. Naval Depot. II MAS CER-Clearance Diving course BERUS, as 13·year-olds. or the Minewarfare and In their founh }ear three special emT)' ~upply offi-Clearance Diving offi- cersJoined the college. celS' course. Nineteen members 01 tile Jervis Year fanllly, includ-

Disabili ty e leme nt ing Mrs Joan Cunis. widow of CMDR John Curtis, payments are: Tier I . and their spouses attended reunion acttvrltes rncluding $4000 10 apply to quali· a buffet dinner rn VAMPIRE at the Natronal Mafllrme fied Clearance Divers Museum. a ViMtto the Na\'aJ Hi1>torinl Collection at who are not in oper3 - Spectacle Island. (I formal dmner rn the wardroom of tiona I billets; Tier 2, 11M AS KUTTABUL and a ser \'ice al the Na\al $5500 to apply to quali- Chapel at Garden bland Dockyard. fied Clearance Di vers None of the Jervl~ Year is still servrng. but the 1948 with a regular commit- intaJ...e span;; nM)re than half the RAN's hrstory and 1:011-

menl to searc h for tributed two"'OOlnlUnOcn., tivecaptajn~,lhret: LX)rnmodores, anU/or assist in render. tWOll'"aradmrr,llsandanoomJrJltotheN:I\"YuSI. ing safe unpredictable An RANC graduate as a seaman arncer. Dr Peter exp losives: Ti er 3, Iloare.laterre·JuineutheRANasamedrl:al offieer. $7000 to apply to quali- Rear Admrral Tony 1I0non reured as FONSC, Rear fied Clearance Di vers AdmIral PeterSrnclarr went on to becume Governor of with a regular comrnll- New South Wales and Admiral Alan Beaum()nt rellred ment to rendering safe as ChIef of the Defence Force in 1995 after more than

~~ct~~~~~~~:~i~:S~pre. a.;;47~y;;:,,;.;~.:· ":;~;;:k:;:;'. ________ ....J

The tribunal was sat­isfied that there had oc-cn significant changes in the nature of the work, qualificat ions. sk ill.~ and responsibili. ties req u ired 0 f Clearance Divers at all levels, its president, Mr Justice Boulton said.

A Diving Allowance of S35 per day is payable on occurrence 10 an Arm y Shallow Watcr Di ver, an Army Works Diver or Navy Ship's Diver to a maxi­mum of 40 days per year and S3560 a year is payable on a continuous basis 10 a qualified Army Di vi ng Instructor employed at the Army Diving School.

Th e tribunal a lso introduced a new rate for trainees of S20 per day fo r divers under training.

The new rates arc payable from Murch 5.

Memories of PERTH M~=ril~~:; ~r:~::; HMAS PERTH came flooding back wllh a vrsit to HMAS STIRLI NG by the family of CAPT lIec Waller DSO and Bar.

Escorted by CMDR Peter Mangan and six IIM AS PERTH sur­vi\'ors, John. son of the lat e CA PT Wall e r, and three grandsons, Bernard, Mark and Rob, visi ted the WA Naval Historica l Display where a section is dedicated to PERTH 's mellIOf)'.

The highlight of the section is a diorama of the Battle of Sunda Strait on loan to the Navy from the HMAS PE RTH sur-

vlvon;·AsSOClalM)n(WA). The superb dl()t;lffi3 c0m­

missioned by the Cuy of Penh for the 50Ih anniver· sary of the sh rp' s Joss, shows where the proud cruiserfought her lastbattJe on the night of February 28-March 1.1941

HMAS PERTH was in company wllh the United States Navy heavy cruiser USS HOUSTON, a lso lost, when Ihey engaged a superior Japanese inva­sion fleet off Java.

It was th e frrst ti me Austra lr an and United States Navy units fought together, forgIng the beginning ofa proud tra­dition.

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NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998 (69) 5

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (6)

Following this, the new agreement wa.'> submiHed to the Depanment of Workplace Relations and Small

As a result of Ihe dales of effeci being varied by the DWS RB. the phasing of the increases for civil­ians will be different from the ADF. The first instal­ment will be three pt!rcent. ralherthan 2.5 pt!rcent. and the second instalment will be one per cenl. rather than 1.5 percent.

Bus iness (DW RSB) for clearance in accordance Consistent with the ADF, the new civilian agree-with the Government's policy parameters for agree- ment still provides for an overall pay outcome of six ment making in IheAPS. percent over 18 months and this will be phased in the

The new agree- following manner:

~~'i::F,1~~ Pay rise of six per cent ;~::~H~'f~F~ prepara ll ons are December 1997;

• To be home.ported in Cairns ... lEEUWIN. :;~~~v~~~~ :~~u\tr:~ ~; ~~t ~o~~ ~:~~:n ~~~:~~~~ 19·98~ne per cent with elfect from pay day I I June

Cairns home portfor hydro ships ACII 996.

The first pay increase for civi lians will take effect from II December 1997. Agreement. in-princip le. had bee n reached with the unions on having the same dale of effec t as the ADF's pay increase which was gra nted last October by the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal.

• Two pe r cent with <e ffect from pay day I~ December 1998.

C~Sf;i:~~.~: new hydrographi c ships. the Defence Minister. Mr Ian Mc Lac hlan . has announced.

The decision to base them in Caims means an additional 115 rJefence per­sonnel will be slaliooed al

Ihe North Qu ee nsland naval base 10 crew and sup­port the new ships, he said.

'1lleseshipswiJIsignifi­canlly iocrease lhecapabil. ities of the hydrographic survey force which current­lyoperates from Caims." Mr Mclachlan said.

"II also means Ihat local

industry will benefil Ihrough providing follow on 5IJpport IOlhe vessels

"A five yearcOlllr:ll1 for Ihis support wi ll be under­ta ken by NQEA. Ihe builder oflheships.

• Update 00 LF..EUWlN.


However, the max imum back payment that the DWRSB is prepared to accept is the fi rst pay instal­ment being effective from the pay day after the date the department and the unions reached agreement in December.

It is expected that ballot papers wi ll be distributed in early April - in order for staff 10 vote on whether or not they approve the new agreement - and that the voting process will be cond uded by around the middle of Apri l.

Followi ng completion of the vote. and presuming the new agreement is approved by a valid majority of staff. it will be taken to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission for certification.

At Navy News we take entertaining and informing you seriously. We are constantly trying 10 improve your newspaper, to make it more C/)su RV EY

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6 (66) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

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8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (7)

• A8MUSN Ki rsty Crombie and year 10 student Monirath Teav during tutorial on the alto saxophone. Picture: A8PH Simon Metcalre.












