Profile by Sanford Franchise Investment Pitch Deck (2024)

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  • Fundrising


Problem: The Profile by Sanford Franchise business model addresses the prevalent issue of obesity and chronic health conditions in the United States.

The current statistics paint a grim picture – with 42.4% of the adult population in the US classified as obese and 9.4% diagnosed with diabetes, the need for effective weight management and health improvement solutions is more critical than ever.

This problem is not only widespread but also deeply ingrained in the fabric of society, impacting individuals' quality of life and overall well-being. Many individuals struggle to navigate the complex world of nutrition and weight loss, resulting in frustration and ineffective outcomes.

The existing solutions on the market, such as fad diets and temporary fixes, have proven to be insufficient in promoting long-term sustainable weight loss and health improvements. These solutions often lack personalized guidance, scientific basis, and ongoing support, leaving individuals feeling overwhelmed and discouraged.

Ultimately, the need for a comprehensive and personalized approach to weight management and health improvement is evident, as evidenced by the high prevalence of obesity and chronic health conditions in the US. This problem calls for a new solution that is evidence-based, personalized, and sustainable in the long term.


Solution: The proposed solution for the Healthy Meal Prep & Delivery Service is a tailored meal prep and delivery service that provides balanced, dietician-approved meals directly to customers' doors. This innovative approach addresses the common struggles individuals face in finding the time and knowledge to prepare nutritious meals that align with their health and wellness goals. By offering dietitian-approved meals, customized service, and convenient delivery, customers can easily access healthy meals that cater to their specific needs.

Key Metrics:

  • Subscription Packages: Customers have the option to choose from various subscription packages to suit their preferences and dietary requirements.
  • One-Time Orders: For customers who prefer a more flexible approach, one-time orders are available for their convenience.
  • Corporate Accounts: We offer corporate accounts for businesses looking to provide their employees with healthy meal options, promoting wellness in the workplace.

Entrepreneur's Journey: The founding team, led by Emma Brown, CEO with an MBA and 10 years of experience in the food and beverage industry, has demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills in creating a solution that meets the needs of health-conscious individuals. Through their expertise and dedication, they have crafted a service that not only addresses the identified problem but also captivates customers with its convenience and quality.

Customer Impact: The necessity of this solution for customers is evident in the increasing demand for healthy meal options that are both convenient and nutritious. By providing professionally curated meals that cater to various dietary needs, the service transforms the customer experience by simplifying meal preparation and promoting overall wellness.

Market Validation

Market validation is crucial for the success of any business venture, especially in the competitive landscape of the healthy meal prep and delivery service industry. Here are key market data points to substantiate the viability of our Healthy Meal Prep & Delivery Service:

Total Addressable Market (TAM):

  • According to recent market research, the total addressable market for health-conscious meal prep services is estimated to be 470,000,000 individuals worldwide.

Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM):

  • Our target market consists of 150,000,000 health-conscious individuals who actively seek convenient and nutritious meal prep solutions to support their wellness goals.

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM):

  • With our strategic marketing and operational capabilities, we aim to capture a significant share of the serviceable obtainable market, which is currently estimated to be 50,000,000 individuals.

Market Growth Potential:

  • The market for health-conscious meal prep services is experiencing rapid growth, with an increasing number of consumers prioritizing convenience without compromising on nutrition.

Customer Payment Willingness:

  • Research indicates that health-conscious consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality, dietician-approved meals that align with their health and wellness goals.

Revenue Per Customer:

  • Our analysis shows that the average revenue per customer for our Healthy Meal Prep & Delivery Service is $100 per week, highlighting the potential for sustainable revenue generation.

Sales Cycles:

  • Our sales cycles have demonstrated efficiency and effectiveness, with a high rate of customer retention and satisfaction contributing to recurring sales and revenue growth.

Strategic Advantages:

  • Entering the health-conscious meal prep market offers strategic advantages, including the ability to differentiate through superior quality, customization options, and professional expertise.

Business Model

Our Business Model at Profile by Sanford Franchise focuses on providing tailored health and wellness solutions to our customers through a combination of personalized coaching, meal plans, and nutritional supplements. Our goal is to help individuals achieve their weight loss and overall health goals in a sustainable way.

One of the key components of our business model is the sale of our Membership Packages, which include access to a dedicated Profile Coach, personalized meal plans, and ongoing support. These packages are offered on a subscription basis, allowing us to generate recurring revenue and build long-term relationships with our customers.

In addition to our Membership Packages, we also offer a range of Health and Wellness Products in our retail locations, including nutritional supplements, meal replacement shakes, and healthy snacks. These products provide an additional revenue stream for the company and give our customers the tools they need to support their weight loss journey.

Our revenue projections for the next fiscal year indicate that we anticipate total revenue of $5 million from our Membership Packages and an additional $2 million from the sale of Health and Wellness Products. This forecast is based on current customer acquisition rates and average order values, with room for growth as we expand our customer base and product offerings.

