Kivaverse: World of Miraculous (new Version) - Chapter 3 - KivatheDCWizard (2024)


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Archive Warning:
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • F/F
  • F/M
  • Gen
  • M/M
  • Multi
  • Other
  • Miraculous Ladybug
  • Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi
  • Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe
  • Chloé Bourgeois/Luka Couffaine
  • Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant
  • Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle
  • Alix Kubdel/Lê Chiến Kim
  • Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
  • Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
  • Gabriel Agreste
  • Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug)
  • Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug)
  • Kagami Tsurugi
  • Chloé Bourgeois
  • Luka Couffaine
  • Juleka Couffaine
  • Rose Lavillant
  • Ivan Bruel
  • Mylène Haprèle
  • Nathalie Sancoeur
  • Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard
  • Alya Césaire
  • Nora Césaire
Additional Tags:
  • Adrigaminette
  • Reboot
  • Now framed as a timeline or episode guide
  • People have a brain
  • Fix-It
  • Chloé Bourgeois Redemption
  • Parent Nathalie Sancoeur
  • screw thomas astruc
  • I'll show him how it's done
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Kivaverse: World of Miraculous (new Version)


Chapter 3: Stormy Weather

Chapter Text


Tale of two former friends

  • At school, there is tension between two girls from of Ms. Mendeleiev’s class; Mireille Caquet and Aurore Beauréal.
  • Adrien, whom is new, is surprised to learn they used to be friends, but they are both taking place in a competition to become the new weather girl for KIDZ+. As a result they are drifting apart. Aurore is known to be competitive, but everyone is confused with Mireille, whom is normally a shy wallflower.
  • Adrien remembers his missing mother, whom has a friend group whom he once called his aunts and uncles. But slowly she would grow more distant from them to the point that before she vanished, he hadn’t seen his honorary aunts and uncles in nearly a year.
  • As Adrien asks Nathalie why they had lost contact with so many people. Nathalie looks sad as she says that after Gabriel and Emilie’s fame grew, they were able to spend less time with their friends, and the worlds they now lived in were different. And Gabriel was only cordial with Emilie’s friends because…well Emilie. Gabriel wasn’t able to connect to them without her. So they grew apart.


  • Marinette is babysitting Manon, the daughter of Nadja Chamack whom is a reporter, a family friend, and her godmother. At the same time Alya is babysitting her little sister Ella and Etta. Both of them have their hands full and agree to meet up in the park so the little gremlins can burn off some energy.
  • As they take the kids at the Place des Vosges, and run into Adrien, whom is having a photoshoot there. Adrien introduces his friends to the crew. The girls are allowed to stay if they remain quiet and don’t disrupt anything. Marinette is kind of excited, as she dreams of a career in fashion and loves seeing how things work behind the scenes.
  • Also, while Adrien poses and sees Marinette excited, his photographer Vincent notes on how that is one of the best and genuine smiles Adrien has given in a while.

Contest results

  • The winner of the competition at KIDZ+ is about to be announced. Mireille hopes to lose, as the whole contest has been nerve-wrecking for her and it has created distance between her and Aurore. She believes that with Aurore being more confident, her better dress style and the fact she wants it more means it would get better.
  • Unfortunately Mireille wins with a landslide. Something that the host, Alec Cataldi, gleefully rubs in Aurore’s nose. As soon as they are not on the air anymore, Aurore runs away. Mireille tries to go after her, but is blocked by fans and crew congratulating her.
  • Aurore leaves the building to get some fresh air and her anger starts to turn into sadness. It was her dream to be a weathergirl. Mireille knew about her dream and took it from her. She doesn’t even know why Mireille entered.
  • Hawkmoth senses her distress and sends an Akuma butterfly out, which enters Aurore’s parasol. With a flash of darkness, Aurore is turned into the weather-controlling villainess, Stormy Weather.
  • Stormy Weather goes on a rampage and attacks the photoshoot. Using her weather powers she freezes Alya and the kids ina dome of ice around a carousel. Stormy Weather sees Mireille merchandise sold at a stand and is reminded whom she is angry with.
  • Marinette says to Alya she will get help, as she hides to turn into Ladybug. Similarly, Adrien turns into Chat Noir. The heroes go after Stormy Weather.