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M~:;e~vFe:rl~:~i~no~!lo~::.;.:~::~eri~:~e:ni: today commanding office r of WALLER , CMDR Mel Jones, assumed the unofficia l role of fire war­den at Keswick Ba rracks in Adelaide. It seems the good CMDR was having difficulty sleeping in the early hours due to a circling mosquito in his cabin. With nerves of s teel and his eagle eyes, M ossie sta lked his target with a can or Mk48 hand-guid­ed ny spray. Firing a spread of the lethal spray in the intruder 'S dire<: lion. he m a naged to score a hil . .. righl on Ihe fire alarm sensor sel in the ceil ­ing! An on-the-spot witness claims Mossie stated he was a bit bored, couldn ' t sleep, and wanted to see what everyone else in Keswick Barracks was doing in the wee hours ...

•• * • P:a~~:s;x~:~~';:/~~~ t~~;~;dl~;(:;I~;I~:I~:~ !:~;; bi!alls while the Allssie cricketers are l(Juring India. check.out Ihe side oj (I C(ln (If beans. Nearly 1I11 baked bell liS lire NAVY belll/S.

* •••

I~:O;~dw~r ~~~~I:: ~:~o;~~::: ~:~':~:il~: in NSW_ Carl, a keen Na~y News reader, celebrates his 91st bi rthday on April 21. He was mobilised on Se plembe r 4, 1939 .. _th e da y after war wa s de<:lared ... and scn·oo until September 13, 1945 in estabJi~hmenlS a nd HMA Ships including PEN­GUIN I and 2. CERBERUS, LONS DALE, AUS· TRALIA. HASIUSK and WANG 1'00, which he likens to a noating chook hOuse! Happy birthday Carl. ••• *

Ollr illformanl ill HMAS WOUONGONC sti/l has us chuckling m·cr Ihe thoughl of Ihe sight of boSIUl S

mtlle AB Kristi(/I/ lVeldoll during his latest ef!ort. "Bellstie·· as he is knowlI has ellde(lred himselflO his shipmates by his somewhal daredevil (/lilies. bIll his blUlgy jump ill Caims during WOUONGONCs Illst \·;sil has Ille i/ll(/g;,/(/liO/I boggl;IIg. a,'er he wellt ... 011

a scooter. The pmprielOr of Ihe b/l/lgy /Ower says he s heard oj IJeople jumping ill (I life mjl. with a Sllrf­board. ;n tandem alld evell 011 a bike. but never had he heard of II big tough s(li/or pushing his scooter of! IhelOp. Well. its ajirsr Beaslie. ils (I $ort.ofjirSf

No rise in NHBS rates T~~ne~laSv~~Ci~;a~~~ confirmed thai il will nO{ lift its cOnlribution rales this year, despile a rise by most AuStralian pri­vatehealthfunds.

N H BS c hairman CDRE Too}' Christie said the fund would"dcfinitely nOi be increasing prires 31 least unlil Ihe second quarter of 1999".18 months since thc last rise.

CDRE Christie said a combination or a f3vourable trading position for the fund and Ihecxccllent resuits from sales al ilSrCliremenl vil­lagehad contributed to the

ability to withstand the pressure for raising cOntri­butionrates

··N HBS was one of only a small number of the 44 funds not to announce increased contributions." hcsaid.

And tnc furld continued 10 be ranked highly in all performaru.::e measures in the health i nsu rance industry.

II held reserve asselsof nearly S6 nlillion. making il si:<th of the 44 funds in reserves per member arid while the i ndust ry across Australia lost a lotal of more than SI30 million - or S38 per mem-


(A.C.N. 008624 J97)

ber - N HBS lost only S35.000. or S3 per memo

"',-It was lhe eighth-lowest

in administration costs at 6.8 percent of income. comparedwithanirldustry average of 12per (('nt.

' ·1 am proud of the high level of service our fund provides 10 the broader naval family and attribute our high performance rank ing in the pri vate health industry to the commilment. e:<pertise and ent hu s iasm of the management and all the staff:· CORE Christie said.

Australian MaTine Technologies is an Australian engineering consultancy olTering specialised Naval Ship Design & Systcms Integration Services in suppon of Ihc Royal Australian &. RcgiOllal Navies. AMT & its Patent Company are thc Ship DesigTK:rs of the ANZAC Class Ships for thc RAN & RNZN. AMT invites applications for the following positions in its Melboume Naval Ship L>esign Officc:


To undertakc engineering design act ivi ties llS$O(:iated with: The design/development of ncw nllval ships and craft.

,. Upgrade and modification to existing naval vessels. The provision of special ist support services/advice.

Applicants should havc broad experiencc in Naval and/or Merchant ship Marine/Mechanical Engineering. including main and auxiliary machinery and systems in tegratioo and design. Applicants must be eligible for Membership of IE ("us!) aTld NPER-J Rcgistration. A Naval t::ngineering blM.:kground and/or practical operational experience would be an advantage.


The principal responsibi lities of this posi tion include: Provision of technical assistance to support naval ship design and

system imegrationactivities. • Development and use of data bases for configuration management and

tcchnical document control. • Technical anti administrative support to Design Office management.

Applicants will havc a technical qualification in a mechanical and/or electrical trade discipline and a proven ability to interpret engineering/technical documcntation. It is highly desirable Ihat applicants have had recenl naval seagoing experience. Experience in the use of MS Office 97 and MS Project is alsod.:.sirable.


To assist in our operation with: • The provision of geTK:ral clcrical ass istance in our Ship Design Office. • Maintain/managc technical documentat ion/information data base

systems. • General office support and administrative funct ions.

We an: seeking an cnergetic and organised person who must havc experience working in a technical environmenl combined with well dcveloped clcrical/administrative ski lls and expericnce. Proficiency in the use ofMS Office 97 and MS Project is highly desirable.

Applicants for these po5itions should be Auslralian Citizens and hold. or be prepa.red 10 apply for_an appropriate security clearance.

Wriuen applications should. as a minimum. address the above criteria and will be treated in st rict con fidenc.: . The closing date for applicalion5 is 08 Apri l 1998.

Applications should be forwarded to: The General Ma nager

Australian Marine Technologies Ply Ltd GPO 80s 4528RR MELBOURNE 3001

.NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998 (71) 7

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (8)

ANZAC is only the secood ship to receive such an award which was presented by GefICr.t1 Baker during a ceremony COnducled on board at Aeet Base We$(. Also present was the Maritime Commander. RADM Chris Ritchie

ANZAC was highly commended for her role in apprehending two fishing vessels operating illegally in the Exclusive Economic Zone sulTOOooing Heard Island.

Vital job for the Na Tn-service journalist Army Captain Mite H:1fTis had a tubber's loot at the Navy way of doing things during Ihe M,ne Warfare and Clearance Diving Forces Exercise Mullgoggcr ... 3IId found a whole new world

From the practice of m,n esweeping 10 a man (wCfboard drill. he was fas­cinated. Here are his re_

o Pictures: ABPH Simon Metcalfe.