Overall, our Business Model is designed to provide a holistic approach to weight loss and wellness, combining personalized coaching, meal plans, and products to help our customers achieve their health goals. By focusing on building long-term relationships and delivering exceptional value, we believe we can drive revenue growth and establish Profile by Sanford Franchise as a leader in the health and wellness industry.


When analyzing the competition in the healthy meal prep and delivery market, several key players stand out. One major competitor is Freshly, known for its convenient meal delivery service and high-quality ingredients. Their strength lies in their wide selection of menu options and nationwide reach. However, a weakness of Freshly is their lack of customization options, which sets them apart from our tailored meal prep service.

Another prominent competitor is HelloFresh, a meal kit delivery service that offers a variety of recipes for customers to cook at home. Their strength lies in their user-friendly platform and fresh ingredients. However, HelloFresh lacks the convenience of ready-to-eat meals and individualized dietary planning, which are USPs of our service.

  • Market Share:
    • Freshly: 25%
    • HelloFresh: 20%

As the market continues to grow, new entrants such as Blue Apron and Home Chef could pose a threat to our market position. These companies have similar offerings in meal delivery but lack the focus on health and nutrition that we provide to our customers. Our superior quality, dietician-approved meals, and personalized service set us apart from the competition, ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Competitor Strengths Weaknesses
Freshly Convenient delivery, high-quality ingredients Lack of customization options
HelloFresh User-friendly platform, fresh ingredients No ready-to-eat meals, limited customization

In terms of threats from competitors, customer attrition is a concern due to the competitive nature of the industry. By continuously improving our services, focusing on customer feedback, and leveraging our professional expertise in nutrition and meal planning, we aim to maintain a strong market position and stand out in the crowded meal prep market.

Founding Team

Emma Brown

As the CEO of the Healthy Meal Prep & Delivery Service, Emma Brown brings a wealth of experience to the table. With an MBA and 10 years in the food and beverage industry, Emma has a deep understanding of consumer preferences and industry trends. She has successfully launched and managed numerous F&B businesses, showcasing her ability to lead and grow a company.

John Smith

Heading the technology side of the business is CTO John Smith, a tech innovator with 15 years of experience in the field. John has a proven track record of developing cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency and innovation. His expertise in technology integration and optimization will be crucial in scaling our operations and enhancing the customer experience.

Clara Davis

Handling the financial aspects of the business is CFO Clara Davis, a CPA with 12 years of finance experience. Clara's analytical skills and strategic mindset have been instrumental in driving financial growth and stability for numerous organizations. Her ability to navigate complex financial landscapes will be essential in ensuring the company's financial health.

The founding team of the Healthy Meal Prep & Delivery Service is uniquely qualified to lead the company to success. Their collective expertise in F&B, technology, and finance positions them as industry leaders with a deep understanding of the market and consumer needs. Each team member brings a unique skill set that complements the others, creating a well-rounded leadership team.

Key Accomplishments: Successful launch and management of multiple F&B businesses
Development of cutting-edge technology solutions
Financial growth and stability for various organizations

The team's overarching purpose is to provide a convenient and nutritious meal prep service that meets the needs of health-conscious consumers. Their shared passion for health and wellness drives their mission to make healthy eating accessible and enjoyable for all. By leveraging their expertise and collaboration, the team is well-suited to overcome the current business challenges and achieve sustainable growth.


As evidenced by our user acquisition and customer satisfaction metrics, Profile by Sanford Franchise has achieved significant milestones, positioning us for sustainable growth and expansion. Our success is underpinned by the following key metrics:

  • 5,000 Active Users: Our growing user base reflects the demand for our tailored meal prep and delivery service, showcasing the market need for convenient and nutritious offerings.
  • 3,000 Monthly Orders: The consistent volume of monthly orders indicates the high level of engagement and repeat business from our satisfied customers.
  • 95% Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment to quality and customer service is reflected in the overwhelmingly positive feedback from our clients, reinforcing their loyalty to our brand.

The upward trajectory of our sales and user growth is depicted in a hockey stick pattern, signaling our readiness for investment and scalability. These core milestones demonstrate our ability to drive profitability, optimize customer acquisition, and deliver value to our target market. By consistently monitoring and improving key metrics such as customer acquisition cost, churn rate, and customer lifetime value, we are well-positioned to capitalize on market growth opportunities and solidify our presence in the health-conscious meal prep industry.

Fundraising Overview

Total Amount Sought: $1,000,000

Allocation of Funds:

  • Product Development: 30%
  • Marketing: 40%
  • Operational Expansion: 20%
  • Technology Upgrade: 10%

Milestones Expected:

  • Launch new marketing campaign to increase user acquisition by 30%
  • Expand operations to two new cities within the next 6 months
  • Upgrade technology infrastructure to improve customer experience
Allocation of Funds Percentage
Product Development 30%
Marketing 40%
Operational Expansion 20%
Technology Upgrade 10%
Profile by Sanford Franchise Investment Pitch Deck (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.