A storm is brewing

  • Stormy starts to throw lightning, ice, rain and wind around. She shouts out loud about how she should have won, and it should have been her face on every tv screen, t-shirt and balloons…Then Stormy Weather does a double take as she wonders how they got the Mireille merchandise out so quickly if she had only won an hour ago. Stormy Weather then deduces that someone knew…and that the contest was rigged.
  • Stormy Weather wants to return to the KIDZ+ Studios to take her revenge, but Ladybug and Chat Noir jump her. However, she gains the upper hand is able knock down the heroes with her powers. However, she decides to focus on going to KIDZ+ instead of taking the Miraculous from the heroes.
  • Stormy Weather approaches Alec Cataldi and Mireille and calls them out. Mireille swears she didn’t know. Stormy Weather doesn’t believe Mireille. Because why would she believe the friend whom betrayed her and stole her dream. Mireille, unusually loud for her doing said she only joined in the hope to lose.
  • Stormy Weather’s mind goes blank for a second as she asks what Mireille is talking about. Mireille says she never wanted to join. She was merely tired of being shy and unable to speak up, and always relying on the more confident Aurore as a friend to speak up and stand up for her. She joined this competition in the hopes of boosting her morale, while not expecting to win against her. Aurore asked why she didn’t tell. Mireille said she was ashamed, ashamed on always having to rely on Aurore. And also an irrational fear that if she became more confident, that Aurore would no longer need her.
  • Stormy Weather calls Mireille out for thinking so little of her. Mireille notes that Aurore never bothered to ask and just got mad at her before and has been ignoring her since. Stormy Weather realizes she is right and starts to feel guilty. She feels like rejecting the power and apologizing to Mireille, but Hawkmoth takes hold of her and suppresses her other emotions so she remains focused on her task.
  • Stormy Weather uses her freezing powers to trap Alec and Mireille in an elevator. Chat Noir and Ladybug catch up in time to confront her yet again. This time Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm, a towel. As Chat distracts Stormy weather with a falling billboard, Ladybug uses the towel to pull Stormy Weather in a sudden enough way for her to drop the parasol. They break it and the Akuma butterfly flies out. With her yo-yo, Ladybug manages to purify it and restore the damage with a Miraculous Ladybug.
  • Mireille, now freed, catches up with Aurore. Aurore doesn’t remember what she did as Stormy Weather, but when her old friend catches up to her, they both bawl their eyes out. Mireille apologizes for not opening up to Aurore and going behind her back. Aurore apologizes for not trying to find out the truth sooner and reconcile their friendship.
  • Alec Cataldi is confronted about the rigged competition and said he had gambling debts and took a bribe to rig the competition.
  • Aurore felt her dream nearly cost her her best friend and feel like she didn’t deserve to win. Mireille said that she didn’t want to win, she only entered to get out of her comfort zone but she cannot do this, certainly because she nearly lost a friend too. The two realize that they need each other.
  • The tv station has decided to make them both the weather girls. Alec isn’t fired but is required to take counseling for his gambling problem and the fact that in the end the double weather girl proved to be better press than the original competition helped. And he’ll be closely monitored.

A photo shoot resumed

  • Adrien is able to finish his photoshoop. With help from Marinette, whom got to model with him since the photographer felt that the two had a great dynamic. Adrien thanks Marinette for helping her. Marinette thanks him and wonders why she feels fuzzy inside. Alya gives a knowing smile but says nothing.
  • The girls apologize to Manon and the twins that the trip to the park nearly ended in disaster. But the girls are excited as they got to see Ladybug and Chat Noir even if it was from behind a wall of ice. The three declare they want to be like those two when they grow up.

Agreste mansion

  • Adrien is inspired by Aurore and Mireille’s reconciliation. He asks Nathalie if he still has the numbers of the old family friends. Nathalie says they no longer do. Adrien wonders if there is another way to get into contact but she’s not sure.
  • Nathalie speaks to Gabriel as she notices something in the administration of the company. Gabriel admits to having bribed Cataldi to rig the competition in the hopes of creating an Akumatized villain. Nathalie says that it was very blatant and risky, and she had to cover his tracks for him. She wonders why he did something like that.
  • Gabriel answers that he can’t always wait around all day until a perfect negative emotion arises he can exploit, he needs a stronger emotion to create stronger supervillains. Nathalie urges him to thread more carefully as he was hasty and reckless.
  • Nathalie also notes Adrien misses his honorary aunts and uncles, Emilie’s friends. Gabriel said that he doesn’t want them around in the mansion and risk stumbling upon them. Emilie asked specifically to not include her beloved friends in the world of the Miraculous. She wanted to keep them safe. Once she is reawakened, they do away with the Miraculous, and then it is safe enough to rebuild those bridges. But for now, he cannot risk it. Besides Adrien has been doing fine without them for now, he has been keeping strong for a while.
  • Nathalie sighs as she says Adrien shouldn’t have to. He’s only keeping strong because there hasn’t been anyone else to do it for him. Gabriel replies is that’s why they need Emilie. Without her, nothing will ever be right.


  • Stormy Weather is a filler episode. An ok one but none that gave any development for any character so I wonder how this would fit in, knowing I do as little filler as possible. Though even a little, I could work in something in relation to Adrien's backstory.
  • Furthermore, developing Mireille whom was a nobody, just a face for Aurore to lose to. Here it is a bit of a tragic friendship problem that gets resolved.
  • Marinette’s crush isn’t instantaneous in this universe, it is developing over the course of the series. So she has a different reason for going into the park, it is not out of any desire to see Adrien, and nothing of the stupid formula where Marinette has to make a mistake each episode and fix it or take the blame for everything.
  • So since Alya and Marinette are friends for longer they are more acquainted with each other little sisters, honorary or otherwise.

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Kivaverse: World of Miraculous (new Version) - Chapter 3 - KivatheDCWizard (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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