BANDICOOT caplain C PO Stephen Madeley briefed Na.')" News On the role of mine warfare and de:lJ1l.ncedivingforces.

The RAN employs so nar and s ..... ee ping techniques to detect and delOnatemines.

specifically to search out mines using their hull ­mounted Atlas sonar.

The ships are composite in cOnstruction. made of non- magnetic fibreglass and foam

The relative slow speed of Ir.l.yel (nlaximum u~nsit speed is 10 knot s) combined with the twin hulls of the Bay-class produce a small pressure foot-print within the ocean

important for pressure-sensitive mines lk;au:i~arymil"l!S~

to ..... emulation influence sweeps.

Minesweepinggcaralso includes deep wire trawl and mechanical or influence sweep~. The ships also can be fitted wilh side scan sonar for underwater surveillance.

The use of the former fhhlll£ boats J3ERMAGUI and KORAAGA has been 10 trial the use of wooden or aluminium s hips in minesweeping

little sh

The commendation stated the arrests were "professionally e xecuted in pote ntially hazardou s conditions·' and also made nOle of the ""resolve. courage and resourcefulness displayed by all involved".

~~~~~~~~,;""",~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E~eu~t~alia~:i~n~s a~;

With the first of the Hu on-class coas tal minehunters t o be commi ssioned later th is year. il is still up to the ex i st i ng ins h 0 re minehunters to perform the tasks necessary as pan o f the mine warfare and dearancediving forces.

Their diesel engines. made from aluminium alloys and small amounts of cast iron. are set above the water-line and on an engine r.tft to reduce noise transferring through the hull.

Working the engines at conslUnt revs further

Tw o ex-Singapore tugs. now the auxiliary

mil"l!SwttlXlS BANDICOOT and WALLAROO. can tow laJgediOlb.

Na"Y is testing wlJt!ther it can acquire similar boots and bolt on minesweeping ge.tr.

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F«. ani rharga appiy.Al<SdifC,..,,,p Pry I.Jd, ACN No. 067 7J9 67J.

8 (72) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

sea lanes could cripple the country in a conflict. so mine disposal is vita l.

HMAS RUSHC UTfER chief engineer. CPO Peter Be a u nlo n I and

The Navy's t ..... o Bay ­class minehunlerS h ave bee n desi gned to

reduces noise. A low m agnetic

signature is maintained by keeping the ships virtually freeofferrous melals

These a r c magnetic devices. towed at distances of up to 500m behind the tugs. which emulate the magnelic signatureofa ship.

Practice does makes perfect BACK TO THE ACADEMt WEEKEND

Sarurday 4Aprii

T:~i:;~1 :~~~:;~ ;~: alaml. " M an overboard . Man overboard on theslarboard side. The man overboard is Lead in g Seaman Ju lian. Recover by swimmer.""

The bell rang again. The message was

repeated and the company of the AM BANDICOOT immediately began its much-practiced recovery drills

As the incident was recorded in the ship's log. a sailor was loading a Steyrrifle.

The drill may have been practicebuta rea l threat still existed

A swimmer was being launched from Ihe starboard side into the warm waters off the east coast of Australia.

These are the hunting grounds sh3red by the NavY:lIldsharksalike.

The dUlY officer

checked with the officer in heaved an d Ihe d umm y charge on the location of was successfully rescued. the lost crewman. CPO Madeley p layed

The company of Ihe game to its end. Thi s BANDICOOT was honing d rill was complete. but the its ski lls. company im mediately

The fiv e-Ship squadron began prepari ng for was o n a week of another. similar exercise. mano e u v r es to test "When Ihe swimmer is sea nl a " s hip and hois ted out o f the water equi pment. The first day bring him with the life-co nce ntrated o n ship ring and buoy and next formations. recovery time we will recover techniques and machine separately:· ca ll ed the malfunctions. skipper.

··Magazine. 20 rounds. ··Roger'· was the prompt loaded!"' said the seaman reply. wi th a co*ck of the rifle and It seemed practice, and

Commen«s: t2JOhrs Esm~y Wa,""", Stand in PTRig SponPtayed: Rugby Contact[)ean~lIX8522

Touch ADSDonembtrisooord

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Baby Jining is pnr;idcd please RSVP numben of kids M'Odinll babysitlers

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a click of safety to off. ~'I~OO~'f~;'~. m~'~d'::"~"~' ;;;;;;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::",~ As a swimmer clad in a I ~l:"k:':;"~ ,:"; ; ~d;'~d Rockwell Collins ... total focus on electronic

~~~~~;I~Os:~:.o~~~~:: solutions for our Customers' success. a stop.

Swimm ing back ..... ards and taking directions from on board. the practice recovery was completed.

Men on the rope anac hed 10 the life-ring

Rockwell Australia Pty Limited markets and supports lead ing class Collins Avionics and Communications Systems & Products for the Au stralian & New Zealand Defence Forces.

Rockwell Collins is expanding the Business Development & Project Management capability at the new Regional HQ located at North Ryde, Sydney NSW.

The survey of the future We seek applications to fill a planned position from highly motivated and suitably

qualified personnel. We are searching for a mid-level seniority officer with a technical background and Project Management experience in a Defence procurement program_

W ~~~U~I~ jno~n: the fleet later this year she ..... iII be one of Ihe mosl sophisticated hydrOllraphic survey ships III the world.

LEEUWIN. fin,ng out in Ihe NQEAshipyard in Cairns. will begin hcr contraClor sea trials in June and is due lObe commissioned III October.

At 2500 lonnes and 71 III in length. she is equipped with a ~ta te-of-t he-art

hydrographic survey suite The system includes an

Atlas Fansweep 20 multibeam echosounde r which is capable of sweeping the seabed to

detect features such as wrecks and shoals between lines of sounding.

Older generation echosounden can only measure depth s directly below the ship .

LEEUWIN also will be fitted with a deep water echosounder capable of measuring depths to 6OOOm. a forward -looking sonar and a towed sidescan sonar.

The ship's three Survey Motor Boats also will be equipped with multibeam echosounders. The ship and her boats will be capable of gathering an amazing IS gigabytes of survey data per day.

LEEUWIN's 46-strong s hip 's com pan y has assembled in Cairns and will soon begin systemS uaining.

T he au to mation bu ilt

into LEEUWIN will sc h edu le. the ship's LEEUW IN and her enable 46 personnel to company has found time siSler ship MELVILLE operate a ship similar in to con lest the inaugura l will be based ill Calms. size ..... ith a much greater LEEUWIN golf They will ope rat e capability thall her championship with notable primarily in northern predecessor. HMAS burglars ABMT Travis Australian and south west MORESBY. which had a Peisker and LEUT Ross Pacific waters. from the complement of 135. Taverner showing how 10 Indian Ocean 10 the Coral

Despite il s busy play Ihe game Sea and PNG.

• LEEUWIN fi t ting out a t the NQEA yards in Ca irns.

Demonstrated leadership abilities, outcome o riented , superb oral & written communicator & team player.


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NAVY NEWS, March 23,1998 (73) 9

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (9)

Savings in ordnance unit Aor;:;isa\rii~~erv~~~ ~:nV~~nl~,~:e~t:cti~~ ~~SI~~:~yC~~f~~ltsr;~a::~ been established within Support Command - products and services:' Defence 10 handle and Anny arld regional Senior CAPT Malpress said. distriblllC all explosi\'c Ammunillon Technical "The office will go ordnance for the forces. 0 f fie e r 5 and through .. transitional

The new Defence Represcnlath'cs. pe riod while a detailed Ammunition Logistic s The office ha s fi,'c analysis is undenaken 10 Office, under RAN "group" managers 3uend- determine the placement Caplain Keith Malpress of eXisting explosive ord-..... ho took up his appoint- S . I Mnce elements and skills rnent this mon lh . will I ng e wilhinlheorganis:ltion:' have its headquarlcrs He said existing ord-

at the D e fenc e body for nance bodies would Establishment Orchard remain in their current Hills in NSW. localilies dunng the tran-

10 ~n~~~~ S~beS~~~:~ S e r vic e s ~~~oyn ~~~~e c~~7.n~~d~ COSI savings by restruc- perform Ihelr current lUring and eliminal ing ing 10 guided and non- tasks but would repon 10 duplication in explosive guided ordnance products. the new group managers. o rdnance logislics s up- speciaiisl services. safely DALO would be civil-pon acmss the services. and contrac i manage - ian-based but uniformed

It co mbi nes in one men!. members of each service body the: functions prc:vi - "'The structure of Ihe would be included where ously performed by at new DALO is aimed al necessary 10 meel MRU

Hey Saint Peter. • • leasl six separale organi- providing a sea mless needs. None of us is an angel b~t you

wouldn'lthink so arrivlllg at HMAS WATSON 111 Sydney's easlernsuburbs.

And as our photo from Nm·y Ne ..... s pholographer LSPH Steve Gurneu ~hows. Ihere IS al leaSI one gatekct"per. S<aman Melanie Ellerton from Rod.hamplon. who seeks hlghergl,ll(lanceloallowentry.

The harbourside tra ining facililY

has received a new gatehouse. The

old boom gates went and III Ihelr

place came a new pairprovidl.-d by

sa t ions - No I Ce ntra l now in meeling cuslomer TIle organisation would Ammunition Depot. requiremenls by remov- include a number o f cen-Armament Log is lics ing Ihe need to go oulside Ires of expenise including Office. Directorale of the groups 10 allocate ballisllcs. fuze lechnolo- Blocking passage 3re the Pearly

Gates. ;=A='m='~=m=E="=gin=,=,"=· "g=-========:;l gy and pyrotechnics. ,'" LEADERSHIP?

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10 (74) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

High standards in staff course I~~~~~I~~I~~! ~~~a~~~d~;~;f i~k:~I~ Course. a new graduate of Phase One has warned.

"Having completed all the modules I have a bener appreciation of service writing formats and traditions.

'111is appreciation combined with the revision of English gram mer ha s


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• Firsl conrerence free POSY Mick Chambers has been pre­

sented with his course completion cer­tificat e al HMAS CRESWELL by CO CAPT Pal rick Oales.

~:l~~;.ed my slaff work considerably." Ph: (02) 9749 1500 or

"'The cou rse is not extremely dim­cult:· PO Chambers said.

ro;:~,"~~:::1:~;:~:,~[~h:',~:;;,,:,?2 Fax: (02) 9749 1441 dence across the threc: services:'

··Howe,·er a greal amount of time and effon is required to meet the high stan­dards set by RAN Staff Training School inSltuctors.··hesaid .

Course participants are given 18 WILLIAMS months 10 complete lhe four modules of

The SSASSC Phase One is a distance learning course adminis te red by the CRESWELL .«:hool and consists of four modu les covering service wril ing.

Phase One. but Mid took only s ix HUSSAIN months as he wanted to complete all modull$ before laking up a sea posting.

He said the course would be ;nvalu- SOLICITORS able to someone who was going 10 sea'I~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~

It is designed 10 enable personnel 10 write and respond to service correspon­dence using Ihe correci conventions.

The successful complet ion of both phases is a prerequisile forpromOl:ion to warrant officer. Chief petty officers and peny officers with three years' seniority are eligible 10 nominate for Phase One lraining.

·· 1 found the English grammer module to be most beneficial:' PO Chambers said.

··It has been qui le a few years since [ completed English at schoul and I soon di'«:llvered the subject matlerwasessc:n­lial.

but he believed il would have been more beneficial had he undertaken ilasa newly-promoled penyofficer.

The SSASSC I staff. LEUT Stacey Ker r and POWTR Barry Chalk. sa id they understood Ihat the course could be difficull for some people. but help was available.

MentOfSinsubjectmauerandfortuto.. ria l SU ppOrl were avai lable in eve ry major locality in Australia and lraining school slaff were always willing 10 help. they said.

For information. contact LEUT Kerr or PO Chal k on (02) 4429 7913 o r DNATS 868 7913

SYDNEY takes a break to party H~g~t~o~:x~~;a~~~ ~;S't~:~~rl~.sJ~~!~!~ ~:~d~~~h~~~~;~~d b~u~ was put on hold ... so the ju~t three when SYDNEY assessment following the company could celebrate. was commissioned. De p 1,1 I y. Mar i t j m e

The FFG ntarked her CMDR Goldnck said Commander·s manage-151h binhday In the tradl- Ihe ~hlp·s company ment audit and diviSions. tional manner. With a d("s(ned congratu lation After EaSier. Ihe ship ,"ake cut by CO CMDR for liS excellent efforts will head to Fremantle for James Goldrtck and the during and afler her refil. a short Visit before funher youngesl member of Ihe This period for the ship exercises.

~ tl


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8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (10)

Graduates embark on mission T~~:,~V;~! ~~~:~~~se~v~~~::~~ :~ga~ ;I~~ men! of a Joint or combined force. [he Commanding Officer of the RAN's pnmary sailor training centre. HMAS CERBERUS. CAPT John Diercks, slud.

It is also [0 help in maimaining Aumalia's sovereignty and contribute 10 the security of our region.

His remarks came during his address 10 the graduates of General Entry 147 class at the base

A large crowd of parents and friends was on hand 10 watch the young men and women grad­uate and move on to specialist trainmg wilhm the RAN.

CAPT Diercks [old the parents and friends : "Your show of SlTcngth is the best indication of your support for Ihe decision these young 5<':a­men have made

"On behalf of them I v.ould like to [hank you fOfthat support during what has been a testing 12 weeks here at HMAS CERBERUS

,ion as a Navy and where you fit in .

'--rhi~ i~ particularly so as we are remmded of the ~eri()u ... ne~~ of our business.

'--roday. as [ speak. young men and women of our defence forces arc ye t agalll making tinal preparallon ... to deploy 10 the Persian Gulf.

"The Navy 's mission is to be able to fight and win m the maritime environment as an ele­ment of a Joint or combined force. to as,i~t In

maintaining Au,tralia's sovereignty and con­tnbulc to thc ,ccurityofour region.

"Su whcreduy'ou lit In?

'~ro achieve the ml~,ion the Navy requlre~ men and women of the highc~t calibre. men and "omen who are comnlltted to profeSSional excellence and a code of integrity:' he saii.l

"Our prufe,slImalism is based upon funda­mental Au~tralian pTln!;lple\ and values of respe!;t for the dignity of ea!;h pen;on Irre~pc!;­tivc of ethmc ba!;kground, rel igion or gender. dedil'ation to the ethos of service before self :mdthe upholding of lawful authority.

'"This demands ourwmmitment to the high­cst degree ofprui"essional knowledge and sJ..ill.

"In thi~ endeavour we !;ommit to ethi!;al obligations of wuragc. loyalty and dedkatlon:'

'-There is no doubt some of you are wonder­ing how they managed to survive this experi­ence-but survive they did and, as you can see from their presentation, they have achieved a highslandard."

To the graduates CAPT Diercks said: "This parade is the culmination of 12 weeks of train­ing, training that has taken you out of your civilian lifestyle and placed you in a unifonn. equipped you with knowledge and prepared you for your specialist course

• Head of intake training, LCDR Kim Staples, with Michael Roeger (left) and Camcron Vch 'crs,

CAPT Dien:ks went on to present awards to outstanding recruits from thc intake. The award for academic ex!;ellence went to Re!;ruit Marine Techni6an Cameron Veivers. 22, from Western Australia whose studies earll('"d him an average overall mark of97 percent.

" In just a short three months you have leaml a 101. not only about the Navy but about yourself.

"You have learnt a new language. a new cul-

tu re, a new system and gained many new friends.

"You have also learnt how to be part of a team,"he said.

He went on: "As a graduating class you are IlOW ready 10 commence the busincss of learn­ing the specific skills which will make you a

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The award for spons person of the imake went to Ret.:ruit Michael Rueger, 2 1. from NSW.

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NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998 (75) 11

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (11)

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12 (076) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

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8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (12)

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NAVY NEWS. March 23. 1998 (77) 13

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (13)

( ~~. Ship's history CANNZACSDAyAiS99SN well presented All serving and eK-serving personnel are invited

. to take part in the March commencing al 0900.

Fall-In at 0845 in King Street, thence a reunion

at a new venue, The Agincourt Hotel, enr Harris

Street and George Street, Broadway, on

completion oltha March.

For information contact:

Allan Moffatt (02) 9631 8068

A reunion is being held on Wednesday 20th May 1998 at ANZAC HOUSE 2851 Georges Tee, Perth WA at lOam for all recruits who

joined the Navy for 12 years in 1948. All who wish to attend please contact

PAT COVERlEY (08) 9384 9024 CLIFF HODGSON (08) 9337 3239


NOf'Ih Syd.,.y Anz.e Memorial Club ell' Miller & Ernest Slreets. Cammeray

$3Spe'person-ine!LlCieslood.beerar>d'or 'Mne Enquuiesconlsct

8en DawiesalAOI (02)9S623387 ar Pr iwa le (02) 99J92179

Warrant OUiters' and Senior Sailors' Mess

HMAS CERBERUS 25th Anniversary

Celebration Mess Din ner Saturday, Augusl1 , 1998 CO$t$50 CheQues made out tothli Warrant Otlours' and SenIOr sa.Iorl' Mus, HMAS CERBERUS, tothe Treasurer by June 30.

Inlormatlon: CPOSTD SlIakey Lake (03) 5950 7696

RAN BAND ASSOCIATION A reul!tOl'llOl' tonner ind 5eMllll RAN~od ftANR musocaaos WIll be hetd 00 the 2nd,Jrd aod 4111 October 1998 at The N.vyCtub, Frel'lliotlt,iWId.tHMASSTIRlING GoII,anvtrtrul$tlmlanoffiNld,~rareonlhtproglam,pJusa

memOflalStrVM;:etollhetrewolHMASSVONEYloSIaftthecoa$lot WA rs 10 1M held on SIIIlIIly 4th. 800kings essent'it 101 the Olhe,at drnne. Contaet Sec.eliryJ,m HawbIs on (02) 66252689 101 Iurthtr deliils

43rd Intake of Junior Recruit HMAS LEEUWIN - REUNION

II is intended to IIoId a .eunron 01 u R'llnsaylStMJ DMsioo I!\fmbtrs.lrom the 43.d intake - HMAS LEEUWIN,

,nApr~ t99810l'llirkOUl25th Annrvtrs<lry

/vrofintt lesledperSOI'Intl homtheserlivisronsshouldeontacte"her. l EUT Philip Soloman - HMAS CERBERUS - OJ 5950 7862 or CPOSTO StM Reynolds - Training Centre East - 02 9978 878t

HMAS LEEUWIN - 24th INTAKE July 1968 - June 1969 REUNION

M!{I ht not tie enough limt lor tht J ()th reuoion in 199B,bul a 30th IUnion 01 passing out in Ju n! 1999 may tleon the cards

PIIHI to.II,,1: Gwy Rog.II , AllstlJllu High tommiuiOll , POBol.0J6 , Well l~tOll , Ne.lul.nd

[ -111.11: ,t/Y.lottrse-tlm.OOf,IU OR 'Mtko. rogIIlO I1IJ. L'O .1Il


Reunion, dinner dance, elc Sydney, December 1&-20, 1998

Contact WO John Rana (02) 9978 8624 (Syaney)

MI~~~~: ~:!~;!J~:;e~~:') :~.~:~ 27 •

persCMfI may be fl6gotialed on numbers anending

Tile WilfUl Olliun" SUIOf S. llors Men HMAS tU8U1US ls~oltl l·IIZ5THAHNtVERSARY M£SS DINNER

OtISI!Ur~'Ya ' ~I995lOc_"II'oo_"IOIftIIOnVo1I1'ooSeflO" ~ Mr!" .. lf13A1W<W'1O'I'Idt<·5eIYfI\I W" '¥I!OIIUf"$"II:ISetw;r

SHor1l1'weIc_IO'nend.O'W .... boMD.slh:l"!SS/(ItWW'lgrne'"~ lIII:I$ar:k TlOiOrtNt(WlQCos''''boI m perpeIWllLl$l W111dos1!XiJuI'll

19!18.IIlIMSIr'ICI C!ltQueS...., P'Y'" 10 Il'oo WG$SM HMASC~~.~ftllS .. 1k

Mtil T"II.w':::~:~ ~~~= CfRltllUS

IyCO.:I4 J .... lfi1

WANTED Nt"" mtml>tfS for Ihf -.u ltIEUautfIIE ~eg'lH

DlrJ roo StMOfart prtSMlly s"l'io~, on the sJups M.lf1Y I1mt? 5oroolllvelllinftrtSlrnanyof the tht~ MELBaURNEs?

5tfWt~,"tll.rJ.CMIIan$most wtJcomt Orrt SS ptt yut. CIII Ktyin (Milch) Miller, ncrelJry,

HMAS MELBOURNE Anoclallon. (046) 2B 6840, 2 Bottlebrush Af,nue , Brldbury HSW 2560

14 (78) NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998

S:vr~~:lt ~:ta:~i~g~iS ~ to ries had a tendency to be e itller we ll or poorl y done and tllere was very lin le midd le ground. This is an example o f a we ll writt en and inte rest ing ship history.

Mervyn Eather and Bill Galmes served in HMA5 MANOORA . Mervy n was an RANR signalman and Bill an A[F sappe r (part o f the ship 's doc k o peratin g co mpany). Toge the r they have prod uced a lI ig ll ly read­able and interesting hiS· to ry o f MA NOORA's time as a Landing Ship Infantry ( LS I ) in the Pacific Theatre.

The Story of the ship IS uniquely told by a cent ral ficlional fi gure, Ordinary Sea man S ho rt y Bl ake. whe reas all o the r cha r· acters menti oned were act ua l members of th e ship·scompany.

The ship 's history ~ t a rt s witll ShOrty Blake jo llling MA NOO RA and the n fo llows the ir fo rtun es. and misfortunes. through e ight amplli bious land -

I subm itted IhC' wrong phone number for the Sydney Social Worker In

th e las t edili on of Wifel ine. T he co rrec t number for Leigh R:llslOn is (02) 9265 ()IX)3.

Nowra - Shoalha ve n D e f e n ce Fam i l ies Association [n{;., Flat I & 2 Canberra Drive Nowra Hil l.

C raft - every Fri day. 9.30am to I I J O:lm $1 for coffee $2.50 per child for c re\: he. Co nta{; t He le n Deacon 442 1 0294. Nighl c rafl - e ve ry second Wednesday 7, OOpm to 9 .00pm. Cont act Li nda M\: Adam 4423 7S 00 . Playtime - e \'ery Monday 9 .300101 10 1I ,30am , Contact Pe rl Robert ~on

44 23 6 76 1. Mums and Bubs - e\'e ry Tu esda y 9 .30am to 11 .3 0am. Contact Pe rl Ro be rtson 4423 6761. Coffee morn­ings - Ihi rd Wednesday of e \'ery month 9.30am to 11.30a m S I per chi ld for creche. Contact Simone Morrow 4433 4665.

Communilyeducat ion. Cont act Ja n Gilm our 4442 11 84 between 6 and 8pm,

J e r vi s Bay - Craft meetse\,uy Wednesday from 9. 30am at Banksia Hou se. The re is al so a night class staning soon on Wednesday evenings. Pho ne Jan Gilm our on 4442 11 84 . Unde r 5s

Taken by Storm The true Story of HMAS

MANOORA's experiences in the South West Pacific theatre of war by Mervyn Eather

and Bill Calmes. Reviewed by Greg


ings fro m Tanahme rah Bay (Dutch New Guinea) in April 1944 10 Balik· papan (Borneo) In Jul y 1945.

MA NOORA's las t three assa ult landin gs were in Borneo .... here she landed AIF troops at Tarakan Island in May. Labuan Is land in June and Ba likpapan in July. When no t employed as an LS I s he was used as a troo p s hip (;o nvey in g Austra lian and American re inforce ments to Dutch New Guinea. The Phil ip. pi nes and Borneo.

Th e book is we ll set out . l av l ~ hl y ill us trated and contanlS a number of a ppendices detaihn g those who se r\'ed in MANOO RA, de t a ll ~ of

Club - Thu rsdays from 9.30am. Ka n ga roo Collage Isa long day care ce ntre w hic h cate rs fo r chi ld re n to 6 ye ars. Vacanc ies fo r 3-5 yea r o lds on a permanent (full or half day basis).

Sydney - All Defence s pouces and the ir chi I· dren arc we lcome to the S ut h e rlan d Fa m il y Ne t work. Sy l vann ia C omm u nit y H ea lt h Ce ntre , 29 Sy lvanni a Road, Syl va nnia on the th ird Tuesd ay o f each momh. For fu nher details contact Le igh Ra lston, Defe nce socia l worke r. on (02) 9265 0903. The En deavour Ch i ldcare Centre has seven \,acan· cies m the 2: to 3 year age range. The {;entre is open from 6.30am to S.30pm Monday to Frida y. Fo r information contact Ju lie on 93 141221.

Kissing Poim Cottage. D e f e n ce F o r ce Communi ty House. 282 Ki ss in g po i nt Ro ad. Dundas, 98 74 4052 . Kiss ing Po int COll age a lso holds p laygro up -Tuesday mornings lOam to noon . C raft - eve ry Frid ay 10.3 0a m to 12.30pm chi ldmind ing available. Coffee morn· mgs- Iasl Wednesday of the month. Various topics. Chi ldminding avai lable. 1·l ill s Defe nce Group ­seeond Monda y of Ihe

assault landings. honours and award s and o t lle r snippe ts o f info rm ation about the ship and those who ser\'ed in her.

One appendix describes in detail MANOO RA's only casualty of the war, the unfortunate sick berth auendant Alec Hill. who went fo r a joy ride in a RAAF Beaufig hter in \'o l· ved in an auack on Japan· ese positions on Celebes (Netherlands East I ndle~)

in Febru ary 1945. The Bea uf ight e r was sho t down and Hi ll became a Prisoner o f War. He wa~ executed by lne Japanese inJuoel ~5.

The book was prinled by Port Phillip Press of Ebternwick, Victona, and it has done an exce llent job and produced a very profession:ll public3lion.

"Taken by Storm" is ava ilabl e fo r $30 (in · cludes postage) from the HM A S MANOO R A Associati on ({;/o 2 1 Royahy A\'e Highctt VIC 3 190 o r J. Will son, 146 Bay Road Sandflngham VIC3 19 1).

nmOlh for crafL mornmg tca,childmindmg.

Canberra Defence Support Croups -Canberratri-ser.ice fa mi· lies' playgroup - north· s ide . Adri ana Madi e, 625 12 2S, south Side Mi chelle 1I0 fstee, 623 1 6707.

Tu gge ranong t ri -se r· vice fa milies' pl aygroup - e\'ery Wednesday 9 .30a m [0 11. 30am Tuggeranong Community Centre, \:owlishaw Street, Tugge rano ng. Con tac t Kerri Hunter 623 1 63 15. o r Ca ro l Le uth 6292 1823.

Tuggeranongtri .ser\,ice spouses g roup - eve ry Friday 9.3Oam to 11.30am Ric hardson Community House. 33 Pritc hard Court . Ri cha rdson. Contact Sam Garvey 6292 5378 or Lindsey Matcheu 62C).t 4063.

Duntroon Co mmuni ty C C' nlre p layg roups Monda y and Tuesda y 9.30am to 1I ,30am , Playschool Wednesday to Friday 9.3 0 to noo n. Booki ngs essen ti a l. Co ntan Margot Ne lson 62 7S 94 11. Canberra service wives, ­c rafl g roup, Th ursda y fo rt night ly lOam to 12.30pm . Ginni nde rra Hall , Fulagar Cres{;enl , Hi ggins. Contac t Julie Pur\:e1l6292 3062 or Liz Murphy 62549363.


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8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (14)

• Tired but lhrilled ... ALBATROSS cydislS back in Nowra after their epic ride. Len 10 righl. rear. CPOSN Adrian Bell ingham. WONI'C Col Greer. CPONPC Da\'e Biddle. Mr Ron Barker : middle. tSATA Kane Vandenberg. POA AAdrew Martin. LCDR Jim Reen~. POA Greg Huppalz. POATA Rick Meehan. CPOATA Pele

Zed. POA Leigh Dickie. CPOATA Garry Heauchamp. CPONPC Oem lIisco*ck.s: rronl. I.sATA Paul BUller.

Charity riders' record smashed A;~~mA~f ~~vlAf~~s;~ fr~~~ :so~~a~,:i~~:~~e~~~~:n~;;:~~~ w~~e $~e:.~~e~~v~~:d g:le;~~~~~ arrived in Nowra to a heroes' wel- Brisbane and Nowra. ty auct io n before the ride, CPO come. "The funds will be divided Belli ngham said.

The cyclists and their suppOrt among early intervention centres. He said the team vinually had a crew had just completed their fifth toy libraries and centres that deal trouble free run. bi·annual charit y bike ride from with children with special needs." "Our biggest problem was punc-Brisbane to Nowra to raise funds he said. tures. but that comes with the terri-for children with special needs. tory." he said.

Ahhough tired. the team could eye II" sts "The riders all did a fantastic job still raise a few smiles upon arrival and the support crew was there 10 and the cydisls had every reason 10 backeverylhingup:' smile. breaking all records in f'Ji s- d I '1ne whole learn pitched in and ing more than $103.000. pea up did Iheir bit and everYlhing ran

The team covered the 1256km smoothly:' he said. ride in 12 days with many stops to CPO Bellingham paid c redit to collect donations along the way. $103,000 ride organise r POATA Rick

CPOSN Adrian Bellingham said Meehan and to Mr Ron Barker of Ihe riders and support crew had 0PIUS World Nowra who did a bc:en overwhelmed by the suppon. mountain of ..... urk for the ride and

"Our lasl ride two years ago was " I honestly didn't th ink we would accompanied the tea m on its the previous biggest .. it rai sed raise this much." record-breaking effon. $61.000 but this ride has shat- "After $61.000 on our last ride I "But above all we must thank the tered this record." he said. thought we might be lucky to make communities. Naval Reserve Cadet

"We just can' t get over the sup- $80.000. uni ts and Nava l Associations pon we have received." "Never in our wildest dreams did between Brisbane and Nowra who

"It's astounding." he said. we consilier cracking $100.000." have gone out of their way to make

Chief Bellingham sa_;d~'h;;';-f"--:"d;;' .. ;;·;;·";-·'J_·",_' _""_"'_Iie_"_'b-;;".~·· ;;h'_~_;d_. __ ",_. fe_, _' w" ;:"o,,,=_ ""'_ Off_"_'.,:"P.:..""".....,:·

Join ACT golfers Sydn~y ~AcrSavlcesGolfAsso:.~warti !hu.~ays.withabout tg events remain· ten pin 1 players IJ(NedIOCMbernIOJOIn up. IIlg III Its 1998 program.

Membership is open 10 all service and It boa"'s generous pri7~S and a lengthy b " civilian members of the Depanment of ball run. with all income returned 10 the e gin s Defence in the ACT. as well as 10 ser- members as prizes. vice people of other nations on exchange For information or to join contact

:~~ ~:::~~i~':~~ :~~ :=!~e;or. i~~,R v%ae~~~:s~:~I;n ;~~~) ~~~~ T:::I~:~ ~~n~!~ The association play s at RAAF Sherwood on 6265 6153 or dub captain cu mpetitlon In

Fairbairn Golf Club, usually on off-pay LCDR Tony Deacon on 6265 4901. Syd n~y , ta r ts this

Cunning running Th~ ADF Orienteeri ng Associat ion

W ill use its 1998 national cham­pionships this month to se lect a repre­sentative team to tackle civilian fixture s around Auslralia.

The championships are in Canberra from March 23 to March 28.

Personnel keen to be part of the Defence team but who are unable 10 take

pan in the '98 nat ionals will st ill be con· sidered. with Iheir selection depending on recent performances.

T hey should con lact the ADFOA president. MAJ John Suominen. on (02) 629 17010. .

Navy personnel can nominate for the championsh ips by contacti ng LCDR Glen Bridgan on (02) 6280 380 I.

,,'eek .• . and lhert is pl~nty or r oom for new teams.

The w rpptlition is open to all members of th e RAN and to civilian Defence per­sonnel.

Those inltr~sted in joining or organis­Ing a team can con­tac t WON PC Bob Ookter on (02) 9359 22SS rordetails.


The RAN Central Canteens Fund owns and operates,

three holiday resorts. These resorts offer excellent

standards of accommodation including cottages, units,

caravan and camping sites (not Forster Gardens), as well

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Burrill l ake offers safe swimming for chi ldren and is ideal for fishing and all water sports.

A highlight al Bungalow Park is the spectacular dai ly bird feedings.

Contact the manager, Ken Veitch for bookings O( further information. Bungalow Patt, Bu"ifI Lake NSW 2539

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Silualed 240km soulh wesl 01 Perth , Amblin Park is righl on Ihe shore of Geographe Bay.

The beach offers safe swimming for children and is ideal lor fishing and all water sports.

Amblin Park also has a fully enclosed l1ealed swimming pool.

Con/aellhe manager. Frank Frimslon lor bookings or ful1her information. Ambfin Caravan Park, PO Box 232 Busselton WA 6280

TELEPHONE: (08) 9755 4079 FAX: (DB) 9755 4739

FORSTER GARDENS Occupying a prime location in Forster on the mid-No rth Coast of NSW. 331km from Sydney.

Forster Gardens provides a pleasant village almosphere with all the delights ~nd altractions of Forster only a few minules walk away.

Contact the manager, Ian McLaughlin for bookings and further informatiDn. Forster Garr/ens, PO BDX 20 Forsler NSW U2B

TELEPHONE / FAX: (02) 6554 6027

Bookings accepted up to nine months ahead. Bookings for

Christmas School Holidays will be accepted after the Easter

School Holidays. Retired RAN personnel (20 years or more)

are eligible for full Service discounts at all Holiday Centres.

Write to Staff Officer (Canteens). DSUP-N. C P3-1-B1

Campbell Park Offices , CAMPBELL PARK ACT 2600 to obtain your discount card.

Telephone: (02) 6266 4421 Fax: (02) 6266 2388

NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998 (79) 15


8y-----, Snake charmer€¦· VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (15)

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thrilling lasl-wickellasl­ballwin.

In one of the mosl e:<ci!ing ADF matchc!> ever, an unli kely pair of sponmg heroes brought (h e trophy home for Navy in a nail-bltmg finish

Ch3\lIlg the RAAF~ totill oj' 146 from 50 ove". Navy looked 10 be down at'ld out when Inc ninlh wicket fell:ll JU~I 10J , 46 ~hon of vic wry.

There were still 10 over~ remaining for the Oie,"" III ~nap up that I:bt widel

A~ Navy's number II. POSTD Gary Fuss o f Canberra, made hi' way to the crease the RAN camp wa~ quiet w hi le the RAAF player, ,HId supporters were happy wit h I)rocee d in gs ,Inu lookin g fnrw.mJ to an

POPT Marty KarQw

e3rly end to the g3me. Fuss is respected for

his ~Ice bowling, but at number II, b3ts m about his proper position.

However, Navy W:lS hoping he could play :I

sup port role for all· rounder POCK Barry Moy1eat the other end.

With iI backgrounu ro:lr of Air Force reserve' .md speClator, enthusiastic:llly voi<.:tng the ir opiOlon, :lbout the state of p];IY, Moyle aoU Fu s' qubbo rn Iy protected their wicket~ and kept the ,corcbuard tiekingo\er

After -l5 :lgoni'ing minute~, Navy sllll re­quired 10 runs to w in from the tin3Io\er. with the RAAF focu~ suddenly un ~\ing run~ instead 01 c3plUring thilt Iilst wicket

RAAF\ opt!ning pace bowkr Anderson W3'

defenSI\'e polI itions. Fuss missed the first

ball, then <;coroo 3 quick ~ing l e on the second to gi\'e Moy le the~trikc .

With four b:lll~ left. Navy sti ll required nine 10 "'in.

Moyle pU'hed the t hird ball through the g3pi n Ihec{)vcr, fo r two and repe3ted the d"fort with 3 furth!..'f two 00'" n the leg side from the founhball.

Anderson steamed in wit h h is fifth b311 but offered Moyle a h3lf­vo ll ey ouhide the oil stump and it wa, , lammed confidently through the o.:l)\er~ for four.

On the 'idclines. N3vy's suppl.lrler~ le3pt 10 thei r fed and ChccfL'd

the ball 311 the"'JY !Othe boundary.

With one delivery rema ini ng. AnueT'on


Cheques. ere .• 10 be made payable 10: Editorial Commiuee Navy News, Locked Bag 12, Pyrmont 2009. Australia

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o 0 0 -- -d\a'IgII-~

• Great partners ... POST DGlIr), Fuss a nd POCK Ha r ry l\I o) le \\ith Na\)"s na tional crickl't t rophy.

bowled wide. bul Moyle mi'scd and the txtll went through to the kccpcr

However Fu" :ttthe non-<o1riker'~ end c;}lkd Moyle and ,printed-to the battingneasc.

li e just madl.! his ground. but the umpire turm:d to the '>Corers \I)

signal a wide. Navy had \\on the

m:.I\o.:h in 'pecl;u.:ular ta~hi()n.

Whtll' thl'gamt: ",a, the Inq of the hnal 'I'rie~. Navy clino.:hed Ihe wit! after Anny defeall.-d the RAAF in the M!cond g..lIne anu wh .. t would ha\e bt.'Cn the grand linal wa!> abandoned becausc of bad weather.

As existing title ­holder. Navy relained the trophy for 1998.

A R.·\ I\F \eter:an crideters:aidaftcrthe gamelhJtwhentheninth wio.:ket lell il appeared that the Air Force tcam s t;lrtcd thln!.. ing ;tbout celebrating in'lead of concentr;}ling on taking the la~t wie!..e\.

Six Nlvy p!ayef"\ werl.! cho'cn fO( the combined ADFIC'lIn.

Repre,entatives are LCDR Mark Harding, LEUT John Me t z l. POSTD Gary Fu .. ,. POCK Ba rry Moyle,

POPT M:lrk H uggard aoU LSCK Mal Wood.

Team makes up damage party I~r:~sc:Ug~n~e n~~~-i~:te~ local o.:i,dian team in Melbourne but CER­BERUS cddeters had to exen:l~mLlch more than thelrcncketllig ~!..ills.

While fielding. the CERBERUS II had their ('oncentratiunlnterrupted by an o ut -o f-control 11 011.11'11 ,edan whio.:h l>ma~ he d through a hghtpost and rolled o~er Intoao.:yciooc\\11\' fence.

The 3o.:Clde nt caused

li\e po,,"cr lines to be ,tre",n aeros, a footpath and the \chidc's engine o.:aught tirc

The driver was dal.l'd ;lI1d trapped up~ide down 111 the car.

The CERBERUS nic­I..eters ImmedlJtelysprm­ted off the ground to the ao.:o.:idemandqoicklysplit int o damage co ntro l pi)\l\lons.

T",o pl:t~f"\ a."istoo the IIiJureddri\er.anothertwo 'lOpped traffiC while othtrs checked the o.:ar for lirc eXllngul\hers and lirst :ud !..il~.

Other cno.: !..e ters stood as<,entriesaroundtheh\'e cable,keeplllgthegath­enng crowd al bay. Emer­gency orgaOisallun~ were l'alled and the engme fire was put o ut \\Ith an ext in gui sher from a Slopped truck.

Thedml'rwa,removed from the wreo.:k and a re­tlashsemryw:bposted.

When eme rgencyser­vices arnved. (he CERB ERUS team re tur­ned to Its ga me . easily reaching the target of 176 se t by Mel bourne High School.

NAVY NEWS, March 23, 1998 (64) 16

8y-----, Snake charmer€¦ · VOLUME 41 , NO. 5 NB"YNeWS, Locked 8ag 12, Pyrmont 2009 Phone:(02)95631207Fax:(02)956316QO E·n&#039;If,il:navynewsOnavy.gov.au TOBRUKhome after stint in - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.